Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                           Club News Sheet – No. 347

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880              5th July 2009

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

Mon 29th     N-S    1st  Jeremy & Sally       60%           2nd    Gus & Royd                           59%

E-W   1st  Janne & Paul          63%           2nd    Bob S & Ian                           57%

Wed 1st        N-S   1st  Janne & Linda        57%           2nd    Bob S & Ian                           52%

E-W   1st  Petter & Terje        61%           2nd    Paul Q & Terry Q                  55%

Fri   3rd                   1st  Derek & Gerard                 =    1st    Arne & Svein                         60%

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Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A partner opens 1 and you bid 1. Partner then

bids 2NT (18-19), what do you do?

102               542                                      

KJ986          Q                  With Hand B partner opens 2NT (20-21), what do you bid?

7                   KQJ432

97542          AK10                                  



Bidding Sequence Quiz


C     1     pass   1       pass      You are playing a short club and this is the sequence.

        1      pass   1      pass       The 1 bid is natural and forcing.

2      pass ……..                How many ’s does opener have?.. and how many ’s?


Ron Klinger web site

Current club championship standings




Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5











1833.5 Janne Roos

1799.1 Paul Quodomine

1788.5 Hans Vikman

1768.3 Sally Watson

650.3 Janne Roos

639.3 Hans Vikman

638.4 Paul Quodomine

630.1 Sally Watson

619.9 Jeremy Watson

616.8 Bob Short

615.1 Lars Broman

612.3 Ivy Schlageter

609.2 Jean Wissing

607.6 Per Andersson


334.8 Janne Roos

329.0 Hans Vikman

326.9 Paul Quodomine

324.5 Sally Watson

321.8 Ivy Schlageter

321.7 Bob Short

321.7 Jeremy Watson

321.0 Per Andersson

316.9 Terje Lie

316.1 Lars Broman


Stopping after a 2NT (18-19) rebid – pt 1           Board 1 from Monday 29th


Here is the first of two similar articles, where responder had no agreement on how to play in three of his major after partner had jump rebid 2NT showing 18-19.


Dealer:             A9876                                        Table A

North               42                                               West(A)     North         East          South

Love all            J862                                           -                 pass           1             pass

                        J3                                               1    (1)      pass           2NT         pass

3    (2)      pass           3NT         all pass  

102                     N               KJ4                   

KJ986            W    E            Q5                     ‘Expert’ Table

7                         S                AK943               West(A)     North         East          South

97542                                  KQ8                  -                 pass           1             pass

1    (1)      pass           2NT         pass

Q53                                            3   (2)      pass           3    (3)    pass

A1073                                        3    (4)      pass           pass (5)    pass




Table A:     (1)  Reasonable, pass is the equally unattractive possibility. The hand needs another for a weak jump shift to 2.

(2)  What did you bid with this West hand A in this week’s quiz? Most pairs have not discussed this and West rebid his ’s in the hope that partner would take it as a weak bid and pass.

‘Expert’      (1)  Let’s suppose that our expert also chooses to respond 1♥.

 Table:        (2)  Our experts have an agreement here of course. They play the PARROT convention and 3 here is similar to the Wolff sign-off and demands that partner bids 3 .

(3)  Forced, regardless of whether the opening bid was 1 or 1 ,

(4)  This shows a weak hand and expresses a desire to play in 3.

(5)   East obeys of course.


And what happened? 3NT-1, 3NT-2, 3NT-3, 2NT-2, 2NT-1, 2= and 2+1.

The bottom lines: -

-         You need to have some sort of agreement after a strength-showing 2NT rebid. There are a few conventions, but easily the best is the PARROT convention which is described on the website.


Stopping after a 2NT (18-19) rebid – pt 2           Board 27 from Monday 29th


Here is another example of the same problem, both occurred on Monday.


Dealer:             KQ10                                         Table A

South               KQJ4                                         West          North         East          South

Love all            A102                                         -                 -                 -               pass

                        K103                                         pass           1             dbl (1)      1    (2) 

pass           2NT           pass         pass (3)

53                       N               A97                    pass

876                 W    E            A92             

J7654                 S                KQ8                  ‘Expert’ Table

A64                                      J952                   West          North         East          South

-                 -                 -               pass

J8642                                         pass           1             dbl (1)      1    (2) 

1053                                           pass           2NT           pass         3   (3)

93                                              pass           3     (4)     pass         3    (5)

Q87                                           pass           pass           pass


Table A:     (1)  I would pass, I guess that this East is a member of the ‘double to show points’ brigade. With just three cards in both majors, double is a terrible bid.

(2)   South decided to show his 5- card major, a very dubious decision.

(3)   N-S had no agreements here on how to stop in 3, and so South passed.

‘Expert’      (1)  Let’s suppose that we have another ‘double on any hand’ opponent.

 Table:        (2)  And let’s suppose that this expert decides to bid his ’s rather than passing.

                  (3)  Here we have the PARROT convention again.

(4)  Forced.

(5)  And N-S reach the optimum contract.


And what happened? Contracts and results were all over the place but nobody wound up in ’s. 3 makes and would have been a clear top had they agreed to the PARROT convention.

The bottom lines: -

-         Play PARROT after a 2NT rebid.

A trivial 7NT missed at ˝ of the  tables             Board 3 from Friday 3rd 



Dealer:             542                                             Table A

South               Q                                                West          North(B)    East          South

E-W vul           KQJ432                                      -                 -                 -               2NT

                        AK10                                         pass           6     (1)      pass         7     (2) 

all pass

J973                   N               86                      

1075               W    E            J9864                 Table B

5                        S                10987                West          North(B)    East          South

J6432                                   Q9                     -                 -                 -               2NT

AKQ10                                      pass           4   (1)      pass         4NT (3) 

AK32                                         pass           7NT           all pass




Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with North hand B in this week’s quiz? I simply cannot understand this bid – why do you want to play in ’s (rather than NT) and why do you not want to look for a grand slam?

