Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                           Club News Sheet – No. 404

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My mobile phone number is 083 6066880                                                          8th Aug 2010

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

Mon 2nd           1st    Johan & Guttorm            65%       2nd       Gus & Mark                        57%

Wed 4th            1st    Paul Q & Terry Q          62%       2nd    = Paul Sc & Dino                   58%

 2nd    = Dave C & Mike G              58%

Fri  6th              1st    Hans V & Paul Sc          63%       2nd        Janne & Guttorm                60%

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Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A partner opens 1, what do you bid?


KQ102         872                            

K53              J8                 With Hand B you open 1 (much better than 1) and partner

Q973            A1065          responds 1, what do you bid?

A2                AKQ7                       


Hand C           Hand D           What do you open in 2nd seat, unfavourable vul, with Hand C?


1097             AJ53             With Hand D it’s unfavourable vulnerability.                 

KQ2             J53               (a)  What do you do if it’s three passes to you?  

853               AJ4              (b)  What do you do if partner opens 1 and RHO overcalls

AK98           1042                  with a weak 2?               


Bidding Sequence Quiz


E      1NT   pass   2                   You play transfers, so what is this 2 bid?  

F      1     pass   1      pass       How many ’s does the 2 bid promise…

2                                         … is it always 4 or can it be just 3?    


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Current club championship standings



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5











1878.0 Janne Roos

1856.5 Paul Quodomine
1852.1 Hans Vikman
1714.6 Johan Bratsberg

669.2 Janne Roos

655.1 Hans Vikman

640.1 Paul Quodomine

626.8 Tomas Wikman

622.1 Sally Watson

619.8 Lars Broman

615.9 Jean Wissing

610.7 Johan Bratsburg

610.0 Derek & Gerard

609.5 Duplessy & Coutlet


344.6 Janne Roos

337.6 Hans Vikman

329.6 Tomas Wikman

325.4 Sally Watson

323.4 Paul Quodomine

322.9 Lars Broman

322.7 Derek & Gerard

320.3 Jean Wissing

319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet

316.0 Sigurd Zahl



Another Jacoby 2NT Auction                              Board 19 from Wednesday 21st July


Two weeks ago we had a hand where a Jacoby 2NT auction can keep you low at 4/ when there is no slam. There was a second example a few deals later the same day.


Dealer:             KQ102                                       Table A

South               K53                                            West          North(A)    East            South

E-W vul           Q973                                          -                 -                -                 1

                        A2                                              pass           4NT (1)      pass           5

pass           6              all pass              

3                         N             875                      

QJ96              W    E          874                       Table B

A106                  S              KJ52                    West          North(A)    East            South

J10963                               Q54                     -                 -                 -                 1

                        AJ964                                        pass           2NT (1)      pass           4  (2)

A102                                         pass           pass (3)      pass




Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this North hand A in this week’s quiz? It’s great hand with excellent trump support but this is not the way to find out if partner too has a good hand.

Table B:     (1)  This N-S pair play the Jacoby 2NT convention and this is the way to find out if opener has a hand good enough to investigate slam.

(2)   This shows a minimal opener.

(1)   So North knows not to even think about investigating slam.


And what happened? One pair bid a hopeless slam 6-2, other results were 4+1 twice and 4= three times.

The bottom lines:

-         The Jacoby 2NT is a great convention and really helps you to stop bidding poor major suit slams.



Dave’s Column                         Here is Dave’s 1st problem, on the play of the hand.


North               South                                       Bidding

KQJ53         872                                       West              North           East            South

KQ10           J8                                         -                     -                 -                 1

J94                A1065                                 pass               1                pass           2

42                AKQ7                                  pass               4                all pass


You are North, declarer in 4. East leads the K, plan the play.





Dave’s Column Answer                   Board 11 from Wednesday 4th August



Dealer:             KQJ53                                       Book Bidding

South               KQ10                                         West          North         East            South(B)

Love all            J94                                            -                 -                -                 1

                        42                                              pass           1              pass           2    (1)

pass           4              all pass

1064                   N             A9                       

A632              W    E          9754               (1)  What did you bid with this South hand B in

72                       S              KQ83                  this week’s quiz? As I have frequently said

J953                                   1086                    in the news-sheets, it is usually best to raise

                        872                                            partner’s 1 response with just three card

J8                                              support, typically with a weak 2-card

A1065                                      holding.


East leads the K, plan the play.


The worry here is that you will have four losers – two aces, one and one ruff, or one and a 2nd trump loser on a promotion.

