Mon 10th 1st Paul Q & Janne 59% 2nd Dinie & Ivy 58%
Wed 12th 1st Paul Q & Terry Q 60% 2nd Dave c & Mike G 54%
Fri 14th 1st Paul K & Sean 60% 2nd Ivy & Terry Q 59%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A you are dealer at love all, what do you open?
94 ♠
x With Hand B partner
opens 1♥ in 2nd seat at unfavourable vul.
♥ 9 ♥ xxxxx (a) What do you bid?
♦ AKJ10987 ♦ AKx (b) Suppose you splinter with 3♠ and LHO bids 4♠. Partner
♣ 1042 ♣ KQxx doubles
(penalties), what do you do?
Hand C Hand D With
Hand C it’s favourable vulnerability.
what do you do?
96 ♠ Q107
♥ K87 ♥
♦ AQJ652 ♦ - With Hand D partner
opens a Gambling 3NT (solid minor
♣ 94 ♣ AJ953 with nothing outside). What do you bid?
E 3NT What
is a 3NT opening?
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1829.9 Paul Quodomine |
649.0 641.2 638.3 626.8 Tomas Wikman 619.8 Lars Broman 615.9 Jean Wissing 610.0 Sally Watson 609.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 597.8 Bengt Malgren 586.4 Bob Short |
330.4 329.6 327.9 324.8 Sally Watson 323.4 322.9 Lars Broman 320.3 Jean Wissing 319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 308.2 Bob Short 305.7 Bengt Malmgren |
An ‘unusual’ Gambling 3 No trump Board 8 from Friday 7th May
The North at Table A considers himself to
be a superior player, and his partner is a superior player. However, I
think that both North and South at table A bid badly.
Dealer: ♠
94 Table
West ♥ 9 West North(A) East South(D)
Love all ♦ AKJ10987 pass 3NT (1) pass pass (2)
♣ 1042 pass
A8532 N ♠
KJ6 Table B
♥ 108 W E ♥ A7653 West North(A) East South
KQ6 ♣ 87
♠ Q107
♦ -
♣ AJ953
And what happened? 4♦*-2, 3NT-3, 3♦-3, 4♦-1,
The bottom lines:
The Gambling 3NT is best
played as a totally solid 7-8 card minor with absolutely no outside ace or king
(then partner knows what to do).
Note also that South
should not bid 4♦ at (2) as that is used with a good hand to ask for
partner’s shortage if he has a singleton/void.
is NOT a solid suit. It needs to be AKQJxxx or AKQxxxxx or better although some
do bid it with AKQxxxx.
Overcalling a 1NT opening Board 3 from Friday 14th May
Overcalling 1NT at the three level, or
even just at the two level, can cause difficulties for the opening side, as
this deal demonstrates.
Dealer: ♠
96 Table
South ♥ K87 West North(C) East South
E-W vul ♦ AQJ652 - - - pass
♣ 94 1NT 2♦ (1) 2NT (2) pass
3♣ pass 3♦ (3) pass
K2 N ♠ A543 3♥ pass 3NT (4) all pass
♥ AJ54 W E ♥ 1032
♣ AK873 ♣ J1065 West North(C) East South
- - - pass
♠ QJ1087 1NT 3♦ (1) 3♠ (5) pass
Q96 pass (6) pass
♦ 1097
♣ Q2
And what happened? 3♠(E)-2, 5♣-1, 3♥(W)=
twice, 3NT=.
The trouble with tribbles
I was told about this deal a week later
and unfortunately there are no hand records, so I only have the E-W hands.
Still, it is very instructive. E-W were vul.
x N ♠ K10xx West(B) North East South
♥ xxxxx W E ♥ KQJxx - pass 1♥ pass
KQxx ♣ A 4NT (3) pass 5♠ pass
6♥ pass pass 6♠ (4)
pass pass dbl all
(1) What did you bid with this West hand B(a) in this week’s quiz? With five trumps this hand is easily worth a game-forcing splinter.
(2) Unfortunately I don’t have the North hand, but
it must be very strange as it passed initially and now comes in at the four
(3) What did you bid with this West hand B(b) in this week’s quiz? This 4NT
RKCB bid, made by a very experienced player, is totally ridiculous in my
opinion for a number of reasons:
a) He has already shown a good hand with a ♠ singleton.
b) With all the points as good defensive points,
there is no reason to remove partner’s double.
c) There is no reason to suppose that there may be
slam – partner has already shown no interest.
d) Finally, when ♥’s are trumps and you have just one keycard without the trump queen, it
is dangerous to bid RKCB because if partner has two keycards with the trump
queen then he will bid 5♠, thus forcing you
to 6♥ with two keycards missing.
