Mon 8th 1st Karl & Rodion 64% 2nd Jeremy
Wed 10th 1st Karl & Jan 69% 2nd Alan K & Michael C 63%
Fri 12th 1st Karl & Jan 61% 2nd Arne & Terje 59%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With hand A it is favourable
vulnerability and
in 3rd seat, what do you bid?
95 ♠
♥ A8732 ♥ AKQ1076 (a) At favourable
vulnerability, what do you open with Hand B?
KQ63 ♣ 9863 is
your response?
Hand C Hand D With Hand C everybody is vulnerable. You pass as dealer and
opens 1♣. Partner makes a weak 2♠ jump overcall and
965 ♠ 5432
♥ AJ6 ♥
♦ K7654 ♦ A743 With Hand D LHO opens 1♦
and partner doubles.
♣ 92 ♣ 95 (a) What do you bid if
(b) What do you bid if
E 1♦
F 1♦
G 1♣
pass 1♥ pass pass
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1821.6 Janne Roos 1788.5 Hans
Vikman 1784.6 1759.6 |
649.2 Janne Roos 639.3 Hans Vikman 636.2 628.8 616.9 Jeremy Watson 615.1 Lars Broman 611.1 Bob Short 609.2 Jean Wissing 609.0 607.6 Per Andersson |
334.8 Janne Roos 329.0 Hans Vikman 326.9 324.5 321.8 321.7 Bob Short 321.3 Jeremy Watson 321.0 Per Andersson 316.1 Lars Broman 315.8 Gene Moats |
Dealer: ♠
8 Table
North ♥ AKQ1076 West North(B) East South
E-W vul ♦ 108 - 2♥ (1) pass 2NT (2)
♣ 9863 pass 3♠ (3) pass 4♥ (4)
all pass
Q10 N ♠
♥ 85 W E ♥ 942 Table B
Q105 ♣ J42 - 3♥ (1) pass 4♥
all pass
♠ AK9763
♣ AK7
And what happened? 6♥= (
The bottom lines: -
N-S got a poor score at this table, who would you blame?
Dealer: ♠
South ♥ 5 West North East South
Love all ♦ KQ74 - - - 1♦ (1)
♣ 983 2NT (2) 3♠ (3) 4♥ 4♠
5♣ 5♦ (4) pass 5♠ (5)
9 N ♠ 10532 all pass
♥ K10987 W E ♥ J632
KQJ1042 ♣ 5
♠ K76
♦ J1062
♣ A76
And what happened? At the end of the game South
blamed North, saying that she should pass and he would double 5♣. This is total nonsense of course as East
would bid 5♥ which goes just one down. 5♦ is the optimum contract once West has bid 5♣ (and not allowed North
to play in 4♠); North bid it and South blew it.
Results were 2h*(E)+1, 5♠(N)-3, 4♠(N)+1,
4♠(N)= twice, and 5♥*(W)-1.
So to answer the question (who’s fault), South is 100% to blame. He
tried to argue his way out of it but he does not have a leg to stand on.
The bottom lines: -
Dealer: ♠
South ♥ J85 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ AQJ7 - - - 1♣
♣ 97
1♥ pass (3) pass
♠ A107 N ♠ 95 pass pass 2♣ pass
♥ AQ10763 W E ♥ 4 pass
K42 ♣ J10863
♠ KJ42
♦ 1082
♣ AQ5
And what happened? 2♣*+1 scores a clear
top for E-W. The bottom lines: -
- After a redouble, all
subsequent doubles are for penalties.
Dealer: ♠
A109 West North East South
South ♥ AKJ876 - - - pass
both vul ♦ - 1♦
♣ KJ74 3♦ 3♥ (3) pass pass
4♦ 4♠ (4) all
♠ KQJ N ♠ 876
♥ - W E ♥ Q943 (1) Unlike the previous
West hand, this is just
Q10863 ♣ A2 (2) What did you bid with this South hand D(b) in
♠ 5432 this week’s quiz? 2♠ is totally absurd and pass
1052 is
obvious; perhaps South was dazzled by the
♦ A743
length and strength of this solid ♠ suit?
♣ 95 (3) Showing a strong hand with ♥’s
(4) Since partner did
not like ♥’s he must have very good ♠’s?
And what happened? 4♠-5 was 500 away for
a complete bottom.
The bottom lines: -
A free bid
at the two level shows at least a good 7+ points and a
good suit.
