Mon 17th 1st Bill
P & Bob S 58% 2nd =
Hans V &
2nd =
Janne &
Wed 19th 1st Hans & Janne 67% 2nd Guttorm &
Fri 21st 1st = Guttorm & Janne = Bob P & Terry Q 55%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A partner
opens 1♣, what do you do?
Q96 ♠ AK3
♥ 54 ♥
Q87 With Hand B you choose to open 1♦. Partner responds
♣ Q ♣ J4
Hand C Hand D With Hand C partner opens 2♥, what do you do?
K54 ♠
♥ A84 ♥ AK975 With Hand D partner opens 1♦ and you bid 1♥. Partner
♦ 62 ♦ A65 1♠, what do you do?
♣ A7632 ♣ AJ3
And two problems
Hand E Hand F With Hand E you open 1♦ and partner responds 2♣, what
do you bid now?
J54 ♠
♥ AK5 ♥ 864 With
Hand F partner opens 1♥, what do you bid?
♦ AK743 ♦ K74
♣ KJ ♣ Q108
G 1♦
H 1♦
J 1♦ pass 1♥ pass
1♠ pass 3♥ Is 3♥ forcing?
A 2nd bite at the cherry Board 27 from Friday 21st
A sound maxim is to always
immediately raise partner’s pre-empt when holding
three trumps. A belated raise by North at table A proved disastrous on this
Dealer: ♠
K54 Table
South ♥ A84 West North(C) East South
Love all ♦ 62 - - - 2♥
♣ A7632 pass pass (1) 2♠ pass
pass 3♥ (2) 4♦ pass
83 N ♠ AQJ62 5♦ all
♥ J105 W E ♥ 2
KJ8 ♣ 105 West North(C) East South
♠ 1097 - - - 2♥
KQ9763 pass 3♥ (1) pass 3♠
♦ 5 all pass
♣ Q94
And what happened? 5♦=, 4♠= and 3♠+1.
The bottom lines: -
It is
usually best to immediately raise partner’s pre-empt
when holding three trumps.
To pass
and later raise partner is a bad idea (unless you have the values to double
them later); the opponents have had room to exchange information and are more
likely to know what to do.
On board 1 my partner and I had a fortunate misunderstanding. Holding
♠J54 ♥AK5 ♦AK743 ♣KJ (Hand E) I naturally opened 1♦. The opponents
passed throughout and partner responded with 2♣. I now had to
choose a rebid. Any number of NT would be ludicrous with ♠J54 in an
unnamed suit, a ♣ raise would be possible but a card short, and a ♦ rebid also
a card short. The obvious answer? 2♥!
Partner cannot pass this after responding 2♣ so it must show
values in ♥’s. Partner's next call was 3NT holding ♠KQx ♥xx ♦xx ♣AQ109xx.
I of course raised to 6NT with my fitting ♣ cards and
solid quick t
Terry’s Comment. Regarding the ♠xx ♥AKxx ♦AQxxx ♣xx hand I would rebid 2♦ if partner considers 2♥ as showing reversing values. A reverse shows extras (15+) and your partner’s bidding was fine unless you have agreed that a reverse after a two-level response does not show extras. I (and many two-over-one system players have this agreement but it is just that – it has to be agreed). Also, you have to agree if partner’s 3NT is stronger than 2NT (assuming that 2♥ was a strong bid or else playing 2/1 so the auction is game forcing). In addition, I do dot agree that 3NT as a rebid is ‘ludicrous’. Partner has promised 11+ and must surely have something in ♠’s, although a slam might be missed and I agree with your 2♥ rebid provided you have the necessary agreements with partner.
On board 4 an opponent heard his partner open 1♥ and holding ♠J872 ♥864 ♦K74 ♣Q108 (Hand F) after a pass bid what? 1♠? 2♥? (They were playing 5 card major openings). No, this self-proclaimed expert who is critical of everyone at the table picked a non-forcing 1NT! When we bought the contract in 2♠, making, their 6-3 heart fit had been lost and 3♥ was making.
Terry’s comment. 1NT is totally
ludicrous of course. With a weakish hand with three trumps worth only one bid
it is standard practice to support partner rather than introduce the ♠ suit.
On board 21, which my partner and I did not play, we did note that one N/S pair holding ♠J10 ♥A10874 ♦KJ2 ♣A98 opposite ♠AK754 ♥KQJ65 ♦Q105 ♣- managed to propel themselves all the way to 3♠ missing the cold slam in the 5-5 ♥ fit. That would have been an interesting auction to see!
Terry’s comment. I don’t know their auction. At our table we interfered with an Unusual
NoTrump, competed to 5♣, and they stopped
in 5♥. I assume that there was similar interference
and the pair you cite could not cope.
On board 26 an artificial opening showing both majors, weak, led the vulnerable opponents to play in 2♥ with a trump suit of ♥J10962 opposite ♥73. Why do people think these methods improve their game? -300 against nothing.
Terry’s comment. Both sides were vulnerable and with a ♥ suit this poor I agree. These methods can work, but you have to be disciplined, especially when vulnerable. Anyway, people can play whatever conventions they like at our club.
It’s not forcing Board 7 from Friday 21st
If you know that your side has
values for game (and partner does not), then don’t make an invitational bid –
make sure that any bid you make is either a game bid or else forcing.
