Mon 29th N-S 1st Dave C & Frode 57% 2nd Jeremy & Sally 56%
E-W 1st Janne & Paul Q 60% 2nd Dave H & Tony C 60%
Wed 31st N-S 1st Kenneth & Ursula 60% 2nd Bengt & Guttorm 56%
E-W 1st Dave H & Tony C 58% 2nd Terry Ibbs & Tobjorn 57%
Fri 2nd N-S 1st Per-Ake & Per And.. 63% 2nd Hans V & Paul Q 62%
E-W 1st Jan & Tony C 62% 2nd Bengt & Bob S 61%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B What do you open (1st seat vul) with Hand A ?
♠ 109 ♠ 109
♦ AKQ104 ♦
A83 and
♣ AJ8 ♣ A62
C 1NT pass 2♦ pass
2♥ pass 4NT what is 4NT – quantitative, ace asking or what?
D pass pass 1♥ pass 2♣ is natural (not
Drury) by this pair. Is 3♥ invitational or
2♣ pass 3♥ forcing opposite an initial passed hand?
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
641.8 Janne Roos 639.7 Hans Vikman 632.6 Paul Quodomine 619.8 Lars Broman 613.9 Tomas Wikman 609.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 606.1 Jean Wissing 587.8 Bengt Malgren 580.4 Holger Renken 573.5 Tom Grovslien |
328.9 Tomas Wikman 327.8 Janne Roos 327.4 Hans Vikman 322.9 Lars Broman 319.6 Sally Watson 319.5 Paul Quodomine 319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 318.6 Jean Wissing 304.5 Bengt Malmgren 303.5 Bob Short |
Worth a strong 1NT? Board 5 from Friday 2nd
Dealer: ♠ 109 Table A
N-S vul ♦ AKQ104 - 1♦ (1) pass 1♥
♣ AJ8 pass 1NT (2) pass 2♣ (3)
pass 3♥ (4) pass 4♥
♠ Q73 N ♠ K8654 all pass
♥ K652 W E ♥ J
♠ AJ2 - 1NT (1) pass 2♦
♥ AQ974 pass 2♥ pass 4NT (5)
♦ 532 pass 5♥ (6) pass 6♥
♣ KQ all pass
And what happened? 6♥ made exactly for a
cold top. It appears that nobody else opened 1NT and other contracts were 3NT
and 4♥, all making with overtricks. 6♥ is a good contract and is only defeated on a ♠ lead (unlikely from East’s holding).
The bottom lines:
Don’t be afraid to open
1NT with a good 14 or a poor 18.
- Upgrade for good long (5+) suits and for tens (generally ½ a point) and good intermediates.
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first input, this time on bidding.
108743 ♣ A52
You are East, declarer in 4♠. South leads the ♥J to the ♥Q, ♥A, ♥3 and a ♥ is returned, won by dummy’s ♥A. How do you continue?
Column answer Board
19 from Wednesday 31st
Dealer: ♠ 75 Book Bidding
South ♥ K82 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ 109542 - - - pass
KJ9 pass (1) pass 1♠ pass
♠ 863
J1097 South leads the ♥J and your ♥Q looses to North’s ♥K,
♦ K873 a ♥ is returned, won by dummy’s ♥A. Plan the play.
♣ Q6
Declarer took the 2nd ♥ with the ♥A
and cashed all but one of his trumps. The defense failed to do anything silly
and declarer eventually lost two ♥’s
and two ♣’s for one down.
East succeeds with a loser-on-loser play. He
takes the ♦A at trick three, leads a trump to dummy and
runs the ♦Q, throwing his ♥ loser from hand. South wins but
declarer ruffs the next ♥, leads a trump to
dummy and discards a ♣ on the good ♦J.
Although in this era of lighter and lighter
opening bids many experts would open the West hand. I (Frank Stewart) wouldn’t
open because the long suit contains no high cards. Tricks, not points, are what
matter, and it’s hard to establish tricks in a poor suit. Change the ♥AQ to the ♣AQ,
and I’d be more inclined to open.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+1,
4♠= five times, 2♠+1, 4♠-1 and 6♠-2.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second problem, on the play of the hand.
