Mon 7th N-S 1st Dave C & Frode 59% 2nd Janne & Paul Q 58%
E-W 1st Hans V & Paul Sc 66% 2nd Alan K & Jan 53%
Wed 9th N-S 1st Alan K & Paul Q 72% 2nd Gerry C & Sally W 65%
E-W 1st Dave H & Paul S 58% 2nd Dave C & Terry Q 56%
Fri 11th N-S 1st Paul K & Sean 60% 2nd Dave H & Sally 57%
E-W 1st Janne & Lars B 68% 2nd Dave C & Tomas 57%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A you elect to open 2♦ at love all. LHO bids 2♥ and partner doubles, passed to you. What do you do?
♠ J ♠ QJ87
♥ 65 ♥ Q97 With
Hand B LHO opens 1♣ and partner overcalls 1♠.
♦ KJ76532 ♦ Q85 passes, what do
you do?
♣ K104 ♣ AQ4
The Unassuming cue bid Board 28 from Monday 7th
I was asked to write up about this one when
they missed (a dodgy) game at Table A.
Dealer: ♠
K10543 Table
West ♥ AJ53 West North East South(B)
N-S vul ♦ K7 1♣ 1♠ pass 3♠ (1)
♣ 95 pass pass (2) pass
A62 N ♠
9 Table
♥ K86 W E ♥ 1042 West North East South(B)
K1083 ♣ J762 pass 4♠ (3) all pass
♠ QJ87
♦ Q85
♣ AQ4
And what happened? At Table A North made 3♠+1. Other results were 3NT=, 3♠=,
2♠+1, and 4♠-1.
The bottom line:
Understand the Unassuming
Cue bid - it’s in the conventions section of the website.
For Paul Quodomine’s view
on what South should bid, see his column.
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first
input on the play of the hand.
Dealer: ♠ K1092 Book bidding
South ♥ Q9 West North East South
Both vul ♦ A1004 - - - 1♣
Q106 pass 1♠ pass 1NT
pass 3NT all
Dealer: ♠ K1092 Book bidding
South ♥ Q9 West North East South
Both vul ♦ A1094 - - - 1♣
Q106 pass 1♠ pass 1NT
pass 3NT all pass
♠ J86 and declarer plays low
from dummy. When you
J432 play the ♥A, declarer plays the ♥2.
♦ QJ3 What do you know about the ♥ suit and what is
♣ AKJ your plan?
From the auction you know South has no more
than 4 ♥’s, and the ♥7 tells you that West has 5 ♥’s.
If he had the ♥J1087x he would have led the ♥J. Therefore he has the ♥K which leaves only 13 points for declarer. It
is unlikely that West has any other high card but if he has the ♥KJ you will always defeat the contract.
Declarer can do no more than five ♣’s
and one ♦ before you regain the lead in ♠’s or ♦’s.
You would like to put West in so that he can
lead a ♠ or a ♦,
but if you return a ♥ now, West will duck
when he does not hold the ♥KJ. Without an
outside entry, the duck is the normal play as it offers the best chance to take
four ♥ tricks when East has three ♥’s.
So send West a strong message about your ♥ length by returning another suit. The ♣7 would normally convince him that you have no
interest in ♣’s, and, when you next play a ♥ he will know that you have only two.
Declarer wins the ♣ and plays the ♠8 to your ♠Q. You now play the ♥6 to West’s ♥K and West returns a ♦. If declarer had
taken the ♦ finesse at trick three, West would play a ♠ when in with the ♥K.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT-1
four times; 2NT= three times and 2♥(W)
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second problem on the play of the hand.
♦ AJ3 ♦ 875 3NT all
♣ AKQ4 ♣ J1073
You are West, declarer in 3NT. North leads the ♥3 upon which South plays the ♥10,
plan the play.
