Mon 21st N-S 1st Paul Q & Janne 64% 2nd Alan K & Michael C 59%
E-W 1st Gerard & Derek 62% 2nd Kjell & Rolf = John B & Royd 57%
Wed 23rd N-S 1st Paul Q & Terry Q 63% 2nd Alan K & Michael C 61%
E-W 1st Gerry C & Howard N 65% 2nd Gerard & Derek 61%
Sat 26th Teams: 1st Hans V, Janne, Jean & Lars B
2nd Dave H, Per And, Gerry C & Martin V.
Many thanks to Paul Quodomine for organizing the Boxing day teams event which went very well, especially because of his (and mine) instance that late entries would not be accepted in order to ensure that we had an exact multiple of four without an odd pair left over. I am sure that most people know and understand what a deadline is; especially when the event (and the deadline for entries) had been well publicised for over three weeks in advance.
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A partner
opens 1♥ and
what do you bid?
Q95 ♥ A7632
♦ 62 ♦ 5 With
Hand B it’s favourable vulnerability. LHO opens 2♦ and
♣ AK8432 ♣ K93 RHO
raises to 3♦, what do you do?
Hand C Hand D With Hand C it’s
unfavourable vulnerability and partner opens 1♥.
♠ KQ853 ♠
109 ♥ K7
♦ K3 ♦ 103 With
Hand D partner opens 1♣ and
♣J95 ♣ AQJ1084 do you bid?
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first
input on the play of the hand.
North leads the ♠8, plan the play at IMPs/rubber and at matchpoint teams.
Dave’s Column
answer Board 26 from Wednesday 23rd
Dealer: ♠ 82 Book bidding
East ♥ QJ9875 West North East South
Both vul ♦ Q54 - - 1♣ pass
J3 1♦ pass 1♠ pass
2NT pass 3NT all
♠ K963
43 Terry,
Paul and Dave note: ♠8 lead? – isn’t the ♥Q obvious?
♦ KJ106 Ron Klinger says: With
no likely late entry North chooses the
♣ Q52 ♠8 rather than a ♥. As West had not supported ♠’s
North was hoping that South has ♠
values sitting over dummy.
Anyway, onto the problem with the ♠8 lead. If ♣’s are 3-2 or there is a singleton ♣
honour declarer does not need the ♠
finesse to bring home nine tricks. Five ♣’s,
one ♠, two ♥’s
and one ♦ will do. Declarer should reject the ♠ finesse. Play the ♠A on the opening lead and then play the ♣K, ♣A
and a third ♣. When the ♣’s behave the contract is safe.
If you play a low ♠ from dummy at trick one then South wins and
might switch to a ♦. Then declarer probably loses a ♠, three ♦’s
and a ♣.
The recommended play is the same at
teams/rubber and at pairs. The choice of a ♠ lead, dummy’s bid suit, and in particular the ♠8 lead are indications that the ♠K is with South.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? I
suspect that most led the ♥Q, but here is what
happened anyway: 3NT+2 twice, 3NT+1 twice, 3NT= twice, 2♦*(S)-2, 1NT+4, 2NT+1 and 1NT+1.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second problem, this time on bidding
Dealer: ♠
South ♥ K7 West North(D) East South
Love all ♦ 103 - - - 1♣
♣ AQJ1084 1♠ ?
What is your North
hand worth - hand D in this week’s Quiz? If you pick up this hand you would say
it has 10 points with a good ♣ suit and a tiny bit of distribution.
What you would
recognize is that the worth of this hand will, like most hands, depend upon who
has what. For instance, If East opened 1♥ you would not like
your ♥K and would downgrade the hand.
