Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                           Club News Sheet – No. 416

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My mobile phone number is 083 6066880                                                          31st Oct 2010

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com       

My Windows Live Messenger is tj_quested@hotmail.com      


Mon 25th N-S    1st   Bob P & Robbie            59%       2nd    Mike D W & Mike St            55%

E-W   1st   Hans v & Guttorm          59%       2nd    Alan K & Terry Q                  57%

Wed 27th N-S    1st   John B & Royd              59%       2nd    Eddie & Janne                        56%

E-W   1st   Alan K & Jan                 68%       2nd    Andrew M & George C         58%

Fri 29th    N-S    1st   Bengt & Eddie                59%       2nd    Mike D W & Mike St            59%

E-W   1st   Gus & Magnus   =   Janne & Per Ol-Mars                                          58%


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Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A RHO opens 1 in 3rd seat what do you bid?


AK               KQ9             With Hand B you open 1

AJ8              3                   (a) LHO overcalls 1 and partner bids 1, what do you bid?

532               K2               (b) LHO passes and partner bids 1, what do you bid?

AQ1075       AJ97632


Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C partner opens 1 and RHO overcalls 2,

what do you bid?

J987             K97           

3                   9843

107543         92                With Hand D LHO opens 1 and partner doubles,

AQJ             AQ86           what do you bid?


Hand E            Hand F            What do you open with Hand E?


K102            QJ2                                           

J86               KQJ10         With Hand F RHO opens 1 and you double. Partner responds

A83              K1086          2, what do you bid?              

AK106         J9




Bidding Sequence Quiz


G     1     1      1                    How many ’s does the 1 bid promise?       

H     1     1NT   dbl     1          Is 1 natural or a transfer?


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A difficult bid – but it worked out well!               Board 25 from Monday 25th Oct


Dealer:             J75                                             West(A)     North         East            South

North               Q52                                            -                 pass           pass           1    (1)

E-W vul           A1087                                       1NT (2)      dbl             2    (3)      pass (4)

                        K64                                           pass (5)      3              all pass


AK                     N             109643                

AJ8                W    E          964                      

532                     S              Q4                 

AQ1075                             982                     






(1)   A light 3rd seat opener, quite acceptable of course.

(2)   What did you bid with this West hand A in this week’s quiz? This one is not clear, I guess that you can bid 2, but I don’t like it with a not-so-great suit. But the bid that I really don’t like is double with just five cards in the majors and three ’s. I think that this 1NT is the worst of the evils as the hand really is too good for a pass.

(3)   Meant as a transfer.

(4)   I would double – to show ’s – whether 2 was natural or a transfer. But I guess that South passed because he had opened light?

(5)   Believing that 2 was natural.


But the point about this hand is not the dubious(?) bidding but the play.


West led the K and then the A (this shows a doubleton). He was already nearly end-played and chose to continue with the A and Q. Declarer won the K and led a trump to the K and West’s 5. South continued with another and West played the 2. I’m not sure if South noted that West had petered in trumps – showing three and a desire to ruff, but he understandably played West for the Q and finessed. East won his Q and gave partner his ruff.


And what happened? 3 was minus three for a top to E-W.

The bottom lines:

-         Lead the K from doubleton AK.

-         One normally follows to declarer’s trumps from the bottom, but a peter generally shows three trumps and a desire to ruff.

-         A 1NT overcall is around 15-18 and usually has a stop in the suit opened. However, this may not necessarily be the case if the suit opened is a minor.

Responding to partner’s double                          Board 4 from Wednesday 27th Oct


Dealer:             QJ2                                            Table A

West                KQJ10                                       West          North         East            South(D)

both vul            K1086                                        1             dbl             pass           1NT (1)

                        J9                                               all pass


A10                    N             86543                   Table B

A72                W    E          65                         West          North(F)    East            South(D)

QJ4                    S              A753                    1             dbl             pass           2    (1)

K7542                               103                      pass           3    (2)      pass           4

                        K97                                           all pass





Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this South hand D in this week’s quiz? This 1NT shows about 6-9 and a stop and is quite acceptable…

Table B:     (1)  … But I slightly prefer this bid, showing the four ’s and about 8-10 points.

(2)   What did you bid with this North hand F in this week’s quiz? I understand that North muttered something like “What does 2 mean?”. Not knowing, he bid 3. This is an overbid, the hand is little more than a minimal double and with not very good shape for the double North should clearly pass.


And what happened? 4 was hopeless and went minus two for a joint bottom. 2 making would have been a good score. 1NT made for an average.

The bottom lines:

-         Players past the beginner’s stage should understand the responses to partner’s double, look them up on the website: basic conventions > take out double.

