Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                           Club News Sheet – No. 413

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My mobile phone number is 083 6066880                                                          9th Oct 2010

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com       


Mon 4th    N-S   1st        Alan K & Jan         60%           2nd        Mike G & Paul S       54%

E-W   1st        Hans V & Jean       60%           2nd        Jeremy & Johan         58%

Wed 6th    N-S   1st       Jean & Tomas         61%           2nd        Arne & Svein            60%

E-W   1st       Bengt & Sigurd        61%           2nd        Guttorm & Tonni      60%

Fri 8th       N-S   1st       Tonni & Jean           62%           2nd         Dave & Tomas        56%

E-W   1st       Alan K & Jean         61%           2nd        Mike G & Terry       58%

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Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A you open 1 and partner bids 2,  

what do you bid now?

AKQJ9         QJ97

J865             10                 With Hand B you open 1 and partner bids 1. You bid 1

J10                K76              and partner bids 2, what do you do now?

A2                AQ1087                        


Hand C           Hand D          

1085             1085             With Hands C & D partner opens 1 and you bid 2.

AQ43           AKQ3          Partner then bids 3, what do you bid with each hand?

53                 53

9875            9875                                                                  


Bidding Sequence Quiz


E      1      pass   2      pass      

2NT                                     How many points is 2NT?   

F      1      pass   1      2        

2NT                                     How many points is 2NT?                             


G     1      pass   2      pass      

2NT   pass   3                   Is the 3 bid invitational or forcing?               

H     2      3      dbl                   2 is weak, what is the dbl – take-out, negative or penalties 


J      1     pass   1      pass      

1NT   pass   4                   What is 4?

K     1     pass   1      pass      

1NT   pass   4NT                 What is 4NT?    

L      1     pass   1      pass      

1NT   pass   5NT                 What is 5NT?    

M    1      pass   2      pass      

3                                        What is 3, and how many ’s?

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Stay low with mis-fits
Board 11 from Monday 4th Oct


Dealer:             A83                                            West          North         East            South(B)

South               Q87642                                      -                 -                 -                 1

Love all            10                                              pass           1              pass           1

                        K93                                           pass           2              pass           2NT (1)

pass           3NT (2)      all pass

1052                   N             K64                     

AK9               W    E          J53                 (1)  What did you bid with this South hand B in

J4                        S              J9852                   this week’s quiz? It’s a mis-fit, and the golden

763                                    J5                         rules are stay low and do not bid no-trumps.

                        QJ97                                          Pass is correct

10                                         (2)  North assumed that South had a big hand.




And what happened? 3NT went down three for a bottom.

The bottom lines:

-         Stay low on mis-fits; play in the longest suit and do not bid No trumps.


Which game try?                                                  Board 18 from Monday 27th Sept


Dealer:             762                                             Table A

East                  109                                             West          North         East(A)      South

N-S vul            A8762                                       -                 -                 1              pass

                        Q43                                           2              pass           3    (1)      pass

4              all pass

1085                   N             AKQJ9                

AKQ3            W    E          J865                     Table B

53                       S              J10                       West(D)     North         East(A)      South

9875                                  A2                        -                 -                 1              pass

                        43                                                2              pass           3    (1)      pass

742                                             4    (2)      pass           pass (3)      pass




Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this East hand A in this week’s quiz? This 3 is generally played as a try for game, but it’s not the best bid.

Table B:     (1)  This is the best answer to question A, a help-suit game try.

(2)   What did you bid with this West hand D in this week’s quiz? This hand is certainly good enough to accept the game try, but partner may have four ’s and in that case 4 is sure to be a better contract. It costs nothing to bid 4, and if partner does not have four ’s he will correct to 4.

(3)   Even though these ’s are poor, 4 will probably play at least as well as 4, and maybe better.


And what happened? 4= three times, 4= twice, 2+2.

The bottom lines:

-         A 4-4 fit usually plays better than a 5-3 fit.

-         As it happens on this deal it made no difference; but on a non lead 4 will make 11 tricks.