(2)   I would pass. You have said your hand with nothing to spare and partner presumably has a bust hand with loads of ’s. This South apparently raised to the grand because he had the A.

Table B:     (1)  This 4 (Gerber) is the obvious answer to question B. The suit is a great source of tricks and there are only 4-5 points missing. So check on aces and bid 6NT or 7NT accordingly. If one ace is missing, do not bid 6 - 6NT will make if 6 does as the opponents can have at most one jack more and so partner must have the K.

(3)  This shows 3 aces in response to Gerber.


And what happened? 7NT= three times, 7 = twice, 6NT+1 once.

The bottom lines: -

-         With a combined 35-36 points, look for a grand and only stop in 6NT if there is an ace missing.

-         KQJxxx is huge when partner has opened 2NT.



Dave’s Column           Here is Dave’s input about defending the hand.



AK7                   N                                             West          North         East            South

Q10                W    E                                          -                 -                 1NT           pass

743                     S                                             4NT           -                 6NT           all pass



852                     You are South and lead the 10. Declarer wins, cashes the

A62                    Q and wins the next in dummy. He leads a to his K,

753                    do you win with the A or not, and why?             

Dave’s Column answer                      Board 22 from Wednesday 1st


Dealer:             432                                             Book Auction

East                  K9643                                        West          North         East            South

Both vul            J109                                           -                 -                 1NT           pass

                        64                                              3     (1)    pass           3NT (2)      pass

6NT   (3)

AK7                   N             QJ6                     

Q10                W    E          AJ7                      1st Expert Table

743                     S              KQ85                  West          North         East          South

AK1098                             QJ2                      -                 -                 1NT         pass

                        10985                                         4NT   (4)    pass           pass (5)           


A62                                            2nd Expert table

753                                            West          North         East          South

                                                      -                 -                 1NT         pass

2    (6)      pass           2NT (7)    pass

4NT (8)      pass           6NT (9)    all pass


(1)   You have to agree what 3 means here, in SAYC it is invitational (to 3NT) and passable.

(2)   I assume that this shows no slam interest,

(3)   and so this bid makes no sense at all.

(4)   This slam invitational bid is much better – West does not have enough to charge into slam

(5)   With his totally flat 16 points East obviously declines.

(6)   This pair of experts play 4-way transfers, and this shows a suit.

(7)   A super-accept, here showing Qxx of ’s.

(8)   Now West knows that there are 5 tricks and can either invite or bid an optimistic 6NT.

(9)   With QJx, East may possibly accept the invitation.


Anyway, it’s not a good contract, and you are South defending it. You lead the 10 which declarer wins with his J, cashes the Q and overtakes the J in dummy. He then leads a to hid K – do you win with the A? Why or why not?

In actual play, South took his A. With no chance of developing a winner declarer had to take the finesse and the slam made.

What would happen if South did not take the A? Assuming he played in tempo, declarer is favorite to go wrong. Instead of risking a 50% finesse he may well play North for the A and lead up to his Q. South would win and return the suit – one down.


And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 6NT= twice, 3NT+3 five times.



Dave’s 2nd Column   Here is Dave’s 2nd input the play of the hand.


North               South                       You are South, declarer in 3NT.

AKJ              Q109                    West leads the 2 which East wins with the K. The 10

J103             Q8                        comes back and your J is taken by the Q. West continues

K872            AJ1094                with the A and a to your K upon which East discards

542              KJ6                      a . Plan the play, particularly in ’s.  




Dave’s 2nd Column answer              Board 23 from Wednesday 1st


Dealer:             AKJ                                            Book bidding

South               J103                                           West          North         East            South

Both vul            K872                                         -                 -                 -                 1

                        542                                            2             3     (1)      pass           3NT

all pass

532                     N             8764                    

A952              W    E          K764              (1)  Many players these day play this as a weak

6                         S              Q53                     pre-emptive raise, with 3 showing a sound

AQ987                               103                      raise to 3 or better.






The defence started with the 2 and East won with the K and shifted to the 10. West took the Q and A and led a third to declarer’s K, East discarding a . Declarer then tried the AK (8 ever 9 never) and that was three down. How would you play the hand?

South should gather all the evidence and then count and use logic rather than following a ‘rule’.

West is known to have started with 5 ’s, and his lead of the 2 suggests 4 ’s. South needs to know about the ’s but should not play that suit before playing three rounds of ’s. When West follows to all three, South knows 12 of West’s original 13 cards. South should cash the K and confidently finesse the J for 9 sure tricks.

Terry’s comment. A small lead looks clear to me (4th highest longest and strongest and preserve the A as an entry), and then declarer is on more of a guess.


And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 3NT= twice, 3NT-1 four times and 3 -1.



Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    3, with the aim of stopping in 3. This is provided that you play the Parrot convention which enables you to show a forcing hand or a weak one.

Hand B:    4, Gerber. All you need to know is how many aces partner has and then bid 6NT or 7NT.



Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers


C     1     pass   1       pass       1 initially shows possibly just two ’s  

        1      pass   1      pass       1 shows 4 ’s and possibly still just two ’s

2      pass ……..                2 shows 5 ’s and therefore at least five ’s, probably six, depending upon partnership style.



 Ron Klinger web site