Mon 13th 1st Jeremy &
Wed 15th 1st Jean & Terry Q 61% 2nd Janne & Per-Ake 60%
Fri 17th 1st Kjell & Odd 67% 2nd Dave C & Terry Q 64%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A nobody
is vulnerable and
do you bid?
♠ - ♠ J8
♥ J74 ♥ A2 With Hand B partner opens 1♦ (4+ ♦’s) and
KQJ109643 ♣ K1062
C 2♥ 2NT 2♥ is weak, what is
2NT – natural or for the minors.
D 1♦
(b) what would redouble be?
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
Current standings |
643.2 Janne Roos 638.9 Hans Vikman 625.5 617.4 612.8 Lars Broman 609.9 Bob Short 607.6 Per Andersson 601.1 Jean Wissing 588.6 Derek & Gerard 586.4 Johan Bratsberg |
331.8 Janne Roos 329.0 Hans Vikman 321.7 Bob Short 321.0 Per Andersson 320.9 320.7 316.1 Lars Broman 313.5 Jeremy Watson 312.8 Dave Hurst 312.9 Jean Wissing |
When deciding how high to
pre-empt, one guide is Culbertson’s rule of 2,3,4. At equal vulnerability it’s
the rule of three which suggests that
you should bid to the level where you expect to go three down. So with this
West hand (which has 7 t
Dealer: ♠
QJ9543 Table
South ♥ A963 West(A) North East South
Love all ♦ 102 - - - 1♦
♣ 2 4♣ (1) 4♠ (2)
♠ - N ♠ K862 Table
♥ J74 W E ♥ K10 West(A) North East South
KQJ109643 ♣ A85 5♣ (1) 5♠ (4)
♠ A107
♦ AK985
♣ 7
And what happened? 4♠*=, 5♠*-2 and 5♣*-1.
The bottom lines: -
Dealer: ♠
5432 West(B) North East South
East ♥ 1065 - - 1♦ (1)
Love all ♦ J985 2NT (2) pass 3NT (3) all pass
♣ Q8
(1) playing a short ♣, so promising 4+ ♦’s
♠ J8 N ♠ Q106 (2) What did you bid with
this West hand B in
♥ A2 W E ♥ KQ94 this
week’s quiz? Redouble would show
K1062 ♣ 73 penalty orientated.
With just a doubleton
♠ AK97 in both majors and length in partner’s
J873 I prefer a Jordan 2NT,
showing +-11 or more
♦ - points and a sound raise
to 3♦ or better
♣ AJ954 (3) Partner’s failure to double implies not much in the majors and therefore something decent in ♣’s and 3NT is clear here.
And what happened? 3NT=twice; at the third table it was 3♦*+1, presumably when North made a ridiculous
pass of a second double by South.
The bottom lines: -
- If RHO doubles partner’s
1-level opening, then 2NT shows a sound raise to 3 (or more) of partner’s suit.
This is the Jordon 2NT which is detailed on the website.
- More experienced players may wish to look up “Inverted Jordan for the Minors” which is written up on the website > conventions > section 2. This would enable East to be declarer in 3NT (preferable with this ♠ holding).
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first input
about the play of the hand.
North South You are South, declarer in 6♥. West leads the ♦K which
♠ KQ2 ♠ A4 you win with the ♦A and play the ♥A upon which East
♥ J1064 ♥
AK985 discards a ♦. Can you see any hope
of making this contract?
♦ 93 ♦ AJ5
♣ AQ102 ♣ K43
Dave’s Column
answer Board
17 from Wednesday 15th
Dealer: ♠ KQ2 West North East South
North ♥ J1064 pass 1♣ pass 1♥
Love all ♦ 93 pass 2♥ pass 4NT
♣ AQ102 pass 5♦ (1) pass 5♠ (2)
pass 6♥ (3) all
♣ J975 ♣ 86 (3) no (a return to the trump
suit denies the
♠ A4 queen)
♦ AJ5
♣ K43
West leads the ♦K which you win but East shows out when you lead the ♥A, plan the play.
There is a small hope. You have to get rid of
two ♦’s with West following suit to all of your
winners. For that to succeed, West needs to have at least 3 ♠’s and, crucially, at least 4 ♣’s. So start with the ♠AKQ discarding a ♦. Then lead a ♣ to the ♣A and ♣K
and finally finesse the ♣10. You have to take
the finesse, a 3-3 ♣ split will do you no good. However, if the ♣ finesse works you can pitch the last ♦ on the ♣Q
and then drive out the ♥Q to make the slam.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s 2nd input concerning the play of the hand.
Dealer: ♠
East ♥ 63 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ Q94 - - 1♥ pass
♣ 643 2♥ pass 4♥ all
♠ KQ106 N You are North, defending 4♥. Partner leads the ♣J which
♥ Q104 W E declarer (East) wins with the ♣Q. Declarer cashes the ♥A and
♦ 1085 S ♥J and then leads a ♠ towards dummy’s ♠K which you take
♣ 752 with the ♠A. How do you proceed?
2nd Column answer Board 18 from Wednesday 15th
Dealer: ♠
East ♥ 63 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ Q94 - - 1♥ pass
♣ 643 2♥ pass 4♥ all pass
♠ KQ106 N ♠ 7
♥ Q104 W E ♥ AKJ985
♦ 1085 S ♦ K73
♠ J93
♦ AJ72
♣ J1098
8542 This is the position, with you (North) on lead
♥ - having
just won the ♠A, what do you do?
♦ Q94
♣ 64 i.e.
which ♦ do you lead?
♠ Q106 N ♠ - Appreciating
the need for quick ♦ winners
♥ Q W E ♥ K985 North led the ♦4. With the ♦10 in dummy, East
♦ 1085 S ♦ K73 ducked, South won the ♦J but declarer was now
♠ J9 Would it have mattered if North had led the ♦Q?
- Yes
and no. It depends upon what happens next.
♦ AJ72 But the ♦Q is a much better play.
♣ 1098 If East
ducks expecting North to have ♦QJ9, he is in for a
surprise and a ♦ continuation sets the contract.
What if East covers
the ♦Q? It’s not over yet, When South wins with the ♦A and boldly underleads his ♦J declarer still has
a critical guess. If he finesses dummy’s ♦8 he goes down.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 5♥=,
4♥=, 3♥+1
and 2NT+1.
542 Example
♥ 63 ¬ DUMMY
♦ Q94 You
are East, defending a ♠ contract with these cards left
♣ 6 and
you are playing low to encourage and standard count.
N ♠ 7 (a) Partner leads the ♦A, which card do you play?
W E ♥ J9 (b) Declarer
leads the ♦A and plays low from dummy,
S ♦ J82 which
card do you play?
Hand A: 5♣. 4♣ is far too feeble for me.
Hand B: 2NT, showing a sound raise to 3♦ or better. 3♦ is generally played as weak and pre-emptive.
Double would show 9+ points but is a poor choice with 5-card support for
partner and doubletons in both majors
Bidding Sequence Quiz
C 2♥ 2NT 2NT
is natural, +- 16-18 with a ♥ stop. It is not the UNT for the minors which is
usually a jump in NoTrumps in a situation where it cannot be natural.
D 1♦
(b) re
Signalling Quiz
(a) the ♦8,
high to discourage.
(b) the ♦2,
a low card to indicate an odd number in the suit. You cannot signal attitude
when it is declarer/dummy who is leading. The ♦8 would simply show two (or 4 or 6) ♦’s.