Mon 23rd N-S 1st Bob P & Robbie 61% 2nd Johan & Frode 58%
E-W 1st Lars D & Terry Q 65% 2nd HansV & Paul S 60%
Wed 25th N-S 1st Paul K & Sean B 68% 2nd Jan & Mike G 61%
E-W 1st Gerard & Derek 62% 2nd Gerry C & Richard M 54%
Fri 27th N-S 1st Janne & Lars B 58% 2nd Paul K & Sean B 53%
E-W 1st Jan & Olaf 60% 2nd Gerry C & Ivy 57%
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Bidding Quiz Standard American
bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B What do you open with Hand A?
♠ AKQ84 ♠
AKQ9 ♥ J108 With Hand B RHO
opens 1♠, what do you bid?
♦ K86 ♦ AQJ9
♣ 2 ♣ AK5
Hand C Hand D With Hand C RHO opens 1♥, what do you bid?
♠J1032 ♠AK85
♥8 ♥1073 With Hand D LHO opens 1♥ and partner bids 2♣.
♦1032 ♦Q876 2♥, what do you do?
♣AKJ86 ♣Q7
Swiss teams of 4 – two events soon
There are
two totally separate upcoming Swiss teams of 4 events:
1) Alan Purdy
is organizing a Swiss teams event on Sun 13th December, 6 p.m.
This event
is not associated with the Pattaya bridge club and all are welcome.
Details are:
Location: The
Entry fee only 600bht per team
Please inform Alan if you wish to enter a team. If
you are a pair and need team-mates, or if you are an individual, please contact
Alan Purdy:
Tel 0800491427 e-mail
2) The
annual Pattaya Bridge Club Xmas teams event. Sat 26th Dec, 11 a.m.
Details are:
Location: The
Entry fee free and the event is open to all
(except the few people who are banned from the club)! There will be a lunch
break with food also free – you have to pay for any beverages.
The event is sponsored by Paul Quodomine
Tropies will be presented for first and second placed
Please sign up on the notice board at the
If you are a pair and need team-mates, or if you are
an individual, then your name(s) will be added and you will hopefully get
assigned to a team – first come first served.
Tel 038 422924 e-mail
Worth a strong 2♣
opener? Board 10 from Friday 4th
Dealer: ♠
1095 Table
East ♥ 43 West North East South(A)
Both vul ♦ 5432 - - pass 2♣ (1)
♣ Q943 pass 2♦ pass 2♠ (2)
Pass 4♠ (3) all
J76 N ♠
♥ J108 W E ♥ 7652
Table B
AK5 ♣ J10876 - - pass 1♠ (1)
♠ AKQ84 pass (4) pass pass
♦ K86
♣ 2
And what happened? It looks like the field was evenly split as to
whether to open 2♣ or not. 4♠
obviously should not make but three did manage to bid and make it. Other
results were 2NT+1, 3♠=, 1♠+3 and 4♠-1.
The bottom line:
I do not like opening 2♣
with strong two-suiters.
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first
input on the play of the hand.
♦ A104 ♦ 52 pass 5♣ all pass
♣ KQJ1043 ♣ A92
Dealer: ♠ A43 Book bidding
North ♥ Q West North East South
Love all ♦ A104 - 1♣ pass 1♥
KQJ1043 pass 3♣ pass 4♣
pass 5♣ all
♠ J95
K10987 .
♦ 52 East leads a trump. Plan the play in 5♣.
♣ A92
North took the ♣K and led the ♥Q. East did well to
play low and the ♥Q won. North then cashed the ♦A and conceded a ♦. He was able to ruff his 3rd ♦ in dummy but lost two ♠’s.
North could make 5♣ if East grabbed the ♥A: North could win the trump return in dummy
and lead the ♥10 to ruff out West’s ♥J, setting up three ♥ tricks to go with six ♣’s and the pointed aces. But North should also
succeed against the actual defense: he must overtake the ♥Q with the ♥K and return the ♥10, throwing a ♠. If East takes the ♥A and leads another trump, declarer wins in
dummy, leads a ♥ to ruff out the ♥J. and returns to dummy with a trump for the good ♥’s.
East’s opening trump lead wasn’t dynamic since
South had advertised a ♥ suit. East should
have preferred an attacking lead in ♦’s
or ♠’s, either of which would defeat the contract.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 6NT-4,
6♣-3, and lots of spurious results. Nobody was in
5♣ but two played in a sensible 3NT and both made
exactly to share the top.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second problem on the play of the hand.
♦ AKJ953 ♦ Q108 4♥ pass 5♦ all pass
♣ 54 ♣ AJ7632
(1) weak
You are West, declarer in 5♦. North leads the ♠K, plan the
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 24 from Wednesday 2nd
Dealer: ♠ KQ1083 Book Bidding
West ♥ AQ82 West North East South
Love all ♦ 2 1♦ 1♠ 2♣ 3♠ (1)
Q98 pass pass dbl pass
4♥ pass 5♦ all
♣ 54 ♣ AJ7632
♠ J9765
♦ 764 North leads the
♠K, plan the play
♣ K10
Given the bidding, there is a good chance that
the ♥AQ are sitting over your ♥KJ. If South has a ♣ honour he can get in and lead ♥’s; curtains. So you must keep South off play. Duck
the ♠K! If a 2nd ♠ is played, take the ♠A and discard a ♣. Now the ♣A and a ♣
ruffed high. If ♣’s are 3-2, cross to dummy with a trump, ruff
another ♣ high and draw trumps ending in dummy with it’s
three e winning ♣’s upon which three ♥’s are discarded. So you lose just one ♥ and a trump and make eleven tricks. If ♣’s are 4-1, you are in trouble.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♠*= twice, 4♠= twice and a few ♦ and NT contracts by
Paul’s Column
An “Expert” Defense
Board 18 last Monday saw the following “expert” defense:
♠K9 The auction, with East
♥432 P, 1C, 1D, 2C,
2H(1), P, P, 3C,
♦1054 3H, all pass.
