Mon 12th N-S 1st Bengt & Guttorm 61% 2nd Hans V & Jean 54%
E-W 1st Janne & Paul Q 63% 2nd Dave H & Tony C 58%
Wed 14th 1st Janne & Jan 58% 2nd Terry Q & Paul Q 57%
Fri 16th 1st Janne & Jean 62% 2nd Jan & Tonni 56%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand
A it’s love all. Partner opens 1♦ and
♠ A9852 ♠
AJ73 ♥ AJ8 What do you open
with Hand B?
♦ QJ2 ♦ AJ
♣ J ♣
Hand C Hand D With Hand
C it’s love all. You open 1♦ and LHO overcalls with a weak 2♠. This is passed to
you, what do you do?
10 ♠
♥ K106 ♥ 6 With Hand D partner opens 1NT
♦ AK10865 ♦ A92 (a) What do you bid if 1NT is
♣ K54 ♣ AJ1076 (b) What do you bid if playing Acol, so 1NT is 12-14?
Hand E Hand F With
Hand E you open 1♦, partner bids 1♠ and
♠ QJ6 ♠ AK63
♥ A1076 ♥ 97 With
Hand F you open 1♣, partner bids 1♦ and
♣ J2 ♣ AQ9754
Hand G Hand H With Hand G partner opens 1NT. What do you bid and what do you plan to do next?
AK ♠
♥ KQ ♥ 75 With
Hand H partner opens 1♦ and you bid 1♠. Partner then bids
♦ A643 ♦ AJ6 2♣, what do you do?
♣ KQ874 ♣ K86
J 1NT pass 4NT What
is 4NT?
K 1♦ pass 1♠ 2♣
2NT How strong is the 2NT bid here?
The Re-opening Double Board 1 from Wednesday 14th
When playing negative doubles, don’t forget
the ’automatic’ re-opening double.
Dealer: ♠
10 Table
North ♥ K106 West North East South(A)
Love all ♦ AK10865 - 1♦ 2♠ (1) dbl (2)
♣ K54 pass 3♦ pass 3NT
all pass
J N ♠ KQ7643
♥ Q54 W E ♥ 982 Table
A87532 ♣ 1096 - 1♦ 2♠ (1) pass (2)
♠ A9852 pass dbl (3) pass pass
AJ73 pass
♦ QJ2
♣ J
And what happened? 2♠* went -5 for 1100.
Other results were 3NT+3 three times. 5♦+1
and 7♦**-2
The bottom line:
- If you want to
penalize an overcall when playing negative doubles, then pass and partner will
usually re-open with a double.
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first input on declarer play of the hand.
North South West North East South
♠ AK1065 ♠ 7 - - - 1♦
♥ 75 ♥
A62 pass 1♠ pass 2♣
K86 ♣ AQ52 pass 3NT all
pass (1) 4th suit
You are South, declarer in 3NT. West leads the ♥K and East plays an encouraging card. West
continues with the ♥4 to the ♥J. You duck again but must win the 3rd
round with the ♥A with West playing the ♥10. What is the layout of the ♥ suit and how do you continue?
Dave’s Column
answer Board 11 from Wednesday 14th
Dealer: ♠ AK1065 Book Bidding
South ♥ 75 West North(H) East South
Love all ♦ AJ6 - - - 1♦
K86 pass 1♠ pass 2♣
♠ 7 best bid, looking
for 3NT or 4♠.
A62 (2) Promising
a ♥ stop. Showing a stopper is the
♦ K10975 first priority when partner bids 4th
suit forcing
♣ AQ52
West leads the ♥K and East plays an encouraging card (the ♥3 if playing low to encourage or the ♥8 if playing high to encourage). West continues with the ♥4 to the ♥J.
Declarer ducks again but must win the 3rd round with the ♥A with West playing the ♥10. What do you think the layout of the ♥ suit is and how do you continue?
