Mon 3rd 1st Bengt & Terry Q 59% 2nd Hans V & Janne 59%
Wed 5th N-S 1st Dave C & Mike G 60% 2nd Paul K & Sean 55%
E-W 1st Alan K & Paul Q 61% 2nd Bengt & Guttorm 57%
Fri 7th 1st Dave C & Tomas 60% 2nd Mike G & Johan 57%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hands A & B it’s favourable vulnerability and there are two passes to you in 3rd seat:
KQJ10973 ♠
♥ A32 ♥ Q32 What
do you open with Hand A?
♦ Q3 ♦ 43
♣ 5 ♣ 5 What
do you open with Hand B?
Hand C Hand D With Hand C it is favourable vulnerability. You pass as
dealer and partner opens 3♠, passed to you. What do you do?
♠ 86 ♠
K5 ♥ AJ543
♦ AK106 ♦ A85 With
Hand D partner opens 1♥, what do you bid?
♣ J9763 ♣ A10
E 1♥ pass 2♣ pass How many ♣’s does 2♣ promise?
F 1♠ pass 2♣ pass How many ♣’s does 2♣ promise?
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1826.1 Paul Quodomine |
649.0 641.2 638.3 626.8 Tomas Wikman 619.8 Lars Broman 615.9 Jean Wissing 609.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 597.8 Bengt Malgren 586.4 Bob Short 585.1 Johan Bratsburg |
330.4 329.6 327.9 324.8 Sally Watson 323.4 322.9 Lars Broman 320.3 Jean Wissing 319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 308.2 Bob Short 305.7 Bengt Malmgren |
The power of a fit Board 6 from Monday 3rd May
If a 4-4 fit is ‘golden’ then a 5-5 major suit fit is... well, you certainly don’t want to
play in NoTrumps: -
Dealer: ♠
953 Table
East ♥ 6 West(D) North East South
E-W vul ♦ QJ10 - - 1♥ pass
♣ QJ6543 2♣ (1) pass 2NT pass
6NT (2) all
AJ4 N ♠
♥ AJ543 W E ♥ KQ1072 A Possible Auction
A10 ♣ K82 - - 1♥ pass
♠ Q862 2NT (1) pass 3NT (3) pass
98 4NT (4) pass 5♦ (5) pass
♦ 97643 5NT (6) pass 7♥ (7) all pass
♣ 97
And what happened? 6NT=, 6NT-1, 6♥+1,
6♥= and 5♥+2
The bottom lines:
I simply cannot understand
why two West’s decided to play in 6NT when there is a known 5-5 ♥
fit. These 6NT bids are a silly ‘pairs’ bid which actually is not sound – the
hand will make one more trick in ♥’s and so if declarer guesses the ♠’s right then he makes
either 6NT or 7♥; guess wrong then 6NT goes down but 6♥
Doing a Chuck Board 3 from Monday 12th April
Looks like we have another contender for
the ‘doing a Chuck’ crown:
Dealer: ♠
KQJ10973 Table
South ♥ A32 West North(A) East South(C)
E-W vul ♦ Q3 - - - pass
♣ 5 pass 3♠ (1) pass pass (2)
all pass
A54 N ♠
♥ QJ86 W E ♥ 10974 Table B
104 ♣ AKQ82 - - - pass
♠ 86 pass 1♠ (1) pass 2♦ (3)
K5 pass 3♠ (4) pass 4♠
♦ AK106 all pass
♣ J9763
And what happened? At Table A, when dummy was placed on the table, North
immediately ‘did a Chuck’ – laying into South for not raising to 4♠!! EVERYBODY else was in game of course,
typically with sensible bidding as at table B. Results were 4♠+2, 4♠+1
four times, 3♠+2 and 3NT-1.
The bottom line:
Hand A is FAR too good for
a pre-empt at favourable vulnerability, especially in 3rd seat.
When you do something stupid, do not then ‘do a Chuck’,
instead apologise to partner for your poor decision.
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first input, a defensive problem.
♠ 9632
72 You
are South, defending 4♥. Partner leads a ♣ and dummy plays
♦ A76 low. You win
with the ♣K, what card (exact please) do you return?