With 14 top tricks, bid a grand!                     Board 26 from Wednesday 29th Sept


Dealer:             AKQ                                          Table A

East                  A3                                              West          North         East            South

both vul            AQ1052                                     -                 -                 pass           1

                        A82                                            pass           1              pass           1NT (1)

pass           5NT (2)      pass           6NT (3)

7632                   N             J1098                   all pass

Q1042            W    E          J96                      

J4                        S              987                      Table B

763                                    1095                    West          North         East            South

                        54                                              -                 -                 pass           1

K875                                          pass           1             pass           1

K63                                           pass           2    (4)      pass           3    (5)

KQJ4                                         pass           4NT (6)      pass           5    (7)

pass           7NT (8)      all pass


Table A:     (1)  This pair play Walsh, and so this shows 12-14 and may well have a 4-card major.

(2)   Inviting the grand.

(3)   With a minimum, South just bid the small slam.

Table B:     (4)  This was Tomas, and he decided to take it slowly in order to find out more about partner’s hand.

(5)  And Jean obliged, showing the support. Good bid, far better than 2NT.

(6)  Now 4NT is RKCB for ’s.

(7)  One keycard, so showing the K.

(8)  35 points and a running 5-card suit was enough for Tomas to confidently bid the grand. Well bid.

And what happened? 6NT+1 six times, 7NT= once.

The Tripple


Congratulations to Jean Wissing for achieving the triple in her first week back (playing with three different partners). Winning the first three sessions after arriving in Thailand is pretty good, eh?.


Dave’s Column                                   Here is Dave’s 1st problem, on defence.


Q5                                                                Book Bidding

52                                                                 West        North       East            South

108753                                                         1           pass         1              pass

A1072                                                          1            pass         2              pass

2NT         pass         4NT           all pass

N               J6                                    

W        E          AKQ76     

S                KQJ4



You are North, defending 4NT, and lead the 5: K, 2, 6. Declarer plays the J from dummy: 9, 7, Q. Playing reverse count (so the 9 showed an odd number) how do you continue?

Dave’s Column Answer                  Board 4 from Wednesday 6th October


Dealer:             Q5                                              Book Bidding

West                52                                               West          North         East            South

both vul            108753                                       1     (1)    pass           1              pass

                        A1072                                        1              pass           2    (2)      pass

2NT           pass           4NT           all pass

AK107               N             J6                        

3                     W    E          AKQ76          (1)  A marginal opener.

A96                    S              KQJ4              (2)  4th suit forcing.

98654                                Q3                


J10984                       North leads the 5: K, 2, 6. The J is led from

2                                 dummy: 9, 7, Q. Playing reverse count (so the

KJ                              9 showed an odd number) how does North continue?


West passed East’s 4NT invitation and won the 5 lead with dummy’s K, leading a to your Q. Even though West has opened 1, North should switch to a low - the 2 to ask for a return.

Whether declarer plays low from dummy or the Q, South wins as cheaply as possible and continues with the other . You overtake and cash the 10 for one down.

On the bidding West is known to have the A. When the J was led from dummy South’s 9 denies the 10. As West bid ’s North can place West with a likely holding of AK107 initially. That means that declarer has three tricks, three ’s and four ’s as soon as he regains the lead.

The only hope for the defence is to score three tricks, it’s not very likely as West has bid ’s, but it’s the only hope.


And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+2 twice, 3NT+1 twice, 3NT=, 3NT-1 and 6NT-2.




Dave’s 2nd Column                           Here is Dave’s 2nd problem on declarer play.


North               South                                       Book Bidding

AJ7               Q93                                      West        North       East            South

A94              QJ10                                    -               1           dbl             redbl         

1096             A72                                      pass         pass         1              2             

KJ105          AQ94                                   pass         3           pass           3NT  

All pass   


You are South, declarer in 3NT. West leads the 8, plan the play.                          