West is 99% to hold the ♥Q, even though East’s ♥J did not deny that card; West would have led a
low card from ♥K104 and the ♥10 or low from ♥K1094. If West
started with ♥KQ104 and East ♥J983 it doesn’t matter how you play the ♦ suit. If, however, West started with ♥KQ1094, you cannot afford to lose a ♦ trick to him.
Play the ♦10
from hand and run it unless West covers. Continue with a ♦ to the ♦J
and claim the rest when it holds.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+1
twice, 3NT= twice, 3♠+2 and 3NT-3.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second problem on the play of the hand.
♠ KQJ84
J84 You are South, defending 3NT. North leads
the ♥6 playing 4th best
♦ KQ5 leads, dummy plays low
and declarer takes your ♥J with the ♥A.
♣ 65 West
then leads a ♦ to the ♦10
which you win. Do you now play
the ♠K
or a ♥?
2nd Column answer Board 12 from Wednesday 14th
Dealer: ♠ 6 Book Bidding
West ♥ Q107632 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ 73 1NT pass 2NT pass
J1094 3NT all pass
♣ AKQ2 ♣
♠ KQJ84
♦ KQ5
♣ 65
I (Frank Stewart) suspect that after E-W reached
3NT, South was willing partner to lead a ♠.
Alas, North failed to get the message and led the ♥6 (4th best). West won with the ♥A and let the ♦9 ride. South took the ♦K and with hardly a
pause for thought, tabled the ♠K.
Do you agree with this play?
West took the ♠A and lost another ♦ finesse to the ♦Q. South then cashed the ♠QJ, but as declarer held ♠A1095, he claimed the rest, making his game.
Since declarer’s ♥’s had been ♥Ax, South would beat
3NT if he returned a ♥ at trick three. Did
South make a clear error or was he unlucky?
The ♠K
switch looked like all but a sure thing muttered South after the contract made.
After West took the ♥A and lost a ♦ finesse at trick two, South shifted to the ♠K. He wound up with two ♠’s and two ♦’s, but West made his game. A ♥
continuation by South at trick two would have beaten the contract.
The ‘sure thing’ actually lay with North’s ♥’s. Assuming North’s ♥6 was his 4th highest ♥, the ♥A
could be West’s only higher ♥. (South can apply
the Rule of Eleven, subtracting partner’s spot card from 11 to learn that
dummy, declarer and himself have only 5 ♥’s
higher than the ♥6 and South can see all five of them once the ♥A appeared).
If South returns a ♥ when he takes the first ♦ he can lead his last ♥ later and North will run the ♥’s for two down. South’s actual defense was
unsound as there was no reason why West couldn’t hold ♠A1095.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+1,
3NT= twice, 3♦=, 3NT-1 and 3NT-2.
Hand Evaluation Board 16 from Monday 12th
I disagree with the club’s three top
players on this one:-
Dealer: ♠
8 Table
West ♥ K763 West North East(B) South
E-W vul ♦ Q87432 pass pass 1♠ (1) pass
♣ J10 1NT pass 2NT (2) pass
pass (3)
KQ N ♠ J9754
♥ 10542 W E ♥ AJ8 Table B
Q85432 ♣ AK7 pass pass 1♠ (1) pass
♠ A10632 1NT pass 3NT (2) all pass
♦ K1095
♣ 96
And what happened? Scores were all over the place, but 2NT is the limit
of the hand. Three pairs did bid to the unmakeable 3NT, but the all made it! I
don’t see how as both North and South have an obvious ♦ lead. Maybe South led the ♦5 and blocked the suit but it was made by West
twice which looks impossible to me unless South subsequently blocked the ♦’s.
The bottom lines:
So how much is this East
hand B worth? Paul Q thought about it for a while and opened 1♠
when partnering Janne. At the end of the deal both Janne and Hans V agreed with
Paul and said that the 1♠ opening was obvious. Paul’s argument was that if partner
has 4 ♠’s and around 6 points then you may miss game if you open
1NT. That’s true, but it’s much more likely that you will go down in 2NT when
partner is minimum or go down in 3NT if partner has 7 or so points as here. It
was very lucky that West had 6 ♣’s and so could take 8 tricks off the top on a ♦
lead, give him just 5 ♣’s and 2NT is going down. So, I disagree with all three of
them and 1NT is my answer to question B.