Support with three cards?                                    Board 5 from Monday 25th Oct


Dealer:             863                                             Table A

North               82                                               West          North         East(B)       South

N-S vul            Q1086                                       -                 pass           1             1

                        Q1084                                       1              pass           2   (1)      pass

2NT           pass           3    (2)      pass

AJ1074               N             KQ9                     pass (3)      pass

KQ965           W    E          3                          

54                       S              K2                        Table B

5                                         AJ97632              West          North        East(B)       South

                        52                                              -                 pass           1             1

AJ1074                                      1              pass           2    (1)      pass

AJ973                                        4    (4)      all pass



Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this East hand B(a) in this week’s quiz? I guess a lot of people will simply rebid their 7-card suit?

(2)   Maybe East should bid 4 here?

(3)   West assumed that east has a weak hand with just two ’s.

Table B:     (1)  This is my answer to question B. partner’s 1 bid has promised five ’s and with ruffing values in the short trump hand it should play very well in ’s.

(4)   With good shape and the KQ onside, West bids the game.


And what happened? Just three pairs missed the 4 game: 4+1 twice, 4= four times, 3=, 3-1 and 3-2.

The bottom lines:

-         Sequence G 1 - 1(overcall) - 1  promises five ’s when playing negative doubles.,




Play Quiz                You are East, declarer in a NT contract. At trick one South leads as below and you and North plays low, what do you play to the second trick?


Situation 1, South leads the Q,                             Situation 2, South leads the J,

you duck in dummy. South continues                       you duck in dummy. South continues

with the J, what do you play?                               with the 10, what do you play?


West                  East                                              West              East       

Kxx                 xx                                              Kx x            xx


Answers next page.

Play Quiz Answer


Situation 1:     Play another low , your best hope is that North started with Ax. Of course if South started with the A then he got you this time.


Situation 2:     Play the K. South’s J lead denies the Q and so your only hope is that South has the A.



About Claiming


-                                           There was a director call on Wednesday after

                        -                                           South claimed two tricks in a contract by East

                        9                                           in a three card end position something like this.

xx                                         Apparently North then showed his hand and

Declarer             said that they get all of the tricks as he had the

-                       N               ♠ -                      master trump.  

x x                W    E            -                     E-W protested, saying that a defender should

-                       S                6                    not claim.   

x                                         xx                   I was busy at another table and the result was

scored as N-S making the last three tricks.

-                                            East later complained to me.      





My decision? A defender is allowed to claim, but in my opinion should only do so when absolutely sure (i.e. with the rest of the tricks in his hand). So what should happen here? Obviously play cannot continue, and since North has shown that he has the master trump South cannot now say how he would have played (he should have done so when he claimed). If he cashes two ’s then he gets all of the tricks, but if he attempts to cash the A then declarer (East) gets one trick. I ruled that trying to cash the A is a possible play and so I over-ruled the score-sheet and awarded declarer with one more trick. In situations like this any doubt goes to the non-claiming side.



Dave’s Column                                   Here is Dave’s 1st problem, on defence.


North               South                                       Book Bidding

A542            KJ8                                      West        North       East          South

K1075          AJ9642                                -               -               -               1

652               K7                                       dbl           2            pass         4

104              KQ                                      all pass


You are South, declarer in 4. West leads the A and continues with a to your K, how should you continue?


Dave’s Column Answer               Board 23 from Wednesday 27th Oct


Dealer:             A542                                          Bidding

South               K1075                                        West          North         East            South

Both vul            652                                            -                 -                 -                1

                        104                                            dbl              2              pass           4

all pass

Q1097                N             63                  

3                     W    E          Q8                       

AQ3                   S              J10984           

A8653                                J972              


AJ9642                                West leads the A and continues with a to

K7                                        your K, how should you continue?



South won the second and led to the K. If a defender has all three ’s it would be East (West’s double implied shortage). South next led a and finessed the J. West took the Q and returned the 10 to South’s K.

South drew trumps and took the A. If ’s were 3-3 there would be a discard on the last . But when they broke 4-2 he led a to the K and went down.


A54                                      The best play is, after drawing trumps, to enter

7                                           dummy with a third trump and lead a to

652                                       his 8 (cover any card East plays).



Q107                  N             6                     West wins with the 9 and we have this end

-                     W    E          -                     position. A return gives declarer a free finesse

AQ3                   S              J1098              and three tricks; if West returns a then     South’s

8                                        97                  South’s K scores; if West leads a then it is

KJ                                        ruffed in dummy and South pitches a .





And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Every declarer made 10 or 11 tricks: 4+1 twice, 4= 5 times, 3+2 and 3+1.


Dave’s 2nd Column                           Here is Dave’s 2nd problem, again on defence.


