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Mon 18th N-S 1st Janne & Paul Q 59% 2nd Mike G & Terry Q 57%
E-W 1st Hans V & Lars L 63% 2nd Dave & Kenneth 58%
Wed 20th N-S 1st Jean & Lars B 62% 2nd Bob P & Olaf 58%
E-W 1st Hans V & Janne 64% 2nd Gerry C & Howard 60%
Fri 22nd N-S 1st Bob & Judy Gardham 56% 2nd Bob P & Kevin 55%
E-W 1st Paul Sc & Terry Q 57% 2nd Bengt & Holgar 56%
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first input on the play of the hand.
N ♠
J8543 West North East South
W E ♥ A1065 - 1NT pass 3NT
♠ A72
♦ A63
♣ QJ104
You are East, defending 3NT, and lead the ♠4: low from dummy, ♠6 from West and the ♠10 from declarer. Declarer then plays the ♦Q to dummy’s ♦A and leads the ♣Q, ♣6, ♣3,
♣K. What should you return?
Dave’s Column answer Board 17
from Wednesday 20th
Dealer: ♠
KQ109 Book
North ♥ Q94 West North East South
Love all ♦ KQ2 - 1NT pass 3NT
♣ A73 all
6 N ♠ J8543
♥ KJ3 W E ♥ A1065 East leads the ♠4: low from dummy, ♠6 from
8652 ♣ K9 Declarer
then plays the ♦Q to dummy’s ♦A
♠ A72 and leads the ♣Q, ♣6,
♣3, ♣K.
872 What should East return?
♦ A63
♣ QJ104
East should count tricks. North must have the ♠KQ9 remaining as West did not play any of those
cards at trick one. Therefore declarer has four ♠ tricks and presumably three ♣
tricks and also the ♦A,K. Declarer would
have taken the ♦ finesse if he needed it and would not have
left the suit wide open when he could have crossed to the ♠A in dummy.
East should switch to the ♥5. West will win and return the ♥J and the defense gets four ♥ tricks and the ♣K to defeat the contract.
Note that even if West had another ♠, East’s low ♥ switch denies interest in a ♠
continuation. A high ♥ instead would
suggest weak ♥’s and therefore invite a switch back to your
original suit, ♠’s.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+1
five times, 3NT-3 four times.
Dave’s 2nd Column Here is Dave’s second input on the play of the hand.
N ♠ AQ6 West North East South
W E ♥ AK106 - - 1♣ pass
K106 3NT all
♠ K92
532 You are South, defending 3NT. North
leads the ♠4, how do you
♦ 972 defend?
♣ AQ87
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
18 from Wednesday 20th
Dealer: ♠ J874 Book bidding
East ♥ 974 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ A85 - - 1♣ pass
♣ 942 1NT pass 2NT pass
3NT all
♠ K92
♦ 972
♣ AQ87
As far a ♠’s
go, it could be right to insert the ♠9
if partner has underled the ♠J,10. But
considering the deal as a whole, you can afford to possibly give up a ♠ trick by inserting the ♠K if you shift to a low ♣ and partner has a ♦ entry along with three ♣’s. Partner’s ♣ return when he gains the lead with a ♦ will net your side three ♣’s,
a ♠ and a ♦
to defeat the contract. If you play the ♠9
at trick one and it loses, and declarer has four ♦’s missing the ♦A or ♦K then declarer will have time to drive out
partner’s ♦ honour and take at least nine tricks before
you can get ♣’s started.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+2,
3NT+1, 3NT= three times. 2NT+1 and 1NT+2 twice. So every declarer made at least
9 tricks and it looks like no South found the ♣ switch.