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Mon 16th N-S 1st Alan K & Alan P 71% 2nd Ian B & Terry Q 51%
E-W 1st Janne & Paul Q 58% 2nd Kenneth & Terje L 57%
Wed 18th N-S 1st Alan K & Paul Q 64% 2nd Janne & Per-Ake 56%
E-W 1st Dave C & Alan P 57% 2nd Hans V & Jan 55%
Fri 20th N-S 1st Lars B & Jean 60% 2nd Bjorn S & Dino 51%
E-W 1st Dave C & Tomas 60% 2nd Kristen & Richard M 56%
Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A partner opens a weak 2♠, what do you bid?
♠ 65 ♠ KQ
AK94 ♥ KQ8 What do you open
with Hand B?
♦ KJ92 ♦ QJ9
♣ AK5 ♣ KQ976
When partner pre-empts in a major… Board 29 from Wednesday
… it’s usually best to play in his suit rather
than NoTrumps.
Dealer: ♠
AQJ432 Table
North ♥ J8 West North East South(A)
Both vul ♦ Q5 - 2♠ pass 3NT (1)
♣ 982 all pass
K N ♠ 10987 Table
♥ 75 W E ♥ Q10632 West North East South(A)
QJ764 ♣ 103 all
♠ 65
♦ KJ92
♣ AK5
And what happened? 3NT-1 three times, 4♠+1 five times and 4♠= once
The bottom line:
- If partner
pre-empts in a major then prefer to play in 4 of his major rather than 3NT, The
reason is that his long suit may not score in NoTrumps due to lack of entries,
as here.
The power of aces Board 11 from Friday
Dealer: ♠
42 Table
South ♥ J106 West North East South(B)
Both vul ♦ AK10863 - - - 1♣ (1)
♣ 102 pass 1♦ pass 2NT
pass 3NT all
J87653 N ♠
♥ A42 W E ♥ 9753 Table
43 ♣
AJ85 pass 3NT all pass
♠ KQ
♦ QJ9
♣ KQ976
This deal nicely demonstrates the importance of aces. If South’s KQ’s
were Ax then the contract is cold off the top. Here the ♠KQ doubleton proved to be a very bad holding
indeed and the ♥KQ and ♣KQ
did not score at all. Declarers in 3NT scored only the ♠Q and 6 ♦
And what happened? 3NT-2 six times and 5♦-1 for the top! The bottom line:
- KQ doubleton is
a terrible holding unless partner has bid the suit – knock off a point.
- Aces are great cards – downgrade a hand with no
- Of
course it makes no difference if you open 1NT or jump rebid 2NT, you will
always reach the doomed 3NT on this deal. I put it in to demonstrate how
important aces are.
Mike Dorn Wiss comment on Hand B from last week
♠ Q This
is Hand B from last week’s news sheet, where I asked if you would open
AK87 or not, and if you do open then with what.
♦ J1092
♣ Q653 This is Mike’s
On this hand I found no difficulty in an original
Pass. The stiff ♠Q is of no known
value, and 4441 hands are notoriously difficult to describe. (Even playing “mini-
I personally deplore the modern tendency to open
any odiferous 12 count – and sometimes less – in an attempt to
preempt/intimidate (with their presumed value). In my opinion these hands are
quite easy enough to describe later in the auction, and since I prefer to trust
in my partners’ judgments and like them to have the same trust in mine, I find
comfort in our ensuing decisions of whether to compete or to defend. By opening
hands such as these a partnership will find itself in murky waters at the
higher levels when the opponents do not interfere as well as in lower levels on
defense when they do.
Mike Dorn Wiss comment on Paul's column on card placing by
Dealer: ♠ Q742 Actual Corrected Bidding
West ♥ 98 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ A10 1♥ 2♣ 3♥ 4♥
AKQJ8 dbl 4♠ dbl redbl
♣ 64 ♣ 7
♠ K965
♦ KJ52
♣ 109532
Paul does not have the auction quite right. After his 4♠ bid was doubled, I REDOUBLED with the South cards, assuming his 4♠ bid was a control showing the Ace AND a hand with slam interest; in that case, my redouble to show the 2nd round control (K or singleton) was automatic. When I presented this hand to my friend Dennis Sorensen (a former McKenny/Barry Crane trophy winner on the ACBL circuit) who now resides in Udon Thani he chose to jump directly to 6♣ at that point, rather than redoubling. This choice would bring alive the very real possibility that the Opponents will now save in 6♥ for a bottom score result, and is a practical choice. My choice, however, preserved the chance of reaching a GRAND slam should partner have an appropriate hand containing both pointed aces AND the Q of one of them. When Paul doubled 5♥, he denied a control - not surprisingly - but since in my mind he had already promised the ♠A and slam interest 6♣ was fairly easy to bid; I did wish my ♦J were the ♠J, but reasoned that the risk was justified.
Had my lho "Lightnered" the hand with a Double of 6♣, we would
have found the soup indeed, but in my opinion the lead of the ♠A even
without an imformatory Double would not have been unreasonable, since it was
extremely unlikely the bid was made with shortness - considering lho's original
Pass and partner's unlikely holding of ♠ length; on the other
hand, North's hand could have held ♠KQxxx with longer C's, and South's
Redouble have been made on a stiff, and the lead of the ♠A might
have presented the contract.
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first
input on the play of the hand.
