Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                             Club News Sheet – No. 331

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880                   16th March 2009

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

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Mon 9th        N-S     1st  Janne & Hans                 62%       2nd    Eddie & Tom                   54%

                    E-W     1st   Bob Short & Per And..   67%       2nd    Jacky & John                   54%

Wed 11th      N-S     1st  Eddie & Janne                64%       2nd    Lars G & Lars B              61%

                    E-W     1st  Ivy & Terry                    59%       2nd    Gene & Paul                     54%

Fri 13th                     1st  Ian W & Johan               60%       2nd    Mike & Tom                    59%

You can support the Pattaya Bridge Club by using one of these search boxes to shop at Amazon or by subscribing to the RonKlinger.com club.
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Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hands A and B it’s the same problem. Both vulnerable.

You open 1 in 1st seat and partner responds 1. RHO then

3                   3                   bids a weak 2, what do you do?

AJ                AJ               

AQ732         A8732         

AK1076       QJ1076       



Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C it’s favourable vulnerability. RHO opens 1 and

you overcall 2. This is passed round to RHO who doubles

Q                  -                   (‘automatic’). What do you do?

J762             QJ1098542

A5                9

AJ7643        10752          With Hand D partner opens 1, what do you bid?





Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5



 Current standings


628.8 Janne Roos

608.3 Hans Vikman

603.2 Paul Quodomine

602.3 Bob Short

601.1 Sally Watson

591.1 Lars Broman

586.4 Johan Bratsberg

566.9 Lars Gustafsson

326.0 Janne Roos

321.3 Hans Vikman

320.1 Bob Short

316.7 Sally Watson

311.6 Paul Quodomine

311.2 Eddie Richart

308.8 Per Andersson

307.8 Lars Broman

305.0 Derek & Gerard

303.9 Per-Ake Roskvist



Don’t be bullied into overbidding                        Board 23 from Monday 9th     


Dealer:             A984                                          Table A

South               K10873                                      West          North         East          South(B)

Both vul            6                                                -                 -                 -               1

                        432                                            pass           1              2    (1)    3   (2)

pass           3NT   (3)    all pass

105                     N               KQJ762      

Q542              W    E            96                      Table B

KQ54                 S                J109                   West          North         East          South(B)

A85                                      K9                     -                 -                 -               1

                        3                                                 pass           1              2            pass (2)

AJ                                              pass           pass   (4)    pass




Table A:     (1)  A weak jump shift – excellent bid with this good suit.

                  (2)  What did you bid with this South hand B in this week’s quiz? This 3 bid is incorrect as it shows a huge hand (like Hand A) – remember, it is the opposition and not partner who has pushed the bidding up to the giddy heights of the three level.

(3)   Believing that partner had 16+ or so points, North tries the 3NT game.

Table B:     (2)  This is the answer to question B, a simple pass, you simply do not have the values for any other bid.

(4)   North has options here; two chose to pass, double (an Action Double) is probably best (and then South will bid 3 to end the auction in the top spot).


And what happened? 2 by East was the contract at two tables and it came home +1 and +2 when the defence failed to find their ruffs. 3 by South was bid twice and made +1 and +2. 3NT by North should be a disaster (Deep Finesse says -3) but the contract came home with some help from the defence.

The bottom lines

-         Don’t rebid at the three level when partner responds at the one level unless you have a very strong hand.


Where are the ’s?                                             Board 5 from Monday 9th     


Dealer:             J965                                           Table A

North               A9                                              West          North         East          South

N-S vul            32                                              -                 pass           pass         1    (1)

                        K9852                                       2             pass   (2)    pass         pass (3)


Q                        N               10843                 Table B

J762               W    E            KQ84                West(C)     North         East          South

A5                      S                K984                 -                 pass           pass         1

AJ7643                                Q                       2             pass           pass         dbl   (3)

                        AK72                                         3   (4)      dbl     (5)    all pass





Table A:     (1)  An OK opening in 3rd seat.

                  (2)  The 2 overcall has made it slightly difficult for North; he does not really have the values for a negative double at the two level so pass and see what happens is probably best.

(3)   This is a tricky one, some believe that you should not re-open with a double when holding a singleton but I would.

Table B:     (3)  This South, after some thought, decided to make the ‘automatic’ re-opening double.

(4)   What did you bid with this West hand C in this week’s quiz? West reasoned (quite correctly) that N-S probably have a fit and so bid 3. But I’m not so sure about this logic – it is by no means certain that N-S will find their fit and where are the rest of the ’s?

(5)   I believe that North would have passed 2*, so he was happy to double 3.


And what happened? 3* by West went -1 for just 100 away when N-S can make 2 for 110. But the other six results prove my point – N-S will not find their fit after the 2 overcall (no N-S pair did). Results were all over the place but 100 for N-S was a joint top and 2 by West was the E-W top.

The bottom lines

-         Think twice about bidding your hand twice.




