Mon25th 1st Janne &
Wed 27th 1st Bob P &
Fri 29th 1st Gene Moats 70% 2nd
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A it’s favourable vulnerability. You open 1♥ and
7 ♠
84 LHO overcalls a weak 2♠. This is passed to you, what do you do
♥AQJ97 ♥ AKJ64
AQJ8 ♣ AJ42 (a) What do you bid?
Suppose you choose to pass, then LHO
bids 2♦
Hand C Hand D Do you open Hand C in first seat?
87 ♠
♥ Q1085 ♥ 94
Current Championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1818.0 Janne Roos 1788.5 Hans
Vikman 1775.5 |
649.2 Janne Roos 639.3 Hans Vikman 636.0 631.5 615.1 Lars Broman 613.8 Jeremy Watson 611.1 Bob Short 609.2 Jean Wissing 607.6 Per Andersson 600.1 |
334.8 Janne Roos 329.0 Hans Vikman 326.9 324.5 321.7 Bob Short 321.3 Jeremy Watson 321.0 Per Andersson 318.2 316.1 Lars Broman 315.8 Gene Moats |
Dealer: ♠
KQ95 Table
North ♥ Q10973 West North East(B) South
N-S vul ♦ 85 - 1♥ 1NT (1) all
♣ KQ
Table B
♠ A763 N ♠ 84 West North East(B) South
♥ 2 W E ♥ AKJ64 - 1♥ pass (1) 2♦ (2)
107653 ♣ AJ42
♠ J102
♦ KJ10974
♣ 98
And what happened1♥-2, 2♥-3, 1NT(E)=.
The bottom lines: -
N ♠ 6542 West North East South
W E ♥ - - 1NT pass 2♣
S ♦ AKQ3 pass 2♠ pass 4♠
♠ KJ98
A10542 You are East, on lead against 4♠ by North. You lead the ♦A,
K, Q. When
♦ 1065 all follow
you have to search for a way to score the setting t
Dave’s Column
answer Board
13 from Wednesday 27th
Dealer: ♠
AQ107 Book
North ♥ KQ7 West North East(A) South
Both vul ♦ J72 - 1NT pass 2♣
♣ A107 pass 2♠ pass 4♠
all pass
♠ 3 N ♠ 6542
♥ J9863 W E ♥ -
♦ 984 S ♦ AKQ3 East leads the ♦A, K, Q. When all follow he has
♠ KJ98 How should East continue?
♦ 1065
♣ Q
Dave’s 2nd Column Here is Dave’s 2nd
input about the play of the hand.
North South You are South, declarer
in 4♠. West
leads the ♥2, you play
♣ AQ3 ♣ 742
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
14 from Wednesday 27th
Dealer: ♠ 72 Book Bidding
East ♥ AJ63 West North East South
Love all ♦ KQ104 - - 1♠ pass
♣ K105 3♠ pass 4♠ all
♣ AQ3 ♣ 742 the Plan
the play
♠ 4
♦ J983
♣ J986
You could try the ♣ finesse, but if it loses you are down, losing
a ♥, a ♦
and two ♣’s. Is there anything better?
Yes! Just look at those wonderful ♥ spots. Win with the ♦A at t
Note that a straightforward dummy reversal is a
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♠= twice and -1 three times.
The individual on Friday
presented some interesting hands in bidding, play, and defense.
In bidding board 3 stood out for
me, partner (R vs W) opens 1♦ in first seat and you hold ♠AKQJ10,
♥x, ♦void,
♣J1087xxx. What is your response? 1♠ or 2♣? I chose 1♠
and after a tortured auction in which I twice rebid in ♣ we arrived in a hopeless 3NT opposite ♠xx, ♥Q10xx,
♦KQxx, ♣KQx.
5♣ was easy. Should partner’s (Hand C) be opened? I think not, it lacks quick t
On board
8 partner opens 1NT (15-17) and you hold:
♠ Qx
♦ KQ1073
♣ Kxx
You are
always going to slam with this, but decide to check for aces on the way with 4♣.
Partner replies 4♦ (0 or 4). This is clearly
impossible so you simply bid 6NT, which makes an overt
On board
15 a defender held:
♠ x
♥ K953
♦ KQJ8 And after an opening 1♥ on his left found himself
♣ AJ106 defending
4♠ declared to his right. The dummy was:
♠ Qx On the second round of spades he
discarded a small heart allowing declarer,
♥ AJ10xx holding
Qx in hearts, to pick up the entire suit via a finesse.
This should be
♦ xx fairly
easy, discard a ♦ and
then a ♣ on
the second and third rounds of ♠’s.
♣ KQxx
With the next hand (Hand D) from board 16
this same person responded 1♠ to a 1♣
opening holding:
♠ Q10xxxxx If you play weak jump responses to opening bids this is a
fairly clear 2♠
♥ xx response,
if you do not it is an equally clear pass.
♦ xx
♣ Jx. Anyway,
the opposing side declared in 4♥ from his left and the dummy put down:
♠ Jx
♥ Qxx
♦ J109xx
♣ Axx
partner led the ♠K
which declarer won. Declarer now led the
♦K which his partner won and
returned a low ♣,
declarer winning in hand with the king.
Declarer played ♥K and ♥J (partner
ducking both) and without unblocking the diamonds reverted to a spade to the ♠J and this defender’s ♠Q, partner showing out. How difficult is it to return partner’s suit
destroying the entry to those diamonds?
This person returned a diamond to declarer’s ♦Q and the hand was over.
On board
18 opener held, white vs red:
♠ x A prime 17. His 1♥ opening was overcalled 2♠, P, P, and he chose to bid 3♣!
♥ AQJxx A
penalty of 500 or 800 was thus missed by his failure to reopen with a double
♦ Kxx instead
netting 430 for 3NT +1 by his partner.
♣ AQJx
again, Terry has stated many times over that if playing negative doubles you
should strive to reopen with a double if short in the overcalled suit unless
you your hand is weak and has unusual shape.
A small
play error occurred on board 19, perhaps an oversight, but declarer holding a
suit of Axxxx opposite Qx laid down the
Ah, I’m
just cranky because I didn’t win!
comment: But you
scored 58% despite your partners!
<end of
Dealer: ♠
Q Table
East ♥ 532 West North East(A) South
N-S vul ♦ A10842 - - 1♥ 2♠ (1)
♣ 7654 pass (2) pass 3♣ (3) pass
3NT (4) all
♠ A9852 N ♠ 7
♥ 10 W E ♥AQJ97 Table
K92 ♣ AQJ8 - - 1♥ 2♠ (1)
♠ KJ10643 pass (2) pass
K864 pass (5) all
♦ 9
♣ 103
And what happened? 3NT(W)+1 twice (430) and 2♠*(S)-2 (500). Deep Finesse says that 2♠* can go -3, but -2 was good enough for a clear top.
The bottom lines: -
Hand A:
Hand B: (a) 1NT or pass. This one is close; 1NT is obviously fine but at this
vulnerability it may be best to try the infamous ‘trap pass’.
(b) pass. Take the vulnerable money,
Hand C:
Hand D: