Mon 13th 1st
Wed 15th 1st Guttorm &
Fri 17th 1st Guttorm & Janne 63% 2nd Hans &
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A partner
opens 1♦ and
you do?
6 ♠ AKQJ104
♥ J987 ♥ J95 With Hand B partner opens 1♦ and you bid 1♠. Partner then
♣ AQJ96 ♣ AQ
104 ♠ AQ32
♥ A43 ♥ 10876 With
Hand D it’s favorable vulnerability.
AK86 ♣ J10
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1847.7 Janne Roos 1819.0 1796.5 Hans
Vikman 1776.3 |
650.5 Janne Roos 643.4 639.3 Hans Vikman 631.8 619.9 Jeremy Watson 616.8 Bob Short 615.1 Lars Broman 614.1 609.2 Jean Wissing 607.6 Per Andersson |
334.8 Janne Roos 330.2 329.0 Hans Vikman 324.5 321.8 321.7 Bob Short 321.7 Jeremy Watson 321.0 Per Andersson 316.9 Terje Lie 316.1 Lars Broman |
A nice balance Board 9 from Monday 13th
Dealer: ♠
K986 Table
North ♥ QJ2 West North East(C) South
E-W vul ♦ J65 - pass 1♣ (1) pass
♣ 542 1NT pass pass pass (2)
J75 N ♠
104 Table B
♥ K95 W E ♥ A43 West North East(C) South(D)
Q973 ♣ AK86 1NT pass pass
♠ AQ32 pass 2♠ all
♦ Q109
♣ J10
And what happened? 2♠
went-1 and a near top for N-S. Other results were 3♠*(S)-2, 1NT(W)+1 twice,
2NT(W)= and 3NT(W) -1.
The bottom lines: -
Open 1♣ when 4-4 in the minors – you will then never
miss a fit.
I did not
really matter here, but E-W have a ♣
fit and can make 9 t
Don’t let
the opponents play in 1NT if you have a suitable hand for a balancing double.
Dealer: ♠
8753 West(A) North East South
East ♥ 642 - - 1♦ 1♠ (1)
E-W vul ♦ 98 2♣ (2) pass 3NT (3) all pass
♣ K1084
(1) For some reason South
decided to overcall
♠ 6 N ♠ AJ92 with a 4-card suit. This can work when you
♥ J987 W E ♥ AK103
have length in the opener’s suit.
AQJ96 ♣ 3 this
week’s quiz? West felt that he could no
♠ KQ104 longer bid his ♥’s and so bid 2♣. Actually, he
Q5 can
show ♥’s with a negative double.
♦ A1073 (3) A reverse into 2♥ is an option I suppose but
♣ 752 I
would like to have 5 ♦’s.
And what happened? 3NT went -1, everybody else
reached the easy 4♥.
The bottom lines: -
So who was
to blame? West is not strong enough to bid at the two level, and definitely not
strong enough to bid 2♣ followed by a ♥ bid. He should have bid a negative double at
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first
input about the play of the hand.
North South You are North, declarer in 4♠. East leads the ♦Q,
♠ AQ953 ♠ KJ86 plan the play.
♥ AQ8 ♥
♦ K5 ♦ A93
A85 ♣ KQ6
Dave’s Column
answer Board
1 from Wednesday 15th
Dealer: ♠ AQ953
North ♥ AQ8 West North East South
Love all ♦ K5 - 1♠ pass 2NT (1)
A85 pass 4NT pass 5♥ (2)
♣ J1092 ♣ 743 (2) 2 keycards without the trump queen
♠ KJ86 (3) 1 king
♦ A93 East
leads the ♦Q. Trumps break 2-2, plan the play
♣ KQ6
After winning the ♦K and drawing trumps, it really is easy.
Ruff out dummy’s 3rd ♦, play three rounds of ♣’s ending in dummy, and run the ♥10. If West covers then play the ♥Q and East is end-played. You always get 2 ♥ t
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Just one pair bid to 6♠ and made it as above for a near top;
unfortunately this was against me and my partner. Other contracts were 7♥-1, 6NT=, 6♠-1, 5♥= and 3NT+2.
West East You are East,
declarer in 6♣.
J2 ♣ AKQ9875
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 2 from Wednesday 15th
Dealer: ♠ AQJ Book bidding
South ♥ J98 West North East South
Both vul ♦ QJ10982 - - 2♣ pass
♣ 10 2♠ pass 3♣ pass
3♠ pass 5♣ pass
J2 ♣ AKQ9875
♠ 10864
♦ 6
♣ 643
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 6NT-1, 6♣=
twice, 3NT+4, 3NT+3 and 3NT+2. My partner and I were one of the two in 6♣ and
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A:
Hand B: 2♥, 4th suit forcing. This is the West hand from board 5 on
Wednesday. You want to show good ♠’s
and force to game, so the way to do this is bid the 4th suit and
then bid the ♠’s – absolutely game forcing. And what do I
think of bidding 3♠? – Not a lot! 3♠ is non-forcing, make it game forcing by going via 4th suit
Hand C: 1♣, this is clearly better than 1♦
as you never miss a ♣ fit and always have
a good rebid (2♦ over 1♦;
2♥ over 1♥;
and 1NT over 1♠).
Hand D: