Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                           Club News Sheet – No. 402

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My mobile phone number is 083 6066880                                                          25th July 2010

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

Mon 19th  N-S 1st    Paul Q & Janne              61%       2nd    Hans V & Per-Ake                55%

E-W 1st    Dave F & Martin K        61%       2nd    Guttorm & Johan                    57%

Wed 21st         1st    Gerard & Derek             58%       2nd    Robbie & Ivy                         57%

Fri  23rd            1st    Guttorm & Paul Sc         61%       2nd    = Dave & Martin K                59%

2nd    = Georges & Jean-Charles     59%

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Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A everybody is vulnerable. Partner opens 1 and

RHO overcalls 2, what do you do?

105               J1097                                  

KJ10986      AJ               

85                 K5               With Hand B partner opens 1, what do you bid?

854              A10965       


Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C it’s unfavourable vulnerability. Partner opens 1

and RHO overcalls 1. What do you bid?

Q9754          K                                         

AQ3             95                 With Hand D it’s favourable vulnerability. You open 1 and

96                 AJ976543    LHO overcalls 1. This is passed to you, what do you do?  

Q32             A4               



Bidding Sequence Quiz


E      2      pass   3                    2 is weak. What is the 3 bid, is it forcing?  

F      2      dbl     3                    2 is weak and dbl is take-out. What is the 3 bid?     

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Current club championship standings



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5











1874.0 Janne Roos

1848.9 Paul Quodomine
1846.2 Hans Vikman

669.2 Janne Roos

654.6 Hans Vikman

640.1 Paul Quodomine

626.8 Tomas Wikman

622.1 Sally Watson

619.8 Lars Broman

615.9 Jean Wissing

609.5 Duplessy & Coutlet

607.2 Derek & Gerard

602.4 Jan v Koss

344.6 Janne Roos

337.6 Hans Vikman

329.6 Tomas Wikman

325.4 Sally Watson

323.4 Paul Quodomine

322.9 Lars Broman

322.7 Derek & Gerard

320.3 Jean Wissing

319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet

316.0 Sigurd Zahl

We had three examples of the ‘automatic’ re-opening double when playing Negative Doubles on Monday.


The re-opening double? – part 1                   Board 4 from Monday 19th July


Dealer:             AK962                                       West          North         East            South(A)

West                -                                                 pass           1              2    (1)      pass (2)

Both vul            10732                                        pass           dbl   (3)      pass           pass (4)

                        AK62                                         pass


Q873                  N             J4                   (1)  I guess that most would make this overcall. 

54                   W    E          AQ732           (2)  What did you bid with South hand A in this

A94                    S              KQJ6                  week’s quiz? Obviously you want to defend

QJ107                                93                        2 doubled but you cannot double if playing

                        105                                            negative doubles, so you have to pass and

KJ10986                                   hope that partner re-opens with a double.

85                                        (3)  Many say not to re-open with a double  

854                                            with a void in trumps, but with top tricks

it worked a treat here.

(4)  Thank you partner.


And what happened? 2*-3 three times, 2*-2, 3-1 and 3(N)-1



The re-opening double? – part 2                   Board 2 from Monday 19th July


Dealer:             Q9754                                        West          North(C)    East            South

East                  AQ3                                           -                 -                 pass           1

N-S vul            96                                              1      (1)    dbl   (2)      pass           2NT

                        Q32                                           pass           3NT           all pass


A1086                N             -                     (1)  West is a beginner and presumably had not

852                 W    E          10964                   been taught that if you really want to

4                         S              QJ10732              overcall with a 4-card suit then it needs to

KJ1075                              986                      be much better than this one.

                        KJ32                                   (2)  What did you bid with this North hand (C) 

KJ7                                           in this weeks quiz? This North doubled

AK85                                        to show points. I do not like this treatment

A4                                              and this hand is a very clear pass (and pass

partner’s expected re-opening double). Even at this vulnerability this surely is best.


And what happened? South said that North should have passed the 1 overcall because he always re-opens with a double. So N-S missed a huge penalty and West’s eccentric 1 overcall prevented N-S from finding their 5-4 fit. But as it happens there are just as many tricks available in NoTrumps and 3NT made +2 for a top to N-S anyway. Results were 3NT+2, 4+1 three times, 4= and 5-1.



