Mon 6th N-S 1st Bob S & Ole Dam 56% 2nd Dinnie & Ivy 56%
E-W 1st Tobjorn S & Johan 57% 2nd Janne & Paul Sc 56%
Wed 8th N-S 1st Alan K & Paul Q 61% 2nd Ivy & Robbie 57%
E-W 1st Hans V & Janne 60% 2nd Gerard & Derek 58%
Fri 10th 1st Jeremy & Sean 66% 2nd Gerard & Derek 59%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B What do
you open with Hand A?
♠ A62 ♠ KQJ1052
KQ105 ♣
A9764 5NT, how do you show the
C 1♠ pass 1NT 2♥
pass pass 2♠ How many ♠’s does the 2♠ bid show?
D 1♣ pass 1♥ pass Is
the jump to 3♥ invitational or forcing?
1NT pass 3♥ Is it different in Acol where 1NT is 15-16(17)?
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Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1894.9 Janne Roos 1894.0 Hans Vikman 1862.9 Paul Quodomine |
670.4 662.4 640.1 628.3 Sally Watson 627.0 Derek & Gerard 626.8 Tomas Wikman 619.8 Lars Broman 615.9 Jean Wissing 610.7 Johan Bratsburg 609.5 Paul Scully |
344.6 338.9 329.6 Tomas Wikman 327.5 Derek & Gerard 325.4 323.5 Jeremy Watson 323.4 322.9 Lars Broman 320.3 Jean Wissing 319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet |
Blackwood with a void Board 6 from Friday
10th Sept
Dealer: ♠ A87 Table A
East ♥ AK964 West North East South(B)
E-W vul ♦ AJ74 - - pass 1♠
5 pass 2♥ pass 3♠ (1)
pass 4NT pass 5♠ (2)
♠ 643 N ♠ 9 pass 5NT pass 6♣ (3)
♠ KQJ1052 West North East South
Q8 - - pass 1♠
♦ - pass 2♥ pass 2♠ (1)
♣ A9764 pass 4♣ (4) pass 4NT (5)
pass 5♦ (6) pass 5NT
pass 6♥ (7) pass 7♠ (8)
all pass
Table B: (1) This South chose the slower route, fine.
(4) A splinter, so here showing ♣ shortage with 3 ♠’s and 5 ♥’s.
(5) With no red ace to cue bid South decided to try
RKCB. It’s not normally a good idea to use RKCB when having a void (you are in
a mess if there is just one ace missing) but it worked a treat here. Exclusion
RKCB (a jump to 5♦, showing a ♦ void and asking for keycards outside ♦’s) is an alternative.
(6) Two keycards.
(7) The ♥
king (and denying the ♣K and ♦K), this pair play specific king responses,
which really is a better treatment than number of kings.
(8) South can now play the hand without even seeing
dummy – six ♠’s, three ♥’s,
one ♦, one ♣
and three ♣ ruffs equals 14 tricks, so even if the
opponents lead a trump there are 13 tricks.
And what happened? 7♠=, 6♠+1
twice, 4♠+1 and 6♠-1.
The bottom lines:-
The void
responses to 4NT RKCB devised by Eddie Kantar, are given on the website.
Any sensible inputs from people are welcome and
will generally get published in the news sheet. Dave Forde sent me this by
Dave Forde’s Column Board 8 from
Friday 10th Sept
Dealer: ♠ 1084
West ♥ J105
Love all ♦ 953
♠ - N ♠ AKQ762
♠ J953
♦ KQJ102
♣ KQ9
I am surprised that 7♥ was not bid and made on board 8 Friday.
When West bids ♥’s and rebids ♥’s he shows 6-7 ♥’s, if East checks for aces they have 4 and losers can be discarded on ♠’s.
Even with 6♥ bid twice I am surprised no one makes +1. East can be entered in ♦’s, lead low spade and
ruff, clear trumps ending in dummy spades good. Worth a try I think from East.
What do you think?
ps that is why I think 4♣ is a very underestimated bid looking for aces.
If only 1 or 2 or even no ace response 4♦ 4♥ and even 4♠ resp is low enough to
stop in a contract of 4 something. If you
use 4NT partner is in 5 already with no return if short aces or even kings
<end of Dave
Forde’s column>
Terry Comment. I totally agree the 7♥ should be bid and
made. Once East discovers that West has the ♣A and the ♥AQ (5♠
response to RKCB) he can count a probable 14 tricks (hopefully 6 ♠’s and 6 ♥’s
together with the ♣A and ♦A).
As it happens there are only 5 ♠
tricks but Dave Forde’s line of first ruffing a low ♠ leads to an easy 13 tricks.
Incidentally, I (Terry) only use 4♣ to ask for aces when partner has bid NT
naturally and I would use RKCB here. Note that if East does use RKCB then West
should not show his ♠ void, as a void in
partner’s suit is not generally an asset, and here it is certainly more
important to show the trump queen.
And what happened? 6♥= twice, 7NT-2 twice, and 7♥-2.
The bottom lines:-
So just
one found the great 7♥, but they managed
to go two down, so nobody ruffed a small ♠
to set up the suit? As for the two in 7NT – well, they got what they deserved.
Here We Go Again – The Rubbish 4333 Board 2 from Friday 10th
Dealer: ♠ 109753 Table A
East ♥ J104 West North East(A) South
N-S vul ♦ KJ105 - - 1NT (1) pass
6 2♦ pass 2♥ pass
3NT pass 4♥ all pass
♠ J8 N ♠ A62
♠ KQ4 1♥ pass 1NT (2) all pass
♦ Q93
♣ J8532
Table B: (1) This East knows a bit more about hand
evaluation that simply adding up points, and correctly deducted a point for the
terrible 4333 type shape. With just one ten and nothing else in the way of
intermediates the hand is not worth a strong 1NT opening.
And what happened? No game stands any chance,
with great/lucky declarer play you can escape for one down. Actual results were
3NT-3, 4♥-2 twice 1NT+1 and 3NT=
The bottom lines:-
Take the
advice of experts like Tony Forrester and Freddie North and deduct a point for
the horrible 4333 type shape.
Only one
person (no prize for guessing who) opened the sensible 1♣ with this East hand A and had a relaxing
partscore play making 1NT+1 for a good score.
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s
1st problem on declarer play.
North South Bidding
♠ 854 ♠ A West North East South
♥ AKQ ♥
6543 - 2NT pass 3♣
♦ AQ7 ♦ 65432 pass 3♦ pass 3NT
AQ32 ♣ K54
You are North, declarer on 3NT. East leads a
low ♠, plan the play for a maximum chance of making
the contract.
Dave’s Column
Answer Board 5 from Wednesday 8th
Dealer: ♠ 854 Bidding
North ♥ AKQ West North East South
N-S vul ♦ AQ7 - 2NT pass 3♣
AQ32 pass 3♦ pass 3NT
all pass
♠ KJ973 N ♠ Q1062
♠ A
6543 West leads a low ♠, plan the play.
♦ 65432
♣ K54
North has 8 tricks on top and can combine his
chances for one more. He starts by taking the top ♥’s; if the missing ♥’s broke 3-3, his 4th ♥ would be a winner.
When the ♥’s
break 4-2 declarer takes the ♣AQ and leads a third
♣ to the ♣K.
When the ♣’s break 3-3 he returns to the ♦A to cash the 13th ♣. If the clubs did not break well declarer is
in dummy to take the ♦ finesse as a third
and last resort.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club?
3NT= four times, 3♥= and 3NT-1.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s 2nd problem, on defence.
West East Book
♠ 103 ♠ K95 West North East South
You are East, declarer in 3NT. Two problems here:
Situation 1: South leads the ♠4
(4th highest) and the first North takes the ♠A and returns the ♠Q. How do you play?
Situation 2: The second North plays the ♠Q on the first ♠. Since you can’t
see all four hands, you must take your ♠K
(South may have led from ♠AJ742). How do you
Dave’s 2nd Column Answer Board 6 from Wednesday 8th September
Dealer: ♠ AQ8 Book Bidding
East ♥ K65 West North East(1) South
E-W vul ♦ Q86 - - 1NT pass
10942 3NT all pass
♠ 103 N ♠ K95
♠ J7642
J974 (1) Note that this author deducts a point for 4333
♦ 95 type
shape and opens the sensible 1NT.
♣ 87
You can be declarer twice in this week’s deal. You land in 3NT and first
I’ll give you an inexperienced defender in the North seat. The second time you
must cope with tough defense.
Situation 1: South leads the ♠4
(4th highest) and the first North takes the ♠A and returns the ♠Q. How do you play?
Situation 2: The second North plays the ♠Q on the first ♠. Since you can’t
see all four hands, you must take your ♠K
(South may have led from ♠AJ742). How do you
Against an inexperienced North who takes the ♠A and returns the ♠Q, you hold up your ♠K and win the third round. Now South is the
dangerous opponent, if he gets in he’ll beat you with good ♠’s. So you cash the ♦A and let the ♦10 ride as an avoidance play. You don’t mind if North wins, but you
can’t let South win a ♦ trick. North takes
the ♦Q but has no more ♠’s, and you are home with an overtrick.
A more experienced North plays the ♠Q
at trick one. If South has the ♠K,
North can play either the ♠A or the ♠Q, but if East has the ♠K North wants to prevent him from holding up. You
must win – you don’t know where the ♠A
is – and must take the next eight tricks: ‘avoidance’ is not a factor now. You
have eight top tricks and can combine your chances for one more. Run four ♣’s and next take the ♦AK. If the ♦Q falls, you are safe. If the ♦Q
does not drop then finesse the ♥Q.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club?
3NT+1 six times.
Bidding Quiz Answers
C 1♠ pass 1NT 2♥ Two.
With three ♠’s you would bid 2♠ immediately.
pass pass 2♠ If you play 4-card majors then the bid shows three ♠’s.
D 1♣ pass 1♥ pass This
is invitational, with a 6-card suit, in both systems.
1NT pass 3♥ With just a 5-card suit, use New Minor Forcing or similar.
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