With this sequence
your partner opens 1♣ and
Dave’s 2nd Column answer Board
27 from Wednesday 23rd
Dealer: ♠
1083 Book
Bidding (Mike Lawrence)
South ♥ K7 West North(D) East South
Love all ♦ 103 - - - 1♣
♣ AQJ1084 1♠ 2♠ (1) pass 2NT (2)
pass 3NT all pass
KQ975 N ♠
♥ J102 W E ♥ Q9543
Our Bidding (Paul Q & Terry Q)
2 ♣
96 - - - 1♣
♠ A64 1♠ 3♠ (1) pass 3NT
A86 all pass
♦ QJ8
♣ K753
Paul Q & (1) Paul Q and I play things slightly differently.
Paul (North) bid 3♠ - a jump cue
Terry Q: bid
– which simply asks partner, who opened a minor, to bid 3NT with a ♠ stop.
So this problem, for a change, is just about
bidding – did you reach 3NT?
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+1
twice, 3NT= three times, 3♣+1 twice, 3♣= twice and 3♥(E)-1.
Paul’s Column
A Vindication for previous claims Board 16 from Wednesday 16th
Dealer: ♠
Q Table
West ♥ J4 West North East South(B)
E-W vul ♦ 1087 2♦ pass 3♦ dbl
♣ AQJ10865 pass 5♣ all pass
A532 N ♠
♥ 5 W E ♥ KQ1098
72 ♣
♠ K1098
♥ A7632
♦ 5
♣ K93
In earlier ramblings I have advocated the “advance balance” when you are morally certain the opponents are about to pass out an auction at a low level and may be stealing from you, and also the advantages of making light, shaped take out doubles if you have the requirements of PERFECT shape, honor placement and being non-vulnerable.
On this
board my partner, who is a National Champion in the
clubs could not be beaten on the lie of the cards but if it could be beaten the
opponents would surely have scored +110 or +130 in diamonds. Without getting into the auction we would
have certainly gone minus. Too bad we
weren’t doubled in 5♣!!
As for
the 2♦
opening with Axxx in spades it is a matter of style, and I am firmly in the
camp that believes with xxxx in a side major and otherwise the requirements for
a weak 2 opening, as Nike (and apparently Tiger Woods) says “JUST DO IT!” (Or do her, and her and …) With a top honor to four I would await developments. Simply too good to preempt my partner out of
a possible game, and competitive bidding later may lead to a lucrative double
or game/part-score our way.
Bidding with a King less than normal Board 9 from Wednesday 16th
Dealer: ♠
AQ104 Table
North ♥ AK873 West North East South(A)
E-W vul ♦ - - 1♥ 3♦ 4♥ (2)
♣ J1075 pass pass pass
J98763 N ♠
♥ J102 W E ♥ 64
6 ♣
♦ 62
♣ AK8432
By now almost everyone knows that in balancing seat after an opening bid of a suit and two passes a bid of 1NT shows 11+ - 14 hcp and a stopper in the opened suit. A king less than an opening 1NT would show. Other actions in that position are also predicated on the “king less” assumption that partner must have undisclosed values.
know that bidding as responder when partner has opened and there has been an
intervening preempt is also based on the “king less” principle. You want to differentiate between genuine but
limited support and a simple retreat after partner’s re-opening double.
examples where partner opens 1♥ and there is a 3♦ preempt to your right:
With ♠KJx ♥Qxx ♦xxx ♣Qxxx you would have raised 1© to 2©.
The preempt has really screwed that, but if you pass and convert
partner’s re-opening double to 3♥ can he/she know that you have both the
decent heart support and spade king as well as something in clubs? No, you will show something like ♠Jxx ♥xxx ♦Qxx ♣Qxxx or even less and hope he/she
gets off lightly. Instead bid three
♠Kxx ♥QJxx ♦xx ♣KJxx You would have made a limit raise of 1♥ to 3♥ but you cannot bid 3♥ now as that would show the above
example hand or something similar. Bid
four hearts!
FORCING TO GAME! This shows one of two
hand types, either one with good support and a source of tricks or one with an
independent suit.
