Mon 3rd 1st Bob & Robbie 68% 2nd
Wed 5th 1st
Fri 7 th 1st Guttorm & Janne 62% 2nd Hans & Ivy 56%
Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A it’s favourable vulnerability. You
decide to
open 1♥
in 3rd seat and LHO overcalls 2♦.
This is passed to you,
Q965 ♠ J62 do you pass or
re-open with a double?
♥ AKJ3 ♥ QJ1096
♣ Q765 ♣ 7 do
you bid?
Hand C Hand D With Hand C partner opens 1♠, what do you bid?
AQJ72 ♠ AJ62
♥ AQ7 ♥ AK With Hand D
AK63 ♣ QJ53
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E 1♣ pass 1♥ pass What does the
1♠ pass 1NT pass
2NT pass 3NT pass
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An automatic re-opening
double? Board 3 from
Monday 3rd
Dealer: ♠
A8 West North East(A) South
West ♥ 97642 pass pass 1♥ (1) 2♦
N-S vul ♦ 74 pass (2) pass pass (3) pass
♣ AK32
(1) A typical 3rd seat opening in this
J43 N ♠
Q965 style – a
decent 4-card suit and lead
♥ Q5 W E ♥ AKJ3 directional.
J1084 ♣ Q765 enough for 2NT), but what would you do if
♠ K1072 partner doubles? Pass for penalties?
♥ 109 (3) What did you bid with this East hand A
♦ AJ8632 this week’s quiz? An ‘automatic’ re-opening
♣ 9 double is usually the answer, but opposite a
passed hand and lacking 2˝ quick t
And what happened? 2♦ made exactly for a
near top to E-W, had it been doubled it would have been a top to N-S.
The bottom lines: -
There are
exceptions to the ‘automatic’ re-opening double, one
of these is when opener does not have a real opener, i.e. lacks 2˝ quick t
Splinter to slam – part 1 Board 21 from Monday 3rd
Dealer: ♠
Q1084 Table
North ♥ 5 West(B) North East South
N-S vul ♦ K1073 - pass 1♥ pass (1)
♣ K852 4♥ (2) all
J62 N ♠
A Table B
♥ QJ1096 W E ♥ AK732
West(B) North East South
7 ♣
A93 4♣ (3) 4♠ 6♥ (4) all pass
♠ K9753
♦ 2
♣ QJ1064
And what happened? 6♥=, 4♥+2 twice, 4NT+2 and 4♥+1.
The bottom lines: -
Splinter to slam – part 2 Board 7 from Monday 3rd
Dealer: ♠
6 West North East(C) South
South ♥ 62 - - - pass
both vul ♦ KQ974 1♠ pass 4♦ (1) pass
♣ J10982 4♠ (2) pass 4NT (3) pass
5♥ (4) pass 5NT (5) pass
K9853 N ♠
AQJ72 6♥ (6) pass 7♠ (7) all pass
♥ K98 W E ♥ AQ7
♠ 104 (2) With this good ♦ holding opposite a singleton
J10543 West could make a more
positive move, but
♦ J10852 with a minimum and no convenient cue bid
♣ 4 he decided to bid just 4♠,
And what happened? 7♠=, 6♠+1twice, 4♠+3
and 5♦*(N)-1.
The bottom lines: -
King responses to RKCB are a popular treatment with
more experienced players.
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first
input about the play of the hand.
♣ AQ8762 ♣ K1053
Dave’s Column
answer Board
25 from Wednesday 5th
Dealer: ♠ 876 Book bidding
North ♥ AK10652 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ 104 - 2♥
94 5♣ all pass
♣ AQ8762 ♣ K1053 Plan
the play.
♠ K109542
♦ KJ9
♣ J
You can, after drawing trumps, play either
opponent for the ♠K. You can lead to the ♠Q or you can lead the ♠A and then the ♠Q for a ruffing finesse.
Which is best?
Before you decide, you should ask the opponents
what they normally lead from AK. If it is the ace the it’s quite likely
that North also holds the ♥K. Then, assuming
that North has the ♥K, he rates not to
also hold the ♠K. You cannot be certain, but leading to the ♠A and playing the ♠Q through South for a ruffing finesse is a
logical line of play.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4♣+1
twice, 4♥*(N)-1, 3♥(N)= and +1.
North South You are South, declarer
in 3NT after East had opened 1♥.
♠ K10 ♠ AJ62 West leads the ♥J, plan the play.