I do not call ♠5432 a good
Dealer: ♠ QJ8763
South ♥ K64 West North East(A) South
N-S vul ♦ KQJ - - - pass
♣ 7 pass 1♠ pass (1) pass
A42 N ♠
95 pass pass 3♣ (4) all pass
♥ Q10 W E ♥ A8732
A10982 ♣ KQ63
♠ K10
♦ 97643
Dealer: ♠ A843
South ♥ 932 West North East South
Love all ♦ - - - - 1♠
♣ AQJ874 2♦ 3♦ (1) 3♥ 4♠
5♦ 6♣ (2) pass pass (3)
Q62 N ♠
J all
♥ A7 W E ♥ QJ10864
2 ♣
♠ K10975
♦ AJ10
Dealer: ♠
North ♥ AJ6 West North(C) East South
Both vul ♦ K7654 - pass 1♣ 2♠ (1)
♣ 92
pass pass (4)
Q3 N ♠ 74
♥ K872 W E ♥ Q94
1063 ♣ AKQ54
♠ AKJ1082
♦ J
♣ J87
And what happened? 3♣ making turned out
to be OK for N-S, but not as good as 3♠
making or pushing the opponents up a level!
The bottom lines: -
♠ AKQ102 West North East South
♥ K3 1♥ 1♠ 1NT pass
♦ 98 2♦ pass 3♥ pass
♣ J954 4♥ all pass
♣ 32 dummy,
partner plays the ♥4 and you win with the ♥K.
What do you lead now?
Column answer Board 24 from Wednesday 10th
Dealer: ♠ AKQ102 Book Auction
West ♥ K3 West North East South
Love all ♦ 98 1♥ 1♠ 1NT pass
♣ J954 2♦ pass 3♥ (1) pass
4♥ all pass
♣ AK6 ♣ 32
♠ 84
7654 You are North and lead two top ♠’s, declarer ruffing the
♦ 1076 second with the ♥8 and plays ♣A,K and a ♣ ruff
with the ♥Q,
♣ Q1087 partner
playing high-low standard count. The ♥2 is led from
dummy, partner plays the ♥4 and you win with the ♥K.
What now?
It’s pretty clear that declarer’s original distribution was 1543 and
both declarer and partner remain with 3 ♥’s. You can force
declarer to trump either a ♣ or a ♠ and build up a ♥ t
The high ♠ is better because it allows partner to discard a ♦. After declarer ruffs (if he doesn’t you will play a ♣ and force him to ruff) and draws two more rounds of trumps, he will try to take as many ♦’s as he can before South can ruff. Since you allowed partner to discard a ♦, declarer can now cash only two ♦’s before partner ruffs and wins the ♣Q.
Had you led a ♣ instead of a ♠ then declarer would have made his contract, as he would if you led a ♦.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Nobody played in ♥’s! 3♦+2 twice, 2♠(N)-1, 2NT(E)= and 5♣*(S)-3.
North South You are
North, declarer in 4♠. East leads the ♣J and
♠ AKJ852 ♠ Q1094 West wins with the ♣A over dummy’s ♣K. West
♥ Q5 ♥
KJ63 continues with a ♣, plan the
♦ K542 ♦ J6
♣ 5 ♣ KQ4
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
22 from Wednesday 10th
Dealer: ♠ AKJ852 Book bidding
East ♥ Q5 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ K542 - - pass (1) pass (2)
♣ 5 pass 1♠
2♣ 2♠ pass 4♠
A7632 ♣ J1098 (2) And many more would
open this hand.
♠ Q1094 (3)
♦ J6 East
led the ♣J to the ♣K,
♣A and ♣5
and West returned a ♣.
♣ KQ4 How should North play to make the contract?
North threw a ♦ on the 2nd ♣, took the ♣Q, drew trumps and led a sly ♥5, tempting East. But East played low, took North’s ♥Q on the next ♥ and led another ♣. North then discarded a ♦ loser on the ♥K but eventually had to lose two ♦’s.
North can succeed by giving East only losing options. After West shows the ♣A, North knows that East has all of the remaining high cards for his double; So North should ruff the 2nd ♣, leaving the ♣Q in dummy, draws trumps and leads the ♥5. If East plays low, dummy wins and North discards the ♥Q on the ♣Q. If instead east takes his ♥A, North can discard three ♦’s on the ♥KJ and ♣Q. This play is often called the Morton’s Fork.
Note that West can always defeat the contract with a ♦ shift at t
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4♠= twice,
4♠-1 three times.
Hand A: Pass. This is
Hand C: 3♠, always raise partner’s pre-empt with three
card support.
Hand D: (a) 1♠, you are forced to bid.
(b) pass, a free bid of 2♠
here would show values (about 8-9) and a good ♠ suit.
E 1♦
F 1♦
G 1♣
pass 1♥ pass pass This double 100% penalties, as are all doubles after a redouble.