Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                           Club News Sheet – No. 382

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880              6th March 2010

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

Mon 1st    N-S   1st  Jean & Tomas                70%       2nd    Bengt & Lars B                      60%

                E-W   1st  Janne & Paul Q              63%       2nd    Dave H & Richard M             58%

Wed 3rd    N-S   1st  Bob S & Sigurd              65%       2nd    Lars B & Tomas                     55%

                E-W   1st  Hans V & Janne             65%       2nd    Duplessy & Coutlet                58%          

Fri  5th                1st  Janne & Lars B              65%       2nd    Dave H & Gerry C                 59%

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Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A RHO opens 1, what do you bid?


AQ5             J1098652

AQ9             -                   With Hand B it’s favourable vulnerability. RHO opens 1,

QJ42             42                what do you do?

J92               A963


Hand C                                   Do you open Hand C with a weak 2 in 1st seat,

nobody vulnerable?






Bidding Sequence Quiz


D     1NT   pass   2      pass               What is 4NT? Quantitative, ace asking or keycard ask?

2      pass   4NT


Ron Klinger web site


Dave’s Column                       Here is Dave’s first input on the play of the hand.


North               South                               West            North         East          South

AK               J1098652                     -                   -                 1            3

86532           -                                   pass             4              all pass    

KQ63           42                               

K10             A963                             


You are South, declarer in 4. West leads the 9 to East’s A. East tries to cash the K which you ruff. Plan the play.                                               


Dave’s Column answer                      Board 22 from Wednesday 3rd     


Dealer:             AK                                             Book Bidding

East                  86532                                         West          North         East            South(B)

E-W vul           KQ63                                        -                 -                 1             3

                        K10                                           pass           4              all pass


7                         N             Q43               

QJ974            W    E          AK10                  

95                       S              AJ1087               

QJ872                                54                       

                        J1098652                       West leads the 9 to East’s A. East tried to cash  

-                                     the K which you ruff. Plan the play.       

42                                               .



One South declarer drew two rounds of trumps, hoping to take seven ’s, two ’s and a . When West showed out of ’s on the second round declarer had four losers – down one.

South did not count his tricks. The correct line is to ruff the and ruff two ’s in dummy. This line guaranteed giving the defenders a trick but declarer gained two ruffs in return.

What did you bid with this South hand B in this week’s quiz? 3 looks fine to me (Mike Lawrence) at this vulnerability, the bid puts the pressure on the opponents. It’s true that the suit is not as good as usual, but the hand has a little extra distribution. Since I (Mike) am a big advocate of aggressive bidding, I would not miss this opportunity.


And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4+1 there times, 4=, 4-1, 3= and 3(W)-1.


Terry Comment. At trick two East should lead a trump, there is no rush to cash the A as there is nothing in dummy for declarer to quickly dispose of any ’s.



Dave’s 2nd Column         Here is Dave’s second problem on the play of the hand.


West                East                                  West            North         East          South

AQ5             K108                            -                   -                 -               1

AQ9             52                                 1NT             pass           3NT         all pass

QJ42             A1096                        

J92               K1087      


You are West and arrive in a decent 3NT after South opens the biding in first seat. North leads the 8, South plays the 10 and you win with the Q. Plan the play.                      





Dave’s 2nd Column answer
              Board 23 from Wednesday 3rd  


Dealer:             6432                                           Book Bidding

South               83                                               West(A)     North         East            South

Both vul            753                                             -                 -                -                 1

                        Q643                                         1NT (1)      pass           3NT           all pass


AQ5                   N             K108              (1)  What did you bid with this West hand A in

AQ9               W    E          52                         this week’s quiz? It’s in the 15-17 HCP range

QJ42                   S              A1096                 with good stops and 1NT is clear. Double is

J92                                     K1087                 the bid made by palookas.



K8                           North leads the 8, South plays the 10 and you win with

A5                            the Q. Plan the play.  


At the table, West won the Q and took the appealing finesse. As expected, it lost to South’s K and South returned the J. With his A gone and the A still at large, West had to settle for one down.

To make the game, West should count winners. Certain of five major suit winners and the A, he needs three more tricks to make game. Since he cannot gather nine winners unless a finesse works, he should try the finesse as South must surely have the K for his opening bid. At trick two, West should run the J. When it knocks out South’s A the game is secure. West wins the A and repeats the finesse.


And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+2,

3NT-1 three times, 3NT*-1, 3NT-2 twice and 3NT-3.



Paul’s Column     Good bids, bad bids and their effect on partner’s decisions.