♥ 765 ♥
♦ QJ7 ♦ A109
109862 ♣ QJ53
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 26 from Wednesday 5th
Dealer: ♠ K10 Book bidding
East ♥ 765 West North East South(D)
E-W vul ♦ QJ7 - - 1♥
109862 pass 2♣ pass 2NT
pass 3NT all
74 ♣ AK - - 1♥ 1NT (1)
♠ AJ62 all pass
♦ A109 (1) What did you bid with this South hand D in this week’s quiz?
♣ QJ53
I fully understand that most will not
agree with me, but I don’t like the double as in the book. I agree that
it makes finding a ♠ fit easier but if
there is game then a ♠ fit will always be
located. If it’s just a partscore then 1NT may play just as well as 3♠ or even better (you would have to raise a 2♠ response to 3♠ and partner may be virtually bust). But the real problem is if partner
does not have ♠’s then your rebid of 2NT may well get you too
high (as here) and this bare ♥AK are 7 lousy
points which will be quickly knocked out.
So I was not facing any particular problem as I
played in the best spot of 1NT making +1.
Anyway, those of you who chose to double with
Hand D have to now solve the problem of making 3NT on the ♥J lead.
The book clearly states that this is not a
terribly good contract (as I predicted when I did not double). But the book continues as follows, saying that the bidding was fine right
down to North’s 3NT bid. North was counting on South to have around 19
points and since South is sitting over the points he should be able to play the
hand nicely.
After winning the ♥ lead, South saw that he would not have time to
play on ♣’s. He would have to take the ♦ finesse to give him seven sure t
The answer is that South needs a miracle. At
least he knows which miracle is needed. South needs 4 ♠ t
There are many reasons why you cannot make 3NT
if East has the ♠Q. Try finding them.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 3NT-2, 3NT-1, 2NT+3, 2NT= and 1NT+1.
The bottom lines:
- I
prefer not to rely on miracles. I disagree with the majority (including Michael
Lawrence) who got themselves into this ‘lousy contract’ because they did not
realize that AK stiff in the opponent’s suit is a bad holding (points belong in
long suits – this South hand is not worth 19 points) and it was pretty obvious
to me when I picked it up that I was not going to double and then bid 2NT
because a 3NT contract would be very poor opposite a 6-count and 2NT equally
hopeless opposite less.
A Stayman Super-accept Board 11 from Wed 5th teams
Dealer: ♠
A6 Table
South ♥ K10752 West North East South
Love all ♦ A73 - - - pass
♣ KQ7 pass 1NT pass 2♣ (1)
pass 2♥ all pass
Q742 N ♠
♥ QJ W E ♥ 8 Table B
AJ865 ♣ 10932 - - - pass
♠ 10985 pass 1NT pass 2♣ (1)
♦ Q54 all pass
♣ 4
And what happened? 4♥+1,
The bottom lines: -
There are
5 separate bids for Stayman super-accepts, quite playable in combination with
garbage Stayman which promises no points, and they will often allow you to
reach otherwise un-biddable games.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: Pass. You know that partner wants you to
double, but you do not have 2˝ quick t
Hand B: 4♣, a splinter agreeing ♥’s. This hand is far
too good for a pre-emptive raise to 4♥
which is the bid I would make if lacking the ♦A.
Hand C: 4♦, a splinter. This one is pretty obvious and it’s probably just a matter
of a small or grand slam.
Hand D: 1NT (15-18). I fully realize that
every man and his dog will disagree with me here and bid the ‘obvious’ double.
This works well if partner has a minimal hand with 4 ♠’s but what happens if he does not have ♠’s? He bids 2 of something and you bid 2NT.
Partner passes with 0-5 or raises to 3NT with 6
points. Either way the contract will be lousy one, the opponents have an
obvious lead and your glorious ♥AK
will be quickly knocked out setting up at least 3 ♥ t
E 1♣ pass 1♥ pass When 3NT is freely bid with no interfering bidding,
1♠ pass 1NT pass a double asks partner to lead dummy’s
first bid suit.
2NT pass 3NT pass So in this example, a ♣ should be led.
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1879.3 Janne Roos 1855.2 Hans
Vikman 1838.7 1776.3 |
669.6 Janne Roos 667.7 Hans Vikman 649.3 631.8 619.9 Jeremy Watson 617.5 Bob Short 615.1 Lars Broman 614.1 609.2 Jean Wissing 607.6 Per Andersson |
350.7 Hans Vikman 350.0 Janne Roos 333.3 324.5 321.8 321.7 Bob Short 321.7 Jeremy Watson 321.0 Per Andersson 316.9 Terje Lie 316.1 Lars Broman |