Mon11th 1st Sean & Terje 63% 2nd Dave & Terry Q 54%
Wed 13th 1st
Fri 15th 1st Sean & Terje 65% 2nd Dave &
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A partner opens 1♠, what do you bid?
♠ 1096 ♠
♥ 8752 ♥ 10 With
Hand B it’s love all. LHO opens 1♥
and this is passed
♠ AQ43 ♠ AKQ32
♥ J8652 ♥ A4 With Hand
D you open 1♠ and …
86 ♠ AK752
♥ AK9 ♥ 4 With
Hand F partner opens 1♥ and you bid 1♠. Partner
Q3 ♠ K1098
♥ AQ987 ♥ AJ52
♦ AJ104 ♦ J6 With Hand H LHO opens 1♣ and
partner doubles.
J 1NT pass 3♣ What
is 3♣; weak , invitational or forcing (slam seeking)?
K 1♥ pass 1♠ pass What is the
upper point count (approx) for the 2♦ bid?
L 1♥ pass 1♠ pass What is the
point count (approx) for the 3♦ bid?
M 1♣ 1♦ What is the upper
point count (approx) for the 1♦ overcall?
Dealer: ♠
854 Table
East ♥ Q9 West(A) North East(D) South
E-W vul ♦ AJ65 - - 1♠ pass
♣ Q942 1NT (1) pass 2NT (2)
3♠ (3) pass 3NT (4) all pass
♠ 1096 N ♠ AKQ32
♥ 8752 W E ♥ A4
Table B
K1053 ♣ J8 - - 1♠ pass
♠ J7 2♠ (1) pass 3♦ (5) pass
KJ1063 3♠ (6) all pass
♦ 972
♣ A76
And what happened? 3NT-1, 3♠= twice, 2NT+2
The bottom lines: -
Dealer: ♠
Q1094 West North East South
North ♥ KQ65 - - - 1NT
E-W vul ♦ 3 pass 2♣ pass 2♦
♣ J864 pass 2NT pass 3NT
♠ AK65 all
♥ J102
Dave’s Column
answer Board 25 from Wednesday 13th
Dealer: ♠
Q1094 Book
North ♥ KQ65 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ 3 - - - 1NT
♣ J864 pass 2♣ pass 2♦
pass 2NT pass 3NT
♠ AK65 N ♠ 32 all pass
♥ J102 W E ♥ 873
♦ J65 S ♦ 10875
♠ J87 ♥Q from dummy and the ♥9 from hand with
A94 partner playing a discouraging
card. Declarer
♦ AKQ92 then plays the ♠Q from dummy, East the
♣ Q5 and
declarer the ♠8. Plan the defence.
East played a
discouraging ♥, there is no ♦ holding for East
that would make a ♦ switch profitable for the defence at this
point. The only hope is the ♣ suit. If East holds ♣Q97x or ♣A9xx, three t
So win with the ♠K and leads the ♣10, dummy plays low,
partner plays an encouraging ♣2 and declarer wins with the ♣Q. Win the ♠ continuation and
play the ♣K and another ♣ to East’s ♣A9 over dummy’s ♣J8.
Dave’s 2nd Column Here is Dave’s 2nd
input about the play of the hand.
West East You are West, declarer in 3NT.
North leads the ♠6, plan the play.
♣ AKQ3 ♣ 1075
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 8 from Wednesday 13th
Dealer: ♠ K9864 Book Bidding
West ♥ J86 West North East South
Love all ♦ Q92 1NT pass 2NT (1) pass
♣ 62 3NT all
♣ AKQ3 ♣ 1075 ♠’s is a reasonable alternative.
♠ 2
♦ K1085 North
leads the ♠6, plan the play.
♣ J984
Happy with the ♠ lead, West played low from dummy. He won with the ♠J and led the ♠Q and north covered to force
dummy’s ♠A. Unfortunately, South discarding was bad
news; instead of 4 ♠ winners West could
cash only three and West collected only 8 t
Where did West go wrong? He missed the
opportunity at t
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+1,
3NT= twice, 2NT+1 and 3NT-1. Note that whatever West does with the ♠’s, South is pseudo squeezed on the ♠ continuations with nothing to guide him, and
if he discards a ♣ then declarer makes his contract of 3NT (or +1
if he got the ♠’s right).