Dave’s Column           Here is Dave’s input about the play of the hand.


North               South               You are South declarer in 3NT. West leads the Q,

A87              K52              plan the play.

65                 AK2

QJ542           A963

Q32             A76                               



Dave’s Column answer                                  Board 7 from Wednesday 11th


Dealer:             A87                                            West          North         East            South

South               65                                               -                 -                 pass           1

both vul            QJ542                                        pass           3              pass           3NT

                        Q32                                           all pass


J943                   N             Q106                    This is the bidding from the book.

QJ1083          W    E          974                      West leads the Q, plan the play

-                         S              K1087                 

J984                                   K105






Answer: You have 6 top tricks; if you can collect 4 tricks you will be home.

You win with the K and should start by leading a low towards dummy, this way you do not waste the potential power of the 9.

Dummy’s J loses to East’s K and he returns a . You win and play a to dummy’s Q, return a to the 9, unblock the A, cross to the A and cash the 5. That give you 9 tricks.


And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Everybody was in 3NT, three made it and the other four did not.





Dave’s 2nd Column   Here is Dave’s 2nd input the play of the hand.


West                East                  You are West, declarer in 3NT and North leads the J.

KJ764          83                 Where do you win, and plan the play to make the contract. 

K43              A65           

AK84           72              

K                 AQ10983

Dave’s 2nd Column answer              Board 8 from Wednesday 4th


Dealer:             AQ2                                           West          North         East            South

East                  J10987                                       1              pass           2             pass

Love all            Q105                                          2              pass           3             pass

                        72                                              3NT           all pass      


KJ764                N             83                        

K43                W    E          A65               

AK84                 S              72                        

K                                       AQ10983      


Q2                                       This is the bidding from the book.       

J963                                      North leads the J which South overtakes with

J654                                     the Q. Plan the play.


At most tables West took his K, cashed the K and led a to dummy, hoping for an easy overtrick. Unfortunately the J was guarded with three small and the hoped for six winners became only three.

The chances of scoring 6 winners are better than 50% (actually 54%). However, going for the whole lot puts the contract at risk. The safety play is to overtake the K at trick two and run the clubs, you loose a perhaps unnecessary trick to the J but the contract is assured.

And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 3NT+1, 3NT=, 4-1 and 3NT-2 four times.


The bottom lines: -

-         It’s always debatable whether to go for the safety play or not at pairs scoring. My (Terry) personal opinion is that cashing the K and then crossing to the A and then playing the A,Q is the best play at  pairs scoring (what we play at the Pattaya Bridge Club). Safety play problems are generally inapplicable to our club.

0 or 3 keycards? – part 1                                     Board 32 from Wednesday 11th     


Dealer:             7                                                 West          North         East          South

West                KQ54                                         1              pass           4NT (1)    pass

E-W vul           Q9753                                        5   (2)      pass           5            pass

                        1072                                          6    (3)      all pass


AK952               N               Q1084          (1)  4 (a splinter) is an alternative.     

J108               W    E            A763            (2)  0 or 3 keycards   

A6                      S                J                   (3)  This is the point of this article, when you

J63                                       AKQ8                bid 0/3 or 1/4 in reply to RKCB and partner

                        J63                                             signs off, then if you have the 3 or 4 you should

92                                               bid the small slam, assuming that partner is

K10842                                     taking you for the lesser number of keycards.



And what happened? 6 is cold of course but 7 is not there because there is nowhere to park the loser (only one goes away on a ). 4 pairs bid the small slam (so presumably know about what to do with ambiguous responses to RKCB when they have 3-4). Three pairs stopped in 4 (chickens) and shared the near bottom.

The bottom lines

-         When partner signs off in 5/ after using RKCB and you have 3 or 4 keycards (as opposed to 0 or 1), then bid the slam.


0 or 3 keycards? – part 2                                     Board 6 from Friday 13th 


Here we go again, but unfortunately for N-S the above article was written one week too late!   


Dealer:             Q85                                            West          North         East          South

East                  K10                                            -                 -                 -               1         

E-W vul           AKQJ85                                     pass           4NT (1)      pass         5   (2) 

                        A6                                              pass           5    (3)      pass         pass (4) 


J1064                 N               7                   (1)  I would bid 2     

Q732              W    E            986               (2)  0 or 3 keycards   

2                        S                9763             (3)  Perhaps North could have worked out that  

Q854                                   KJ973                that South had 3 keycards as there are only

                        AK932                                       10 other points in the deck, but I guess that  

AJ54                                          it’s just possible that South opened on

104                                            J109632 QJ54 - KQJ.

102                                      (4)  No, the real fault lies with South; this is the

same situation as above and with three keycards South should correct to 6.  


And what happened? 5 made +1. Other results were 7=, 6NT+1, 6NT=, 6=, and 6-1.

The bottom lines

-         As above.

