Mon 5th N-S 1st Dino & Ivonne 54% 2nd Kenneth & Ursula 54%
E-W 1st Bob S & Sigurd 63% 2nd Janne & Paul Q 58%
Wed 7th 1st Hans v & Janne 64% 2nd Terry Q & Paul Q 63%
Fri 9th 1st Dave C & Yomas 63% 2nd Hans V & Paul Q 60%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A you open 1♠ and partner bids 2♥, what now?
♣ 9 ♣ -
C 1♠ pass 2♥ pass
4♣ what is 4♣?
No bridge
The bridge on Monday 19th April will be cancelled due to
Soncran. We will play as usual the rest of Soncran week as the traffic/water
are not too bad on the other days.
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first input, this time on defense.
Dealer: ♠ 97 Book Bidding
East ♥ A7 West North East South
Both vul ♦ QJ964 - - 1♠ pass
Q873 2♥ pass 4♣ (1) pass
You are North, defending against 4♥, and lead the ♦Q. Partner plays the ♦8 and declarer plays low from both hands. How do you continue?
Column answer Board 10 from Wednesday 7th
Dealer: ♠ 97 Book Bidding
East ♥ A7 West North East(A) South
Both vul ♦ QJ964 - - 1♠ pass
Q873 2♥ pass 4♣ (1) pass
♠ 8542
42 You are North and lead the ♦Q. Partner plays the ♦8
♦ A8 and declarer plays low from both hands.
♣ 106542 How do you continue?
Continue with the ♦9 to show partner that your entry is not in ♣’s. If he started with the doubleton ♦A, he will return a ♥ as a ♠
switch is obviously hopeless. When you win with the ♥A you will play another ♦ and give partner a ruff.
Note that if South plays anything other than a
trump, declarer will make the contract by discarding a ♦ on the ♣K.
South’s ♦8
should not be from♦A82 but could be from ♦A108. He will assume that you want a count and
make that signal, as his attitude towards ♦’s
will be clear when the ♦Q holds the trick.
If he had ♦A108 he would play the ♦A or ♦10
on the second round (depending on declarer’s play) and attempt to cash a third
round of the suit.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♥+1 twice, 4♥= and 4♥-1 three times.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second problem, on the play of the hand.
♠ 3 ♠ KQJ10987 - - - 1♠
♥ J3 ♥
AQ42 pass 1NT pass 4♠
♦ J10852 ♦ A4 all
KQ742 ♣ -
You are South, declarer in 4♠. Plan the play after West leads the ♣J to the ♣K,
♣A and
you ruff.
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
11 from Wednesday 7th
Dealer: ♠ 3 Book Bidding
South ♥ J3 West North East South(B)
Love all ♦ J10852 - - - 1♠
KQ742 pass 1NT pass 4♠ (1)
all pass
♣ J1098 ♣
A653 than ♠’s that you jump to
4♠ on the second round,
♠ KQJ10987 keeping
further information from the opponents.
♦ A4
♣ - Plan
the play after West leads the ♣J. ♣K, ♣A,
It was lucky that West did not lead a ♠ or a ♦,
but even so you might lose one ♠,
two ♥’s and one ♦. If only you could get to dummy, you could cash the ♣K and discard one of those losers. But how do
you get over there?
At trick two, lead the ♥Q from hand. Here, if East wins with the ♥K and shifts to a ♦, you win with the ♦A, cross to the ♥J and discard the ♦4 (or a low ♥) on the ♣K.
And if East ducks his ♥K, you cash the ♥A, ruff a ♥
in dummy and again play the ♣K for a discard.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♠=, 2♣+1,
4♠-1 twice, 6♠-3 and 4♥-3.
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1806.5 Janne Roos |
644.3 Janne Roos 641.2 Hans Vikman 633.7 Paul Quodomine 620.3 Tomas Wikman 619.8 Lars Broman 609.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 606.1 Jean Wissing 590.6 Bengt Malgren 580.4 Holger Renken 573.5 Tom Grovslien |
329.6 Tomas Wikman 328.0 Janne Roos 327.9 Hans Vikman 322.9 Lars Broman 319.6 Paul Quodomine 319.6 Sally Watson 319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 318.6 Jean Wissing 308.2 Bob Short 304.5 Bengt Malmgren |
Well done Janne to be the first to qualify for the Gold cup, but it is early days yet and more will be joining him soon.
Hans’ Column Something new this week – a column by Hans
Throw a winner and get
two tricks back.
It's a
good rule to take tricks on your big cards when you play bridge but not always.
This is board is nr 20 from Monday’s tournament. I was sitting W and was the
dealer. The bidding went
P P P 1D
My partner started with K,Q in hearts and the dummy took with the A the third
time and I discarded a club. Now he played diamond to K, J and a small to A,Q.
This time I discarded a spade. Then spade to Q in the hand and then the A. Mine
and the dummy’s cards were
If I keep my big K of spade I have to give him one more trick in clubs at the
ending. But I threw away the K under the A hoping that my partner had the J and
so it was. Then he got an entry to his big hearts and we took the rest. So this
time it was a good idea to throw away a big card. But I promise you that almost
every time it's best to take tricks on them :)
C 1♠ pass 2♥ pass
4♣ is a splinter, supporting ♥’s and showing ♣ shortage.