Mon 11th N-S 1st Tomas & Sally 63% 2nd Bob S & Royd 60%
E-W 1st Dave C & Tonni 66% 2nd Richard m & Terry Q 63%
Wed 13th N-S 1st Guttorm & Johan 63% 2nd Dave C & Mike G 60%
E-W 1st Alan K & Jan 64% 2nd Hans V & Janne 59%
Fri 15th 1st Dave C & Tomas 59% 2nd Alan K & Jan 58%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A partner opens 2♠, what do you bid?
♠ Q3 ♠ K95432
♣ KQJ108 ♣ 7 (b) What do you bid if
KJ1083 ♠
KJ103 With Hands
C and D partner opens 1♣ and
♥ Q76 ♥ Q76 what
do you bid?
♦ 972 ♦ 9872
J5 ♣
Bidding Quiz
E 1♣ pass 2♠ What is the 2♠ jump shift, very
weak or strong?
F 1♥ dbl 2NT What is the 2NT bid?
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Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1915.1 Janne Roos 1895.2 Hans Vikman 1862.9 Paul Quodomine 1773.3 Tomas Wikman 1728.8 Johan Bratsburg |
670.4 662.4 642.6 Tomas Wikman 640.1 632.7 Sally Watson 627.0 Derek & Gerard 625.6 Jean Wissing 619.8 Lars Broman 617.7 Johan Bratsburg 617.4 Alan Kleist |
344.6 338.9 332.3 327.5 Derek & Gerard 325.6 Sally Watson 323.8 Tonni Kjaer 323.5 Jeremy Watson 323.4 322.9 Lars Broman 321.4 Jean Wissing |
A Free bid. Board 1 from Friday 15th Oct
Dealer: ♠ Q8 West(B) North East South
North ♥ AK542 - 1♥ 2NT (1) dbl (2)
Love all ♦ K64 3♦ (3) pass pass 4♥
J108 pass pass 5♦ (4) pass
pass dbl all pass
♠ K95432 N ♠ J7
♠ A106 this week’s quiz? West later said that he had
QJ863 a
distinct preference for ♦’s. But I would pass
♦ QJ as I feel that it’s a free bid showing
♣ A93 (4) One should not pre-empt and then bid again,
but this is different. West has shown values in
support of ♦’s (in my opinion) and with decent playing
strength it’s not clear that East’s 2NT is actually pre-emptive.
And what happened? 4♥ makes for 420, but 5♦* was bid at two tables and costs 500. I have
no idea how one E-W pair reached 7♦*
The bottom lines:
A free bid
shows values.
In this
particular situation there is absolutely no reason for West to bid at (3) because
if the double is passed to partner and he bids 3♣ then West can correct to 3♦.
Responding to a weak two Board 9 from Wednesday 16th Oct
It was a disaster for N-S at table B, who would you blame?
Dealer: ♠ AKJ52 Table A
West ♥ 875 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ J8752 - pass pass 1♥
- pass 2♥ pass 4♦ (1)
pass 4♠ (2) pass 6♥
♠ 1087 N ♠ 964 all pass
♦ KQ1043 S ♦ A96 Table B
♠ Q3 - 2♠ (3) pass 4♠ (4)
AKJ1092 all
♦ -
♣ KQJ108
Table B: (3) This North elected to open the North hand with
a weak 2♠. Now I am not adverse to opening a weak two with
5-cards and an outside 5-card suit, but with three ♥’s the hand may possibly play better in ♥’s, so pass is the alternative.
(4) What did you bid with this South hand A in this
week’s quiz? Naively assuming that partner has six ♠’s, this South simply raised to game. A 3♥ bid (forcing of course) would have worked out
better although it’s unlikely that slam will be reached after the opening bid.
And what happened? 6♥= twice, 4♥+2,
4♥+1 three times, 4♠-1.
The bottom lines:
RONF – a new suit opposite a weak two is forcing.