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 24 from Wednesday 9th
Dealer: ♠ Q104 Book Bidding
West ♥ AQ432 West North East South
Love all ♦ K62 1NT (1) pass 2♣ pass
86 2♦ pass 2NT pass
3NT all pass
♣ AKQ4 ♣ J1073
♠ J86
♦ Q1094 North leads the ♥3 and South plays the ♥10,
♣ 952 plan
the play
In 3NT, West took the ♥J and saw that he needed a third ♠ trick for nine tricks. So he cashed the ♠A intending to continue with the ♠K and a third ♠, hoping for a 3-3 ♠ break. His chances
might have been 18% against a careless North , but the actual North reflected
that that South was most unlikely to have an ace, and if West had ♠J the contract was probably cold. So North
threw the ♠Q under the ♠A. South won the third ♠ with the ♠J and led a ♥ to defeat the contract.
West needs a 3-3 ♠ break but can’t afford to let South win a ♠ trick to lead a ♥. Hence West must play North for ♠Qxx
– about an 18% chance. West should lead the ♠A at trick two and return to hand with a ♣ and lead a second ♠.
If North plays the ♠Q on the second round (or the first) of ♠’s, then declarer plays low from dummy. If
North plays low on the second ♠ then dummy wins the
♠K and leads a third ♠ to North’s ♠Q and the contract is secure.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+1
twice; 3NT= twice; 1NT+1; 3nT-1 twice and 2♥(N)-2.
Paul’s Column
If you preempt, should you pull partner’s
double of the opponents with something “extra”?
In my never too humble view NO!
Your partner has told you that you have them on the ropes and are
closing in for the kill. Consider the
following board 1 from Monday, 7/12/09.
North opened 2D holding ♠J, ♥65, ♦KJ76532,
♣K104. While I sympathize with the 2D opening, when East bid 2H and South
doubled (purely penalty!) what did you bid with this hand A in this week’s
quiz? North pulled to 3D. This made
exactly for a very poor score. His
partner’s double should have resulted in at least +300 or possibly +500 against
a very questionable game in NT for N/S.
If you preempt it is your PARTNER who has further control of the
auction. If you elect to preempt you
relinquish the right to bid again unless requested to do so by partner. If you don’t feel your initial preempt was
enough well tough … YOU made that decision and now partner has spoken in no
uncertain terms. Be disciplined. South on this hand held ♠KQ105,
♥AQ102, ♦94, ♣QJ9.
This balanced 14 count will seldom produce game opposite a “normal” weak
2D opening but the opportunity for a good plus was missed.
Hand 28 from Monday, December 7, had South holding ♠QJ87
♥Q97 ♦Q85 ♣AQ4 (Hand B).
West opened 1C, North overcalled 1S and East passed. The popular contracts reached were 3 or 4
spades but as South I reasoned a bit differently. My “soft” 13 points and club holding argued
for declaring, and I couldn’t do that in spades! Since we were vulnerable my partner had to
have a reasonable hand for the overcall so I made the practical bid. 3NT! I
knew we had a source of tricks in spades, the club position was good for us,
and my red
As it turned out 3NT was the only making game (though at least one
declarer made 4S on a mis-defense) but if you suppress such good support for
partner you’d better be prepared to defend your action later! Partner’s hand was about as expected: ♠K10543
♥AJ53 ♦K7 ♣95. With
the missing honor cards in opener’s hand this proved to be an easy hand to
play. I am an advocate of supporting
partner whenever possible, but there ARE exceptions. Is it ALWAYS right to support partner’s suit?
of Paul’s Column>
Bidding Quiz Answers
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1956.4 Janne Roos 1936.3 Hans Vikman 1908.0 Paul Quodomine 1813.4 Sally Watson 1770.2 Lars Broman 1744.3 Ivy Schlageter 1742.8 Paul Scully 1728.9 Bob Pelletier 1725.8 Bob Short |
693.1Janne Roos 686.7 Hans Vikman 668.5 Paul Quodomine 639.8 Sally Watson 632.1 Lars Broman 631.2 Per-Ake Roskvist 625.4 Jeremy Watson 625.0 Per Andersson 622.6 Guttorm Lonborg 622.6 Paul Scully |
355.2 Janne Roos 351.7 Hans Vikman 342.7 Paul Quodomine 333.2 Alan Kleist 332.6 Per-Ake Roskvist 329.8 Per Andersson 327.8 Sally Watson 327.6 Lars Broman 325.4 Jeremy Watson 325.3 Ivy Schlageter |
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