Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                             Club News Sheet – No. 340

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880                   17th May 2009

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

Mon11th               1st  Sean & Terje                  63%           2nd    Dave & Terry Q               54%

Wed 13th              1st  Paul Q & Terry Q          60%           2nd    Janne & Sally                   57%

Fri  15th                1st  Sean & Terje                  65%           2nd    Dave & Paul Q                 60%

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Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A partner opens 1, what do you bid?


1096             10762                                  

8752             10                 With Hand B it’s love all. LHO opens 1 and this is passed

K4                AK1063       round to you. What do you bid?

K1053         Q74


Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C it’s love all. RHO opens 1, what do you bid?


AQ43           AKQ32                               

J8652           A4                With Hand D you open 1 and …

7                   Q1083          … (a) partner bids 1NT, what do you bid?

AKJ             J8                 … (b) partner bids 2, what do you bid?


Hand E            Hand F            With Hand E RHO opens 1, what do you bid?


86                 AK752

AK9             4                   With Hand F partner opens 1 and you bid 1. Partner

KQ752         87                 then bids 2, what do you do?

K97             Q10752


Hand G           Hand H           With Hand G you open 1 and partner bids 1, what

is your rebid?

Q3                K1098                                 

AQ987         AJ52                                   

AJ104           J6                 With Hand H LHO opens 1 and partner doubles. RHO bids

A6                943              1, what do you do?  

Ron Klinger web site



Bidding Sequence Quiz


J      1NT   pass   3                   What is 3;  weak , invitational or forcing (slam seeking)?

K     1♥      pass   1      pass       What is the upper point count (approx) for the 2 bid?


L      1♥      pass   1      pass       What is the point count (approx) for the 3 bid?


M    1     1                               What is the upper point count (approx) for the 1 overcall?

Support with support                                            Board 11 from Monday 11th   


Dealer:             854                                             Table A

East                  Q9                                              West(A)     North         East(D)    South

E-W vul           AJ65                                          -                 -                 1            pass

                        Q942                                         1NT (1)      pass           2NT (2)    dbl

3    (3)      pass           3NT (4)    all pass

1096                   N               AKQ32             

8752               W    E            A4                     Table B

K4                      S                Q1083               West(A)     North         East(D)    South

K1053                                 J8                       -                 -                 1            pass

                        J7                                               2    (1)      pass           3    (5)    pass

KJ1063                                      3    (6)      all pass




Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this West hand A in this week’s quiz? 1NT is best if you are playing Acol, but this pair were playing Standard American and 2 is very clear with three trumps and a doubleton.

(2)   What did you bid with this East hand D(a) in this week’s quiz? With no fit the ’s are likely to produce only 4 tricks and also this hand, with just 16 points, is not usually enough to make a game try opposite a 1NT response. 2 is best, with pass the less good alternative.

(3)   West could cut his losses and pass, as he did at another table. This 3 is very misleading – surely it is offering a choice of games as with a hand that wants to play in a partscore West would obviously have originally responded 2.

(4)   Seems quite clear to me opposite a presumed doubleton .

Table B:     (1)  This West responded the obvious 2 which is the answer to question A.

(5)   What did you bid with this East hand D(b) in this week’s quiz? This is a help-suit game try and with a known fit, this hand is worth a game try.

(6)   With a bare minimum, West correctly declines.


And what happened? 3NT-1, 3= twice, 2NT+2

The bottom lines: -

-         Support with support. Playing Standard American it is virtually always correct to support partner’s 1/ opening when holding 3-card support (note that this is different from Acol).



Dave’s Column           Here is Dave’s 1st input concerning the play of the hand.


Dealer:             Q1094                                        West          North         East          South

North               KQ65                                         -                 -                 -               1NT

E-W vul           3                                                 pass           2             pass         2

J864                                           pass           2NT           pass         3NT

AK65                                                                 all pass


J65                    You are West and lead the J. Declarer plays the Q from dummy and the

K103                 9 from hand with partner playing a discouraging card. Declarer then plays the Q from dummy, East the 3 and declarer the 8. Plan the defence.                       

Dave’s Column answer                      Board 25 from Wednesday 13th


Dealer:             Q1094                                        Book Auction

North               KQ65                                         West          North         East          South

E-W vul           3                                                -                 -                 -               1NT

                        J864                                           pass           2             pass         2

pass           2NT           pass         3NT

AK65                 N               32                       all pass

J102               W    E            873                   

J65                     S                10875                

K103                                   A972            You are West and lead the J. Declarer plays the

            J87                                       Q from dummy and the 9 from hand with

A94                                      partner playing a discouraging card. Declarer

AKQ92                                then plays the Q from dummy, East the 3

Q5                                       and declarer the 8. Plan the defence.