Say that you win the A and play three rounds of ’s, discarding a from hand to try to prevent a 3rd round ruff. When you play a , East will win, cash the Q and play a to the A. West will play the J and you will lose a 2nd trump trick (now, if you ruff the low, later if you ruff high). Can you prevent this?

Yes! There will be no trump promotion if West can’t play the fourth when declarer must ruff it. The solution is to play a 4th round of ’s yourself, before starting ’s. When West turns up with the J, discard your last rather than ruff. This loser on loser play stops the defence from developing a second trump trick on this layout, but would not work if West held a doubleton 10x or 9x. When the J holds, West would play a 2nd , ruffed by declarer. East would win the first round of trumps and play a third , and West would uppercut with his remaining trump, thus building a second trump for East.

This deal was played in the finals of the Bermuda Bowl in 2005. Both the Italian and American declarers adopted this line of play. At the table it did not matter as the major suit aces were switched, but great declarer play is always a treat to watch.


And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+1, 4= twice, 2NT+2, 3NT-1 and 3NT-2.


Dave’s 2nd Column                 Here is Dave’s 2nd problem, again on declarer play.


AQ3             85                             Book Bidding

AK5             J743                         West          North         East            South

K8                AQ7642                   1             pass           1              pass

A10542        6                              2NT           pass           3              pass

3NT           all pass


You are West, declarer in 3NT. North leads a low to South’s K and your A. plan the play.

Dave’s 2nd Column
Answer             Board 12 from Wednesday 4th August


Dealer:             J9642                                         Book Bidding

North               962                                             West          North         East            South

N-S vul            10                                              1     (1)    pass           1              pass

                        KJ83                                          2NT           pass           3              pass

3NT           all pass

AQ3                   N             85                        

AK5               W    E          J743                    

K8                      S              AQ7642         (1)  I can see nothing wrong with the obvious            

A10542                              6                          2NT opening, which is what I opened.

                        K107                                          With top cards, all suits covered, and a

Q108                                         5-card suit I can see no reason whatsoever

J953                                           to downgrade to 18-19 as in the book.



North leads a low to the K and your A, how do you continue?


The long ’s may not need establishing, and if they do there probably is no entry. That’s evidently what the actual declarer thought since he took the A and promptly led the K and a low . When North threw a , declarer groaned, took the AQ and led a 4th .

South won and led a which declarer won with the Q and when the Q did not drop he was one down.

Declarer starts with eight tricks and will take at least eleven if the ’s come in. If they break badly East has a chance for his 9th trick in ’s. But since dummy’s entry to a long lies in ’s, declarer must first lead the A and K and, if South follows twice, continue with a low . When ’s break 3-3 declarer wind the return declarer needs only three tricks in ’s and the contract makes.

If the ’s do not behave, declarer has to try his luck in ’s.


And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT= four times, 3NT-1 and 6-2.


So four players made it, but I don’t know how many declared correctly. I do know that one declarer played a low at trick two for some reason (this gives a trick away if the Q is doubleton or singleton). Another declarer correctly played the AK and low but then incorrectly played the J from dummy. As it happens these inferior lines both worked.



The Ogust convention                                          Board 4 from Wednesday 4th  


Dealer:             1098                                           Table A

West                A1085                                        West          North         East            South

Both vul            K102                                         2    (1)      pass           2NT (2)      pass

                        1076                                          3    (3)      pass           3NT (4)      all pass


3                         N             AJ62                     Table B

J76                 W    E          K93                      West          North         East            South

AJ8643               S              Q97                      pass (1)      pass           1NT           pass

J85                                     AQ3                     2    (5)      pass           2NT (6)      pass

                        KQ754                                      3              pass           5    (7)      all pass





Table A:     (1)  A standard weak 2 opening.

(2)   The Ogust convention, asking partner to describe his hand.

(3)   Minimal values but good suit

(4)   With a good 6-card suit opposite 3NT has a good chance.

Table B:     (1)  This pair play a strong 2 opening and so West has to pass.

(5)   This bid needs to be agreed when playing transfers. More established pairs have various uses but for non-established partnerships it generally shows a weak hand with a 6+ card minor. Opener is expected to bid 3 and responder will pass or correct to 3.

(6)   East has been around for years and so presumably forgot.

(7)   This is ridiculous of course, if he really thinks partner gas a good hand with ’s then surely 3NT is better.


And what happened? 3NT= twice, 3=, 2+1, 1NT= and 5-2.

The bottom lines:

-         The Ogust convention really is best over a weak two and is certainly worth playing.

-         Without another understanding, it’s best to play that 1NT - pass - 2 is weak with a 6+ card minor and asks opener to bid 3.

