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Mon 2nd N-S 1st Bob & Robbie 59% 2nd Eddie & Jean 55%
E-W 1st Lars G & Johan 56% 2nd Hans V & Linda 54%
Wed 4th N-S 1st Eddie & Michel 63% 2nd Hans V & Jean 56%
E-W 1st
Fri 6th N-S 1st Vaiur & Jenni 63% 2nd Janne & Lars B 58%
E-W 1st Serbi & Valli 63% 2nd
H &
Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A everybody is vul, what do you open?
♠ 1053 ♠
A1075 Hand B is
a pretty clear 1NT opening (knock off a point for
KJ109754 ♥ K63 4333
but the two tens and good top cards are more than enough
♦ 4 ♦ KQ8 compensation). But, just for a
change, we are playing Acol and
♣ Q4 ♣ K106 you open 1♠ (correct). Partner bids 1NT, what do you do?
Hand C Hand D With Hand C everyone is vulnerable; partner opens 1♣ (could
be short) and
AK3 ♠
K63 (nobody ever got round to asking what it meant). Partner
♥ J3 ♥ Q86532 doubles and
♦ 832 ♦ A84
♣ K9754 ♣ J With Hand D partner opens 1♣ and you bid 1♥. Partner then
Bidding Sequence Quiz
E 1♣ pass 1♥ pass What
is the jump to 3NT (a) does it show a strong balanced hand?
3NT (b) … and if not, then what does it show (there are two
F 1NT pass 2♣ pass What
is 3♣ - weak or strong?
2♦ pass 3♣
G 1NT pass 3♠ pass What
is 3♠ - weak or strong?
Dealer: ♠
AJ74 Table
East ♥ A West North East South(A)
Both vul ♦ 865 - - pass 3♥ (1)
♣ J10853 pass (2) pass pass
♠ 98 N ♠ KQ64
Table B
♥ 83 W E ♥ Q62 West North East South(A)
A92 ♣
K76 3♦ (2) 3♥ (3) 4♦ 4♥ (4)
♠ 1053
♦ 4
♣ Q4
And what happened? 4♥* went -3 and 800 to E-W for the top. Another N-S pair also somehow reached 4♥ but they were not doubled. I note that one West was allowed to play in 3♦, so obviously more than one South chose not to open 3♥. The popular contract was ♦’s (3, 4 or 5) by E-W.
The bottom lines
Dealer: ♠
A1075 Table
West ♥ K63 West North East South
Both vul ♦ KQ8 pass 1NT (1) pass pass
♣ K106 pass
♠ Q N ♠ J8432
Table B
♥ A98 W E ♥ Q105 West North(B) East South
A97532 ♣ 4 pass 2NT (3) all
♠ K96
♦ 732
♣ QJ8
And what happened? 2NT went -2 for a clear bottom to N-S. 1NT by North was the popular contract.
The bottom lines
North South You are North declarer in 4♠. East leads the ♦Q and you
♠ A7632 ♠ K854 win with the ♦A and cash the ♠A, but North discards a ♣.
♥ J2 ♥
AK9 With two ♠’s
and two ♦’s to lose, is there any hope of
♦ A43 ♦ 852 making
the contract?
♣ AKJ ♣ Q107
Dave’s Column
answer Board 5 from Wednesday 4th
Dealer: ♠ A7632 West North East South
North ♥ J2 - 1♠ pass 3♠
N-S vul ♦ A43 pass 4♠ all
84 ♣ 96532
♠ K854
♦ 852
♣ Q107
Answer: You seem to have only 9 t
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Seven pairs were in 4♠ and just two made it. The other two pairs were
in 6♠ going down but only one was doubled.
The bottom lines: -
This is
just a 1 in 4 chance (♥Q and ♥10 both onside) but it is better than doing
♣ 105 ♣ KQJ93
2nd Column answer Board 6 from Wednesday 4th
Dealer: ♠ 63 West North East South(F)
East ♥ QJ96 - - - 1♠
E-W vul ♦ K98 pass 1NT pass 3♣ (1)
♣ 8642 pass 3♠ pass 4♠
all pass
105 ♣ KQJ93 This
is the bidding from the book but I note
♠ Q742 that only 3 pairs reached 4♠.
