Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                           Club News Sheet – No. 371

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880              20th Dec 2009

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

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Mon 14th   N-S 1st  Bob P & Robbie            58%       2nd    Alan K & Michael C              56%

                E-W   1st  Guttorm & Olaf              68%       2nd    Hans V & Paul S                    59%

Wed 16th N-S   1st  Alan K & Paul Q            65%       2nd    Hans V & Sally                      59%

                E-W   1st  Arne & Svein                 59%       2nd    Jan & Janne                            57%          

Fri  18th    N-S   1st  Hans V & Paul Q           68%       2nd    Janne & Lars B                      62%

                E-W   1st  Alan K & Michael C      69%       2nd    Ivy & Paul S                           56%



Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A partner opens 1, what do you do?

J64               Q                                         

87                 KJ42            With Hand B partner opens 1 (4+) and you bid 1. Partner then

J109542        AK10832     bids 2NT (18-19), what do you do?

Q2               105                                          


Bidding Sequence Quiz


C     1      pass   1      pass       What is 4NT?

        2NT   pass   4NT  


Ron Klinger web site


The bridge is cancelled on Christmas Day, 25th Dec.


Swiss teams of 4 on Boxing Day, Sat 26th Dec


The annual Pattaya Bridge Club Xmas teams event. Sat 26th Dec, 11 a.m. Details are:

Entries MUST be entered before 4.30 p.m. on Monday 21st Dec. Late entries will likely be rejected as numbers need to be known in order to organise the catering.

Location: The Bowling Green, Soy X-Zyte

Entry is free and the event is open to all (except the dozen or so people who are banned from the club)!

There will be a lunch break with food also free – you have to pay for any beverages.

The event is sponsored by Paul Quodomine

Trophies will be presented for first and second placed teams.

Please sign up on the notice board at the Bowling Green, or if unable to, e-mail terry.

If you are a pair and need team-mates, or if you are an individual, then your name(s) will be added and you will hopefully get assigned to a team – first come first served.

Tel 038 422924  e-mail terry@pattayabridge.com

Quantitative or Blackwood?
                                Board 14 from Wednesday 16th  


Two pairs got their Blackwood/Gerber/Quantitative bids mixed up on this deal:


Dealer:             J109765                                     Table A

East                  Q1096                                        West(B)     North         East          South

Love all            J                                                 -                 -                 1          pass

                        93                                              1              pass           2NT         pass

4NT (1)      pass           pass (2)    pass

Q                        N               A43                   

KJ42              W    E            A                       Table B

AK10832           S                Q9754               West(B)     North         East          South

105                                      AKJ7                 -                 -                 1           pass

K82                                            1              pass           2NT         pass

8753                                           4   (1)     pass           4NT (3)    pass

6                                                5    (4)      pass           7    (5)   all pass



Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this West hand B in this week’s quiz? At least two West’s thought that this was Blackwood

(2)   And two East’s thought that it was quantitative, and with a poor 18 they both passed .

Table B:     (1)  This was Jan’s answer at the table and, especially with no prior agreements, I like it – it is obviously setting ’s as trumps and looking for slam.

(3)   RKCB for ’s. I think that this is better than a cue bid as you really want to find out about the K.

(4)   2 keycards plus the Q (you say that you have the queen even if you do not if you have extra length).

(5)   Knowing that there are 6 ’s opposite to the AK, East confidently bids the grand.


And what happened? 7=, 6+1 five times, 4NT+3 twice and 4*(N)-3.

The bottom line:

-         It’s up to you what 4NT means in this sequence A. I like to play 4 as Gerber when partner’s last bid was a natural 1NT or 2NT and play 4NT as quantitative here.

-         Of course if you play the PARROT convention then 4 at (2) would be RKCB for ’s.

-         There is a page on the website Conventions > section 2 > Blackwood or Gerber? recommending what is Gerber, Blackwood and quantitative in various scenarios.



Dave’s Column           Here is Dave’s first input on the play of the hand.


North               South                           West            North         East          South

A6                K984                        -                   -                 -               1

QJ72            1095                         1                dbl             pass         2NT

7532             AK                           pass             3NT           all pass

Q75             AKJ10                                


West leads a 4th best 5. South has only eight top tricks so must set up at least one more. 

That can only be done in the suit, how should play to the first trick?                                 

Dave’s Column answer            Board 11 from Wednesday 16th    


Dealer:             A6                                              Book bidding

South               QJ72                                          West          North         East            South

Love all            7532                                           -                 -                 -                 1

                        Q75                                           1              dbl             pass           2NT

pass           3NT           all pass                              

Q10753              N             J2                       

AK                 W    E          8643              

QJ8                     S              10964            West leads a 4th best 5. South has only eight        

842                                    953                top tricks so must set up at least one more. 