That terrible 4333 type shape                             Board 12 from Monday 2nd Aug


Dealer:             1097                                           Table A

West                KQ2                                           West          North(C)    East            South(D)

N-S vul            853                                            pass           1   (1)      2    (2)      dbl   (3)

                        AK98                                         pass           2NT           pass           3NT (4)

all pass              

K842                  N             Q6                       

9                     W    E          A108764              Table B

KQ1092             S              76                        West          North(C)    East            South(D)

J75                                     Q63                     pass           pass (1)      pass (5)      pass (6)






Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this North hand C in this week’s quiz? I believe that all but one or maybe two opened the ‘fairly obvious’ 1.

(2)   A weak jump overcall – fine.

(3)   What did you bid with this South hand D(b) in this week’s quiz? This negative double, promising 4 ’s in most people’s style, is clear.

(4)   This is wrong. You have ‘forced’ partner to bid 2NT if he does not have ’s and his bid is probably 12-14. You have a very bad 10 (that 4333 shape needs a point deducted) and so you should certainly pass.

Table B:     (1)  This North knows just how bad the 4333 shape is and passed as the answer to question C. This is a very marginal decision as the hand has good top cards and some intermediates, but I certainly would not argue with pass.

(5)   A weak 2 is an alternative.

(6)   What did you open with this South hand D(a) in this week’s quiz? This hand is actually 15 for the rule of 15 for 4th seat openers (points + length) but I would not open it because of the 4333 shape and lack of intermediates.


And what happened? The pass-out worked well for N-S at table B, they have a combined 23 points but 1NT is the limit. Why is that? Because the 4333 type shape sucks, and two 4333 shapes opposite each other really suck! If either North or South bid then they will get too high. Results were 3NT-2, 2NT-1, 2-1 twice, passed out and 2(E) -1.

The bottom lines:

-         Deduct a point for the terrible 4333 type shape.

-         N-S at Table B got a good result here, and it’s possible that the other good result (setting E-W in 2) was if North passed and East opened 2, passed out, as I can see no other sensible way for N-S to stop low.

Paul’s Column                        re-opening with a double


There has been a bit of controversy over what hand types are suitable for a reopening double after a 1 level overcall, p, p.  Let’s look at some of the exceptions.  Remember, this is a form of take-out double and should be treated as such.  The farther it strays from what you would double the suit with if opened to your right the less appropriate a re-opening double.  Here are some examples of when NOT to re-open with a double.  Obviously vulnerability is of vital interest but for the following let’s assume our side is NV, the opponents Vul.


1) Obviously opener cannot reopen with a double with a moderate hand and length in the overcalled suit.  After 1, 1, p, p:







Just pass one spade, partner cannot be looking at a spade stack and a penalty pass, and did not negative double.


2) A balanced hand of 18-19 hcp that would have re-bid 2NT opposite a responding partner:






Re-bid 1NT. 


3) A freakish 2-suiter with near game in hand.  These hands are not good 2 openings because of the difficulty describing them after high level interference.  After 1, 1, p, p:






Re-bid 2.


After 1, 2 or , p, p:







Bid 4!  Your side may actually have slam in a black suit opposite a partner who passed!  xx, J10xx, Axx, 10xxx should now CUE-BID 4, indicating cooperation in a slam attempt for one of your suits.  IT IS NOT DIAMONDS, you have shown a powerful freak black 2-suiter.  I think Terry would pretty much agree with the above exceptions to the “automatic” reopening double.  Now for some we apparently do NOT agree on.


4) A minimum opening with a very long suit and limited defense.  This is the hand which initially led to our respectful disagreement:







Weak openers with very long suits and limited defense are inappropriate for re-opening doubles.  Would you double 1 if opened on your right?  Re-bid 2, telling partner you have this hand type.  Hands with very long suits play well on offense but not on defense, the underlying principle of preempts.  If you double and partner holds:







Who could fault him for passing?  The KQ look golden and the heart holding is fine.  Yet with the vulnerable overcall on your left the K looks very shaky defensively and the diamond duplication leaves you with only one defensive trick, the A, not the 2 ˝ minimum partner expects.  You will likely make only 4, 1, and MAYBE 1 on defense.  There is another downside.  WHERE ARE THE SPADES?  If LHO was dealt:







his hand is good enough to try a 1 bid over your double.  And his partner with 5 to the J109xx will be delighted to raise, perhaps to 3 or 4.  But LHO is NOT good enough to bid spades if you are in there with 2.  Or let’s say he was dealt:







He passes your double as does partner and now HIS partner holding:







believes the roof is about to fall in and tries 1.  Clearly he did not have enough to bid initially playing new suits either forcing or constructive, both popular methods, but NOW he sends a clear message and the opponents may find their spade game.


