Mon 12th N-S 1st Frode & Johan = Bob P & Robbie 54%
E-W 1st Alan P & Hans V = Paul Q & Janne 58%
Wed 14th N-S 1st Kenneth & Per-Ake 60% 2nd Johan & Tom 51%
E-W 1st Paul Q & Terry Q 64% 2nd Janne & Hans 61%
Fri 16th 1st Paul Q & Hans V 63% 2nd Dave & Tomas 60%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B What do you open with Hand A?
♣ 84 ♣
Hand C Hand D With Hand C it’s love all.
AJ83 ♠ 6 Hand D is one
for the experienced player, or one who thinks
♥ 4 ♥ K10984 that he knows his conventions.
KJ65 ♣ AKJ1072
Hand E Hand F With Hand E it’s love all. Partner opens 1♣ and
what do you do?
KJ1094 ♠ 76
♥ KQ98 ♥
4 With
Hand F there is nobody vulnerable. You open 1♣, LHO
♦ 84 ♦ A1073 overcalls
1♠ which is round passed to you. What do you do?
♣ 84 ♣ AKQ962
A one-level penalty? Board 17 from Wednesday 14th
Dealer: ♠
K5 West(B) North East(C) South
North ♥ K8753 - 1♥ dbl (1) pass
Love all ♦ KQ9 pass (2) pass
♣ Q73
(1) What did you bid with this East hand C in
♠ Q9 N ♠ AJ83 this
week’s quiz? Eleven + points is about
♥ AQJ106 W E ♥ 4
the norm for a take-out double, but with
A1098 ♣ KJ65 (2) What did you bid with this West hand B in
♠ 107642 this week’s quiz?
You have 17 points and
92 opener
presumably has 12 and partner 11.
♦ 8754 Slam is remote, 3NT will probably make two
♣ 42 overtricks for 460, but how many will 1♥* go for? Surely declarer will make only 3 or 4 tricks and at this vulnerability you should pass and go for the 500 or 800 rather than 460 for game.
And what happened? The above auction looks automatic to me, but it seems
that only one pair doubled and passed. Results were 3NT+2 three times, 3NT+1, 1NT+5, 2NT+2 and 1♥*-4.
The bottom lines.
- A
one-level penalty can be lucrative even with non-vul opponents. J
Leaping Michaels Board 27 from Wednesday 14th
Leaping Michaels is a little known and little used convention, but if it come up it describes your hand perfectly! I was West and this is the first time that I have ever used the bid.
Dealer: ♠
9 West(D) North East South
South ♥ QJ65 - - - 2♠ (1)
Love all ♦ Q93 4♣ (2) pass 4♥ 5♦
♣ Q9543 pass (3) pass dbl (4) all pass
♠ 6 N ♠ Q10874 (1) This is silly of course, 1♠ is clear.
♥ K10984 W E ♥ A72 (2) What did you bid with this West hand D in
AKJ1072 ♣ 86 Michaels,
usually showing exactly 5 ♥’s and
♠ AKJ532 6 ♣’s and a decent hand. If you don’t play this
3 convention
then it’s difficult!
♦ K108754 (3) West has already described his hand perfectly
♣ - (4) From South’s bids East knows that North probably has 4 ♥’s and so he doubles rather than bidding 5♥.
And what happened? A mixed bag, as you would expect on a distributional
deal like this, with seven different contracts: N-S: 6♦*-2, 5♦*-2,
5♦*-1; E-W: 6♥*-4, 4♥*-1, 4♥-1
and 3♥*-1
The bottom lines.
- I
love a bid that describes you hand in one go. Leaping Michaels does just that
but occurs infrequently. This is the first time I have ever made the bid J
The re-opening double Board 1 from Friday 16th
One player said to me on Friday that he did not like/understand the ‘automatic’ re-opening double. My answer is that if you do not understand it (despite its repeated appearances in the news-sheets), then don’t play negative doubles!
Dealer: ♠
KJ1094 Table
North ♥ KQ98 West North(E) East South
Love all ♦ 84 - pass pass 1♣
♣ 84 1♠ dbl (1) pass 2♣
2♥ dbl pass 3♣ (2)
AQ853 N ♠
2 all
♥ A1075 W E ♥ J632
73 ♣
J105 West North(E) East South(F)
♠ 76 - pass pass 1♣
4 1♠ pass (1) pass 2♣ (3)
♦ A1073 2♠ (4) dbl all pass
♣ AKQ962
And what happened? 3♣=, 3NT+1 for 430 and
2♠*-5 for 1100 (1♠* would have been easily enough for a clear top). The bottom lines: -
- Remember
to pass when
- If
you do not understand the need for the ‘automatic’ re-opening double, then do
not play negative doubles. L
- Negative doubles, and a comprehensive
study of when to re-open with a double, are all written up on the website. J
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first
problem on the play of the hand.