                        K984                                    That can only be done in the suit, how should

1095                                     declarer play to the first trick?    




If South holds up at trick one East continues the suit. West will get in twice and he thus sets up his winners.

If South takes the first trick with his K and leads ’s, West will win and his low continuation will knock out dummy’s A. When West gets in again with his high he will run his suit.

There is an answer. West does not have the QJ10 or he would have led one of them and so East is marked with a honour. Declarer should take the first with the A. When West gets in with a he will lead a to East’s honour, in this case the J. This is the trick that South should duck. East will win but he has no to continue and West cannot set up the suit.


And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+2 twice, 3NT+1 five times and 3NT-1 twice.




Dave’s 2nd Column   Here is Dave’s second problem on the play of the hand.


West                East                              West            North         East          South

AQJ8            1073                         2               pass           2            pass

A                  J542                         3               pass           3            pass

AK4             J653                         3                pass           3NT         all pass

AK742         Q8                                      


You are East, declarer in 3NT.  South leads a and North encourages. Should you play for ’s to be 3-3 or take the finesse?


Dave’s 2nd Column answer
              Board 12 from Wednesday 16th


Dealer:             K6542                                        Book Bidding

West                K87                                            West          North         East            South

N-S vul            82                                              2             pass           2              pass

                        1065                                          3             pass           3              pass

3              pass           3NT           all pass

AQJ8                  N             1073                    

A                    W    E          J542                    

AK4                   S              J653               

AK742                               Q8                 South leads the 9. Does this get your attention

9                                           in any way? How should East play the hand?





West asked what leads N-S play and North said that their partnership uses the lead of the ten or nine to promise zero higher cards or two higher cards, one of them touching. It is likely that South has the K109x or Q109x.

Declarer takes the A and North signals that he likes the suit. How does declarer play from here? Should he play ’s from the top, hoping for a 3-3 split or should he come to his hand with the Q in order to lead the 10 for a finesse?

This is a typical decision that is solved by using percentages. ’s will divide 3-3 a third of the time and South will have the K half of the time.

So play to the Q and take the finesse. Tough luck – it loses.

And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+3 twice, 3NT+2 four times, 3+2 6NT-1 and 3NT-1.



The Weak Jump Shift                                          Board 21 from Monday 14th  


Jumps shifts are usually either (very) weak or strong, here’s an advert for the weak type:


Dealer:             K1083                                        Table A

North               AJ65                                          West          North         East          South(A)

N-S                 A                                                -                 1             pass         pass (1)

                        AK93                                         pass


A5                      N               Q972                  Table B

10943             W    E            KQ2                  West          North         East          South(A)

Q763                  S                K8                     -                 1             pass         2    (1)

J85                                       10764                pass           pass (2)      pass






Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this South hand A in this week’s quiz? This is an obvious pass using traditional methods.

Table B:     (1)  But if you play weak jump shifts then this hand is ideal – a 6+ card suit and insufficient values for a normal response.

(2)   Knowing that there is a very weak hand opposite, North passes.


And what happened? 1=twice, 2= twice, and a few spurious results.

The bottom line:

-     On this deal, ’s plays better than ’s and the weak jump shift worked well.                                   

Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    2 - that is if you play weak jumps shifts. If you have not agreed this, you pass of course.

Hand B:    4. This sets ’s as trumps and is clearly looking for slam. I guess you could ask for aces as long as you have agreed whether 4 or 4NT asks.



Bidding Sequence Quiz Answer


C     1      pass   1      pass       4NT here is up to you. With no previous agreement I play it as

        2NT   pass   4NT                 quantitative (4 asking for aces).




Current club championship standings



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5











1956.9 Janne Roos

1943.3 Hans Vikman

1920.1 Paul Quodomine

1817.2 Sally Watson

1770.2 Lars Broman

1748.3 Paul Scully

1746.5 Ivy Schlageter

1733.2 Bob Pelletier

1725.8 Bob Short

693.1 Janne Roos

689.2 Hans Vikman

672.9 Paul Quodomine

639.8 Sally Watson

635.9 Alan Kleist

634.5 Lars Broman

631.2 Per-Ake Roskvist

630.7 Guttorm Lonborg

625.4 Jeremy Watson

625.0 Per Andersson

355.2 Janne Roos

351.7 Hans Vikman

343.7 Paul Quodomine

341.7 Alan Kleist

332.6 Per-Ake Roskvist

329.8 Per Andersson

327.8 Sally Watson

327.6 Lars Broman

325.4 Jeremy Watson

325.3 Ivy Schlageter



 Ron Klinger web site