Current Championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1813.6 Janne Roos 1788.5 Hans Vikman |
643.2 Janne Roos 639.3 Hans Vikman 631.1 626.0 615.1 Lars Broman 611.1 Bob Short 609.2 Jean Wissing 607.6 Per Andersson 603.2 Jeremy Watson 597.1 Ivy Schlageter |
331.8 Janne Roos 329.0 Hans Vikman 324.5 321.7 Bob Short 321.3 Jeremy Watson 321.0 Per Andersson 320.9 318.2 Ivy Schlageter 316.1 Lars Broman 315.7 Jean Wissing |
Dealer: ♠
J9 Table
North ♥ 74 West(C) North East(B) South
Love all ♦ QJ943 - pass pass 1♥
♣ 9832 pass (1) pass
pass (3) pass
♠ AQ43 N ♠ 10762
♥ J8652 W E ♥ 10 Table
AKJ ♣ Q74 - pass pass 1♥
♠ K83 pass (1) pass
AKQ93 pass (3) 2♦ (4) pass (5) pass
♦ 82 2♠ pass pass (6) all pass
♣ 1065
And what happened? 2NT(W)= twice, 2♠+3 and 1♥*(S)-2 twice.
The bottom lines: -
West tried to blame his partner for this disastrous result when he himself had made THREE poor bids.
West(H) North East South
Dealer: ♠
A74 - 1♣
North ♥ 43 1♠ (2) 2♣ 2♠ (3) 3♣
E-W vul ♦ K5 3♠ (4) 4♣ pass pass
♣ AQJ865 4♠ (5)
♠ K1098 N ♠ QJ53 (1) This is acceptable,
but I prefer a 1♥ overcall.
♥ AJ52 W E ♥ KQ976 (2) What did you bid with
this West hand H in
943 ♣ 7 (3) Competing to the level of the Law, fine.
♠ 62 (4) Why not bid 3♥ here and show both majors?
108 (5) Two over the LAW and vulnerable against not
♦ A109832 to boot, this bid is absurd.
♠ Q974 All vulnerable. You hold this hand and partner opens 1NT, you elect to pass
♥ 74 after a pass by
♦ 10863
♣ K75
LHO competes with 2♦, Multi-Landy showing a long (6+) major and partner passes. You are reasonably certain LHO has hearts and intends to pass his partner’s forced 2♥ call but you have a smattering of points opposite a known strong hand, two 4 card suits, and interest in pushing them up a level. You also have some support for either minor. Do you go quietly? At Matchpoints? HELL NO! But the auction is still live! And 2♥ is likely to be passed out!
The answer is an advance balance. Having denied game interest or 5+ spades (no transfer) with your former pass a 2♠ bid is quite descriptive. You want partner to know you have 5-7 hcp with heart shortage. There is an advantage to playing 2♠ at this point as showing 4 spades and the aforementioned values, and double as showing 3 spades and at least 4-4 in the minors. Partner may have opened 1NT with 5 ♠’s and may also want to pass the double for penalty. The real payoff comes when LHO gets aggressive and competes to THREE ♥ over 2♠ which is what happened at our table with: ♠Kx ♥Q98632 ♦A7 ♣Q106. Now opener (the NT hand) dropped the ball. Holding ♠AJ86 ♥AKJ5 ♦KJ ♣842 he failed to go for the penalty (it could have been 800 if doubled) and raised an obvious limited advance balance to 3♠. It made exactly, and with good play could have made 4, for a good result but if partner gives a very exact description of his/her hand act accordingly! A double here by opener was virtually automatic! The 800 available vs 140/170 should reward enterprise.
Moral? Don’t automatically go quietly if the opponents compete! There IS a risk factor but the rewards often outweigh it.
Dealer: ♠
10853 West North East South
South ♥ Q - - - 1NT (1)
E-W vul ♦ K1063 pass pass 2♦ (2) pass
♣ KJ42 2♥ 2♠ (3) pass (4) 2NT (5)
all pass
♠ 7 N ♠ KQJ964
♥ 107542 W E ♥ KJ9 (1) Playing
a weak NoTrump. I guess that this is
A8 ♣
73 far
too strong for a weak NT. Apparently South
♠ A2 deducted
for 3 aces whereas I would do the opposite
A63 and I also like that fairly robust
5-card ♣ suit.
