Mon 6th 1st Hans V & Janne 68% 2nd
Wed 8th 1st Hans V &
Fri 10th 1st Hans V & Janne 64% 2nd Ian W & Ivy 56%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A RHO opens 1♥, what do you bid?
♠ K10752 ♠ 4
Q107 ♥ KQJ9653 With Hand B it’s unfavourable vulnerability.
♦ KJ102 ♦ - what do you bid?
♣ 8 ♣ QJ864
Hand C Hand D What do you open with Hand C?
♠ A862 ♠ 982 With
Hand D partner opens 1♣ and you bid 1♥. Partner raises
♥ 764 ♥
A9875 to 2♥ and this is passed
round to LHO who doubles.
♦ KJ4 ♦ A72 3♣ (natural), what do you do?
♣ AQJ ♣ 82
Bidding Sequence Quiz
E 1♥ pass 2♥ pass (a) What is 2♠?
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
Current standings |
643.2 Janne Roos 638.9 Hans Vikman 625.5 612.8 Lars Broman 610.1 609.9 Bob Short 607.6 Per Andersson 595.8 Jean Wissing 588.6 Derek & Gerard 586.4 Johan Bratsberg |
331.8 Janne Roos 329.0 Hans Vikman 321.7 Bob Short 321.0 Per Andersson 320.9 317.5 316.1 Lars Broman 312.8 Dave Hurst 311.4 Eddie 310.1 Jean Wissing |
Dealer: ♠
West ♥ J1064 West North East South(D)
E-W vul ♦ K5 pass (1) 1♣ (2) pass (3) 1♥
♣ AJ5 pass 2♥ pass pass
♠ AK64 N ♠ 75 pass pass (7)
♥ 32 W E ♥ KQ
Q6 ♣
♠ 982
♦ A72
♣ 82
And what happened? Four N-S’s played in 2♥ or 3♥ and all scored 140. There was a spurious score of 3♠-1 by North and 3♣ made exactly for the top to E-W.
The bottom lines: -
Dealer: ♠10532 Table
East ♥ - West North East South(B)
N-S vul ♦ KQJ986 - - 1NT 2♦ (1)
♣ 1072 pass (2) pass (3) pass
♠ A9876 N ♠ KQJ Table
♥ 1042 W E ♥ A87
West North East South(B)
9 ♣
AK53 3♠ (4) pass 4♠ all pass
♠ 4
♦ -
♣ QJ864
And what happened? Four E-W’s bid to 4♠: +1, =, and -2 twice. Another pair went over the top with 6♠-2 and 2♦ drifted 4 off for 400 and a decent score to E-W.
The bottom lines: -
North South You are North, declarer in 4♥ after East had
overcalled in ♣’s.
♠ AK ♠ 5432 East leads the ♣K which West overtakes with the ♣A and
♥ AKJ107 ♥
Q98 returns the ♣7 to East’s ♣Q. North ruffs
the ♣10 which comes
♦ Q843 ♦ A92 next
as West discards the ♠6. Declarer draws
three rounds of
♣ J5 ♣ 432 trumps,
West discarding the ♠9 on the third.
Declarer then leads the ♣A,K upon which East
follows with the ♠10 and ♠Q.
How should declarer play the ♦’s?
Dave’s Column
answer Board 12 from Wednesday 8th
Dealer: ♠ AK West North East South
West ♥ AKJ107 pass 1♥ 2♣ 2♥
N-S vul ♦ Q843 pass 4♥ all
♣ J5
♣ A7 ♣ KQ10986
♠ 5432
♦ A92
♣ 432
♠ - After the start given on the previous page,
♥ 10 the
situation is as shown.
♦ Q843 How should North play the ♦’s?
♣ -
You know that East
started with 6 ♣’s, 3 ♥’s
♣ - ♣ 986 So you play a low ♦ towards dummy’s ♦A,
But when the ♦J appears from East you duck!
♠ 54 The ♦A will drop
the ♦K on the next round and
marked finesse will pick up West’s
♦ A92 protected ♦10. Note that South should
♣ - unblock the ♦9 on the first round of the suit. That is not important here as North still has a trump entry, but it is good technique.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club?
Not surprisingly nobody found this line of play and everybody in 4♥ went one or two down. Other results were 3♥-1 and 2♥+2.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s 2nd input concerning the play of the hand.
West East You are East, declarer in 4♥ after South has
shown a ♠
♠ AQ ♠
9843 suit. South leads the ♠5 and dummy’s ♠Q holds.
♥ K93 ♥ AJ652 Plan
the play.
♦ 8653 ♦ A
9642 ♣ KQJ
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
10 from Wednesday 8th
Dealer: ♠
J6 Book
East ♥ 84 West North East South(A)
both vul ♦ Q974 - - 1♥ 1♠ (1)
♣ A10753 2♥ pass 3♥ pass
4♥ all pass
♠ AQ N ♠ 9843
♥ K93 W E ♥ AJ652 Table
♦ 8653 S ♦ A West North East South(A)
♠ K10752 2♥ pass 2♠ (2)
Q107 4♥ (4) 5♣ (5)
♦ KJ102
♣ 8
Anyway, assume you
are East in 4♥ as in the book auction. What do you do after the ♠Q holds the first t
You do not need the ♥Q onside. It is
sufficient if the trumps are 3-2. So after the ♠Q, cash the ♥K and play a ♥ to the ♥A. Then ♠ to the ♠A, a ♦ to the ♦A and ruff a ♠ with dummy’s last
trump. If North did start with ♥Qxx he will over-ruff
but you are still alright – he is over-ruffing with a winner which does not
reduce your own ♥ length (so you still make 5 ♥ t
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 5♣*
went -4 for 1100 and the top to N-S and this was closely followed by a silly 2♥*+1 which scored 870. Other scores were 2♥+1, 2♥+2,
3♥+1 and 4♥-1.
Dealer: ♠ A862
North ♥ 764 West North(C) East South
N-S vul ♦ KJ4 - 1♣ (1) 1♥
♣ AQJ pass 2♠ (3) pass 4♠
all pass
♠ J3 N ♠ 74
♥ J32 W E ♥ AKQ98 (1) What
did you open with this North hand C in
109764 ♣ 852 intermediates
is not worth 1NT and 1♣ is best.
♠ KQ1095 (2) This South chose to negative double, I
105 would simply bid 1♠.
♦ Q1032 (3) North, with a known fit, decided to jump,
And what happened? 4♠= four times, 3♠+1 twice.
The bottom lines: -
Hand A: 1♠. This hand easily has the values for a 1-level overcall. 2♥ (Michaels cue bid showing ♠’s and a minor) is a less attractive
Hand B: 3♥. I would bid 4♥ at favorable
vulnerability. I feel that this hand is too good for a conventional two-level
bid showing a long major, and also too good for a conventional 2♥ showing ♥’s
and a minor.
Hand D: 3♥, obey the Law. You presumably have a 9-card ♥ fit and so you should compete to the 9-t
Bidding Sequence Quiz
E 1♥ pass 2♥ pass (a) 2♠ is a help-suit game try that could well be