Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                           Club News Sheet – No. 353

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880              16th Aug 2009

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

Mon 10th      1st    Hans & Paul Sc                  61%       2nd    Tony H & Terry Q                 61%

Wed 12th      1st    Hans & Janne                     62%       2nd    Ivy & TerryQ                         57%

Fri   14th      1st     Jean-Charles & Georges     66%       2nd    Bob P & Robbie                    58%


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Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A you open 2NT (or maybe 2 - 2 - 2NT) and

partner transfers with 3, what do you bid?

AKJ2            AK10854    

AQ               A84             

Q75              J93               With Hand B RHO opens 1, what do you bid?

AQ92           A


Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C everybody is vulnerable. You open 1 and LHO

doubles. Partner redoubles and this is passed to LHO who bids 1.     

K                  J9732           Partner doubles. RHO passes. Do you pass or pull partner’s double?

10987543     KJ632         

K2                8                  With Hand D it’s unfavourable vulnerability. LHO opens 1 and

A32              109              partner overcalls 1, do you bid 3 or 4?



Ron Klinger web site


Current club championship standings




Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5











1882.8 Janne Roos

1865.2 Hans Vikman

1838.7 Paul Quodomine

1782.7 Sally Watson

669.6 Janne Roos

667.7 Hans Vikman

649.3 Paul Quodomine

632.6 Sally Watson

619.9 Jeremy Watson

617.5 Bob Short

615.1 Lars Broman

614.1 Ivy Schlageter

610.4 Gerard Hardy 

610.4 Derek Tyms


350.7 Hans Vikman

350.0 Janne Roos

333.3 Paul Quodomine

324.5 Sally Watson

321.8 Ivy Schlageter

321.7 Bob Short

321.7 Jeremy Watson

321.0 Per Andersson

316.9 Terje Lie

316.1 Lars Broman








Pre-empt and bid again                                        Board 12 from Wednesday 12th


I don’t usually bother to write these up any more, as most people know not to do it now. I made an exception this time because the culprit is (usually) a good player who unfortunately is renowned for continually criticising everybody at the table. So I feel it’s only fitting to write up his appalling bidding on this board.


Dealer:             64                                               West          North         East          South

West                AQ943                                       pass           2    (1)      2            3    (2)

N-S vul            A65                                           3      (3)    4    (4)      all pass


(1)  With only 5 ’s, this is a very poor opening.

A108                  N               QJ9532              Pass is clear.

K52                W    E            8                   (2)  This is fine, simply raising the pre-empt.

K1072                S                QJ4              (3)  And this is fine, it is simply competitive.

853                                      AQ10           (4)  But this is ridiculous. The silly pre-empt has

K7                                              actually worked and the opponents are in a

J1076                                         partscore. I can see no logical reason

983                                            whatsoever to bid on here, especially at

KJ64                                          this vulnerability and with just 5 trumps.


And what happened? 4= twice, 3+1, 2+2 and 4-2 for 200 away and a joint top converted into an average by bidding again having pre-empted. The bottom lines: -

-         Do not bid again having pre-empted. The fact that partner has raised your pre-empt is irrelevant and he is the captain.



Pull partner’s penalty double?                            Board 23 from Friday 14th


Dealer:             A1082                                        West          North         East          South(C)

South               Q2                                              -                 -                 -               1   

both vul            AJ7                                            dbl     (1)    redbl          pass         pass (2)

                        QJ106                                        1              dbl             pass         pass (3)


QJ97                  N               6543             (1)  I guess that this is slightly light for 1NT.

AK6               W    E            J                   (2)  I would bid 2 here to show length and a

Q86                   S                109543               hand unsuitable for defence.

K54                                     987              (3)  What did you bid with this South hand C in

K                                                this week’s quiz? Partner rates to have just   

10987543                                   four ’s and this hand is very bad for defence.

K2                                             I think that 2 is best.



And what happened? 4*-4, 3*-2 1*-1, and 4=.  

The bottom lines: -

-     It is OK to pull partner’s penalty double if you have a hand that is totally unsuitable for defence.

Super accept of a transfer                                   Board 17 from Friday 14th   


Dealer:             9                                                 Table A

North               K9                                              West(A)     North         East          South

Love all            J10842                                       -                 pass           pass         pass      

                        J10753                                       2NT           pass           3            pass

4    (1)      all pass

AKJ2                  N               Q7543               

AQ                 W    E            108743              Table B

Q75                    S                K9                     West(A)     North         East          South

AQ92                                   4                        -                 pass           pass         pass

1086                                           2NT           pass           3            pass

J652                                           3    (1)      pass           3NT (2)    pass

A63                                           4   (3)      pass           4?          (4)    pass

K86                                           6    (4)      all pass


Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this West hand A in this week’s quiz. Partner has promised 5 ’s and you want to be in game – so bid it, this is a super accept.

Table B:     (1)  This West apparently does not play super-accepts (why not?)

(2)   4 is the alternative.

(3)   West now decided to show his good support, the 4 was apparently Gerber.

. . . . . . . . . . . . This is totally illogical of course, looking for slam now when the previous 3 bid was non-forcing.

(4)   I am not sure what East bid here, he may have simply bid 4.

(5)   And this bid shows the futility of not playing super-accepts, West took a ridiculous gamble when partner has only promised values for game.


And what happened? 6-2, 4+1 twice and 4=.

The bottom lines: -

-         Understand super-accepts, and they are especially important if you opened 2NT.