Number 1, a bid that was not only good, but GREAT!

Board 23, Friday March 5.  The hand was:

All vul, dealer South                  North





West                                                                                        East

AQJ32                                                                                   K1095

3                                                                                            J109

10873                                                                                   5

QJ9                                                                                       K10743







N/S were playing a 4-card (+) opening bid system and the auction proceeded:


South    West      North     East

1         1          3!         3

4*       4**      5***    DBL

5          pass       6****   all pass


! This partnership agrees this as a limit raise in competition.  Many would play it as pre-emptive and a cue-bid as limit raise or better.

* A great bid, signifying three things: a willingness to declare 4, a good second suit (5+), undeniable shortness in ª (singleton or void).

** Unclear whether this was intended as a sacrifice or to make, probably the former, but it was destined to make.

*** Cue-bidding clubs, and a willingness to compete further, perhaps much further.  South COULD be void, AKxxx, AQxxx, Kxx.

**** North pondered for a few moments counting winners, during which East produced a green card.  Nice try!  North reminded him that North still had a call to make, and then produced 6H!  Why?

South had given him all the information he needed to evaluate that every card in his hand was working on offense and there were likely 12 tricks available with 2 club discards coming on the long diamonds.


While North made a commendable decision at the end it was SOUTH who made the great bid of 4.  Without that North would be in the dark regarding what to do over 4, perhaps even doubling it.  +1430 was a top board.



Number 2, a bid that was not only bad but atrocious.


Board 11 from Friday March 5, the hand was:







West(C)                                                                                   East

732                                                                                        Q4

Q97542                                                                                 J3

K84                                                                                      A72

3                                                                                           AK10842





QJ9            The auction, none vulnerable and West dealer, was:


West                North               East                  South

2*                  pass                 pass                 dbl**

pass                 2                    3                    pass

pass                 dbl!                  all pass


*  What did you open with this West hand C in this week’s quiz? Whatever your criteria are for reasonable “weak” 2 bids in first seat this hand is garbage, under-strength and lacking suit quality.

**  South stretched a bit to protect his partner.


East of course expected something resembling a “real” weak 2 and had plenty to compete.  North figured that if partner could re-open he was happy to play for penalty with a good heart holding and attacking (Q) lead.  3 doubled went for –300 after which West, berated East for the 3 call!  +300 was a top board for N/S.


As long as I have the floor I would like to state that if an opening bid of 2, 2, or 2 is NOT alerted it is presumed to be a “weak” two bid and inquiry as to what it is by the next hand before taking an action is improper.  If that side has been damaged by a failure to alert there is redress available, but the inquiry can “alert” partner to a perhaps questionable action.


Terry Comment. I totally agree with this last paragraph. The club rules may not be used worldwide, but are SENSIBLE and clear. There is no need to alert the expected and unexpected bids need to be alerted. So there is NO need to ask “is that weak” or “is that a transfer” or “is that a short club” (a short club is alerted or pre-alerted at our club) as these questions, especially during the auction, may give unauthorised information about your hand. There is a comprehensive list of what needs alerting in the club rules – there is always a copy at the club, in my bag, and the rules are clearly posted on the website.

Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    1NT. Double is a very poor choice.

Hand B:    3. The suit has no top honours, but it has really good intermediates. It is a six playing trick hand and so easily conforms with Culberton’s rule of 4 for non-vul against vulnerable pre-empts. 4 is the only other bid I would consider.

Hand C:    Pass. This hand is not good enough for a weak 2 opening.


Bidding Sequence Quiz Answer


D     1NT   pass   2      pass             This is something you need to discuss with your partner.

2      pass   4NT                       I like to play it as quantitative, with 4 asking for aces

(or keycards by agreement).


The Tripple


Congratulation to Janne Roos for winning the triple for the fourth time – and he actually has won the last four sessions. This string of fine results has put him just ahead of Hans Vikman in the championship races.


Current club championship standings



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5












639.2 Janne Roos

638.3 Hans Vikman

619.7 Paul Quodomine

615.3 Lars Broman

605.6 Tomas Wikman

603.6 Duplessy & Coutlet

580.4 Holger Renken

576.1 Royd Laidlow

556.4 Tom Grovslien


327.8 Janne Roos

327.4 Hans Vikman

323.5 Tomas Wikman

319.9 Lars Broman

319.6 Sally Watson

319.5 Paul Quodomine

319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet

314.7 Jean Wissing

298.6 HolgerRenken                     296.6 Bob Short



 Ron Klinger web site