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Mon 23rd N-S 1st Alan K & Jan 62% 2nd Janne & Paul Q 61%
E-W 1st Gerry C & Ian W 58% 2nd Alan P & Terry Q 53%
Wed 25th N-S 1st Frode & Robbie 60% 2nd Jean-Charles & Georges 52%
E-W 1st Hans v & Royd 68% 2nd Gutorm & Ivy 60%
Fri 27th N-S 1st Eddie & Olaf 60% 2nd Janne & Lars B 58%
E-W 1st Dave C & Tomas 66% 2nd Terje Loee & Jan 58%
Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A it’s
favourable vulnerability. Partner opens 1♣ and
KJ5 ♠ AQJ83
♥ KJ1052 ♥ 85 With Hand B it’s unfavourable
vulnerability, partner opens 1♠.
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1949.2 Janne Roos 1931.1 Hans Vikman 1896.1 Paul Quodomine 1804.7 Sally Watson 1752.5 Lars Broman 1741.6 Ivy Schlageter 1725.8 Bob Short 1725.1 Paul Scully 1721.4 Bob Pelletier |
690.6 686.1 659.8 636.6 Sally Watson 631.2 Per-Ake Roskvist 625.4 Jeremy Watson 625.0 Per Andersson 623.3 Lars Broman 622.6 Guttorm Lonborg 621.2 Ivy Schlageter |
355.2 351.7 337.1 332.6 Per-Ake Roskvist 329.8 Per Andersson 326.0 Sally Watson 325.4 Jeremy Watson 325.3 Ivy Schlageter 321.7 Bob Short 321.5 Lars Broman |
Swiss teams of 4 – Sun 13th Dec 6p.m.
Alan Purdy
is organizing a Swiss teams event on Sun 13th, this event is not
associated with the Pattaya bridge club and all are welcome. Details are:
fee only 600bht per team
inform Alan if you wish to enter a team. If you are a pair and need team-mates,
or if you are an individual, please contact Alan Purdy:
0800491427 e-mail alan@gomy.co.uk
Obey the Law? Board 22 from Wednesday
… it’s usually best to obey The Law, but there
are exceptions:
Dealer: ♠
7 Table
North ♥ J632 West(B) North East South
Both vul ♦ KJ96 - pass 1♠ dbl (1)
♣ Q1096 4♠ (2) all
AQJ83 N ♠
K109652 Table B
♥ 85 W E ♥ Q74 West(B) North East South
532 ♣ K 3♠ (2) 4♥ pass pass
♠ 4 pass (3)
♦ 432
♣ AJ874
And what happened? 5♠-2, 4♠*-1, 4♠-1
three times, 4♥-1, 3♠=
and 5♥*-3.
The bottom line:
Decide how high you want
to pre-empt - 3♠ or 4♠ at (1) here – and do not bid again.
If partner opens and
An ‘automatic’ re-opening double? Board 21 from Monday
When playing negative doubles, remember the
‘automatic’ re-opening double in case partner has a penalty hand. But there are
exceptions when you should not re-open with a double:
Dealer: ♠
982 West(A) North East South
North ♥ 76 - pass 1♣ 1♥
N-S vul ♦ K9832 pass (1) pass 2♥ (2) pass
♣ J86 3NT pass 6♣ (3) all
KJ5 N ♠
AQ63 (1) What did you bid
with this West hand A in this
♥ KJ1052 W E ♥ -
week’s quiz? 3NT is possible but at
A3 ♣
KQ107542 pass partner’s ‘automatic’ re-opening double.
♠ 1074 (2) But this East hand is totally unsuitable for a
AQ9843 re-opening double, and this 2♥ cue bid is fine.
♦ QJ10 (3) Partner has shown about opening values with
♣ 9 good ♥’s and this bid is
also fine.
And what happened? 6♣= three times, 5♣=, 3NT+3 twice, 4♠+2 and 2♥*-2.
The bottom line:
There are exceptions when
you should not re-open with a double, see the negative doubles page in the
conventions section of the website.
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first
input on the play of the hand.
♦ Q762 ♦ A pass 3♠ (1) pass 4NT (2)
♣ J85 ♣ AK742 pass 5♠ (3) pass 6♥
all pass
Dealer: ♠ A8 Book bidding
South ♥ KQJ8 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ Q762 - - - 1♣
J85 pass 1♥ pass 3♥
pass 3♠ (1) pass 4NT (2)
pass 5♠ (3) pass 6♥
♠ Q95 (3) 2 keycards + ♥Q
A1096 .
