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Mon 18th N-S    1st   Bob P & Robbie            58%       2nd    Hans V & Par                        57%

E-W   1st   Alan K & Per-Ake         62%       2nd    Jean-Claud & Magnus            53%

Wed 20th N-S    1st   Alan K & Jan v Koss     58%       2nd    Jean W & Tomas                   56%

E-W   1st   Bob P & Werner            63 %      2nd    Kevin & Noreen                     56%

Fri 22nd    N-S    1st   Janne & Per-Ake           58%       2nd    Bengt & Eddie                        58%

E-W   1st   Hans v & Johan              60%       2nd    Ivy & Sally                             58 %

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Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A partner opens 3NT, gambling. What do you bid?


7                   7652

A                  A                 With Hand B partner opens 3NT, gambling. What do you bid?

AKQJ92       AKQJ9

108742        1087           


Hand C           Hand D           What do you open with Hand C?


AKQ984      6

AK               Q62             What do you open with Hand D?

J                    75              

A963            AKQJ963                 



Bidding Quiz


E      1     1      dbl     2         The dbl is negative, showing four ’s. What is 2?  

F      1    pass   1      pass      

3     pass   3                    Is 3 forcing?  Is 3 forcing?      

G     1     pass   1      pass      

3     pass   3                    Is 3 forcing? Is 3 forcing?

H     3NT   pass   4                   3NT is gambling, what is 4?      

J      3NT   pass   4                   3NT is gambling, what is 4?

K     3NT   pass   4                   3NT is gambling, what is 4?       


A Gambling 3NT                                                  Board 22 from Wednesday 20th Oct


There where a few interesting contracts on this board.


Dealer:             A9832                                        Table A

East                  987543                                       West          North         East(D)      South

E-W vul           3                                                -                 -                 1   (1)      1    (2)

                        5                                                4NT (3)      5              6   (4)      pass

pass           6              pass           pass

7                         N             6                           dbl             all pass

A                    W    E          Q62                     

AKQJ92             S              75                        Table B

108742                              AKQJ963            West(A)     North         East(D)      South

                        KQJ1054                                   -                 -                3NT (1)      pass (5)

KJ10                                          6   (6)      all pass




Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this East hand D in this week’s quiz? It’s far too good for a 3 opening of course, but a 1 opening is a poor choice as it will let the opponent’s in too cheaply – as seen here.

(2)   An obvious and easy overcall.

(3)   RKCB

(4)   Two keycards plus the Q playing DOPI (RKCB).

Table B:     (1)  This East correctly opened with a gambling 3NT.

(5)   It’s not so easy for South to show his ’s here.

(6)   What did you bid with this West hand A in this week’s quiz? This is totally obvious as West knows that the A is missing and that there are exactly twelve tricks. 6 would be fatal as there may be a ruff as well as the A.


And what happened? 6= twice, 6*-2, 6*-1 twice, 6-1, 5= and 7NT*-6.

The bottom lines:

-         If you can describe your hand in one bid – do so!

-         The gambling 3NT is very specific – a totally solid 7 or 8 card minor with no outside ace or king.

-         The 3NT opening has the great advantages that it describes your hand perfectly and, as this deal shows, it also makes it difficult for the opponents to compete (very important when you are short in both majors)..


DOPI (RKCB) responses.


After the 4NT bid is overcalled, responses are:


Double             =    0/3 keycards

Pass                 =    1/4 keycards

Next bid           =    2 keycards without the trump queen

Next bid + 1     =    2 keycards plus the trump queen

Ten Playing Tricks
                                         Board 20 from Wednesday 20th Oct


Four out of eight missed this simple game contract.


Dealer:             3                                                 Table A

West                J96                                             West          North         East  (C)     South

Both vul            K652                                         pass           pass           1    (1)      all pass


Table B

J76                     N             AKQ984              West          North         East  (C)     South

532                 W    E          AK                       pass           pass           2   (1)      pass

Q98743              S             J                            2             pass           2              pass

5                                        A963                     pass   (2)    pass


Q10874                                      Table C

A10                                           West          North         East  (C)     South

Q84                                           pass           pass           2    (1)      pass

2    (3)      pass           2              pass

4    (4)      all pass


Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this East hand C in this week’s quiz? Now I am a great believer in keeping 2 openings up to strength, and in my opinion this one easily is. A 1 opening has a real chance of being passed out – especially as you have the suit.

Table B:     (1)  This East correctly opened 2.

(2)   Unfortunately West passed - 2 in this sequence is forcing of course and most play it as game forcing.

Table B:     (1)  This pair play Benjamin twos. With ten playing tricks this East hand is too strong for 2 playing Benjamin and so this East opened a game forcing 2.

(3)   Relay.

(4)   Fast arrival.



And what happened? 1+3, 2NT+1, 2+3, 2+4, 4+2 four times.

The bottom lines:

-         With 10 Playing Tricks (or just nine even) in a major and a decent number of HCPs, open you strongest bid.