East played a discouraging , there is no holding for East that would make a switch profitable for the defence at this point. The only hope is the suit. If East holds Q97x or A9xx, three tricks are possible.

So win with the K and leads the 10, dummy plays low, partner plays an encouraging 2 and declarer wins with the Q. Win the continuation and play the K and another to East’s A9 over dummy’s J8.


And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT-2, 3NT-1, 3NT= and 2NT+1 twice.




Dave’s 2nd Column       Here is Dave’s 2nd input about the play of the hand.


West                East                  You are West, declarer in 3NT. North leads the 6, plan the play.

QJ5              A1073       

A74              1092          

743               AJ6                                     

AKQ3          1075                            



Dave’s 2nd Column answer              Board 8 from Wednesday 13th  


Dealer:             K9864                                        Book Bidding

West                J86                                             West          North         East            South

Love all            Q92                                           1NT           pass           2NT (1)      pass    

                        62                                              3NT           all pass


QJ5                    N             A1073            (1)  It’s totally flat, but with three tens I would

A74                W    E          1092                     not argue with 3NT as bid at our table. 2

743                    S              AJ6                      followed by 3NT if partner does not show

AKQ3                                1075                    ’s is a reasonable alternative.      



K1085                    North leads the 6, plan the play.     



Happy with the lead, West played low from dummy. He won with the J and led the Q  and north covered to force dummy’s A. Unfortunately, South discarding was bad news; instead of 4 winners West could cash only three and West collected only 8 tricks.

Where did West go wrong? He missed the opportunity at trick one. West’s 4th best lead of the 6 gives him all the information he needs. Using the Rule of Eleven West subtracts 6 (the card led) from 11 for an answer of 5. He can see 5 cards higher than the 6 and so dummy’s 7 will win the first trick and West makes his contract with 4 ’s, two red aces and three ’s.


And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+1, 3NT= twice, 2NT+1 and 3NT-1. Note that whatever West does with the ’s, South is pseudo squeezed on the continuations with nothing to guide him, and if he discards a then declarer makes his contract of 3NT (or +1 if he got the ’s right).



Current Championship standings




Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5











1813.6 Janne Roos

1788.5 Hans Vikman

643.2 Janne Roos

639.3 Hans Vikman

631.1 Sally Watson

626.0 Paul Quodomine

615.1 Lars Broman

611.1 Bob Short

609.2 Jean Wissing

607.6 Per Andersson

603.2 Jeremy Watson

597.1 Ivy Schlageter


331.8 Janne Roos

329.0 Hans Vikman

324.5 Sally Watson

321.7 Bob Short

321.3 Jeremy Watson

321.0 Per Andersson

320.9 Paul Quodomine

318.2 Ivy Schlageter

316.1 Lars Broman

315.7 Jean Wissing





A profitable 1-level non-vul penalty?                  Board 17 from Wednesday 13th   


Many players believe that it is not possible to get a good score from a 1-level penalty double, this board proves them wrong. It doesn’t happen that often, but with the right hand type...


Dealer:             J9                                               Table A

North               74                                               West(C)     North         East(B)     South

Love all            QJ943                                        -                 pass           pass         1

                        9832                                          pass (1)      pass           dbl   (2)    pass

pass (3)      pass          

AQ43                 N               10762                

J8652             W    E            10                      Table B

7                        S                AK1063            West(C)     North         East(B)     South

AKJ                                     Q74                   -                 pass           pass         1

                        K83                                            pass (1)      pass           dbl   (2)    pass

AKQ93                                      pass (3)      2     (4)    pass (5)    pass

82                                              2              pass           pass (6)    all pass



Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this West hand C in this week’s quiz? Double, with 5 ’s is terrible of course; 1NT is ugly but 1 is reasonable. But easily the best bid in my opinion is pass and wait and see what happens – it’s usually best to pass when RHO opens your suit unless your hand is suitable for a 1NT overcall.

(2)  What did you bid with this East hand B in this week’s quiz? You normally need more points (10+) for a take-out double but this is fine in the pass-out seat where you can double with considerably less. This double is far better than 2 as it’s always possible that partner has a stack (as here).