West East
East passed initially rather than open 2H with such a good spade holding
but (1) while 2H here was certainly reasonable a responsive double (see the
next article) would have uncovered the superior 4-4 fit.
South, Expert #1, was faced with a lead problem and selected the club
ace as his partner was a favorite to hold the king and if it was in the
opposing hands it was likely on his left or perhaps singleton. Before playing to trick 2 he assessed the
defensive prospects. His side would
likely take two clubs (Expert 2 signaled strong encouragement on the lead), 1H,
and 1D. The setting trick(s) would have
to come from spades. The spade shift was
certainly right but the card he selected was the 4, violating one of the
principles of defense. When shifting to
a new suit during the defense of a hand lead “attitude”, the lower the card the
more encouraging. He wished to give the
impression of holding something like ªQ84 and he
certainly accomplished that! Declarer
played the ace and Expert #2 who had deduced that Expert #1 would not defend
like this without the ¨A and a trump
control wanted to assure his spade ruff or clear partner’s possible ªQJ4. He unblocked the king! Declarer now finessed in hearts and back came
a spade. Of course the defense was now
screwed, and only 2 clubs, a heart, and a diamond were won. Only a couple of “experts” could have
accomplished this and yes, I was Expert #1!
A Counter-intuitive Defensive Play
Board 10 from Monday:
♠J8754 The auction with East
♥543 P(1), P, 1H, P,
1NT(2), P, 3NT (All vul)
West East
♠K103 ♠Q9
♥AJ1098 ♥2
♦AK ♦QJ10987
♣A87 ♣9532
East’s initial pass (1) instead of a 2D opening may have been due to the
vulnerability and lack of overall strength.
At any rate after the 1H opening only a weak jump response of 3D suits
the hand and reaches a playable contract.
If not playing WJR a pass seems best.
1NT (2) was both under-strength and mis-descriptive. As South I had to find an opening lead. A © from my best
suit was unattractive, a ¨ too passive,
and I finally settled on the killing lead of the ª2. Now, after unblocking the diamonds, declarer
had no way back to his hand. If instead
I had chosen to lead a § declarer would
win the 3rd round, unblock the ¨A and K, then
lead a ª from dummy. Can you see the defensive problem for
North? If the ª10 is led he
must duck it and if East also ducks so will South, while if East plays
the Q South will win and return a ª. If instead the ª3 is led North
must play the Jack, truly a counter-intuitive play but one which
effectively blocks the entry to East’s hand and those lovely diamonds! Would I find this at the table if I were
North? I’d like to think so but my last
name isn’t Hamman!!
The Responsive Double
Board 17 from Monday was as follows:
North (D) North dealt, no-one vul.
South (C)
At our table the auction was P, 1H, 2C, P, 2S!, 3H, 3S, 4H, 4S. 2S was a bold venture, but what could North
reasonably do? 4S might have made but
for a great bit of defense by East. He
cashed the diamond ace and then under-led in hearts to his partner’s king, who
cashed a diamond and gave him a ruff.
Well done! When this hand was
later discussed someone thought the South hand should have made a take-out
double - what did you bid with this South hand C in this week’s quiz? I strongly disagree with double, with such
shabby support for two un-bid suits and a concentration of values in a 5-card
suit it is much better suited to an overcall.
If West should declare in NT does South want to attract a diamond lead?
At another table after 1H, 2C, the enterprising West playing 5 card
majors ventured a 2H raise! I was asked
what North should do - what did you bid with this North hand D in this week’s
quiz? This is a CLASSIC hand for a “responsive” double showing values
and length in the un-bid suits as well as a tolerance for partner’s overcalled
suit. Q7 should be plenty if he trusts
his partner’s overcalls. The spade fit
would have been reached but played by South, and the likely lead of the heart
king and continuation would put paid to the diamond ruff. South might have played for the drop in
spades reasoning the spade Q was more likely with East for the opening bid and
demonstrated heart length. Remember the
“responsive” double … it is unlikely you want to make a low level penalty
double of a suit that has been bid and raised.
of Paul’s Column>
Bidding Quiz Answers
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1949.2 Janne Roos 1931.1 Hans Vikman 1896.1 Paul Quodomine 1804.7 Sally Watson 1756.1 Lars Broman 1744.3 Ivy Schlageter 1728.9 Bob Pelletier 1725.8 Bob Short 1725.1 Paul Scully |
690.6 686.1 659.8 636.6 Sally Watson 631.2 Per-Ake Roskvist 625.4 Jeremy Watson 625.0 Per Andersson 623.3 Lars Broman 622.6 Guttorm Lonborg 621.2 Ivy Schlageter |
355.2 351.7 337.1 332.6 Per-Ake Roskvist 329.8 Per Andersson 326.0 Sally Watson 325.4 Jeremy Watson 325.3 Ivy Schlageter 321.7 Bob Short 321.5 Lars Broman |
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