So what should West do? I would respect
partner’s double and pass, but 5♥
is the alternative or perhaps a 5♦
cue bid if you really want to invite slam.
(4) Unaware
that West, somebody who usually tells every man and his dog how to bid, had no
idea what he was doing and had propelled their side into an unmakeable slam
with two aces missing, South let them off the hook by bidding 6♠. Unfortunately I do not have the South hand,
but as East had already doubled 4♠
for penalties this seems strange.
And what happened? 6♠*(N)-5, 5♥=, 5♥+1,
4♥+1 twice, 4♥= twice and 5♥-1.
The bottom lines:
- Be wary of
bidding 4NT RKCB when ♥’s are trumps and you have just one keycard without the
trump queen. Obviously this and even more problems exist with a minor suit as
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first input on declarer play of the hand.
Q832 ♣ K107
You are West, declarer in a dubious 3NT
contract. North leads the ♥8 (4th
best) to the ♥3, ♥10,
♥J. You lead a ♦ to dummy’s ♦10 and continue with
the ♦K, North winning with the ♦A and South showing three ♦’s. North (not knowing that your ♥K is now bare) shifts to the ♠4, South putting up the ♠J, do you have any chance of making the
Dave’s Column
answer Board 18 from Wednesday 12th May
Dealer: ♠ K754 Book Bidding
East ♥ AQ98 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ A3 - - 3♦ pass
AJ5 3NT dbl all
♠ J98
♦ 942
♣ 964
You are West and your shot at 3NT was debatable
(as was East’s opening bid) and when North’s double is passed out it seems as
though you have seriously erred.
North leads the ♥8 (4th best) to the ♥3,
♥10, ♥J.
You lead a ♦ to dummy’s ♦10 and continue with the ♦K,
North winning with the ♦A and South showing
three ♦’s. North shifts to the ♠4, South putting up the ♠J, do you have any chance of making the
When the deal was first played, Victor
Mitchell, one of the most colorful of bridge players, was declarer.
After a ♥
to declarer’s ♥J and two rounds of ♦’s, North did not cash the ♥A because he did not know that West’s ♥K was dropping. But if Mitchell had taken the
fourth trick with his ♠Q over South’s ♠J and played a ♣ towards dummy’s ♣K then North would
have had no choice. He would have won with his ♣A and in desperation cashed the ♥A,
with gratifying results from his point of view.
Setting a subtle trap, Mitchell took South’s ♠J with the ♠A! Then, when North won the next trick with the ♣A, he continued with a low ♠, expecting partner to win with the ♠Q and push a ♥ through for at least three down. But it didn’t work out quite like that
when Mitchell won with his ♠10 , crossed to
dummy with a ♣, ran the ♦’s,
took the ♣’s and claimed two overtricks.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 2NT*(N)-5,
4♥*(S)-3, 3♦=,
2♣= and 2♣-2
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second problem, this one on defense.
Dealer: ♠ A65
South ♥ QJ107 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ 65 - - - 2♠
AKQJ pass 4♠ all pass
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
19 from Wednesday 12th May
Dealer: ♠ A65 Book Bidding
South ♥ QJ107 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ 65 - - - 2♠
AKQJ pass 4♠ all pass
♠ QJ10982
A6 You are East. Partner leads the ♦4 and declarer drops the
♦ Q8 ♦8 under your ♦A. How do you plan the defense?
♣ 965
East should start by checking the defensive
tricks. He can see one in ♠’s and already has
got one in ♦’s. Where the other two coming from? Not in ♠’s or ♣’s.
Hopefully partner has the ♦K, so a ♥ trick is also needed, and there is a need for
urgency. You must switch to a ♥ at trick two; and
you should play the ♥8 – a high card
warning partner that you are leading from a weak suit. With this play declarer cannot
Note that if you return a ♦ at trick two, the contract makes as declarer
plays ♠’s and his ♥ loser then disappears on dummy’s 4th ♣ once the trumps are gone..
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♠= twice, 4♠-1
three times.
Bidding Quiz Answers
E 3NT This is best played as the gambling 3NT, promising a solid 7-8 card minor with no ace or king outside.