Mon 14th 1st Niels & Tonni 66% 2nd Guttorm & Johan 58%
Wed 16th 1st Niels & Janne 66% 2nd Paul Q & Terry Q 60%
Fri 18th 1st Tonni & Janne 59% 2nd Jan & Terry Q 54%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B What do you open with Hand A?
♠ AK4 ♠
AQ10 With Hand B LHO opens 1♦ and
K832 ♥ AJ8 do? Suppose you
pass, LHO bids 1NT and RHO bids 2♥
♦ A73 ♦ K86 (b) What do you do? Suppose you again pass and this goes to
♣ AQ6 ♣ A1098 partner
who bids 2♠
Hand C Hand D With Hand C RHO opens 1♥, what do you bid?
AJ74 ♠
♥ 542 ♥ 86 With
Hand D LHO opens 1♦, partner overcalls with 1♥
Q5 ♣
Hand E Hand F With
Hand E you open 1♦ (with a 18-19 2NT rebid in mind),
but LHO overcalls 1♠ and this is passed to you. What now?
♦ AQ93 ♦ 10864 2♥, what do you bid?
K85 ♣ KJ3
Hand G Hand H What do you open with Hand G?
KJ53 ♠
♥ KQ5 ♥ A What
do you open with Hand H?
♦ Q963 ♦ AQ92
♣ A8 ♣ AKJ72
J 1♦ 1♠ pass pass What
does 1NT show?
K 1♦ 1♠ pass pass What
does 2NT show?
L 1♦ 1♥ pass 2♦ What
does 2♦ show – a ♦ suit, asking for a ♦ stop, or what?
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That 4333 shape yet again Board 21 from Monday 14th
I mentioned just last week a hand (♠K62 ♥AQ43 ♦KQ8 ♣AQ4) that is not worth a 2NT opener because of the totally flat 4333 type shape. Of course nearly everybody totally ignored these words of wisdom and they paid for it on this deal.
Dealer: ♠
J1075 Table
North ♥ J4 West North East South(A)
N-S vul ♦ 86542 - pass pass 2NT (1)
♣ 94 all
632 N ♠
Q98 Table B
♥ A105 W E ♥ Q976 West North East South(A)
KJ1072 ♣ 853 pass (2) pass pass
♠ AK4
♦ A73
♣ AQ6
And what happened? 3NT-3, 3NT-2 twice, 3NT-1 and 1♣-1. Deep Finesse says that 1♣ goes -1 and 2NT goes -2. 3♦ makes but is impossible(?) to reach.
The bottom lines (again copied from last week):
Deduct a
point for a totally flat 4333 type shape hand.
This deal again
demonstrates how bad the totally flat 4333 shape is.
No psyches please! Board 16 from Wednesday 16th May
Dealer: ♠
1076 West North East South
West ♥ A6 pass pass 1♠ (1) dbl (2)
E-W vul ♦ 1074 redbl … whatever onto a partscore.
♣ J9764
9 N ♠ KJ8432 (1) Third seat opening can be light, but this
♥ J83 W E ♥ 109754 5-count
is totally unacceptable. A pre-emptive
AKQ105 ♣ 8 rule
of 15) but at the 1-level this is a psyche
♠ AQ5 and so not allowed at this club.
♦ AKQ95 Every other N-S pair ended up in
3NT making or +1 and
♣ 32 so this partscore was
discarded and the board averaged.
Bidding the opponent’s suit – part 1 Board 23 from Monday 14th May
Biding the opponent’s suit is usually some sort of cue bid, but it can be natural as in this deal:
Dealer: ♠
J74 West North East South
South ♥ KQJ85 - - - 1♣
both vul ♦ Q8 pass (1) 1♥ pass 1♠
♣ 1098 pass 2♥ pass pass
3♣ (2) pass pass dbl (3)
AQ10 N ♠
K98 pass pass pass (4)
♥ - W E ♥ 1097432
QJ5432 ♣ - (2) But now this is natural and to play.