♦ K9 ♦ J43 4♠ all
♣ J104 ♣ AKQ5
Dealer: ♠ 9 Book bidding
East ♥ K874 West North East South
Love all ♦ AQ76 - - 1NT pass
8732 2♥ pass 3♠ (1) pass
4♠ all pass
♠ K103
Q952 South leads the ♥2 and North plays the ♥K.
♦ 10852 Plan the play
♣ 96
The winning strategy is to keep South off lead
in order to avoid a possibly embarrassing ♦
shift early in the hand since you plan to discard a ♦ on a ♣
after trumps are drawn. How can South get in? If you win the first ♥, South has a ♥ entry with the ♥Q. True, if South
wins the 2nd ♥, the ♥10 in dummy would be high. But it is an
illusion, what are you going to discard on it? So duck the opening lead and win
the likely ♥ return. Now you must arrange to keep South
from getting in with a trump. The critical holdings South may have are ♠K10x or ♠K9x
along with a doubleton ♣, (otherwise you can
play 4 rounds of ♣’s pitching a ♦ from dummy while South has a high trump). Lead the ♠Q. If the finesse loses, you are in good shape.
You can draw trumps and pitch a ♦
on a ♣. If South covers, win the ♠A and if the ♠9 or ♠10 appear from North, cross to hand with a ♣ and lead a ♠ to the ♠8. Even if this finesse loses you have ten
tricks and if it wins you have an overtrick.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♠= 4 times, 4♠-1 5 times.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second problem on the play of the hand.
♦ Q105 ♦ 3 all
♣ 64 ♣ AKQ105
West leads the ♥Q. If South is content to simply make the contract, how should he play?
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 15 from Wednesday 18th
Dealer: ♠ A53 Book Bidding
South ♥ 98542 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ Q105 - - - 1♠
64 pass 2♠ pass 4♠
all pass
♣ J983 ♣ 72
♠ KJ1062
A7 West
leads the ♥Q. If South is content to simply make
♦ 3 the
contract, how should he play?
♣ AKQ105
N-S do well if they reach this ♠ game. However, bidding game doesn’t guarantee
success. How should South plan the play to give himself the best chance?
After South wins his ♥A, if he counts on both black suits behaving to
yield eleven winners, he is a naive optimist. He crosses to dummy’s ♠A and finesses on the way back, losing to
West’s ♠Q. After West cashes his ♥J he leads a third trump. South’s game now
depends upon dropping the ♣J. When it doesn’t
fall, South must concede a loser in every suit, so one down.
A better approach is to settle for a good
chance of ten tricks rather than a flimsy shot at eleven. After winning his ♥A, South should cash the ♠A,K, rejecting the chance to pick up five trump
winners. Then he plays on ♣’s. When his top ♣’s survive, he ruffs a low ♣ with dummy’s last trump and has his ten
What if an opponent ruffs South’s ♣Q with the outstanding ♠Q? It wouldn’t matter. South can still ruff a ♣ in dummy to establish his 5th ♣, holding his losers to only three tricks.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♠*=, 4♠=
twice, 4♠-1 four times, 6♠-2 and 5♥(N)-3.
Current club
championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1949.2 Janne Roos 1924.0 Hans Vikman 1895.6 Paul Quodomine 1804.7 Sally Watson 1735.5 Ivy Schlageter 1725.8 Bob Short 1725.1 Paul Scully 1721.4 Bob Pelletier |
690.6 682.1 659.8 636.6 Sally Watson 631.2 Per-Ake Roskvist 625.4 Jeremy Watson 625.0 Per Andersson 623.3 Lars Broman 621.6 Guttorm Lonborg 619.7 Ivy Schlageter |
355.2 351.7 337.1 332.6 Per-Ake Roskvist 329.8 Per Andersson 326.0 Sally Watson 325.4 Jeremy Watson 325.3 Ivy Schlageter 321.7 Bob Short 321.5 Lars Broman |
Paul’s Column
against what you can see, not what you imagine!!
Friday, the 13th (a date significant for my partner who had a true
Friday the13th at the table), I held the following:
AQ10xxx and partner opened 1NT.
the Swedish methods as espoused by Janne Roos I bid 2D, relay to 2H, and after
partner’s forced 2H I bid 3C (6 or more clubs, game forcing, mild slam
interest). I was marginal for this but
trotting out your bidding tools that don’t always arise keeps a partnership
sharp. Partner tanked for a good ninety
seconds (oops, perhaps this wasn’t a good time to get cute with our system),
muttered sotto voce “Damn Janne!” and about 30 seconds later had it
figured out. His protracted thinking had
left him somewhat mentally exhausted however and with:
KJx he produced a 4 C bid. 3D would have been SO much better allowing me
to cue bid 3S pinpointing the control weakness in hearts. Three NT would have followed resulting in 11
tricks as the cards lay. I had been
end-played in the auction by my partner!
Certain that 3NT would produce 10 or 11 tricks I wasn’t settling for 5C
and decided to give away as little as possible to the opponents by bidding a
direct 6C. The opening lead was a low
spade and I faced a disappointing dummy as seen above; Kx, KQxx, AQxx, Kxx would
have made it a virtual lay-down but the duplication we had in spades was bad
and it now relied on D. Winning the
spade in dummy I rattled off 6 club tricks on which
encounter this time and time again, guard against what you can see!
end of Paul’s Column >
Bidding Quiz Answers
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