Mon 24th 1st = Dave & Terry Q = Janne &
Wed 26th 1st Bill P & Bob S 56% 2nd John B & Kenneth 56%
Fri 28th 1st Janne
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A LHO opens 1♠, partner overcalls
2♣ and
bids 2♠,
what do you do?
643 ♠ K
♥ A1052 ♥ KQJ10
♣ 53 ♣ AQJ73 2♥ and you ask for keycards. He has two, and if you ask he has
no king, what do you bid?
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1894.9 Janne Roos 1875.8 Hans
Vikman 1842.6 1789.8 1719.4 Bob Short |
673.8 672.4 649.3 633.8 619.9 Jeremy Watson 618.1 Bob Short 615.1 Lars Broman 614.1 611.3 Gerard Hardy 611.3 Derek Tyms |
350.7 350.6 333.3 324.5 321.8 321.7 Bob Short 321.7 Jeremy Watson 321.0 Per Andersson 316.9 Terje Lie 316.1 Lars Broman |
Enough for a Grand? Board 24 from Friday 28th
Dealer: ♠
107653 Table A
West ♥ 4 West North East(B) South
Love all ♦ 943 1♦ pass 1♥ (1) pass
♣ 10952 2♥ pass 4NT pass
5♥ pass 7♥ (2) all pass
AJ9 N ♠
♥ A832 W E ♥ KQJ10
Table B
64 ♣
AQJ73 1♦ pass 1♥ (1) pass
♠ Q842 2♥ pass 4NT pass
9765 5♥ pass 5NT (2) pass
♦ 1075 6♣ (3) pass 6NT (4) all pass
♣ K8
And what happened? 7NT-1, 7♥-1
and 6NT= twice.
It is
usually best to play in a good 4-4 major suit fit, but if you have so many
points that 12 t
against the odds to bid a grand slam on a finesse.
A bad hand for Lebensohl Board 13 from Wednesday 26th
Dealer: ♠
AK976 West North East South
North ♥ J1074 - pass pass pass
Both vul ♦ J109 1NT 2♠ (1) 3NT (2) pass
♣ 10 4♥ (3) all
QJ N ♠ 1085 (1) N-S had agreed to play the Meckwell
♥ AQ986 W E ♥ 53
defence to 1NT, and
K6 ♣
AQ73 North had the convention written down in
♠ 432 front of him but was apparently unable
♦ 84 (2) Showing values for 3NT but denying a ♠
♣ J98542 stop
(playing Lebensohl).
(3) With no ♠ stop himself West bid the obvious 4♥
And what happened? 4♥-1, 3NT= and three ♦ partscores.
The bottom lines: -
I guess
ability to remember a convention discussed just 20 minutes before, and the
inability to read the system bid on a crib sheet on the table after studying it,
sometimes simply lucks out. And sometimes such luck will win a competition by
one pip.
is a great convention, unfortunately it is not good
enough to detect 10xx opposite QJ as a stop. From West’s point of view, ♠10xx (or possibly singleton ♠K) was the only holding that East could
possibly have to provide a stop – very unlucky.
Of course
had North made the correct systematic bid to show both majors then East would
simply have bid 3NT to play (implying nothing about his major suits) and 3NT
makes easily.
Playing the wrong board Board 1 from Friday 28th
Board 1 was unfortunately played by the wrong pairs the first round it was played. When it was subsequently played it appears that one player took advantage by making a different bid. So I have changed it so that the original score (with the two incorrect players playing the board) stands and the two subsequent replays of the boards do not count. I believe that this is close to the WBF rules and is what will happen if this occurs again.
Paul’s Column
1) A responsive double Board 22
Monday 24th
Dealer: ♠
J102 Table
East ♥ KJ97 West North East(A) South
E-W vul ♦ 8652 - - pass 1♠
♣ 84 2♣ 2♠ (1) pass (2) all
K7 N ♠ 643 Table B
♥ 86 W E ♥ A1052 West North East(A) South
AKJ972 ♣ 53 2♣ pass pass (3)
♠ AQ985 pass 2♠ 3♣ (5) all pass
♦ K3
♣ Q106
North South You are North, declarer in 4♠. East leads the ♦A,
plan the play.
♠ AKQ42 ♠ 963
♥ AK863 ♥
♦ K ♦ 9843
K8 ♣ 6532
Dave’s Column
answer Board 17 from Wednesday 26th
Dealer: ♠ AKQ42 Book bidding
North ♥ AK863 West North East South
Love all ♦ K - 2♣ (1) pass 2♦
K8 pass 2♠ pass 2NT
♣ QJ10 ♣ A974 open 2♣ on two-suiters like this, especially
♠ 963 with a possibly
worthless ♦K.
♦ 9843 East leads the ♦A, plan the play.
♣ 6532
What a silly lead! The lead of the ♦A into a strong 2♣ opener seems ludicrous to me (imagine North’s minors reversed), I would
lead the seemingly obvious ♠7 and the ♣A is surely better than the ♦A away from the ♦Q?
Anyway, let’s proceed assuming that East does
actually lead the seemingly ludicrous ♦A, I don’t think that it affects the problem.
After North ruffed the second ♦, he drew trumps in three rounds and led a ♣ to the ♣K.
East took the ♣A and forced North to ruff another ♦ with his last trump. North would still have
been safe if the ♥’s had split 3-3, but he went two down when
West turned up with ♥J1072.
North does better to cash only two high trumps.
He next take the ♥Q
and ♥A and leads a low ♥. If East discards,
North ruffs in dummy and can ruff a ♦,
draw trumps and run the ♥’s, losing two ♣’s and a ♦.
If instead East ruffs with
the ♠J on the third ♥, dummy throws a ♣. North ruffs the ♦ return and throws two more ♣’s
from dummy on the good ♥’s. He loses a ♣ but ruffs a ♣ in dummy.
Did you foresee that North might get his tenth
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4♠+1, 2♥+1,
1♥+1 and 1♠+2
West East You
are East, declarer in 4♥.
8632 ♣ A5
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 18 from Wednesday 26th
Dealer: ♠ 1096 Book bidding
East ♥ Q975 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ 962 - - 1♥ pass
KQJ 2♥ pass 4♥ all
8632 ♣ A5
♠ J852
♦ QJ108
♣ 10974
You should be cautious, realising the value of the ♥8. Do not
continue with the ♥K because if South discards you will lose two ♥’s, one ♦ and one ♣. Instead,
be willing to sacrifice a potential overt
Here, North takes dummy’s ♥10 with his ♥Q and returns the ♣K. Win with
your ♣A, play a ♠ (or ♦) to dummy’s ace and lead a ♥ to your hand. You
cover North’s card and draw his remaining trump and have ten t
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4♥+1,
4♥=twice and 4♥-1 twice.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A:
Hand B: 6NT. It is unlikely that you
will make 13 t