♠ 8632 (3) With a real ♣ suit headed by the ♣AK South
A6 doubled
for penalties.
♦ J103 (4) Showing trust in partner.
♣ AK76
And what happened? On the lie of the cards 3♣ always makes. Results were 2♣(W)*+1, 3♣*=,
3♣=, 4♥(N)-4
and 5♦=.
Bidding the opponent’s suit – part 2 Board 9 from Friday 18th May
Here we have an unwise bid of the opponent’s suit:
Dealer: ♠
AK54 West(D) North East South
North ♥ J104 - 1♦ 1♥ pass
E-W vul ♦ Q983 2♦ (1) pass 4♥ (2) all
♣ Q6
(1) What
did you bid with this West hand D in
76 N ♠ QJ32 this
week’s quiz? 2♦ in this scenario does
♥ 86 W E ♥ AK7532 not
show a ♦ suit and is best played as an
987 ♣ 102 raise to 3♥ or better.
♠ 1098 (2) Since the USB has appeared many times
Q9 in the news sheets East assumed that his
♦ 105 partner knew it and with his good suit and
♣ AKJ543 shape he
bid game.
And what happened? 4♥ stood no chance and
went two down for a bottom. Other results were 3♣(S)+1 and 3♠(N)-1.
One normally needs about 6+ points to balance, but there are always exceptions:
Dealer: ♠
9 West North East(B) South
South ♥ 109654 - - - 1♦
Love all ♦ AQ9 pass (1) 1♥ pass (2) 1NT
♣ J752 pass 2♥ pass (3) pass
2♠ (4) pass 3♠ (5) all
J65432 N ♠
♥ 32 W E ♥ AJ8 (1) Far too weak for a weak 2♠
jump of course.
♠ K87 seat between two unlimited opponents is very
KQ7 dangerous, especially with
a balanced hand.
♦ 10432 I would never dream of bidding 1NT here.
♣ KQ4 (3) And
pass is also the answer to question B(b)
(4) Now is the time for West to show his ♠ suit.
And what happened? 2♠ is the limit, but
the defence was not accurate at four tables. Results were 3♠=twice, 2♠+1
twice and 2♠=.
A re-opening double? Board 20 from Monday 14th May
A recurring theme. When playing negative doubles, do not forget the ‘automatic’ re-opening double.
West North East(C) South
Dealer: ♠
J74 pass pass 1♦ 1♠ (1)
West ♥ 652 pass (2) pass 2NT (3) pass
both vul ♦ 652 3NT all pass
♣ Q763
(1) very dubious with this miserable 4-card suit.
10852 N ♠
KQ (2) Perhaps knowing South’s bidding, West
♥ A9 W E ♥ KJ107 passed
with the intention of passing partner’s
AJ10942 ♣ K85 (3) What did you bid with this East hand C in
♠ A963 this week’s quiz?
This jump to 2NT is
Q843 unnecessary – 1NT shows
18-19. But
♦ KJ1084 double is an alternative as it’s just
♣ - that
partner has a penalty hand (if
South is known to overcall on rubbish).
And what happened? 2♣**(E)+3, 3NT+2 twice, 3NT= and 5♣-1. 1♠
doubled would have gone for 800 but clearly the 1960 for 2♣** was an unbeatable top.
Worth a 1NT opening? Board 1 from Wednesday 16th May
Dealer: ♠
KJ53 Table
North ♥ KQ5 West North(G) East South
Love all ♦ Q963 - 1NT (1) dbl pass
♣ A8 all
976 N ♠
A1084 Table B
♥ J1054 W E ♥ A9 West North(G) East South
KQ10 ♣ J952 2♣ (2) pass 2♠ all
♠ Q2
♦ 875
♣ 7643
And what happened? 1NT*-3, 1NT-3, 1NT*-2, 1NT-3 and 2♠(E)-1.