♦ QJ1073
♣ A7
Playing in just 4♠, you can afford three losers. The safety play is to cash the ♠AK and, assuming that both defenders follow with low trumps, force out the ♣A. Ruff the ♦ return and lead good ♣’s. The defence will get two trumps and a ♣.
If you finesse the ♠Q at the 2nd t
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Just 3 pairs out of 9 reached 4♠ and all went 2 or 3 down. 3NT was bid three
times and made on one occasion when the opponents blocked the ♦ suit. The other three pairs were not in game.
The bottom lines: -
Dealer: ♠
AK3 Table
South ♥ J3 West North East South
Both vul ♦ 832 - - - 1♣
♣ K9754 1NT
♠ QJ7 N ♠ 9842
Table B
♥ Q103 W E ♥ 8743
West North(C) East South
A8 ♣
1032 1NT
♠ 1065 2♦ (3) 3♣ (4) pass 3♥ (5)
AK95 pass 3NT (6) pass pass
♦ A109
♣ QJ6
And what happened? 1NT* by West at table A went for 1400. 2♦* would have gone for 500 as it did at another
table. But 3NT* by North at table B went -1 for 200 and a top to E-W.
Looks like a lot of t
The bottom lines
Dealer: ♠
J1042 West North East(D) South
North ♥ A4 pass pass (1) pass
E-W vul ♦ J63 1♣ pass 1♥ pass
♣ 10864 3NT (2) pass pass (3) all pass
♠ Q85 N ♠ K63 (1) This East quite correctly likes a better suit
♥ 9 W E ♥ Q86532 for
a vulnerable 2♥ pre-empt in second seat.
AKQ976 ♣ J a
good hand with a good long minor.
♠ A97 (3) What did you bid with this East hand D in
KJ107 this
week’s quiz. Pass is clear, 4♥ is totally
♦ Q1052 wrong as explained below.
♣ 53
And what happened? Actually, at
Table B East knew exactly what was going on and when he tabled his hand he said
‘this is a good card’ as he laid down his singleton ♣J. How right he was.
3NT was bid on 3 out of 9 occasions and either made or made +1.
The bottom lines
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
Current standings |
619.5 Janne Roos 607.6 Hans Vikman 603.2 601.1 585.3 Bob Short 581.9 Johan Bratsberg |
323.0 Janne Roos 321.3 Hans Vikman 316.7 312.0 Bob Short 311.6 305.0 Derek & Gerard 304.2 Lars Broman 303.9 Per-Ake Roskvist 302.9 Eddie 300.5 Jeremy Watson |
Quiz Answers
Hand A: 3♥. With excellent intermediates in the suit this seems pretty clear to
me. 2♥ is chicken.
Hand C: Pass (forcing) or double. I
don’t mind either; but to bid anything (like 3♣) simply lets the vulnerable opponents off the hook when game by your
side is by no means certain.
Bidding Sequence Answers
E 1♣ pass 1♥ pass (a)
No. It does NOT show a strong balanced hand.
3NT (b)
It is either a good hand with a good long ♣ suit or else a 20-21 point hand with 4144
type shape (♥ shortage).
With a balanced 20-21 partner opens 2NT and with a balanced 18-19 he jump
rebids 2NT, therefore the double jump to 3NT is ‘spare’ and has one of the two
above meanings. If the 3NT response is at the two-level – say 1♥ - 2♣ - 3NT, then this
3NT bid has to encompass all of the possible meanings (18-19, 20-21 with
shortage, or long suit) although some players do play a broad range (forcing)
2NT response (12-14 or 18+) over a two-level response.
F 1NT pass 2♣ pass This
is absolutely up to partnership agreement. Popular
2♦ pass 3♣ treatments are
weak or else strong and asking about opener’s shape (often looking for a minor
suit slam).
G 1NT pass 3♠ pass This
is again up to partnership agreement. In SAYC it’s inviting a ♠ slam but that is by
no means that popular. With my last two partnerships they played it as 5-5 in
the majors and forcing (although I don’t like this treatment either). Whatever
you agree you play it as, it’s a strong bid. In the No Trump bidding book it is
used as a splinter (♥ shortage).