Dave’s 2nd Column Answer         Board 13 from Wednesday 6th Oct


Dealer:             AJ7                                             Book Bidding

North               A94                                            West          North         East            South

N-S vul            1096                                           -                 1             dbl             redbl

                        KJ105                                        pass           pass           1              2

pass           3             pass           3NT

1064                   N             K952                    all pass

7632               W    E          K85               

84                       S              KQJ53           

8632                                  7                         






A routine major-suit finesse would bring failure if East has five ’s. Conversely, if East has only four ’s, South can succeed if the ’s are stripped and East is thrown in to take his ’s. He will be forced to concede a trick in a major suit and declarer can then lead the other major suit to set up nine winners.

So, how should the hand be played?


After studying the disappointing dummy and taking inferences from the bidding, South concluded that success was possible only if East held a singleton . A simplistic plan would involve running four ’s. applying pressure on East. Then, after declarer gives East his ’s, East would have to concede a major-suit finesse. Unfortunately one major suit finesse is not enough as East would score the other major king.

South’s solution?

He won the A and cashed only of dummy’s ’s (the key play). Then he gave East his ’s. East could do no better than run his ’s while dummy, under no pressure, safely discarded two ’s.


AJ7                                       That leaves this position. East then had to exit

A94                                      with a major suit. Assuming a exit (same if ’s)

-                                           South wins his Q and cashes dummy’s A.

                        J                                           South then runs his ’s, leaving only the AJ

in dummy. Reduced to two cards, if East keeps

1064                   N             K952              his K9, South gets his Q and dummy’s A.

76                   W    E          K85                And if East blanks his K declarer wins the AJ.

-                          S              -                     

86                                      -                          







And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 3NT-2, 3NT-1 six times.



Current club championship standings



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5











1895.2 Hans Vikman
1894.9 Janne Roos

1862.9 Paul Quodomine
1728.8 Johan Bratsburg

670.4 Janne Roos

662.4 Hans Vikman

640.1 Paul Quodomine

639.6 Tomas Wikman

629.3 Sally Watson

627.0 Derek & Gerard

622.2 Jean Wissing

619.8 Lars Broman

615.7 Jeremy Watson

614.2 Guttorm Lonberg

344.6 Janne Roos

338.9 Hans Vikman

332.3 Tomas Wikman

327.5 Derek & Gerard

325.4 Sally Watson

323.5 Jeremy Watson

323.4 Paul Quodomine

322.9 Lars Broman

320.7 Jean Wissing

319.8 Sean Burgess


Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    3, a help-suit game try. This is better than 2NT or 3 because there may be a 4-4 fit which will often play better than a 5-3 fit.

Hand B:    Pass. Partner is showing a weakish hand with (usually) six ’s. 2NT now would show a much stronger hand inviting game (about 17-18).

Hand C:    3. This hand is minimum and so you cannot bid game. Also, you cannot pass as partner’s 4 bid is a game try and he may well have only three ’s.

Hand D:    4. This time you are maximum, but it is better to bid 4 rather than 4 as partner may have 4 ’s and then a 4-4 fit may play better.


Bidding Sequence Quiz Answer


E      1      pass   2      pass       We’ve had this a few times, it is NOT 18-19. Responder has

2NT                                           pushed the bidding up to the 2-level and 2NT is 12-14               

F      1      pass   1      2         But this is different. It is an opponent who has pushed the

2NT                                     bidding up to the 2-level and 2NT is strong, about 18-19.                


G     1      pass   2      pass      

2NT   pass   3                   3 is a new suit at the 3-level – forcing. 

H     2      3      dbl                   Double is 100% penalties. Negative doubles do not apply when partner has opened with a pre-emptive bid.


J      1     pass   1      pass       4 is best played as Gerber after a natural NoTrump bid

1NT   pass   4                   by partner. The fact that partner opened 1 is irrelevant.

K     1     pass   1      pass      

1NT   pass   4NT                 4NT is invitational to 6NT    

L      1     pass   1      pass      

1NT   pass   5NT                 5NT is invitational to 7NT    

M    1      pass   2      pass       3 here is generally played as a help-suit game try, and as

3                                        such it may be 3-card or 4-card.


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