Dealer: ♠
83 Table
South ♥ AK975 West North(D) East South
both vul ♦ A65 - - - 1♦
♣ AJ3 pass 1♥ pass 1♠
pass 3♥ (1) pass pass (2)
J1097 N ♠
Q54 all pass
♥ J8432 W E ♥ Q10
K5 ♣
109742 West North(D) East South
♠ AK62 - - - 1♦
6 pass 1♥ pass 1♠
♦ K10732 pass 3NT (1) all
♣ Q86
And what happened? 3NT+1 twice, 3♥=.
The bottom lines: -
A jump in
a previously bid suit is generally invitational, to make it forcing go via 4th suit forcing.
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first
on the play of the hand.
North South You are South, declarer in 3NT. West leads the ♥5,
♠ AK3 ♠ 984
♥ Q87 ♥
♦ AKQ109 ♦ 532
J4 ♣ Q532
Dave’s Column
answer Board
25 from Wednesday 19th
Dealer: ♠ AK3 Book bidding
North ♥ Q87 West North(B) East South
E-W vul ♦ AKQ109 - 1♦ (1) pass 1NT (2)
J4 pass 3NT (3) all pass
♣ K8 ♣ A10976 (3) What did you rebid
with this North hand B
♠ 984 in this week’s quiz? This 3NT is correct,
KJ2 3♦ as chosen at one table is not enough.
♦ 532
♣ Q532 West leads the ♥5,
plan the play.
You seem to have nine easy t
The correct play is simple… provided that you
think of it at t
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 3NT-2 twice, 1♦+2 and 3♦=.
West East You
are East, declarer in 3NT.
AJ654 ♣ K32
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 26 from Wednesday 19th
Dealer: ♠ 87654 Book bidding
East ♥ KJ9 West North East South
both vul ♦ A42 - - 1NT pass
97 3NT all pass
AJ654 ♣ K32
♠ J92
♦ 76
♣ Q108
The key is to determine how their ♥’s are divided. Based
on the opening lead, if North has the ♥3, ♥’s are 4-4 and it’s
safe to attack ♦’s as the opponents can take only 3 ♥’s and a ♦. But if
South has the ♥3, ♥’s are 5-3 and it is no longer safe to attack ♦’s; four ♥’s and one ♦ will be
lost. You must attack ♣’s for 5 ♣ t
Duck the first ♥. If North returns the ♥3 indicating that ♥’s are 4-4, your troubles are over (play on ♦’s). If North returns some other ♥ and South plays the ♥3, indicating a 5 card suit, try the ♣’s. If North returns the ♥J then take the ace and watch if South plays the ♥3 or not.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 3NT+1, 3NT= and 3NT-1 twice.
The bottom lines:
- The
normal card for third hand to return with two remaining cards in partner’s suit
is the higher. With three cards remaining the lower, this helps opening leader
(and declarer) to know how the suit is dividing. But in this actual example
North would have returned the ♥J if holding ♥KJ103 originally.
The weak jump shift Board 24 from Monday 17th
A jump shift (say 1♣ p 2♥) traditionally shows a strong hand with a good suit. These days the more disruptive Weak Jump Shift is becoming more and more popular, and it proved very effective on this deal.
Dealer: ♠
10875 West North East(A) South
West ♥ AJ83 1♣ pass 2♦ (1) pass
Love all ♦ AQ pass pass
♣ 972
(1) A weak jump shift. A 6-7 card suit and
♠ KJ2 N ♠ Q96 insufficient
points to respond 1♦.
♥ Q102 W E ♥ 54
A10853 ♣ Q
♠ A4
♥ K976
♦ 42
♣ KJ64
And what happened? 2♦= twice, 3♥+1(S) twice and 3♥*(S)=.
The bottom lines: -
In my
opinion the weak jump shift is more useful that the strong one (it comes up
more often). One North asked me if it should have been alerted (he assumed it
was strong). At our club we alert the unusual and a weak jump shift is very
popular. I believe that under ACBL rules the weak jump shifts need alerting but
am not sure (everything changes all of the time). I guess it’s safest to alert
(or ask about) any jump shift as it could be played either way and I have no
idea, nor desire to know, the latest WBF rules on this.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: 2♦, provided that you play weak jump shifts.
Hand B: 3NT. 3♦ is not forcing and does not show the power of
this hand.
Hand C: 3♥. It’s virtually always correct to raise partner’s pre-empt when you
hold three trumps.
Hand D: 3NT. This is the simple
‘obvious’ bid. An alternative is to bid 2♣,
4th suit forcing, to make the auction game forcing. What you do not
do is bid 3♥ which is not forcing and partner may (did)
And the two problems posed by
Hand E: 2♥. Any number of NT would be ludicrous with ♠J54 in an unnamed suit, 3♣ and 2♦ would both promise an extra card in the suit.
Hand F: 2♥. The 1NT found at the
table is silly.
G 1♦
H 1♦
J 1♦ pass 1♥ pass 3♥ is invitational. If you want to bid ♥’s as game forcing, then
1♠ pass 3♥ bid
2♣ (4th suit) and then bid ♥’s over partner’s response.
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1890.8 Janne Roos 1875.8 Hans
Vikman 1838.7 1789.8 |
673.8 Janne Roos 672.4 Hans Vikman 649.3 633.8 619.9 Jeremy Watson 618.1 Bob Short 615.1 Lars Broman 614.1 611.3 Gerard Hardy 611.3 Derek Tyms |
350.7 Hans Vikman 350.6 Janne Roos 333.3 324.5 321.8 321.7 Bob Short 321.7 Jeremy Watson 321.0 Per Andersson 316.9 Terje Lie 316.1 Lars Broman |