Mon 8th N-S 1st Jan & Ron 59% 2nd Johan & Paul Q 58%
E-W 1st Janne & Per-Ake 60% 2nd Paul Sc & Jim A 60%
Wed 10th N-S 1st Johan & Tom 60% 2nd Les & Flora 59%
E-W 1st Paul Q & Terry Q 63% 2nd Janne & Jan 55%
Fri 12th 1st Jean & Per And.. 58% 2nd Bengt & Jan 56%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A partner opens 1♠, what do you bid?
♠ Q1076 ♠ A64
♥ 2 ♥ AJ3 What do you
open with Hand B?
♦ KQ109 ♦ J875
7543 ♣ AJ7
C 3♠ 5♦ What is the 5♦ overcall,
pre-emptive or strong?
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first input on the play of the hand.
5 ♣
You are West, declarer in 4♥. North leads the ♦K, plan the play.
Column answer Board 10 from Wednesday 10th
Dealer: ♠ KJ64 Book Bidding
East ♥ 863 West North East South
Both vul ♦ KQ10 - - pass pass
987 1♠ pass 1NT pass
3♥ pass 4♥ all
♠ 93 North leads the ♦K, plan the play.
4 .
♦ 98642 .
♣ AQ1062
With two losers in the minor suits, you need
only to ensure that you lose no more than one ♠. If ♠’s are 5-1 offside the defense will prevail by
leading a trump as soon as possible, so for all practical purposes you need to
find ♠’s no worse than 4-2 (with one exception). You
cannot draw more than one round of trumps before establishing ♠’s, but you must be careful with your entries.
Say you win the ♦A, cross to dummy in trumps, and play a ♠ to the ♠Q,
North wins and exits with a trump. You win, play the ♠A, ♠
ruff and … oops! You can’t get back to your hand to ruff another ♠ without losing the lead and North will get in
to clear trumps.
To avoid this, either play the ♦J under North’s ♦K at trick one, or win the ♦A
and play a ♣ or the ♦J
at trick two. The defense will lead a trump when it gains (or holds) the lead.
Win in dummy and take the ♠ finesse. North wins
and plays a second trump which you win in hand. Play the ♠A, ruff a ♠,
return to hand with the minor-suit ruff you established earlier, ruff another ♠ to establish the suit, enter hand with another
ruff, draw the last trump and cash the fifth ♠ for the contract.
While you are focusing on the traditional
technique of establishing a side suit before drawing trumps, it’s important not
to lose sight of the entry situation which can just as easily make or break a
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♥= four times, 2♥= and 4♥-1 four times.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second problem on the play of the hand.
You are South, declarer in 4♠. West leads the ♥9 which East wins with the ♥A
and shifts to the ♣2. You try the ♣Q but no luck. West wins the ♣K
and exits with the ♣6 to the ♣10 and ♣A.
At trick four you lead a ♦ to the ♦K which holds, West playing the ♦8 and east the ♦2. What do you do now?
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
11 from Wednesday 10th
Dealer: ♠ Q1076 Book Bidding
East ♥ 2 West North(A) East South
Love all ♦ KQ109 - - pass 1♠
7543 pass 3♠ (1) pass 4♠
all pass
♣ KJ96 ♣
1082 this hand
re-evaluates to 10 support points
♠ AJ9854 because of the singleton ♥ and four trumps.
♦ 65
♣ AQ
West leads the ♥9 which East wins with the ♥A
and shifts to the ♣2. You try the ♣Q but no luck. West wins the ♣K
and exits with the ♣6 to the ♣10 and ♣A.
At trick four you lead a ♦ to the ♦K which holds, West playing the ♦8 and East the ♦2. What do you do now?
East is a passed hand but is known to have the ♥AQ from the lead and if East has the ♦A (10 HCPs) then West must have the ♠K. But if West has the ♦A the percentage play in ♠’s is to take the finesse. Thus you should endeavour to find out who has the ♦A before attacking ♠’s. After the ♦K holds, play the ♦Q and smoke out the ♦A. If East takes the ♦A, play the ♠A and hope that West, marked with the ♠K, has it singleton. If West wins the ♦A then take the ♠ finesse.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club?
Unfortunately the hand was put in with South as the dealer and so the problem
was not valid at the table. Results were 4♠+1,
4♠=, 2♠+2,
4♠-1 three times, 5♠-1 and 5♠-2.
That Terrible 4333 type shape again Board 21 from Friday 12th
Dealer: ♠ KJ82 Table A
N-S vul ♦ A10 - pass pass 1NT (1)
♣ 9543 pass 2♣ (2) pass 2♦
pass 2NT all pass
♠ Q10953 N ♠ 7
♥ Q74 W E ♥ K1082 Table B
♠ A64 pass 1NT (3) all pass
♥ AJ3
♦ J875
♣ AJ7
Pre-empt over a pre-empt? Board 21 from Friday 12th
I was asked about this one, apparently East criticised West’s 6♦ bid.
Dealer: ♠
AKJ976 West North East South
South ♥ 105 - - - pass (1)
Love all ♦ 10852 pass 3♠ (2) 5♦ (3) pass
5 6♦ (4) dbl all pass
♣ AJ93 ♣
♠ 52
♦ -
♣ KQ108642
(1) I would (did) open this hand 1♣. It’s 21 for the rule of 20 and a clear opener
in my style.
(2) Reasonable in 3rd seat.
(3) What was your answer to bidding sequence C? This
is way over the top, 5♦ here promises a
very strong ♦ hand. East later explained that the bid was
(4) With the ♦K
and an ace opposite what West thought was a huge hand, West quite reasonably raised
to slam.
And what happened? Minus four and 800 away on a
partscore deal.
The bottom lines: -
- East’s
logic was way off here. There is no such thing as a pre-empt over a pre-empt,
and since South is a passed hand then obviously there is no need to pre-empt!
If East really wants to enter the lists at the four level opposite a passed
partner, then 4♦ would be enough, but many (including me) would
consider the hand not good enough and would pass.
Bidding Quiz Answers
C 3♠ 5♦ 5♦ should show a very
strong ♦ hand. It most certainly is not pre-emptive.
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
638.3 Hans Vikman 624.3 Paul Quodomine 615.3 Lars Broman 605.6 603.6 Duplessy & Coutlet 596.8 Jean Wissing 580.4 Holger Renken 576.1 Royd Laidlow 571.4 Bengt Malgren |
327.8 Janne Roos 327.4 Hans Vikman 323.5 Tomas Wikman 319.9 Lars Broman 319.6 Sally Watson 319.5 Paul Quodomine 319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 314.7 Jean Wissing 298.6 HolgerRenken |