The bottom lines:
Do not bid
Stayman unless you can cope with any (2♦,
2♥ or 2♠)
Worth a 2♣ opening? North 9 from Wednesday 16th May
♠ Q64 What did you open with this North hand H in this week’s quiz?
♥ A One
North opened 2♣ followed by 3♣, and ended up in a hopeless 7♣.
♦ AQ92 This hand is nowhere near good
enough for that bidding and I would
♣ AKJ72 open 2NT. Any singleton is
acceptable for a 2NT opening (but for 1NT it needs to be an ace or king).
Dave’s Column Board 20 from Wednesday 16th June
A bidding problem this week – Hand F in the ‘Book Bidding’ sequence.
Dealer: ♠ 65 Book Bidding
South ♥ Q1073 West(C) North East(F) South
E-W vul ♦ K53 - - - 1♥
10762 dbl (1) 2♥ 2♠ (2) 3♥
♦ AQJ7 S ♦ 10864 West(C) North East(F) South
♠ Q3 pass (1) 2♥ pass pass
AKJ86 dbl (3) pass 2♠ 3♥
♦ 92 3♠ pass pass (4) dbl (5)
♣ A984 all
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♠*=, 3♠*=,
4♠=, 3♥(S)=
and 5♥(S)-3.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second problem, on the play of the hand.
AQ76 ♠ K9853 West North East South
65 ♣ 873 all pass
You are South, declarer in 4♠. West leads the ♣A,K with East indicating a doubleton. West continues with the ♣Q, plan the play.
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
20 from Wednesday 16th June
Dealer: ♠ AQ76 Book Bidding
West ♥ AQ97 West North East South
Both vul ♦ K85 1♣ dbl pass 1♠
65 2♣ 2♠ pass 4♠
♠ 4 N ♠ J102
♠ K9853 more for his 1♠ bid. Indeed, most experts would
52 have
responded 2♠, showing about 8-11 points,
♦ A92 with 4 or 5 ♠’s.
♣ 873
West leads the ♣A and continued with the ♣K
as East showed his doubleton (♣4 followed by ♣10 if playing low to encourage). When West
leads the ♣Q declarer ruffed with dummy’s ♠Q and East discarded a ♦. When West followed to the ♠A with the ♠4 and showed out on the ♠K,
declarer had to lose a trump trick and later a ♦ for one down even with the ♥K
Do you see the error in declarer’s play?
The line of play adopted by declarer was not
hopeless. He needed only 2-2 trumps, or the singleton ♠J or ♠10
with West (when a restricted choice finesse against East works). But there is a
simple play available to guard against this particular 3-1 break. As declarer
has an unavoidable ♦ loser, he should
discard a ♦ from dummy on the third round of ♣’s. now declarer can manage the 3-1 break as he
still has three high trumps, take the ♥
finesse, and ruff a ♦ with dummy’s fourth
This is a typical loser-on-loser play.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♠=, 3♠+1
twice, 3♠=, 1♣(W)*+1.
Bidding Quiz Answers
J 1♦ 1♠ pass pass Partner
may have very few points and so 1NT here is 18+
K 1♦ 1♠ pass pass 2NT
here does NOT show 18-19, but is an unnecessary jump
2NT showing
a lack of understanding of bidding theory
L 1♦ 1♥ pass 2♦ 2♦ here, bidding the
opener’s suit, is best played as showing a sound raise to 3♥ or better, the
Unassuming cue Bid.
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1871.3 Janne Roos 1846.9 Paul Quodomine |
658.5 642.1 640.1 626.8 Tomas Wikman 619.8 Lars Broman 615.9 Jean Wissing 615.9 Sally Watson 609.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 597.8 Bengt Malgren 591.0 Johan Bratsburg |
335.5 329.6 327.9 324.8 Sally Watson 323.4 322.9 Lars Broman 320.3 Jean Wissing 319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet 316.0 Sigurd Zahl 314.2 Niels Krojhaard |
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