(3)   Just what I wanted to hear.

Table B:     (4)  This North decided to rescue partner.

(5)   A penalty double is pretty clear here but I guess East had no idea what was going on? I believe that he did not realize that dbl is penalties in this situation.

(6)   Apparently East still had no idea what was going on? 4 looks right to me.


And what happened? 2NT(W)= twice, 2+3 and 1*(S)-2 twice.

The bottom lines: -

-         I am not a great believer of the ‘trap pass’ but this West hand seems an excellent example. E-W can make 4 for 420 or 450 but best defence should net 500 for 1*-3.

-         4 is not that easy for E-W to reach and I am a believer in ‘taking the money’.

-         Once partner has made a penalty double (or converted a double into penalties by passing) then all subsequent doubles are for penalties.


Paul’s Column


THREE POOR BIDS IN A ROW                      Board 9 from Friday 15th


West tried to blame his partner for this disastrous result when he himself had made THREE poor bids.

West(H)     North         East          South

Dealer:             A74                                            -                 1             dbl   (1)    1

North               43                                               1    (2)      2             2    (3)    3

E-W vul           K5                                             3    (4)      4             pass         pass

                        AQJ865                                     4    (5)      dbl             all pass


K1098                N               QJ53            (1)  This is acceptable, but I prefer a 1 overcall.

AJ52              W    E            KQ976         (2)  What did you bid with this West hand H in  

J6                       S                Q74                    this week’s quiz? 2 (pick a major) is best

943                                      7                  (3)  Competing to the level of the Law, fine.

                        62                                         (4)  Why not bid 3 here and show both majors?

108                                       (5)  Two over the LAW and vulnerable against not

A109832                                   to boot, this bid is absurd.


4* went -1 for a complete top to N-S. And at the end of the game West actually tried to blame his partner!!


THE ADVANCE BALANCE                              Board 7 from Friday 15th  


Q974            All vulnerable.   You hold this hand and partner opens 1NT, you elect to pass

74                 after a pass by RHO.




LHO competes with 2, Multi-Landy showing a long (6+) major and partner passes.  You are reasonably certain LHO has hearts and intends to pass his partner’s forced 2 call but you have a smattering of points opposite a known strong hand, two 4 card suits, and interest in pushing them up a level.  You also have some support for either minor.  Do you go quietly?  At Matchpoints?  HELL NO!  But the auction is still live!  And 2 is likely to be passed out!

The answer is an advance balance. Having denied game interest or 5+ spades (no transfer) with your former pass a 2 bid is quite descriptive.  You want partner to know you have 5-7 hcp with heart shortage.  There is an advantage to playing 2 at this point as showing 4 spades and the aforementioned values, and double as showing 3 spades and at least 4-4 in the minors.  Partner may have opened 1NT with 5 ’s and may also want to pass the double for penalty. The real payoff comes when LHO gets aggressive and competes to THREE over 2 which is what happened at our table with: Kx Q98632 A7 Q106.  Now opener (the NT hand) dropped the ball.  Holding AJ86 AKJ5 KJ 842 he failed to go for the penalty (it could have been 800 if doubled) and raised an obvious limited advance balance to 3.  It made exactly, and with good play could have made 4, for a good result but if partner gives a very exact description of his/her hand act accordingly!  A double here by opener was virtually automatic!  The 800 available vs 140/170 should reward enterprise.

Moral?  Don’t automatically go quietly if the opponents compete!  There IS a risk factor but the rewards often outweigh it.

                                                                        < end of Paul’s column>  


Another Advanced Balance                                
Board 11 from Friday 15th 


Actually there was another very similar advanced balance by another player on this deal.


Dealer:             10853                                         West          North         East          South

South               Q                                                -                 -                 -               1NT (1)

E-W vul           K1063                                        pass           pass           2    (2)    pass

                        KJ42                                          2              2    (3)      pass (4)    2NT (5)

all pass

7                         N               KQJ964            

107542           W    E            KJ9            (1)  Playing a weak NoTrump. I guess that this is

Q982                  S                54              another clash of styles as I consider this hand

A8                                        73              far too strong for a weak NT. Apparently South

                        A2                                      deducted for 3 aces whereas I would do the opposite

A63                                    and I also like that fairly robust 5-card suit.

AJ7                    (2)  Single suited major playing Multi Landy.           

Q10965             (3)  South bid 2 now for exactly the reasons explained above.