♠ A108632 ♠ 9754 - 1♠ pass 2♠
♥ AQJ4 ♥
K62 dbl 3♥ pass 4♠
♦ 76 ♦ AQ3 dbl all pass
6 ♣ 843
You are North, declarer in 4♠ doubled. You have three top losers, two ♠’s (West has the ♠KQJ) and one ♣. You could take the
♦ finesse but it is unlikely to work based on
West’s two doubles. Plan the play.
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
23 from Wednesday 31st
Dealer: ♠ A108632 Book Bidding
North ♥ AQJ4 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ 76 - 1♠ pass 2♠
6 dbl (1) 3♥ pass 4♠
dbl all pass
♣ AKQJ ♣
109752 partner is bust and I passed at the table,
♠ 9754 although I doubled the final 4♠ contract of
K62 course.
♦ AQ3
♣ 843 East leads a ♣ taken with the ♣J and the ♠K is
returned. East discards a ♣, plan the play.
You have three top losers, two ♠’s and one ♣. You could take the ♦ finesse but it is
unlikely to work based on West’s two doubles.
Instead, after winning the 2nd ♠ trick, play a ♥ to dummy’s ♥K, ruff a ♣ in hand, and continue the ♥’s, discarding dummy’s last ♣ on the 4th ♥. West may ruff but is endplayed, as he is if
he refuses to ruff when you simply throw him in with a trump.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♠*=, 5♣*(E)-1,
5♣(E)-1, 5♠*-2,
5♠*-1 and 4♠*-1
four times.
I was West defending 4♠* but unfortunately declarer was Hans Vikman
and he had no difficulty chalking up +790 for an outright top along the lines
given after East led a ♣. Bad timing (wrong
opponent for the wrong board).
Lead problem Board 4 from Wednesday 31st
Dealer: ♠ 109862 West North East South
both vul ♦ AQ932
♣ 7
You are North, on lead against 3NT.
N What do you lead – the ♠10 or a ♦?
More bad timing Board 4 from Wednesday 31st
Dealer: ♠ 109862 West North East South
both vul ♦ AQ932
♣ 7
♠ KQ74 N ♠ J53
♥ K43 W E ♥ A102
♠ A
♥ QJ765
♦ J87
♣ 10542
What did you lead in the lead quiz on the previous page? The ♠10 knowing that dummy has no 4-card major and with hopefully two ♦ entries? Or a text-book 4th best ♦? I was declarer and this was simply another case of bad timing (wrong opponent for the wrong board). North stoically led a 4th best ♦ and the contract was automatically one down. The ♠10 was led at most tables and 3NT+2 or 3NT+1 were popular scores depending upon whether South found a ♦ switch or not.
Even More bad timing Board 15 from Wednesday 31st
Dealer: ♠ K42 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ Q76 1♠ pass 2NT (1) pass
♣ 10652 4♠ (2) all pass
♠ Q7653 N ♠ AJ108 (1) Jacoby 2NT
♥ 76 W E ♥ QJ32 (2) poor opener
♠ 9
♥ AK105
♦ J1082
♣ 9743
Who should come in? Board 4 from Friday 2nd
E-W got a bad score for letting North play in 3♣ when they cam make 4♥, who do you think should have bid?
Dealer: ♠ Q3 West North East(B) South
Both vul ♦ QJ4 pass (2)
♣ KJ98753
(1) What did you bid with this East hand B in this
♠ A742 N ♠ 109 week’s quiz? I agree with this pass, partner has
♥ QJ972 W E ♥ A8643 already passed and a 3♥ bid here with an
♠ KJ865 seat and he has near perfect shape for a take out
♥ K10 double (with 3♥ a less attractive 2nd choice).
♦ 7652
♣ Q4
C 1NT pass 2♦ pass This
is up to partnership understanding. I believe that
2♥ pass 4NT ‘standard’
is that 4NT is quantitative and 4♣
ace asking.
D pass pass 1♥ pass 3♥ is game forcing, partner has a good 10+ and
so if you
2♣ pass 3♥ good enough for
a jump then there must be game values.