-         When you open 2NT, you have told partner you values and he is the captain. It is acceptable to go to game with a good fit, but not to charge into slam opposite a hand with possibly only 5-6 points.


Too good for an overcall?                                    Board 9 from Friday 14th  



Dealer:             Q                                                Table A

North               Q9                                              West(D)     North         East(B)     South

E-W vul           AKQ652                                    -                 1              1  (1)      pass      

                        J652                                           3    (2)      all pass


J9732                 N               AK10854           Table B

KJ632            W    E            A84                   West(D)     North         East(B)     South

8                         S                J93                     -                 1             dbl (1)      pass

109                                      A                        2              pass           2  (3)      pass

6                                                 4    (4)      all pass





Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this East hand B in this week’s quiz? A simple overcall at the one level is generally played as around 8-16 and so that’s what this East bid.

                  (2)  What did you bid with this West hand D in this week’s quiz?  If not vulnerable then 4 looks right, but looking at the vulnerability this West chose to bid just 3. Maybe he too underbid.

Table B:     (1)  This East added on for a great 6-card suit and for prime cards, and decided the hand was too good for a simple 1 overcall. I agree.

(3)   Showing a hand too good for an overcall

(4)   West now has an easy raise to game.


And what happened? 5*(N)+1, 4+2 twice, 3+1.

The bottom lines: -

-         If a hand is too good for a simple overcall, then double and then bid the suit over partner’s response. 16 points and 7 playing tricks really is too good for a simple overcall.


Dave’s Column           Here is Dave’s first, this time a defensive problem.


Dealer:             Q853                                          bidding

North               862                                             West          North         East            South

E-W vul           7532                                           -                 pass           1              pass

                        J5                                               1              pass           2              pass

3              pass           3NT           pass  

AK10962           N                                            4             pass           4              pass

K                    W    E                                          6NT           all pass

Q64                    S                                       



You are North, defending 6NT. South leads the 7 upon which dummy plays low and you win the Q, declarer playing the J. You know from the bidding that partner has an ace, but which one? What do you return?

Dave’s Column answer                      Board 14 from Wednesday 13th


Dealer:             Q853                                          Book bidding

North               862                                             West          North         East            South

E-W vul           7532                                           -                 pass           1              pass

                        J5                                               1              pass           2              pass

3      (1)    pass           3NT           pass  

AK10962           N             J                          4     (2)    pass           4              pass

K                    W    E          109543                 6NT           all pass

Q64                    S              AK109          

KQ4                                  A82                (1)  This needs agreement, I would play it as     

                        74                                               invitational and would bid 3, 4th suit, here.

AQJ7                                   (2)  Again, 4 over 3NT as Gerber is by no means

J8                                               standard and needs agreement.



South leads the 7, Ducked to North’s Q, East dropping the J. What should North return at trick two?

East’s bidding suggests 5 ’s and 4 ’s. If South has as much as the J to go with the A, East cannot get rid of dummy’s ’s on his ’s. However, If East has the A and K and West the A, East’s suit will run, even if South holds J,10. Dummy’s K will then go on East’s fourth .

Analysis complete, Dr John W. Fisher reasoned that it was more likely that East had the two top honours than all three missing honours so he returned a and the ambitious slam went three down.                                                             

And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 3NT+3, 3NT+1, 4NT-1, 4+1 and 4+2.




Dave’s 2nd Column   Here is Dave’s 2nd input, this time a lead problem.


Dealer:                                                                   Book bidding

South                                                                     West          North         East            South

N-S vul                                                                  -                 -                 -                 1

                                                                              pass           2NT           pass           3

pass           3              pass           4

632                     N                                             pass           4              pass           4

2                     W    E                                          pass           5              pass           6

AJ1065               S                                              all pass



You are West, defending 6, what do you lead? 2NT was apparently 15+ with 3 ’s and 5 asked for a control.                                                                                      



Dave’s 2nd Column answer              Board 15 from Wednesday 5th  


Dealer:             AQ4                                           Book bidding

South               K53                                            West          North         East            South

N-S vul            Q84                                            -                 -                 -                 1

                        A643                                          pass           2NT (1)      pass           3

pass           3              pass           4 (2)

632                     N             85                         pass           4    (2)      pass           4

2                     W    E          J10874                 pass           5    (3)      pass           6

AJ1065               S              K973                   all pass

10987                                J5                        

                        KJ1097                                (1)  Presumably forcing and 15+         

AQ96                                   (2)  cue bid

2                                          (3)  apparently asking for a control.




You are West, what do you lead?

While you have reasons for some possible leads, you can reject one of them. That lead is the singleton . If you felt you needed a ruff to set 6, leading a singleton might be wise. But it is not wise when you have an ace. Do you think that your partner has another ace?

Leading a trump runs a modest risk that it will find your partner’s queen.

The ’s and ’s look safe enough and I would go for the A with the 10 being a close 2nd choice. Whatever you think of the logic, you can see that the only lead to give them the contract is the 2. That lead pinpoints the suit for declarer and help him play the suit for no losers.


And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 6-1 twice, 5= and 4+1 twice. So I guess that all of our club found a sensible lead, I know that my partner led the A and we set 6 by one trick.



Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    4, a super-accept. 4 must have good play opposite just about any hand with 5 ’s.

Hand B:    dbl (and then bid ’s). This 7 playing trick hand is far too good for a simple 1 overcall.

Hand C:    2. I think you should pull the double. This is not a sound opener and is short on quick tricks.

Hand D:    3. This one is very close and I would not argue with 4, which is what I would bid if non-vulnerable.                                                 



 Ron Klinger web site