                              (4)  double is the alternative

(5)  As it’s 4-2 fit, South removed to 2NT, 3 is safer.


And what happened? 2NT made +3, but N-S got a near bottom as at most other tables South opened a strong NT and 3NT made +1 twice and = once. It needs a lead (not a ) to beat 3NT.


Double a cipher bid for a lead                             Board 3 from Friday 15th   


Dealer:             AK107                                       Table A

South               AQ                                             West          North         East          South

E-W vul           A1097                                        -                 -                 -               pass

                        QJ7                                            pass           2NT           pass         3  

pass (1)      3              pass         4   (2) 

Q63                    N               J5                       pass (3)      4NT           pass         6

10986             W    E            543                    all pass

632                     S                J54                     

AK8                                     109643              Table B

                        9842                                           West          North         East          South

KJ72                                          -                 -                 -               pass

KQ8                                          pass           2NT           pass         3  

52                                              pass (1)      3              pass         4    (2)

all pass

Table A:     (1)  Double here is a possibility but it may imply longer ’s.

(2)   Apparently asking for aces – I don’t like this bid at all, the ’s may be wide open and the trump suit is hardly slam quality. This bid chosen at table B is far superior.

(3)   Now that the opponents are looking for slam West must double here for a lead.

Table B:     (2)  This South chose not to investigate slam – very wise.


And what happened? Actually, at both of these tables East had no idea what to lead and chose the disastrous J which gave declarer 12 tricks when a lead would provide two tricks with probably a to come. Other results were 4+1 and 3NT+2. The bottom lines: -

-     The double of a cipher bid (such as a transfer, Stayman or Gerber) shows a good holding in the suit and asks for that suit to be led.

Different Styles – part 1                                                        Board 21 from Friday 15th   


A few of the club’s top players ended up in unfamiliar partnerships on Friday, and some differences in style proved costly.


Dealer:             A3                                              Table A

North               J8                                               West          North         East(E)     South

N-S vul            109                                            -                 1             dbl   (1)    1

                        AQJ5432                                   1    (2)      2             pass (3)    2

2    (4)      3             pass         3NT

J109542             N               86                       all pass      

43                   W    E            AK9                 

J84                     S                KQ752             Table B

108                                      K97                   West          North         East(E)     South

                        KQ7                                           -                 1             1    (1)    1

Q107652                                    pass           2             pass         3

A63                                           all pass                



Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this East hand E in this week’s quiz? This is the first example of differing styles. This East believes that a simple 1 overcall is limited to about 13-14 points and that with a stronger hand you should double. I don’t like this style at all and my overcalls can be up to a poor 17. I much prefer table B’s bidding.

(2)   A bit light for a free bid but in West’s style partner has promised ’s or a very big hand.

(3)   Now I don’t understand this, the suit never got a mention. Surely a 2 bid now is consistent with this style of bidding? But then it’s a style that is alien to me.

(4)   Still under the impression that partner has ’s.

Table B:     (3)  This East chose the fairly obvious 1 overcall. 1NT is also possible (far better than double) but I slightly prefer 1 as the stop is tentative and the hand is absolutely minimum for a 1NT overcall.


And what happened? West at Table A did not find the lead to set the contract (why should he?). East later commented that as he did not support ’s he must have ’s. I see no logic in this argument whatsoever; especially as he declined to bid the suit at (3) and as far as West was concerned they were playing normal take-out doubles (playable in the other three suits) and partner had at least three ’s. Other results were 4*-2, 3-1, 3+1 and 3-1.

The bottom lines: -

-         I (and as far as I know, most bridge players) play that a take-out double is playable in the other 3 suits unless very strong (good 17+) and that an overcall can be up to 16 or 17 points. This works out fine if you play the Unassuming Cue bid.

-         I personally feel that to double 1 with just 5 cards in the majors and only 15 points is terrible, but I guess it’s a matter of style?

-         Incidentally, if the opening bid was 1 then I would bid 1NT with the East hand and if the opening bid was 1 then I would double.



Next we have a different pair with clashing styles: -

Different Styles – part 2                                      Board 8 from Friday 15th   


N-S at Table A missed an easy game, who would you blame?


