Mon 19th N-S 1st Kevin & Noreen 60% 2nd Frode & Johan 58%
E-W 1st Hans V & Alan P 61% 2nd Paul Q & Janne 60%
Wed 21st N-S 1st Gerry & Per-Ake 60% 2nd Paul Q & Terry Q 53%
E-W 1st Hans V & Janne 57% 2nd Dave & Jan 63%
Fri 23rd 1st Kevin & Noreen 60% 2nd Paul Q & Hans V 59%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A it’s unfavourable vulnerability.
what do you do?
♠ Q10972 ♠ AJ843
♥ KJ8 ♥ 3 With
Hand B LHO opens 1♦, partner doubles, and
♦ 9 ♦ 965 bids 1♥, what do you bid?
K764 ♣ K875
Hand C Hand D With Hand C partner opens 1♦ (4+) and
What do you do?
♠ J8742 ♠
K753 ♥ AK7 With Hand D it’s favourable
vulnerability and partner opens 3♠.
♦ AK43 ♦ AJ6 (a) What do you bid (at this vulnerability it may be very weak)?
♣ - ♣ AK1065 (b) Suppose you choose RKCB and
partner shows one keycard,
What do you bid, 5♠, 6♠ or
Hand E Hand F With Hand E it’s love all,
K652 ♠
♥ A975 ♥ AQJ1096 With Hand F LHO opens 1♦ and
partner bids a weak 3♣.
♦ 5 ♦ J8 bids 4♣, what do you do?
♣ QJ74 ♣ 106
I understand that you can take liberties when non-vul against vul, but in my opinion the two overcalls below are way over the top, and not the sort of bid you should make at a friendly club when one or both of your opponents are very inexperienced: -
Bidding with a three count – part 1? Board 9 from Monday 19th
Dealer: ♠
K982 West North East South
North ♥ 87 - pass 1NT 2♠ (1)
E-W vul ♦ 86 3NT (2) all pass
♣ J9753
(1) This is ridiculous of course
♠ A N ♠ Q73 (2) West was a beginner and was apparently put
♥ J105 W E ♥ AK964
off looking for slam because of South’s
A4 ♣
♠ J10653
♦ 107
♣ 862
And what happened? 3NT+4 did not score well.
Bidding with a three count – part 2? Board 21 from Monday 19th
Dealer: ♠
AQ52 West North East South
North ♥ 83 - 1♠ (1) pass 1NT (2)
N-S vul ♦ KQ104 pass pass 2♦ (3) pass
♣ AJ9 pass pass (4)
♠ KJ10 N ♠ 863 (1) This is the correct opening playing Acol
♥ A765 W E ♥ K42 (2)
Again, this is correct as partner may
864 ♣ 1032 (3) There is a lot to be said about balancing in
the pass-out seat, but with a totally flat 3343 with
♠ 974 just three points outside
the ‘long’ suit this is
QJ109 totally ridiculous in my
opinion even at this
♦ 83 vulnerability.
♣ KQ75 (4) Double would teach East something.
And what happened? East went only two down in his ludicrous contract;
Deep Finesse says it should have gone four down which would doubtless have
happened (doubled) if North/South were experienced players.
The bottom lines.
- Pattaya
bridge club is a friendly club. It is perhaps acceptable to make these stupid
bids against your peers, but in my opinion it is not acceptable if one of your
opponents is inexperienced. More experienced players should bid sensibly
against lesser opponents J
A good slam? Board 3 from Friday 23rd
Dealer: ♠
Q7 Table
South ♥ AK7 West North(D) East South
E-W vul ♦ AJ6 - - - 3♠
♣ AK1065 pass 4♠ (1) all
J6 N ♠ A8 Table B
♥ 9532 W E ♥ Q1064
West North East South
Q97 ♣ J42 pass 4NT (1) pass 5♦ (2)
♠ K1095432 pass 6♠ (3) pass
♦ Q10
♣ 83
And what happened? Only two pairs bid the ♠ slam: 6♠= twice, 5♠+1,
4♠+2 and 4♠+1
and 6NT-5. The ♦ finesse was unnecessary as the ♣’s set up easily enough with just one ruff.
The bottom lines: -
This is a
good advert for playing RKCB rather than ordinary Blackwood, the knowledge that
partner has a keycard is enough to bid the slam, but if you only know that an
ace is missing then it’s pot luck if partner has the ♠K. J
partner pre-empts and you have a good hand like this North, do NOT bid
No-trumps, you may well find that partner has no entry (as here). L
Bidding too high Board 13 from Friday 23rd
Dealer: ♠
A65 Table
North ♥ 42 West(F) North East South(C)
Both vul ♦ Q10752 - 1♦ 3♣ (1) 4♣ (2)
♣ AK3 4♥ (3) pass (4) 5♣ pass
pass dbl all
Q109 N ♠
♥ AQJ1096 W E ♥ 8
Table B
106 ♣ QJ987542 - 1♦ 4♣ (1) dbl
♠ J8742 pass pass (5) pass
♦ AK43
♣ -
And what happened? 5♣*-3, 4♥*-3, 4♣*-2
4♦=, 4♦-1
and 4♠-1.