K73 ♣ A8
You are South, declarer in 4♥. West leads the ♠6, plan the play
Dealer: ♠ AK104 Book Bidding
North ♥ QJ83 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ 87 - 1♣ pass 1♥
K73 pass 2♥ (1) pass 4♥
♣ Q9542 ♣ J106 followed
by a ♥ raise shows only three ♥’s.
♠ 8532
♦ Q6 West leads the
♠6, plan the play
♣ A8
The only problem is if the lead is a singleton,
in which case there could be two ♠’s
and two ♦’s to lose. The first step is to win the ♠A, draw trumps and unless they are 4-0 play the
♣A, ♣K
and ruff a ♣, stripping the suit. Now exit with a ♦, your equal length inevitable loser suit. The
best play for the opponents is to take their two ♦’s and exit with a ♣, but it’s not good
enough. If West has the lead he has to lead a ♦ and give you a ruff-sluff. If East has the lead he has to lead a ♠ into dummy’s ♠K10 or give you a ruff-sluff.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 3NT(N)+1, 4♠=, 4♥= and 4♥-1 4 times.
So what is this ridiculous 3NT+1 you may ask? Well, that was against
me and my partner. North opened a weak 1NT, South decided to transfer with 2♦ (2♣ Stayman is
the alternative), West considered his hand and ♦ holding not good
enough for a lead-directing double and so passed, North bid 2♥ and South
bid 3NT which North passed, deciding to ignore the known 5-4 ♥ fit and ♠’s never
got a mention. East led the ♠Q which North, looking at 9 top tricks and 5 certain ♦ losers,
ducked! E-W were playing low to encourage East thought for a while and decided
that partner’s ♠6 was more likely to be encouraging than a singleton. He continued
with a ♠ and N-S’s ridiculous bidding and dubious play gained them a clear
Dealer: ♠ K763 Book bidding
East ♥ J109 West North East South
Both vul ♦ 63 - - 5♦ (1) all pass
Dave’s 2nd Column answer Board
26 from Wednesday 7th
Dealer: ♠ K763 Book bidding
East ♥ J109 West North East(A) South
Both vul ♦ 63 - - 5♦ (1) all pass
(1) What did you open with this East hand A
QJ10 ♣ 84
♠ Q85
♦ 854
♣ K962
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 3NT+2 five times, 3NT+1 and 6♥-4. I understand that one top player passed
with the East hand and then jumped to 3NT when partner opened – I assume that
the 3NT opening has a different meaning in
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: 3NT. This is yet another
perfect example of the Gambling 3NT.
Hand C: Dbl. A take-out double is
normally about 11+ in the direct seat, but with this classic shape 10 is fine. Here
is a note about this bid from Paul Qupdomine:
This is an example of one of my favorite treatments ... the light
shaped take out double. At match-points aggression is frequently rewarded
and never more so than here. I feel that this treatment MUST meet 3
criteria ... the shape must be a perfect take-out, all the high cards must be
in your long suits, and the vulnerability must be white/red or
white/white. It also helps if partner understands you may be
doubling with as little as 10 hcp. My hand was perfect for this and 1♥ doubled
went for -800 white/white when the best we could achieve declaring (on
reasonable play) was 460. My hand was AJ9x, x, J10xx, KJxx. NOT
what everyone considers a T.O. double of a 1♥ opening apparently
but fine by my standards. It met all three criteria and partner (holding
Hand B) worked out that a pass would net a top! Most balancing hands had
to settle for 3NT opposite this. At IMPs this is a bit riskier but still
Hand E: Pass, and pass partner’s expected
re-opening double. This penalty pass is much better than a negative double
showing 4 ♥’s as game is not certain and you will get an
excellent score for 1♠* going down a lot.
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1918.3 Hans Vikman 1905.5 Janne Roos 1875.2 Paul Quodomine 1802.9 Sally Watson 1728.7 Ivy Schlageter 1725.8 Bob Short 1709.7 Paul Scully 1708.2 Bob Pelletier |
680.4 674.5 655.3 636.6 Sally Watson 625.4 Jeremy Watson 619.7 Ivy Schlageter 618.9 Bob Short 615.1 Lars Broman 613.2 Per-Ake Roskvist 611.2 Gerard & Derek |
351.7 350.6 336.7 326.0 325.4 Jeremy Watson 325.3 Ivy Schlageter 321.7 Bob Short 321.0 Per Andersson 316.9 Terje Lie 316.1 Lars Broman |
The Tripple
Congratulation to Paul Quodomine for achieving the triple for the second time. Also well done Bob Pelletier who has now qualified to join the other seven challengers in the Gold Cup.