Mon 27th 1st Derek & Gerard 63% 2nd Bob P & Robbie 59%
Wed 29th 1st Hans & Janne 75% 2nd Dave
Fri 31st 1st Janne & Terry Q 68% 2nd Derek & Gerard 61%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A RHO opens 1♠, what do you do?
♥ KQ83 ♥ K854 (a) What do you open with Hand B?
♣ AJ5 ♣
AK108 do you bid now?
C 1NT pass 2♣ pass What is 4♣ (and what would 4NT have been)
2♠ pass 4♣
D 1NT pass 2♥ pass What is 4♣
2♠ pass 4♣ (and what would 4NT have been)
E 1NT pass 2♥ pass 3♠ is a super-accept.
What is 4♣
3♠ pass 4♣ (and what would 4NT have been)
Dave’s party and teams-of four
Every year Dave Cutler’s quiz team has a match against the
Worth a reverse? Board 3 from Monday 27th
Dealer: ♠
Q1032 Table
West ♥ J92 West(B) North East South
E-W vul ♦ Q94 1♣ (1) pass 1♠ pass
♣ Q96 2♥ (2) pass 4NT (3) pass
5♠ (4) pass 6♥ all pass
A N ♠ K8764
♥ K854 W E ♥ AQ763
Table B
AK108 ♣ 5 1♣ pass 1♠ pass
♠ J95 1NT (2) pass 3♥ (5) pass
10 4♥ all
♦ AK76
♣ J7432
And what happened? 6♥-1, 4♥+1 and 4♥=
three times.
The bottom lines: -
a singleton in partner’s suit.
A reverseshould show 5+ cards in the first bid suit.
- It is acceptable to rebid 1NT with a singleton in partner’s suit, and this is often the best bid, especially with 1444 shape.
To answer the question (who’s fault), neither
bid well. West’s initial 2♥ rebid made life
very difficult for East in an unfamiliar partnership but East
also overbid.
Worth a grand slam? Board 20 from Wednesday 29th
Dealer: ♠
Q983 Table
West ♥ 62 West North East South
Both vul ♦ AQJ5 pass 1NT pass 2♥ (1)
♣ AK10 pass 3♠ (2) pass 4NT (3)
pass 5♠ (4) pass 7♠ (5)
J6 N ♠ 104 all
♥ Q10543 W E ♥ K9
J986 ♣ Q7532 West North East South
♠ AK752 pass 1NT pass 2♣ (2)
AJ87 pass 2♠ pass 4♣ (6)
♦ K94 pass 4♦ (7) pass 6♠ (8)
♣ 4 all pass
And what happened? 7♠-1, 6♠= four times.
The bottom lines: -
After a major
suit response to Stayman then 4♣
is Gerber and 4NT is quantitative.
After a
super-accept then trumps are set and 4♣
is a cue bid and 4NT is RKCB.
A combined
32 points, with no long suit, is unlikely to be enough for a grand slam.
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first
input about the play of the hand.
Dave’s Column
answer Board
1 from Wednesday 29th
Dealer: ♠ AQJ3 Book bidding
North ♥ 72 West North East(A) South
Love all ♦ QJ92 - 1♦
K106 4♥ all pass
♣ Q83 ♣ AJ5 strong enough for 1NT.
♠ 10982
54 Anyway, East
is lucky when there is a ♥ fit.
♦ 1086 North leads the ♦Q, plan the play.
♣ 9742
This is what happened at two tables. The first
West took his ♦K, cashed the ♥J and took a winning ♣ finesse to dummy’s ♣J. He led a trump to his ♥10 and a low ♦ towards dummy, winning the ♦A
when North played the ♦2. Another ♦ went to South’s ♦10 and the ♠ shift created problems. After West ruffed the 3rd ♠ he had to concede a ♣ t
At the other table, West refused to take the ♦Q, allowing North to
win the t
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4♥+1,
4♥= and 4♥-1
three times.
North South You are South,
declarer in 4♥ and West leads the ♣K.
♠ AJ3 ♠ 62 You win with the ♣A and after cashing the ♥A,K you
♥ A64 ♥
KJ9852 find that West
has the ♥Q winner. Plan the play.
♦ KJ972 ♦ A83
A9 ♣ J6
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 3 from Wednesday 29th
Dealer: ♠ AJ3 Book bidding
(North)* ♥ A64 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ KJ972 - 1NT pass 4♥ (1)
A9 all
KQ1085 ♣743 simply
transferring or by using
♠ 62 (4♦) or South African Texas transfers (4♣).
♦ A83 Anyway, South is declarer and West
leads the ♣K. Declarer
♣ J6 won
with the ♣A, cashed the ♥A and another ♥ to his ♥K.
How should declarer proceed now that West has a
trump t
After cashing the ♥A and ♥K
South cashed the ♦A and finessed the ♦J losing to East’s ♦Q.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4♥= all
five times.
(*) Note. In the actual deal at the club, South
was dealer so that he could open a weak 2♥
and the hand gets played by South as intended.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: Pass. The hand has the wrong shape for a
take-out double and is not strong enough for 1NT.
Hand B: (a) 1♣, there is absolutely no advantage in opening 1♦ and a ♣
fit may get lost.
(b) 1NT.
It’s one point too much but a singleton in partner’s suit is bad. 2♥ (or 2♦)
would be a reverse which I do not like as the hand is not good enough and lacks
a 5th ♣.
C 1NT pass 2♣ pass 4♣ has to be agreed, I
play it as Gerber with my current
2♠ pass 4♣ partner. 4NT is then
quantitative, inviting 6NT
D 1NT pass 2♥ pass 4♣ is RKCB or Gerber by
partnership agreement
2♠ pass 4♣ 4NT is then quantitative, inviting 6NT
E 1NT pass 2♥ pass 4♣ is a cue bid with ♠’s agreed
3♠ pass 4♣ 4NT is RKCB for ♠’s.
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1876.2 Janne Roos 1853.8 Hans
Vikman 1832.4 1776.3 |
669.6 Janne Roos 667.7 Hans Vikman 649.0 631.8 619.9 Jeremy Watson 617.5 Bob Short 615.1 Lars Broman 614.1 609.2 Jean Wissing 607.6 Per Andersson |
350.0 Janne Roos 350.7 Hans Vikman 333.3 324.5 321.8 321.7 Bob Short 321.7 Jeremy Watson 321.0 Per Andersson 316.9 Terje Lie 316.1 Lars Broman |