Mon 15th N-S 1st Lars B & Bengt 63% 2nd Dino & Per-Ake 60%
E-W 1st Paul Q & Terry Q 63% 2nd Duplessy & Coutlet 61%
Wed 17th N-S 1st Per-Ake & Per And.. 58% 2nd Bengt & Guttorm 60%
E-W 1st Dino & Ursula 56% 2nd Bob S & Sigurd 57%
Fri 19th 1st Jean & Rer and.. 58% 2nd Svein & Tobjorn 57%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A RHO opens 1♦, what do you do?
♠ AK83 ♠ 65
♥ - ♥ AQ4 With Hand B partner opens 1♦, what do you bid?
♣ J83 ♣ AJ543
C 1♦ 1♠ 2♥ 3♦ What
is 3♦?
D 1♦ pass 1♥ pass
2♦ pass 2NT pass
3NT dbl What
does the double mean?
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first input on the play of the hand.
K62 ♣ AJ543
East leads the ♠3 and West plays the ♠K. Are you going to
take this trick? Which suit are you planning to attack, ♦’s or ♣’s? .
Column answer Board
13 from Wednesday 17th
Dealer: ♠ AJ4 Book Bidding
North ♥ KJ9 West North East South(B)
Both vul ♦ AQJ2 - 1♦ pass 2♣ (1)
K62 pass 3NT all
♠ 65 shows 18-19
♦ 1093 East leads the ♠3 and West plays the ♠K. .
♣ AJ543 Plan
the play
The sure route to nine tricks is to win the
opening lead, cross to dummy with a ♥
and run the ♦10. The idea is to keep West off play. Even if
the ♦ finesse loses you have nine tricks: three ♥’s, three ♦’s
two ♣’s and the ♠A.
If you hold up in ♠’s you cannot afford to finesse the ♦ into East. You have to work with ♣’s instead by finessing into West, making sure
East never gets in. If ♣’s are 3-2 then this
line also produces at least nine tricks. But West may have four ♣’s headed by the ♣Q and then you do not have enough tricks in ♣’s and will need to take the ♦ finesse into the danger hand, East. No good.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+1
three times, 6NT-2 twice, 6NT-1, 3NT-2 and 3NT-1
The bottom line:
When holding
a AJx stopper in NoTrumps, with a low card led and third hand producing an
honour, take the trick if your “big” finesse is playing for RHO to have the card,
so that if the finesse loses then it is LHO who gets in and your Jx remains as
a stopper.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second problem on the play of the hand.
South leads the ♦4, plan the play.
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
14 from Wednesday 17th
Dealer: ♠ 1065 Book Bidding
East ♥ KQ43 West North East South
Love all ♦ 63 - - 1NT pass
10762 2♥ pass 2♠ pass
2NT (1) pass 4♠ all pass
♣ K4 ♣
Q5 is an attractive alternative in my
♠ Q8
J95 South leads the ♦4, plan the play.
♦ K104
♣ AJ983
This is a very weird problem set by Bobby
Wolff. I shan’t bother to type it all out, but apparently South’s failure to
lead a trump indicated that he has the ♠Q
doubleton and so declarer played ♠AK
and made an over-trick when losing ♥’s
were discarded on ♦’s.
Terry Comment. As South I would lead a ♥ rather than a ♦ away from the ♦K with a strong NT on the right; and this obvious (in my humble opinion) lead sets the contract if declarer takes the normal ♠ finesse. All in all, a very bad problem – I don’t like the bidding, I don’t like the opening lead, and I don’t like the assumption made by declarer to play the ♠’s against the odds.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? Just
about everything: 4♠=, 3♠+1 twice, 3♠+2, 2♠+1, 4♦=,
4♠-1 and 3NT-1.
Some good bidding – part 1 Board 26 from Monday 15th
Dealer: ♠ KQ97 West North East South
both vul ♦ 6 pass 1♥ pass 2♦
♣ K1092 pass 2NT (1) pass 3NT (2)
dbl (3) all pass
♠ J4 N ♠ 10532
♥ K9 W E ♥ J10876 (1) A shade light, especially with a mis-fit.
♠ A86 (3) N-S have bid to 3NT in a shaky invitational
♥ A2 sequence, and with great ♦’s sitting over a
♦ AJ1075 5-card ♦ suit West decided to double (for a ♦
♣ J75 lead – hoping that partner had a ♦!)
Some good bidding – part 2 Board 19 from Monday 15th
Dealer: ♠ Q7542 West(A) North East South
E-W vul ♦ Q 1♠ (1) 2♥ (2) 3♦ (3) 3♥
♣ 42 4♠ (4) pass 5♣ pass
6♣ (5) pass pass 6♥ (6)
♠ AK83 N ♠ 9 pass (7) pass dbl all pass
♥ - W E ♥ 10862
♠ J106
♥ KQ75
♦ KJ1063
♣ 6
Bidding Quiz Answers
C 1♦ 1♠ 2♥ 3♦ 3♦ is an unassuming cue bid, generally showing a sound
raise to 3♥ or better.
There is a variation where the bid may alternatively show a very good suit of
its own (so clearly ♣’s
D 1♦ pass 1♥ pass Dbl
after an uncontested auction to 3NT demands that
2♦ pass 2NT pass partner
lead dummy’s first bid suit (so ♦’s here).
3NT dbl
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
638.3 Hans Vikman 629.2 Paul Quodomine 619.8 Lars Broman 609.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 605.6 600.5 Jean Wissing 581.7 Bengt Malgren 580.4 Holger Renken 576.1 Royd Laidlow |
327.8 Janne Roos 327.4 Hans Vikman 323.5 Tomas Wikman 322.9 Lars Broman 319.6 Sally Watson 319.5 Paul Quodomine 319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 314.7 Jean Wissing 299.8 Bengt Malmgren 299.7 Bob Short |