5)Two suited weak openers with limited defense:







Rule of 20?  Janne would cut my privates off with a dull, rusty knife if I opened this in first seat but most folks would open 1.  Should you re-open a 2 overcall on your left followed by 2 passes with a double?  Once again the vulnerable overcall leaves your Q suspect on defense, and partner will not know how to evaluate the defensive value of his diamonds.  And as above, there are a lot of hearts unaccounted for. Also consider your dilemma over a 2 overcall.  In the first case you cannot risk partner bidding 3 and if over double p, p, RHO now comes in with 2 finding a fit you are too weak to risk 3 which may actually be your best suit fit.  Re-open with 2, a weakfish 2-suiter.  Change the hand slightly to one of greater strength:







THIS is a reopening double as you have excellent defense and, should the opponents run you may now try 3 or double.

Another example of the “bad” versus “good” 2 suiter:







After your 1 opening is overcalled with 1 passed to you re-open with 2 telling partner you have limited defense and we should be declaring, not defending unless he has a freak black suiter.  This also cuts off a 2 re-bid by LHO if he held an intermediate strength hand with 5-5 shape not suitable for a Michaels cue-bid.  If the hand is:







re-open with a double!  You have excellent defense, especially if partner is short in , and if they run to you can NOW bid your diamonds showing the “good” two-suiter.


If you maintain some discipline in your re-opening doubles your partner will be much more comfortable making “penalty passes”.

As to the disputed hand if I held as little as Qxx, KJ109, Kx xxxx I would NOT bid the textbook 1NT (at match-points, not IMPs) but pass 1 looking at 4 ˝ likely defensive tricks and seek the magic +200, or +500 against a part-score given some of the overcalls I have seen lately if my partner is disciplined in re-opening with a double.  And if he decides to describe a weakfish hand of the types above I am well placed to make a rational decision.

Terry cites a very well known International expert as saying “reopening doubles are almost automatic” but the key word is ALMOST.  Opening bids of 4-3-3-3, 5-3-3-2, and 4-4-3-2 occur with MUCH greater frequency than the skewed distributions I give, hence the greater frequency of re-opening doubles.  Know when to re-open with a bid, a pass, or a double and your scores will improve a great deal.


< end of Paul’s column>


Terry’s comments. Many thanks for your input Paul – I know how much work is involved. I totally agree that there are many exceptions when you do not re-open with a double, and my (slightly different) version of this has been on the website for years in the conventions section under negative doubles.

But we do disagree on a number of specific hands and I believe that this is due to a basic concept: Paul says at the very beginning “Remember, this is a form of take-out double and should be treated as such”. I disagree and will re-open with a double if I think that partner is holding a penalty hand and I am happy to defend if he does and can cope with him bidding if he does not. In my opinion there is no correlation whatsoever between a re-opening double and a take-out double if RHO opens, and I do not believe that opener will have a take-out type hand ‘ALMOST’ always. This concept of it being a take-out was true in the days of penalty doubles, but if you play negative doubles you do not want lucrative penalties slipping away. I guess it’s up to you which philosophy you use?

And obviously I need to wear protection if I ever partner Janne as I would most certainly would open hand 5) – it is 21 for the rule of 20 with the points in the suits, the suit, and an easy rebid; a very clear opener in my style. As you hold the suit (very important), the hand may easily be passed out when you are cold for 4.


Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    2NT, the Jacoby 2NT. This hand is difficult to bid if you do not have a forcing major suit raise available. 2 followed by 4 is the inferior alternative.

Hand B:    2. It is quite acceptable to support 1 with just three cards when you have a weak suit somewhere (especially when it is ’s which partner usually does not have) and this bid is preferable to 1NT.

Hand C:    1 or pass. This is very close, deduct a point for the 4333 type shape but the hand does have good top cards and decent intermediates. I actually passed and got a near top when the deal was passed out.

Hand D:    Pass. It’s 15 for the rule of 15 for 4th seat openers, but deduct a point for the poor 4333 shape and with nothing much in the way of intermediates to compensate it’s best to pass the hand out.

Bidding Sequence Quiz Answer

E      1NT   pass   2                    Unless you have agreed something more sophisticated, this is best played as showing a weak hand with a 6 card minor. Partner is expected to bid 3 which you either pass or correct.

F      1     pass   1      pass       This raise to 2 may be just three cards, typically with a

2                                        weak holding as Hand B.

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