The re-opening double? – part 3                   Board 3 from Monday 19th July


This was the very next board with the same players, and again an example of where a negative double philosophy was applied.


Dealer:             Q108653                                    West          North         East            South(D)

South               KQ                                             -                 -                 -                 1

E-W vul           KQ2                                          1              pass (1)      pass           dbl   (2)

                        K6                                             pass           pass (3)      pass


J4                       N             A972              (1)  Apparently bearing in mind the four digit

AJ10863        W    E          742                       penalty that was missed on the previous

-                          S              108                       board, the fact that West may have just a

Q10752                             J983                     4-card suit, the vulnerability, and the fact

                        K                                               that N-S have 27+ points, North decided to

95                                              go for the penalty. A dubious decision.

AJ976543                            (2)  What did you bid with this South hand (D) in

A4                                              this weeks quiz? This is a good example of when to re-open with a double: two trumps and good defensive cards.

(3)  Hoping for a big score.


And what happened? There was a big score: but it was +560 to E-W for making 1*+2. Other results were 5NT*=, 5+1, 5= twice and 3+3.

The Bottom Lines:

-         When playing Negative doubles you cannot double for penalties, so you have to pass and hope that partner re-opens with a double, as he usually will.

-         Vulnerability obviously affects your decision, but you generally need five trumps or four very good ones in order to go for the penalty with a pass. Points are not enough – you need trumps!



Dave’s Column                         Here is Dave’s first problem, on defence.


Problem 1    Problem 2

Dealer:             A52          A5                          Book Bidding

East                  1053         10532                     West          North         East            South

both vul            A98          A98                        -                 -                 1              pass

                        QJ109      QJ109                    2              pass           2NT (1)      pass

3      (2)    pass           4              all pass

J96                     N                                            

QJ4                W    E                                    (1)  apparently 15-17 in their style.

KQJ1063           S             



You are North defending a 4 contract. Partner leads the 2 which is clearly a singleton.

Plan the defence (1) if you hold Problem 1 and (2) if your hand is Problem 2.


Dave’s Column Answer                   Board 10 from Wednesday 21st July



Dealer:             A52                                            Book Bidding

East                  1053                                           West          North         East            South

both vul            A98                                            -                 -                1              pass

                        QJ109                                        2              pass           2NT (1)      pass

3      (2)    pass           4              all pass

J96                     N             KQ1083              

QJ4                W    E          A82                (1)  apparently 15-17 in their style.

KQJ1063           S              754                (2)  forcing, with three ’s.

5                                                                  AK              


K97                            You are North, partner leads the 2 to dummy’s 10

2                                 and your A. Plan the defense.                       



Partner has clearly led a singleton, so you can give him a ruff. With Problem 1 you unfortunately can’t give partner a 2nd ruff because he can have only two ’s and when you get in with the A partner will be out of ’s. On the other hand, you can always give partner a ruff when you get in with the A so what’s the rush?  Why not try to build up an outside trick in ’s first? If partner has the K, a shift by you is crucial. If you give partner an early ruff, partner can’t lead ’s safely and the trick disappears on dummy’s ’s. Leading a at trick two serves no real purpose as if partner has the A the trick is not going anywhere.

The Bottom Line:

-         A good defender should know from the bidding how many trumps partner has and defend accordingly. Here, North knew that South had two ’s which allowed North to try to build a trick without jeopardizing the ruff. However, if North held Ax (as Problem 2), he would know that partner had three ’s and should play to give South two ruffs by returning a immediately.

-         So the answers are:

      Problem1:     a .

Problem 2:    a .


And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+2, 3NT+1, 4= twice, 3NT= and 3*(S)=.


Dave’s 2nd Column                 Here is Dave’s 2nd problem, on the play of the hand.


North               South                                       Bidding

J1097           AKQ86                                West              North           East            South  

AJ                Q10                                      -                     -                   -                 1

K5                93                                        pass               2NT   (1)      pass           3NT   (2)

A10965        QJ74                                    pass               4                all pass


(1)   Jacoby 2NT

(2)   A decent opener with no shortage.