Dealer:             Q3                                              Table A

West                AQ987                                       West          North(G)    East          South(F)

Love all            AJ104                                        pass           1              pass         1

                        A6                                              pass           2    (1)      pass         pass (2)


J104                   N               986                            

1052               W    E            KJ63                 Table B

K632                 S                Q95                   West          North(G)    East          South(F)

K84                                     J93                     pass           1              pass         1

                        AK752                                       -                 2    (1)      pass         2    (2)

4                                                 pass           3   (3)      pass         3NT (4)

87                                              all pass                



Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this North hand G in this week’s quiz? A jump to 3 is game forcing and this hand is not good enough, so 2 is clear to me.

                  (2)  What did you bid with this South hand F in this week’s quiz? This is the second example of differing styles. This South believes that a simple 2 rebid by partner at (1) is limited to about 14 points and that with a stronger hand North should jump to 3, so he passed. I don’t like this style at all and would bid as table B.

Table B:     (2)  This South chose the fairly obvious 2 rebid in answer to question F. Pass does not appeal as it may be a 4-2 fit in a low scoring minor suit contract. 2 has the advantages that it shows the good 5-card suit and gives partner the opportunity to try for game should he have 15-17 points or so. Good bid.

(3)   North could bid 2NT as a try now, but I prefer 3 - 4th suit forcing. I play 4th suit forcing as generally game forcing but having already made a passable bid and thus limiting the hand, this bid is not game forcing but game invitational and North should pass any 3// bid from South. Bidding the 4th suit (rather than 2NT) is also preferable as it protects partner’s holding.

(4)   South has an obvious 3NT bid.


And what happened? Table A was the only one not to bid game. Results were 3NT+2, 3NT+1 twice, 4-2 (although Deep finesse says it makes +1) and 2+2.

The bottom lines: -

-     Sequences like sequence K (1 - 1 - 2) may be as strong as 17 points. I.e. not enough to force to game opposite a 1-level response.

Different Styles – part 3                                      West hand 23 from Friday 15th   


A2                    What would you open with this hand if playing Acol (4 card majors and a

Q964                weak No Trump). A few players at the club (Sean Burgess and the Watsons)

KQJ                 say that they play Acol. This is debatable, as with this hand they open 1

KJ97                whereas the correct Acol opening is 1 - Acol is a four card major system

and you should open a 4 card major in preference to a 4-card minor. For the sake of the unbelievers (it’s difficult to comprehend I know, but not everybody believes what I say) I’ll quote from the ‘Basic System’ for the Bidding Competition of the BRIDGE magazine – now the UK’s only bridge magazine. The very first line reads “Natural, 4-card majors with a major bid before a minor (’s before ’s and ’s before ’s)…”

Acol is defined as a four card major system and a main point of the system is to get your major in quickly, and the recommended method is to open the major if your rebid is NoTrumps (15+). Of course with a 5-card minor you bid the minor first, so the sequence 1 - 1 - 1 … promises a 5-card suit. The only exceptions are 4441 and 4414 where some would open the minor.


Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    2. Show partner that you have support. 1NT, with three trumps and an outside doubleton is a very poor bid.

Hand B:    Dbl. This hand is easily strong enough in the balancing seat and dbl is much better than 2 as partner may be sitting there with a stack.

Hand C:    Pass. With length in RHO’s suit it’s usually best to pass. 1 would be my second choice and double is terrible with 5 ’s. 1NT does not appeal to me either.

Hand D:    (a)  2, this hand is not good enough for a game try (2NT) with no support opposite.

(b)   3, a help-suit game try. With at least 3 ’s opposite this hand should produce 5 tricks and is worth a game try.

Hand E:    1 or possibly 1NT. Dbl, with just five cards in the majors and three in the suit opened is terrible in my opinion.

Hand F:     2. With 9 points you have to make another bid (partner may have 16 or so points) and this suit is certainly good enough to bid again.

Hand G:    2, the hand is not good enough for a game forcing 3 and with 8 or more points partner will make another bid.

Hand H:    2, pick a major. 1 (with the intention of bidding ’s later if you get a chance) is a poor second choice.     


Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers


J      1NT   pass   3                   3 here is up to partnership understanding. Some play it as a slam try, some as weak and 5-5 in the minors and in SAYC it is invitational to 3NT showing a 6 card suit with two honours.

K     1♥      pass   1      pass       The upper limit is around 17, i.e. not good enough for a

2                                        game forcing 3.

L      1♥      pass   1      pass       This 3 is game forcing and should be around 18, maybe

3                                        less with good shape and/or decent ’s.

M    1     1                              Most play it as around 16-17 points and double with more. This is clearly stated as the SAYC norm.




 Ron Klinger web site