♣ K876
Dave’s Column
answer Board 14 from Wednesday 5th May
Dealer: ♠ AJ Book Bidding
East ♥ K9 West North East South
Love all ♦ 95432 - - 1NT pass
10532 2♣ (1) pass 2♦ pass
♠ 9632 or Quest transfers (3♦) then opener gets to
72 be declarer.
♦ A76
♣ K876
Anyway, with this bidding declarer is West and
you are South. Partner leads the ♣2
and dummy plays low. You win with ♣K,
what do you lead at trick two?
The first time the board was played South won
the ♣K and could see that the defense needed a trick
in each suit. He might have cashed his ♦A
next, but instead he led the ♠2. North took the ♠A and returned … the ♠J. West won, cashed the ♥A, took the ♣AQ to discard his ♦J and led another
trump to make his contract.
South’s error was that when he led the ♠2 (a low card) that signified that he wanted a ♠ return. Since South did not want a ♠ back he should have led the ♠9 and then North would doubtless have returned
a ♦ to defeat the contract.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♥= four times, 4♥-1 twice and 6♥-2. The 6♥ was a bidding understanding. At another table
I was West and with an unfamiliar/inexperienced partner I took no chances and simply bid 4♥ at (2).
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second problem, again on defense.
Dealer: ♠ 643
South ♥ 852 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ 72 - - - 2NT
A10987 pass 3NT all
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
14 from Wednesday 5th May
Dealer: ♠ 643 Book Bidding
South ♥ 852 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ 72 - - - 2NT
A10987 pass 3NT all
♠ A75
AK3 You are West and lead the ♠Q. Partner overtakes with the
♦ AK43 ♠K and returns the ♠2 which declarer
wins with the ♠A.
♣ K54 How
are you going to stop declarer from taking nine tricks when he leads a low ♣ from hand?
Your partner did well twice. First, he
unblocked the ♠’s and second he resisted the temptation to
shift to the ♦Q. Now you must not let him down. If declarer
leads a low ♣ from his hand at trick three you must fly in
with your ♣Q. If you play low declarer will play low from
dummy, establishing four tricks in the suit while keeping you off lead. But if
you play the ♣Q he cannot afford to duck or win. If he ducks
you run the ♠’s. If he wins in dummy he can even finesse partner’s
♣J on the way back but that only gives him eight
Watch out for second hand high when dummy has a
suit like this and no side entry.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club?
3NT+1 twice, 3NT= twice, 2♠(W)-3, 2NT-1 and 1♦(S)-1.
What to lead? Board 6 from Friday 7th April
I was asked about this deal from Friday.
♠ 8652 West North East South
J95 - - 1♥ pass
♦ 107532 2♦ pass 2♥ pass
♣ 7 3♠ (1) pass 4♥ pass
(1) splinter 4NT pass 6♥ pass
pass ?? (4) all
You are South, on lead against (a) 6♥ and (b) 6♥
(a) If partner passes at (4), what do you lead?
(b) If partner doubles at (4), what does the double
mean and what do you lead?
A Lightner Double? Board 6 from Friday 7th April
Dealer: ♠
A1097 West North East South
East ♥ 76 - - 1♥ pass
E-W vul ♦ A97 2♦ pass 2♥ pass
♣ QJ97 3♠ (1) pass 4♥ (2) pass
4NT pass 6♥ (3) pass
Q N ♠ KJ43 pass dbl (4) all pass
♥ Q43 W E ♥ AK1082
♠ 8652 card ♥
support in this sequence.
J95 (2) ♠
shortage does not look good to East.
♦ 107532
♣ 7
And what happened? 6♥*-2, 6♥*-1,
4♥-1, and 6♥*=
twice. 6♥ made twice when North attempted to cash his ♦A thus setting up three good ♦’s in dummy.
Bidding Quiz Answers
E 1♥ pass 2♣ pass Four. He presumably does
not have 4 ♠’s (and if he has then
he has 4+ or 5 ♣’s), so even 3334 gives him 4 ♣’s.
F 1♠ pass 2♣ pass Three. Partner could
have a good hand with 3433 shape.