You are South, declarer in 4. West leads a low , plan the play


Dave’s 2nd Column                              Board 11 from Wednesday 21st July



Dealer:             J1097                                         Bidding

South               AJ                                              West          North(B)    East            South

Love all            K5                                             -                 -                 -                 1

                        A10965                                      pass           2NT (1)      pass           3NT (2)

pass           4    (3)      all pass

42                       N             53                        

6532               W    E          K9874                 

Q10862              S              AJ74                    

82                                      K3                 West leads a low , Plan the play.        






(1)   What did you bid with this North hand (B) in this week’s quiz? This is a typical Jacoby 2NT bid – promising 4-card support and asking partner to describe his hand further.

(2)   Showing a decent opener with no shortage (3 would show a strong opener and 4 a weak opener).

(3)   South needs more than a decent opener opposite in order to investigate slam.


“It was my only chance to win a trick with your K” explained South.

“That’s right” agreed North. “In the process you missed your last opportunity to save the game.

Knowing that he was a big favorite to make the game, South went right up with dummy’s K at trick one. “It’s now or never” he exclaimed.

East took his A and returned the suit to West’s 10, allowing West to shift to shift to a . The finesse lost to East’s K and the return went to dummy’s A. After drawing trumps success rested on the finesse and when it failed South had to pay for his impulsive play.

What could declarer have done to avert the loss? After all, all three side-suit finesses were losing.

To begin with, the finesse really was not a finesse. It was extremely unlikely that West had underled the A at trick one. Therefore it was silly to have a stab at winning dummy’s K. Instead declarer should duck in dummy, forcing East to win the trick. East can cash his A for the same two winners, but cannot give West the lead for the killing shift.

At trick three, South wins whatever East returns and draws trumps. The finesse loses as before but the finesse is not necessary. South’s loser goes on a long and the game is safely made.


And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4+1, 4=four times and 6-2.


The Bottom Lines:

-     I note the poor 6 contract, this would be avoided if playing the Jacoby 2NT convention.




Janne’s Column


On Wednesday there were two interesting boards and nobody reached the perfect contract.


Number 1                   RHO opens 1. Let’s say you bid 1 with the intention of reversing

with a bid next go. LHO passes and partner bids 1. RHO passes, what

KJx                         do you bid? You look at your hand and now it is very strong. At least 4,

AKxx                     maybe more. I suggest 4, showing support with a singleton or void in

K10xxxx                ’s. If it was only a singleton then you should have the AK and maybe

-                             only two ’s. Never Gerber asking for aces.  


Ax                          Now your partner’s hand. Knowing that partner is short in ’s he must

Qxxxx                     have a very good suit. You can cue bid 4 but I suggest 4, showing

Qx                         something in the vital suit. You know that partner has a very good suit

xxxx                       and the Q must be important. Next you check on aces and partner shows

one. You bid 6. If you had a boring hand with no good values or only values in ’s you would bid just 4 over 4.


If you don’t agree with the 1 overcall and you prefer double it’s up to you but I think that 1 is better because you probably have a chance to bid one more time. If you don’t know if you have a fit, bid slowly. If you have a fit, bid hard. Next hand next week.


<end of Janne’s Column>



Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    pass. Obviously you want to defend 2 doubled, but you cannot double when playing negative doubles. So pass and pass partner’s up coming ‘automatic’ re-opening double.

Hand B:    2NT – the Jacoby 2NT convention. It really is important to have a conventional forcing raise of partner’s major available which allows partner to describe his opening. Without a convention such as Jacoby 2NT or Swiss you have to bid a minor and then jump to 4-of-the major which makes it difficult to reach a slam unless partner has a very big hand.

Hand C:    pass. Even at unfavourable vulnerability it is surely better to go for the penalty as there may well be no game you way and you may possibly get 800 anyway.

Hand D:    double. This is a classic example of when to re-open with a double. It is very likely that partner has a penalty hand and, especially at this vulnerability, you should co-operate. If partner does not have a penalty hand he will bid and you can then bid ’s, so nothing is lost.


Bidding Sequence Quiz Answer


E      2      pass   3                    This is usually played as natural and forcing, RONF (Raise Only Non Forcing bid – as stated in SAYC).   

F      2      dbl     3                    This is up to you, the treatment that I have agreed with Paul Q is that it shows support and asks for a lead if defending.  

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