Hand B has three aces its
true, but the 5-card suit is horrible – points belong in long suits, and
the hand is not worth 18 points in my opinion.
Gerber Board 2 from Wednesday 14th
A direct 4♣ Gerber bid is rarely a good choise (that’s why
many play South African Texas). However, a simple Gerber bid easy reaches the
correct contract on this deal. I give only the one biding sequence as the
others I heard of are too embarrasing to print.
Dealer: ♠
AK West North(G) East South
East ♥ KQ - - pass 1NT
N-S vul ♦ A643 pass 4♣ (1) pass 4♠ (2)
♣ KQ874 pass 7NT (3) all pass
Q9852 N ♠
43 (1) What did you bid with this North hand G in
♥ 765 W E ♥ J9842 this
week’s quiz? This is one of the rare
110962 ♣ 5 With this hand, you only need to know if
♠ J1076 there is an ace missing or not.
A103 (2) Two aces.
♦ KQJ (3) Pessimistic people may ask for kings, but
♣ AJ3 7NT
must be a good bet even if there is a
king missing.
And what happened? 7NT=twice, 6NT+1, 6♣+1 and 5NT+2 twice. So just 33% of the club reached the grand with 37
points and 14 top tricks! The bidding given gets you there, and it also does if
North asks for kings at (3). The other player to bid the grand simply bid 7NT
at (1), which I think is silly (there could be an ace missing and it costs
nothing to check), and all of the rest lost their way somehow.
The bottom line:
37 points is usually
enough for the grand!
Remember that if you bid 4♣
Gerber, then 5♣ asks for kings and 4NT is a sign-off.
The 2NT rebid
We all know that if we open 1x and partner responds 1y, then a jump to
2NT shows 18-19. But what about the situation where we open 1x, partner
responds 1y and
Hand E West North(E) East South North Board 12
♠ QJ6 pass 1♦ pass 1♠
♥ A1076 2♥ 2NT (1) …….
J2 What did you bid with this North hand E in
this week’s quiz? This 2NT bid
is wrong as it shows about 18-19 points. You should pass or double to show 3 ♠’s if you play Support Doubles.
Hand F West North(F) East South North Board 5
♠ AK63 - 1♣ pass 1♦
♥ 97 2♠ 2NT (1) …….
AQ9754 What did you bid with this North hand F in
this week’s quiz? This 2NT bid
is wrong as it shows about 18-19 points. You
should pass or else double if you play that as penalties.
The Bottom Lines:
partner responds at the one level he is only promising 6+ points and so you
need 18-19 to jump to 2NT. If partner responds at the two level then he has 10+
and so 2NT is just 12-14. But if partner responds at the one level and
The thing to note is, who has
pushed up the bidding to the two level? If it is partner then you can bid 2NT
with 12-14 but if it is
- You can stretch the points slightly, but 13 or 14 are simply not good enough.
The Tripple
Well done Janne on winning the
triple – with three different partners. He has now won it three times in a row
and five times in all and so equals the club record for the most number of
Numbers Up!
J 1NT pass 4NT 4NT
is generally played as quantitive here, with 4♣ Gerber asking for aces.
K 1♦ pass 1♠ 2♣ 2NT
here should be 18-19. Remember, it is an opponent and
2NT not
partner who has pushed the bidding up to the two level.
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1819.6 Janne Roos |
649.0 Janne Roos 641.2 Hans Vikman 638.2 Paul Quodomine 620.3 Tomas Wikman 619.8 Lars Broman 612.8 Jean Wissing 609.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 594.9 Bengt Malgren 580.6 Jan v Koss 580.4 Holger Renken |
330.4 Janne Roos 329.6 Tomas Wikman 327.9 Hans Vikman 323.3 Paul Quodomine 322.9 Lars Broman 320.3 Jean Wissing 319.6 Sally Watson 319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 320.3 Jean Wissing 308.2 Bob Short |