The bottom lines: -
- Don’t
bid a new suit at the four level with a mediocre hand when partner has
pre-empted and both opponents have shown values K
- In
this particular deal East’s pre-empt at Table A had worked well J
as it prompted South to mis-judge
and bid too high. West’s bid simply undid all of the good work of his partner’s
pre-empt L
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first
problem on the play of the hand.
Q8 ♣ K105
West leads the ♥5. South drew two rounds of trumps and led a low ♣ to dummy’s ♣Q which held. He continued with a ♣
to his ♣10 and West’s ♣J. West leads the ♦2, should South play
the ♦J or ♦K?
Dealer: ♠ 95 Book Bidding
West ♥ KJ986 West North East South
both vul ♦ KJ65 pass (1) pass pass 1♥
Q8 dbl 4♥ all
♣ AJ63 ♣ 9742 is
so much better than 4432 type.
♠ AQ7
AQ1074 West leads the ♥5. South drew two rounds of trumps
♦ 84 and led a low
♣ to dummy’s ♣Q which held. He
♣ K105 continued
with a ♣ to his ♣10
and West’s ♣J.
West leads the ♦2, should South play the ♦J
or ♦K?
Should South play dummy’s ♦J or ♦K?
At the table when the hand was originally played, South went up with dummy’s ♦K and a ♠
return ensured declarer’s defeat. There was no way to avoid a ♠ finesse – one down.
What evidence did South overlook to make the
winning play in ♦’s? Instead of wondering about West’s possible
scheming in ♦’s, South should have concerned himself with
the location of the ♠K. If East has the ♠K then either play in ♦’s will land the game. If West has the ♠K, South must get the ♦’s right.
Given West’s bidding and the play this far,
South knows that West began with the ♣AJ
and the assumed ♦A and a singleton ♥, wouldn’t he have opened the bidding?
Analysis complete, South should insert the ♦J.
Terry comment: If West opens, as he did at at least one table, then declarer should presumably
play the ♦K and go down against best defense?
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4♥*=, 4♥= five
times, 4♥-1 and 3♥+1.
♦ K743 ♦ 65 pass 4♠ all
85 ♣ J10
Dave’s 2nd Column answer Board
6 from Wednesday 7th
Dealer: ♠ KQJ76 Book bidding
East ♥
E-W vul ♦ K743 - - 1♣ 1♥
85 pass 1♠ (1) pass 2♠ (2)
pass 4♠ (3) all
9632 ♣ AKQ74 (2) Pass is the alternative (not 2♥).
♠ A43 (3) Knowing that South
could have passed,
AJ8754 North
correctly assumed that South has a
♦ 65 decent
hand in support of ♠’s.
♣ J10
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Nobody bid the ♠ game. Results were:
4♥-1, 3♥
+1, 3♥=, 2♥+2,
1♠+3 and 1♠+1.
Qui Culpa? Board 9 from Friday 23rd
E-W let N-S play in 2♦ when they can make 8 or 9 tricks in ♠’s, who was to blame?
Dealer: ♠
A53 West(A) North East South
North ♥ 42 - pass pass 1♥
E-W vul ♦ Q1063 pass (1) 1NT pass 2♦
♣ QJ95 pass (2) pass pass (3)
♠ Q10972 N ♠ J864 (1) What did you bid with this West hand A in
♥ KJ8 W E ♥ A96 this
week’s quiz? Even at this vulnerability
K764 ♣ A82 1♠ overcall.
♠ K (2) Double now would show the black suits,
Q10753 but I much prefer to have shown
the five
♦ AKJ52 card ♠
suit last go.
♣ 103 (3) I guess East could balance, but this flat hand
defence and no offence and pass looks
fine. I put the blame squarely on West’s
And what happened? 3♠=twice, 2♠+1, 4♦-1,
and 2♦+1 twice.
The Bottom Lines:
- With a 5-card major,
overcall. You only need around 8 points and a reasonable suit to overcall at
the one level.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: 1♠. Even though you are vulnerable this hand is worth a 1-level overcall.
The ♠ suit has good intermediates and the ♥ holding looks nice sitting over the opener.
Hand C: dbl, negative and usually
showing both majors. Even if you are playing a 4-card major system I would
still double as it is descriptive and partner may have 5 ♦’s and a 4 card major.
Hand E: dbl. It’s only a 10-count but
has perfect shape.
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1923.4 Hans Vikman 1912.1 Janne Roos 1875.7 Paul Quodomine 1804.7 Sally Watson 1732.1 Ivy Schlageter 1725.8 Bob Short 1709.7 Paul Scully 1708.2 Bob Pelletie |
682.1 676.6 655.3 636.6 Sally Watson 625.4 Jeremy Watson 619.7 Ivy Schlageter 618.9 Bob Short 615.1 Lars Broman 614.1 Per-Ake Roskvist 611.2 Gerard & Derek |
351.7 350.6 336.7 326.0 325.4 Jeremy Watson 325.3 Ivy Schlageter 321.7 Bob Short 321.0 Per Andersson 316.9 Terje Lie 316.1 Lars Broman |