-         This East hand is ten playing tricks and with 21 HCPs it’s easily worth a strong 2 (or 2 if playing Benjamin twos).





An adjusted score.


Q86532              I felt obliged to adjust a result on Friday. In the first set of boards where 

AQ105               pairs 7 played each other West held this hand on board 23. South opened

42                      1NT and he overcalled 2 - alerted by his partner and explained as

Q                       ’s and a minor. Guess he had three ’s mixed up in his ’s?


Dealer:             AQ43                                     Later on, the same pairs met again on board 18:

East                  Q9                                             

N-S vul            K1062                                    West        North         East            South

                        A64                                        -               -                 pass           pass      

1NT   (1)  dbl             2  (2)        pass   (3)

1065                   N             9                       pass        pass

A752              W    E          KJ10864       

AJ7                     S              9                (1) weak

KJ8                                    Q10973     (2)  alerted, and explained as ’s (could be 3) and

                        KJ872                                   definitely four ’s.  

3                                       (3)  obviously South would bid 2 if East had not

Q8543                                    shown four of them.



And what happened? South complained, asking if this pair ever have what they say? Clearly East’s bid, promising four ’s, had prevented him from bidding ’s. North agreed, suggesting it was a psyche. East protested, saying it was not a psyche and that he intended to bid ’s next to show ’s and ’s.

My take? It is clearly a psyche and prevented N-S from bidding their partscore which they would undoubtedly have bid otherwise. East knew exactly what he was doing and his ‘excuse’ that he intended to clarify it next bid (if there was one) is not acceptable. I adjusted the score to 2+1 by South, the most likely outcome if there had been no psyche.

The bottom lines:

-         Psyches are not allowed in this club.

-     Experienced pairs should know their system. This E-W pair play the Helvic convention when their weak 1NT gets doubled and there is a sequence to show ’s and ’s (pass and then bid 2 over partner’s forced redouble I believe).


Dave’s Column                                   Here is Dave’s 1st problem, on defence.


N               J5                                         Bidding

W        E          KQ105                                 West            North             East            South

S                KQJ83                                 pass             pass               1              2NT (1)

                        KJ                                        3                pass               4              all pass


A983                                          (1)  ’s and ’s.




You are South. Despite you showing ’s and ’s, partner has kept silent and the opponents have bid to 4. Partner leads the J to the K, A and declarer’s 4. How should you continue?          

Dave’s Column Answer               Board 24 from Wednesday 20th Oct


Dealer:             96                                               Bidding

West                J                                                 West          North         East            South

Love all            10976542                                  pass   (1)    pass           1    (2)     2NT (3)

                        1073                                          3              pass           4              all pass


AKQ873            N             J5                   (1)  Some would open 1 or 2. West presumably

7642               W    E          KQ105                 did not bid 2 because he had four ’s.

-                          S              KQJ83          (2)  Not wishing to open 1NT with 2 doubletons.

842                                    KJ                  (3)  UNT, showing ’s and ’s here. I doubt that

                        1042                                           many would choose this bid.


A                       You are South. Despite you showing ’s and ’s, partner has

AQ965               kept silent and opponents have bid to 4. Partner leads the J

to the K, A and declarer’s 4. How should you continue?


In a national pairs event with IMP scoring, a common contract was 4 by West, with the J a popular lead. Some defenders played the A at trick two and received a rude shock. Others returned the 9 for partner to ruff. The 9 is suit preference, asking for a , which North did indeed return, expecting partner to ruff, but it was declarer who ruffed and his losers went away on dummy’s ’s.

So how should South continue?

At trick two South should return the 3, the lowest and asking for a return (Lavinthal suit preference). North ruffs, plays a , ruffs another and leads another for two down.

Why should South ask for a and not a ?

West likely has 6 ’s and so North probably has just two. If North’s J was a singleton as hoped, then North has ten cards in the minors. With 5 or 6 ’s North would surely have bid ’s after South had shown ’s and ’s. If declarer is void in a minor, it will not be in ’s, and that’s why South should ask for a return rather than a .


And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 5*-4, 4*=, 4+1, 4+1, 4*-1, 3NT(E)-2 and 3*-2.

The bottom line:

-     When you show a specific two-suiter and partner shows no support for either suit, do not expect partner to have 4+ cards in either of your suits.


Dave’s 2nd Column                           Here is Dave’s 2nd problem, again on defence.


K76                                                              Book Bidding

K86                                                              West        North       East            South

AK9853                                                       -               -               -                 1

3                                                                  pass         4   (1)    pass           4      (2)

pass         5            all pass

N                 J1098432                        

W    E              4                       (1) splinter,  (2)  cue bid

S                  4                       You are East, defending 5. Partner leads the A. Plan the

KQ96                  defence and do you expect to defeat the contract?  



Dave’s 2nd Column Answer             Board 23 from Wednesday 20th October


Dealer:             K76                                            Book Bidding

South               K86                                            West          North         East            South

Both vul            AK9853                                     -                 -                 -                 1

                        3                                                pass           4   (1)      pass           4    (2)

pass           5              all pass

A                        N             J1098432            

109532           W    E          4                                  

107                     S              4                    

A10752                              KQ96           


AQJ7                                 (1)    splinter      

QJ62                                 (2)    cue bid



You are East and partner leads the A, are you going to set the contract?


