Mon 24th 1st Paul Q & Janne 64% 2nd Hans & Sean 56%
Wed 26th 1st Hans V & Janne 63% 2nd PaulQ & Terry Q 62%
Fri 28th 1st Bob & Werner 63% 2nd Guttorm & Johan 62%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B Hand A was
a question posted on our blog site.
Jxxxx ♠
♥ KQx ♥ 1073 With Hand B RHO opens 1♦ at love all. (a) What do you bid?
♦ AJ ♦ AKQ (b) Suppose
you pass, LHO bids 1♥,
♣ AQx ♣ A987 and
this is passed round to you, what do you do?
C 1♦ pass 1♠ pass Assuming
that you play 2♣ as forcing (NMF or similar)
1NT pass 3♣ then what
is 3♣ and is it forcing?
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1840.5 Paul Quodomine 1836.3 Janne Roos 1802.6 Hans Vikman |
649.7 641.4 639.9 626.8 Tomas Wikman 619.8 Lars Broman 615.9 Jean Wissing 615.9 Sally Watson 609.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 597.8 Bengt Malgren 591.0 Johan Bratsburg |
330.4 329.6 327.9 324.8 Sally Watson 323.4 322.9 Lars Broman 320.3 Jean Wissing 319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 309.3 Jeremy Watson 308.2 Bob Short |
Paul’s Column
The bridge adage that “The five level belongs to the opponents.” is a time-tested one that in at least 80% of the cases applies. To bid on at the five level you must either be convinced the opponents will MAKE their contract, and the penalty to your side will not exceed the value of their game, or that you are only one trick short of slam.
Some examples from Friday May 21, ALL perpetrated by my partner and
myself, serve as examples.
♠J95432 ♠Q7
♥9854 ♥KQ
♦J ♦Q104
♣Q6 ♣AKJ972
East / West were playing Acol and East opened one club. West made a very dubious one spade response
and North came in with 2 diamonds. To
enter a live auction like this one North should have some decent values. East bid 3NT showing, systemically, 17-18 hcp
balanced and certainly a diamond stopper.
South passed and West pulled to 4 spades, passed around to South who now
“saved” in 5 diamonds, hammered by East, when 4 spades would have failed by 2 tricks
on normal play. A very poor result.
♠K7 Number Two, board
♦A76432 ♦KJ8
♣84 ♣Q1076
After two passes South opened 1 heart and West bid 2 hearts Michaels
(Spades and a minor). North raised to 3
hearts, normally enough, and East “walked the dog” bidding only 3 spades
convinced the opponents would bid 4 hearts and with his excellent spade fit AND
support for either minor West held he might buy the contract in 4 spades. South did indeed bid 4 hearts, pass, pass,
and now East bid 4 spades as planned.
South, a notorious over-bidder, went on to 5 hearts with his 5 loser
hand … destined to failure of course … but West was there with 5 spades which
was doubled and another poor result.
“Note that this is the very next board against the same exuberant
opponent sitting South, again with a 5 loser hand.”
♠Q32 ♠K109764
♥AK842 ♥10
♦97 ♦43
♣1042 ♣K853
I have
been accused of only reporting my partnership’s GOOD results so I will note
here that I was East and committed a DOUBLE “faux pas”. I opened with 2 spades, certainly acceptable
(W vs R) and South doubled. West raised
mildly to 3 spades passed by North and East and South bid 4 diamonds. North chose to believe him and naturally bid
5 diamonds … and I, moron that I was at that moment, ALSO chose to believe him
and bid 5 spades violating both the principles of “You do NOT preempt and bid
again.” and also “The 5 level belongs to the opponents.” 5 diamonds would have gone down quickly on
the natural ♥A ♥K and a ruff! Eventually followed
by a club winner as well! 5 spades
doubled was awful!!
On another note, Terry and I have a disagreement about this one, a defensive problem.
♠KJ4 ♠10976
♥J632 ♥A10875
♦Q932 ♦J
♣73 ♣A106
opened 1 NT (15-17) and East ventured a very dubious 2♥ (natural) overcall. Even with the favorable colors, N/S red, E/W
white, you couldn’t pay me enough to bid this on a moth-eaten 5 card suit. South now bid an enterprising 3NT! West, apparently believing both his partner
and South, “saved” in 4♥. Whacked of course. South led the ♣Q and got an encouraging card
from North. Upon winning the ♣A East led the ♦J, apparently worried about a
possible spade ruff should that suit lie unfavorably. North won his ♦K and returned the ♥4. East naturally enough ducked and South’s ♥K won. South then led a club to North’s K and North
made the only return to give East a problem … the ♥9! North had already worked out the heart
position since South would NEVER bid 3NT with a void! Now place yourself in the East seat seeing 16
hcp between you and West, and having heard South bid a confident 3NT.