Dave’s Column Here
is Dave’s 1st problem, on defence.
♠ 76 N Book Bidding
♠ AQ52 pass 4♠ all
♦ AJ
♣ AQ1063
You are West, defending 4♠. Partner leads the ♥J. Plan the defence and what do you lead at trick having won with the ♥K?
Dave’s Column Answer Board 19 from
Wednesday 13th October
Dealer: ♠ KJ1083 Book Bidding
South ♥ Q76 West North(C) East South
E-W vul ♦ 972 - - - 1♣
J5 1♥ 1♠ (1) pass 3♠ (2)
pass 4♠ (3) all
♠ 76 N ♠ 94
♠ AQ52 would bid 4♠;
knowing that there is a 5-4 fit,
43 holding great black suits, three
aces and
♦ AJ no
wasted ♥ values.
♣ AQ1063 (3) I (Terry) am also unhappy about this bid.
North has already shown 5 ♠’s and so this hand is little more than
minimum. But then who am I to disagree* with Eddie Kantar twice?
*Note. This is based an article by Eddie Kantar
about excellent defensive play he witnessed. The bidding is that at the table;
he may or may not agree with it, but does not comment in the original article.
East leads the ♥J, plan the defense as West.
You (West) have two ♥ winners and a ♣ winner. What you must do is establish a ♦ trick before cashing the 2nd ♥ (otherwise North can discard the ♦J
on the ♥Q which he is known to hold). So you must
immediately shift to a ♦ at trick two. You
have to hope that partner has the ♦Q,
otherwise the contract is unbeatable.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♠= five times, 3♠+1 twice, 4♠-1.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here is Dave’s 2nd
problem on declarer play.
West East Book
♠ 7 ♠ Q54 West North East South
♦ 752 ♦ AKJ 3♥ pass 4♥ all pass
A95 ♣ Q63
You are West, declarer in 4♥. North leads the ♠A and continues with the ♠9 when South encourages. Plan the play.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Answer Board 22 from Wednesday 13th Oct
Dealer: ♠ A96 Book Bidding
East ♥ 62 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ 10843 - - 1♣ 2♠
J1084 3♥ pass 4♥ pass
pass pass (1)
♠ 7 N ♠ Q54 all pass
♦ 752 S ♦ AKJ (1) At this vulnerability, North could consider
A95 ♣ Q63 a 4♠ bid either here or the round before.
♠ KJ10832 But then who am I (Terry) to ‘disagree’
7 with
Philip Alder? (again, there was no
♦ Q96 comment on the bidding).
♣ K72
North leads the ♠A and South encourages. North continues with the ♠9, what is declarer’s basic plan?
Declarer has nine top tricks. Six ♥’s, two ♦’s
and one ♣. You can make 4♥ in more than one way if you correctly read the full layout – but there
is a guaranteed line if you assume that South has the ♠K.
Play low from the dummy at tick two and trump
in hand. Draw trumps ending in dummy and then play the ♠Q. When South covers with his ♠K, do not ruff but instead discard a losing ♣ or ♦.
What can South do now? He is endplayed. If he
shifts to either minor it concedes a trick and a ♠ continuation gives a ruff and discard.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 3NT*+2,
4♠*(S)-3 twice, 4♥-1 twice, 5♥-2 three times. Note that three North’s at our
club did indeed push West up to 5♥.
Bidding Quiz Answers
E 1♣ pass 2♠ The jump shift may be played
as either strong or very weak. ‘Standard’ is that it is strong and I would
assume this with an unfamiliar partner. However, most at our club play it as
weak. I would not use the bid if unsure how partner would take it.
F 1♥ dbl 2NT This 2NT bid after a double is
best played as the Truscott 9or
I note that Dave Cutler nearly got the triple (he got two wins and a 2nd).
That’s a great result since he jointly runs the club and only has a regular
partner on Fridays.
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