You can’t tell for sure if you will set 5 but you do know some things that will help you. You suspect that the A is a singleton and that is confirmed when South plays the 5 (partner would never lead the A from AQ doubleton.

What is the winning defence?

You should remember that South cue bid the A. Your partner is not going to lead the A followed by a for you to ruff (and then lead a for him to ruff). If you are going to set the contract you have to find partner with the A and given that, you need to find a way to get him to lead a to your K.

Can you do that?

If you play suit preference signals, you might succeed by playing the 2. This is the smallest and suggests that you would like a led from partner. If he trusts you and can bring himself to lead a low away from his A, you will defeat the contract.


And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT+2, 5+1, 5= twice, 2NT+2, 3+2 and 4*(E)-1.

The Bottom Lines

-         A splinter shows shortage (not an ace or king) and is often answered by a cue bid which usually shows an ace.

-         When a signal from you is clearly not encouraging/discouraging (often if dummy can win the next trick in the suit) then it is usually a (Lavinthal) suit preference signal.

-     If East did not have the K on this deal, then he should play a medium , so not asking for anything in particular.

Mike Dorn Wiss is with us again for a few weeks, and has kindly donated two copies of his book “Shadow in the Bridge World” to the club. For the testimonials about this book from experts like Eric Kokish, Zia Mahmood, Edgar Kaplan, Alan Truscott and many more, view them at http://www.shadowbridge.net, where you can also purchase the book.


Mike’s Column                          



KJxxx                                   The bidding is irrelevant, mostly because  

xx                                         neither Francis nor I wish to admit to having

Jxxx                                      taken part in  the auction we perpetrated.

                        xx                                         I ended up declaring four hearts.


Jocko                                     Irv

9xxx                    N             AQ10            

9xxx               W    E          Jx                  

Ax                       S              109xx             

Qxx                                    KJxx             







Since Jacko’s four card suits were identical, he decided to lead a small club, thankfully enough for me. When Irv’s king held the trick he continued the suit and I was in control. I won the ace and led a spade, inserting the jack when Jocko played low smoothly. Irv won the queen and belatedly led trumps. I won the ace, ruffed a club as the queen appeared from Jocko, and led a diamond to the king and ace. Jocko led a spade although nothing mattered anymore. I played low, ruffing Irv’s ten, and led out my trumps. The jack dropped immediately from Irv, and shortly thereafter, on the penultimate trump, he felt the pressure in all three suits:


Francis                                     I threw a spade from dummy and Irv had nowhere

Kx                                        to go. The breeze felt cooler now.


Jxx                                        “Lucky for you I held everything,” Irv grunted.


“Luck only hurts when it’s bad,” I answered

Jocko                                     Irv                      congenially.

9x                       N             A                   

9x                   W    E          -                    

x                         S              109x              

-                                         J                    





10                                        < end of Mike’s column>

Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    6. Simple. You know that the opponents have the A and also the K.

Hand B:    4. This is conventional and asks partner for shortage. There is a slam if partner has a singleton or void.

Hand C:    2. This is strong enough for your strongest bid and a 1 opening runs the real risk of being passed out.

Hand D:    3NT. Gambling, showing a solid 7 or 8 card minor with nothing outside. The hand is far too good for 3 and a 1 opening may let the opponents in cheaply if they have a major suit fit.


Bidding Sequence Quiz Answer


E      1     1      dbl     2         2 here is best played as an unassuming cue bid, showing a sound raise to 3 or better.

F      1     pass   1      pass       3 is game forcing and so 3 must be forcing.

3     pass   3                         

G     1     pass   1      pass       3 is invitational and with an unsuitable hand responder

3     pass   3                    should pass. So 3♥ is best played as forcing, looking for the

best game (or slam).

H     3NT   pass   4                   4 is pass or correct.

J      3NT   pass   4                   4 asks for shortage.

K     3NT   pass   4                    4 is to play, presumably hoping to make and with a minor suit void.



Current club championship standings



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5











1915.1 Janne Roos

1896.1 Hans Vikman
1862.9 Paul Quodomine
1775.2 Tomas Wikman
1732.1 Johan Bratsburg

670.4 Janne Roos

662.4 Hans Vikman

642.6 Tomas Wikman

640.1 Paul Quodomine

632.7 Sally Watson

627.0 Derek & Gerard

625.6 Jean Wissing

620.7 Alan Kleist

619.8 Lars Broman

618.1 Johan Bratsburg

344.6 Janne Roos

338.9 Hans Vikman

332.3 Tomas Wikman

327.5 Derek & Gerard

325.6 Sally Watson

323.8 Tonni Kjaer

323.5 Jeremy Watson

323.4 Paul Quodomine

322.9 Lars Broman

321.4 Jean Wissing




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