Terry Comment. I don’t remember the hand, who was N,S E or W, and don’t know what point Paul is trying to
make or what the disagreement was. But if I was East I would play a low ♥ - restricted choice. If there is no inference
from the bidding then this is not an even bet (8 ever 9 never) but
restricted choice. The mathematical odds are 2-1 that North has the ♥Q when South played the ♥K on the first round. The only questions are whether
you think that South would bid 3NT with a singleton ♥K and whether North would lead a ♥ away from ♥Q9.
<end of Paul’s column>
No Psyches please Board 30 from Friday 30th May
♠ J107 Continueing the topic ‘you couldn’t pay me enough to bid this on a
♥ 84 moth-eaten suit’ one player actually opened this hand
with 3♣ in first seat
KJ9532 conform
with the ‘Australian Rule of 15 for pre-empts’. I
would have
given him an adjusted score but he
deservedly got -1100 on the board when his partner thought that he had his bid
and bid 3NT (doubled minus 5) so I did not need to adjust anything.
Balance with a 4-card suit? Board 24 from Monday 24th May
A player in the balancing seat is obliged
to bid his partner’s hand – here is an extreme example:
Dealer: ♠
A742 Table
West ♥ AK2 West North East(B) South
Love all ♦ J1096 pass 1♦ pass (1) 1♥
♣ 52 pass (2) 1♠ pass 2♠
pass pass pass (3)
J9 N ♠ 1063
♥ Q4 W E ♥ 1073
QJ10643 ♣ A987 West North East(B) South
pass 1♦ pass (1) 1♥
♠ KQ85 pass (2) 1♠ pass 2♠
J9865 pass pass 3♣ (3) 3♠
♦ 874 all pass
♣ K
And what happened? 2♠ made +1. Two pairs
were pushed to 3♠
and one guessed the ♥’s wrong and went one down. At the fourth table
E-W saved in 4♣ going just two down undoubled.
The bottom lines:
Understand balancing.
Dave’s Column Here is
Dave’s first input on declarer play of the hand.
♠ K86 ♠ A92 West North East South
♥ KQ975 ♥
AJ1086 - - - 1♥
♦ 97 ♦ A5 pass 3♥ pass 4♥
♣ Q64 ♣ A107 all
You are South, declarer in 4♥. West leads a ♠, how do you eventually play the ♣ suit?
Dave’s Column
answer Board
23 from Wednesday 26th May
Dealer: ♠ K86 Book Bidding
South ♥ KQ975 West North East South
Both vul ♦ 97 - - - 1♥
Q64 pass 3♥ pass 4♥
♠ A92 matter how the ♣’s are distributed?
♦ A5
♣ A107
A more accurate statement would be: the trick
here is not to play ♣’s at all unless the
opponents force the issue.
Win the ♠
lead and draw trumps. Play two more rounds of ♠’s . Whoever wins the third round (West here) has to lead a ♦. Take the ♦A and return the suit. It doesn’t matter who wins the 2nd ♦ trick, he will be forced to play a ♣ or give a ruff and discard. If he plays a ♣ play 2nd hand low from hand or
dummy and you are assured of two ♣
tricks (because you have the ♣10).
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♥= twice, 4♥-1
and 6♥-3.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second problem on the play of the hand.
♠ 852 ♠ AK7 West North East South
AK53 ♣ 7642
You are West, declarer in 3NT and North leads the ♣Q. On this hand you would have expected a ♥ lead since the defenders have eight of those. A ♥ lead would have given you nine tricks.
But the lead was a ♣. South follows with the ♣8, where is a ninth trick coming from now assuming that North has led from ♣QJ109?
Is there a sure play for nine tricks?
2nd Column answer Board 24 from Wednesday 26th
Dealer: ♠ J104 Book Bidding
West ♥ AQ4 West North East South
Love all ♦ 1054 2NT pass 3NT all
♠ 852 N ♠ AK7 North leads the ♣Q, plan the play.
♠ Q963
♦ 962
♣ 8
Is there a sure play for nine tricks?
There is. All West has to do is find the right
play at trick two after winning the first tick. Do you see it?
a ♥. The ♥K
or the ♥10 will both work. The idea is that you will
set up a ♥ winner and also have an entry to dummy to
enjoy it. You lose just two ♣’s and two ♥’s.
Trap: A big trap (which declarer fell for against me and my partner) is for
declarer to go to dummy with a ♠
in order to lead a ♥. If North has, for
instance, the ♥A and ♥Q,
he will win and may return a ♠. That would remove
your last entry to dummy before you have a ♥ winner.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT=
twice, 3NT= twice.
Bidding Quiz Answers
C 1♦ pass 1♠ pass Assuming
that you play 2♣ as forcing (NMF or similar)
1NT pass 3♣ then 3♣ here is weakish, to
play, usually 6 ♣’s with 4 ♠’s.