♦ AJ7 (2) Single suited major playing Multi Landy.
♣ Q10965 (3) South bid 2♠ now for exactly the reasons explained above.
Dealer: ♠
AK107 Table
South ♥ AQ West North East South
E-W vul ♦ A1097 - - - pass
♣ QJ7 pass 2NT pass 3♣
pass (1) 3♠ pass 4♣ (2)
♠ Q63 N ♠ J5 pass (3) 4NT pass 6♠
♥ 10986 W E ♥ 543
all pass
AK8 ♣ 109643 Table B
♠ 9842 West North East South
KJ72 - - - pass
♦ KQ8 pass 2NT pass 3♣
♣ 52 pass (1) 3♠ pass 4♠ (2)
all pass
And what happened? Actually, at both of these tables East
had no idea what to lead and chose the disastrous ♠J which gave declarer 12 t
Dealer: ♠
A3 Table
North ♥ J8 West North East(E) South
N-S vul ♦ 109 - 1♣
♣ AQJ5432 1♠ (2) 2♣ pass (3) 2♥
2♠ (4) 3♣ pass 3NT
♠ J109542 N ♠ 86 all
♥ 43 W E ♥ AK9
108 ♣ K97 West North East(E) South
♠ KQ7 - 1♣ 1♦ (1) 1♥
Q107652 pass 2♣ pass 3♥
♦ A63 all pass
♣ 6
And what happened? West at Table A did not find the ♦ lead to set the contract (why should he?). East later commented that as he did not support ♠’s he must have ♦’s. I see no logic in this argument whatsoever; especially as he declined to bid the suit at (3) and as far as West was concerned they were playing normal take-out doubles (playable in the other three suits) and partner had at least three ♠’s. Other results were 4♣*-2, 3♠-1, 3♥+1 and 3♥-1.
The bottom lines: -
Dealer: ♠
Q3 Table
West ♥ AQ987 West North(G) East South(F)
Love all ♦ AJ104 pass 1♥ pass 1♠
♣ A6 pass 2♦ (1) pass pass (2)
♠ J104 N ♠ 986
♥ 1052 W E ♥ KJ63
Table B
K84 ♣ J93 pass 1♥ pass 1♠
♠ AK752 - 2♦ (1) pass 2♠ (2)
4 pass 3♣ (3) pass 3NT (4)
♦ 87 all pass
♣ Q10752
And what happened? Table A was the only one not to bid game. Results were 3NT+2, 3NT+1 twice, 4♠-2 (although Deep finesse says it makes +1) and 2♦+2.
The bottom lines: -
♥ Q964 weak No Trump). A few players at the club (Sean Burgess
and the Watsons)
Hand A: 2♠. Show partner that you have ♠
support. 1NT, with three trumps and an outside doubleton is a very poor bid.
Hand B: Dbl. This hand is easily strong
enough in the balancing seat and
Hand C: Pass. With length in
Hand D: (a) 2♦, this hand is not good enough for a game try (2NT) with no ♠ support opposite.
(b) 3♦,
a help-suit game try. With at least 3 ♠’s
opposite this hand should produce 5 ♠ t
Hand E: 1♦ or possibly 1NT. Dbl, with just five cards in the majors and three in
the suit opened is terrible in my opinion.
Hand F: 2♠. With 9 points you have to make another bid
(partner may have 16 or so points) and this ♠ suit is certainly good enough to bid again.
Hand G: 2♦, the hand is not good enough for a game forcing 3♦ and with 8 or more points partner will make
another bid.
Hand H: 2♦, pick a major. 1♠ (with the intention
of bidding ♥’s later if you get a chance) is a poor second
Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers
J 1NT pass 3♣ 3♣ here is up to
partnership understanding. Some play it as a slam try, some as weak and 5-5 in
the minors and in SAYC it is invitational to 3NT showing a 6 card suit with two
K 1♥ pass 1♠ pass The upper limit
is around 17, i.e. not good enough for a
2♦ game forcing 3♦.
L 1♥ pass 1♠ pass This 3♦ is game forcing and
should be around 18, maybe
3♦ less with good shape and/or decent ♠’s.
M 1♣ 1♦ Most
play it as around 16-17 points and double with more. This is clearly stated as
the SAYC norm.