-         Also, with loads of points to spare and a great long solid suit, don’t necessarily assume that a 5-3 major suit fit is best. With these particular N-S hands 7 is the best contract. Well done Richard Mullins and Philip Wall Morris for reaching 7.

An Impossible hand to bid?                                 Board 21 from Wednesday 11th     


Dealer:             Q1082                                        Table A

North               6                                                 West(D)     North         East          South

N-S vul            AJ7643                                       -                 pass           1            pass

                        J3                                               2    (1)      pass           3   (2)    pass

4    (3)      pass           4NT (4)    pass

-                         N               AK953               5   (5)      pass           5    (6)    all pass

QJ1098542    W    E            A7                    

9                        S                Q                       ‘Expert’ Table

10752                                  AK986               West(D)     North         East          South

                        J764                                           -                 pass           1            pass

K3                                              1NT (1)      pass           3   (7)    pass

K10852                                     4    (8)      pass           pass (9)    pass



Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this West hand D in this week’s quiz? This hand is virtually impossible to bid using standard methods. You know that you want to end up in 4 - but how do you get there and then get partner to stop bidding. This is the problem: -

                  -     If you pass, then North may also pass (I would with his hand).

                  -     If you bid 1NT then this may get passed out.

                  -     If you bid 2 then partner will think that you have 11+ points.

                  -     If you bid 3 then partner will usually pass as it show a very weak hand with 6-7 ’s (this hand has far too much playing strength).

                  -     If you bid 4 then that’s a splinter agreeing ’s.

I was West, playing ordinary Standard American I chose to respond 2.

(2)  This does guarantee extra values the way I play it, but it’s still game forcing.

(3)  Fast arrival (3 would be stronger).

(4)  But with 19 points opposite 11+ East reasonably tested the waters.

(5)  0 (or 3) keycards.

(6)  I guess that partner really has zero this time.

‘Expert’      (1)  Our experts have absolutely no problem at all with this hand. They play 2/1

 Table:              and so 1NT over a 1 opening is forcing and partner cannot pass.

(7)   Showing a strong hand and game forcing.

(8)   Fast arrival again.

(9)   But this time West has not shown 11+ points and East knows not to bother with RKCB.


And what happened? 3+2. 5+2, 6-1, 4+2 twice and 5+1 twice. I would be interested to know how the two pairs stopped in 4. As it happens of course, 5 is perfectly safe.

The bottom lines

-         Play two-over-one?

-     Not everybody agrees on the meaning of 1 - 3. If you play this as a splinter then you can bid 4 directly to show this hand D.

-     If you play Bergen raises, then 3 is an ambiguous relay with splinters and 4 again shows this hand type. However, I have yet to meet a player who says that they play Bergen Raises but actually plays a jump to 3 of the other major as an ambiguous splinter.

-     A good variation of ambiguous splinters is given on the website.


After a 2NT jump rebid…                                  
Board 2 from Friday 13th     


Dealer:             J7                                               Table A

East                  K1075432                                  West          North         East          South

N-S vul            J962                                            -                 -                 pass         1

                        -                                                 pass (1)      1              pass         2NT

pass           4    (2)      pass         4NT   (3)

A9863                N               1042                   pass           pass (4)      pass

Q8                  W    E            J9                     

Q73                    S                1084                   Table B

A84                                      QJ963                West          North         East          South

                        KQ5                                           -                 -                 pass         1

A6                                              pass           1              pass         2NT

AK5                                          pass           3    (2)      pass         4   

K10752                                     all pass      


Table A:     (1)  I can see nothing wrong with the obvious 1 overcall

(2)   South was a beginner and North did not know if he would consider 3 as forcing or weak, and so he bid 4.

(3)   Apparently South meant this as Blackwood.

(4)   North had no idea what 4NT was and so passed.

Table B:     (2)  This is the correct bid as long as partner knows it is forcing.


And what happened? 4NT made because of the lucky 2-2 split but deservedly scored a near bottom anyway as most were in the sensible contract of 4+2.

The bottom lines

-         South was apparently surprised by North’s pass of 4NT and asked me how he should ask for aces – the answer is of course that he cannot. He has already limited his hand (2NT) and partner is the captain. If responder wants to play in 4 then you cannot over-rule him.

-         After a jump 2NT rebid you have to agree what is forcing and how responder can bail out in three of his major if he has a very weak hand.

-         Best is to use the PARROT convention which is explained on the website; this is a far superior and more extensive convention than the Wolff sign off.


Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    3, showing a very good hand with both minors.

Hand B:    Pass, this is nowhere near as good as hand A!

Hand C:    Pass, you have said your hand, and where are the ’s? (with LHO). The opponents may well have a fit but they probably will not find it because of your 2 overcall and so there is no need to bid 3 now.

Hand D:    4, provided that you do not play it as a splinter. If you do but play 2/1 then bid a forcing 1NT and then 4.  If you play basic Standard American and 4 as a splinter then you have to bid 2 and hope to be able to put the brakes on later.



 Ron Klinger web site