♦ A East leads the ♦J, do you see a way to make the
♣ AK742 contract with normal breaks?
In his classic gem “Why You Lose at Bridge”,
S.J. Simon introduced the theory of ‘half a loaf’. His Philosophy suggested
bidding to the maximum opposite a competent partner, but settling for half a
loaf opposite a less competent one.
An average declarer takes dummy’s ♦A and counts possible winners. He recognizes
that he lacks the entries to score enough ♦
ruffs in dummy, so he tries to bring in dummy’s ♣ suit.
He cashes two trumps and dummy’s top ♣’s, hoping to drop the ♣Q. When it doesn’t fall, North’s chances
approach zero. He concedes a ♣ to East’s ♣Q and East leads a third trump; North is
limited to eleven tricks.
A more competent North counts on 4 ♣ winners. The ♠A and ♦A, four trump winners and two ♦ ruffs in dummy.
At trick two he leads a low ♣ from dummy. East’s ♣Q wins but East has no effective response. If
East returns a ♣ (nothing else is better) then dummy wins and
two ♦’s are ruffed high, using the trump suit for
communication. Then he leads a ♠
to his ♠A to draw the last trump and uses his last ♣ to reach dummy’s good ♣’s.
The winning line depends upon finding a 3-2 ♣ break (68%), while dropping a doubleton ♣Q is only 27%. Opposite a declarer who can
recognize the difference, bid the slam. Opposite one that cannot, settle for
game – half the loaf.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 7NT-2,
6♥-2, 4♥+2
twice, 4♥+1 three times.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second problem on the play of the hand.
♦ J63 ♦ AK4 5♦ pass 6♥ pass
♣ KJ ♣ A10 pass dbl (3) all pass
(1) strong (2)
promising a ♥ honour (3) A Lightner
double – presumably a ♠ void.
You are East, South leads the ♠K, plan the play.
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 20 from Wednesday 25th
Dealer: ♠ - Book Bidding
West ♥ 6322 West North East South
both vul ♦ Q1098 1♠ pass 3♥ (1) pass
Q98642 4♥ (2) pass 4NT pass
♣ KJ ♣ A10 (2) Apparently
promising an honour
♠ KQ10876 (3) A Lightner Double – asking for a ♠ lead.
♦ 752 South leads the
♠K, plan the play
♣ 753
This North, an enterprising player, doubled
East’s slam in spite of the power auction. His Double was a Lightner Double,
directing the opening lead. A Lightner double forbids the lead of a trump or a suit bid by the defenders.
Basically, the double asks for an unusual lead. It is often the first suit bid
by dummy.
Although well-intentioned, North’s double has
backfired. Instead of guiding South’s lead, it alerted East to the winning line
of play.
When South led his ♠K, an unsuspecting East would have played the ♠A, North would have ruffed, and the slam would
have gone one down. East would have had no place to park his losing ♦.
However, North’s Lightner double should tell
East that dummy’s ♠A will be ruffed. Therefore, instead of
covering the ♠K, he allows South to hold the trick. After
that, the defence can do nothing. East can over-ruff a ♠ continuation and after having drawn trumps he
can discard his losing ♦ on the preserved ♠A.
Dave Comment: 6NT is on ice.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 7NT-1,
7♥*-2, 6NT=, 6♥=twice, 6♥-1 and 4♥+2.
Play Problem Here is a fairly
easy play problem that three people got wrong.
West East You are West, declarer in 6NT with no opposition bidding.
♣ A84 ♣ KQ53
Play Problem
answer Board
24 from Monday 23rd
Dealer: ♠ J82 Bidding
West ♥ 10753 West North East South
Love all ♦ K1054 1NT pass 6NT (1) all pass
♣ A84 ♣ KQ53
♠ 1053
92 North
leads the ♥3. It’s pairs so an over-trick is important if
♦ 8732 is one. So plan the play for the
best chance of an over-trick
♣ 10972 without jeopardizing the contract.
You have eleven top ticks and extra chances in ♦’s and either black suit splitting 3-3, so what should you try first?
Your first priority is to secure your contract and so you should win in hand with the ♥K and play a ♦ to the ♦J. If this loses, you claim the remainder. If the finesse wins, you look for an overtrick by testing both black suits and if either splits 3-3 you have 13 tricks.
And what happened? 6NT+1 five times and 6NT= three times. So it
looks like three out of eight did not find the best play.
Bidding Quiz Answers
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