South hand in this deal from Wednesday is an excellent example of when to bid
your own suit, game forcing, showing the good suit, support, and a game
force. Bidding four hearts would show
about a king LESS! The auction given is
how went at my table, white vs red:
What did
you bid with this South hand A in this week’s quiz? This South bid 4♥ and North DID pause a bit over 4
hearts but finally decided not to press on.
South after all was under pressure.
What would he bid with ♠Jxx, ♥Qxxx, ♦Axxx ♣Kx? Four hearts of course.
Now look
at what would happen if South had bid 4 CLUBS!
North would be off to the races and cue-bidding madly in diamonds and
spades! The club slam missed at every
table would be reached and perhaps even the Grand Slam which is far superior to
7♥ owing to the likelihood of a bad
heart split with the preempt. Nobody
even bid SIX clubs or hearts! 7 Clubs
needs only a 2-1 split (or Qxx onside) which makes for pretty good odds!!
Is this
an easy concept? Yes, if the opponents
have crowded your bidding space just bid as though you had a king more … and
HOPE your partner has read this!
< end of Paul’s column >
Borrow that King! Board 21 from Wednesday 23rd
I (Terry) do take note of what Paul says in his
column and had read the previous article the day before this hand occurred.
Unlike some at the club – and some may include me! – Paul does know what he is
talking about! I was South on this deal:
Dealer: ♠
A73 West North East South(C)
North ♥ AK432 - 1♥ 3♦ (1) 3♠ (2)
N-S vul ♦ 4 pass 6♠ (3) all
♣ AKQ6
(1) weak
1092 N ♠
J6 (2) what did you bid with this South hand C
♥ QJ765 W E ♥ 8
this week’s quiz? I was South and had
84 ♣
1073 borrowing a king after a pre-empt overcall
♠ KQ853 I may well have decided that I had
109 insufficient values for a forcing 3♠ bid and
♦ K3 made
a negative double.
♣J95 (3) Fully
aware that partner may be a king light for his bid.
So, a cold 6♠ was reached – I
wonder if it would have been reached has South made a negative double at (2)?
And what happened? 6♠= four times, 6♣=, 4♠+2 twice, 3NT= and 4♥=
12 red cards – and partner plays in clubs? Board 25 from Wednesday 23rd
Dealer: ♠
A753 West North East South
North ♥ - - 1♣ pass 1♥
E-W vul ♦ Q3 pass 3NT (1) pass 6♦ (2)
♣ AKQ5432 pass 7♣ (3) pass pass (4)
KQJ9 N ♠
108642 (1) Usually showing a
strong hand with a good
♥ 8765 W E ♥ K4
long minor.
J96 ♣ 87 (3) I guess 7♦
is an alternative?
♠ - (4) Trusting partner, and the ♠ void and ♣10
AQJ10932 be useful
♦ AKJ43
♣ 10
And what happened? 7♥*= (West led a ♥!), 7♣=, 6NT+1, 6♥= three times, 5♣+2, 7NT-1 and 6NT-1.
With 14 top tricks, please don’t ask me how people went down in 6NT and 7NT.
Bidding Quiz Answers – these are from Paul’s column
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1959.5 Janne Roos 1943.3 Hans Vikman 1926.0 Paul Quodomine 1817.2 Sally Watson 1770.2 Lars Broman 1748.3 Paul Scully 1746.5 Ivy Schlageter 1745.1 Gerard Hardy 1733.2 Bob Pelletier 1725.8 Bob Short |
693.1 689.2 673.0 639.8 Sally Watson 639.6 Alan Kleist 634.5 Lars Broman 631.2 Per-Ake Roskvist 630.7 Guttorm Lonborg 625.4 Jeremy Watson 625.0 Per Andersson |
355.2 351.7 343.7 341.7 Alan Kleist 332.6 Per-Ake Roskvist 329.8 Per Andersson 327.8 Sally Watson 327.6 Lars Broman 325.4 Jeremy Watson 325.3 Ivy Schlageter |