Q3                                                                Book Bidding

AKQ86                                                        West        North       East            South

K9                                                                1            2            4              all pass



N                 J987                         You are North, defending 4 by West. You lead the A

W    E              3                               and partner plays the 10. What does partner’s 10

S                  107543                     indicate and what card do you play next?


Dave’s 2nd Column Answer             Board 24 from Wednesday 27th October


Dealer:             Q3                                              Book Bidding

West                AKQ86                                      West          North         East(C)      South

Both vul            K9                                             1              2              4    (1)      all pass


Table B

AK1042             N             J987                     West          North         East(C)      South

J9                   W    E          3                           1              2              2NT (1)      5  (2)

Q6                      S              107543                 pass (3)      pass           dbl             all pass

K962                                 AQJ              






Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this East hand C in this week’s quiz? With a singleton this seems right. 3 (limit raise or better) is the alternative. The hand is not good enough for a 4 splinter of course.

Table B:     (1)  But I don’t like this at all. It was alerted and explained as Jacoby 2NT.

(2)   South had a think here. East has shown opening values without shortage and so partner’s overcall must be based on not too many points and so presumably six ’s. Thus opener is probably void in ’s and 4 must be cold with slam a distinct possibility. Hence the 5 bid to apply maximum pressure and minimize control showing by the opponents.

(3)   West, of course, was under no pressure and had no controls to show.


Anyway, onto the play defending 4. North leads the A and South plays the 10. How should North continue?

Even though one normally gives an attitude signal on partner’s lead, that is not appropriate if dummy has a singleton in the suit led and dummy has plenty of trumps. In such cases a suit-preference signal is more useful; and East’s 10 asks for a switch.

The best bet for North now is to hope that partner has the A and switch to the K. Followed by the 9 to partner’s A and a third by South promotes the Q in the North hand for one down.


And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 5-2, 4=, 5*-2 three times, 5-2, 4-2, 4*-1, 4-1.

The Bottom Lines

-     Attitude signals do not usually apply when dummy can win the next trick – use Lavinthal.

-     The Jacoby 2NT is generally not played after an overcall (instead cue bid to show a limit raise or better).

-     The Jacoby 2NT shows opening values and denies shortage. With shortage, splinter.

-     I am not at all impressed with East’s 2NT at Table B, from an experienced player.


I got Mike Dorn Wiss’s website wrong last week. Apparently he missed the dot com boom and his site is http://www.shadowbridge.net , where you can purchase his book “Shadow in the Bridge World”.


Mike’s Column                          


Little Alice

AJxx                                     West            North             East            South  

xx                                         -                   1                 pass           1

Kx                                        pass             1                  pass           3

                        AJxxx                                   pass             4    (!)          pass           4NT

pass             5                  pass           6       

Mutt                                       Jeff                     all pass

Qxxx                   N             Kxxx              

QJx                W    E          A9xx             

J                          S              xxx                 

KQxxx                               10x                







Mutt led the K against the slam, Alan winning and immediately leading a from the dummy. Jeff thought nothing was to be gained by rising with the ace and the K won in Alan’s hand. He then led a low to mutt’s J. Mutt switched to the card he should have led on the go, his trump jack, but now Alan won the king, ruffed a , ruffed a , ruffed another , and proceeded to run all of his trumps to this three card ending:


Little Alice                                On the last trump Mutt had to let go a spade in

AJ                                         order to retain the club lady. Alan ditched the

-                                           now useless club jack and Jeff felt the pinch in

-                                            the majors. Alan neglected to mention they had

                        J                                           chances to beat the hand.


Mutt                                       Jeff                     “Jeffrey, why didn’t you win the ace of hearts?”

Qx                      N             Kx                  Mutt implored.

-                     W    E          A                   

-                          S              -                      “Matthew, because you didn’t lead a trump”

Q                                       -                    

Alan                                         “I didn’t think I had one,” Mutt pouted. “I thought

                        -                                           I had two jacks of hearts!”.



10                                        < end of Mike’s column>

How to get yourself end-played                          Board 25 from Monday 25th Oct


Dealer:             A532                                          South ended up in 6 in an auction which I

West                AKJ4                                         understand he does not wish me to print.

Love all            A3                                              West had opened 1 and East supported.


1. West led a to the J and South ruffed.

K10974              N             QJ86                    2. South played a to the 8.

Q6                  W    E          9875                    3. A was ruffed.

K106                  S              J85                      4. A was played to the K.

KQ6                                  32                        5. The A was played and the Q fell.

-                                                 6. The A was played, South discarding a .

1032                                          7. A was played to the 10 and West

Q9742                                           decided to discard a rather than ruff (!)

J10754                                       8. The last was ruffed.

                                                      9. The A was played.



-                                                 That left this 4-card ending:


A3                                              10. The 9 was played from dummy.

                        9                                                11. West was endplayed – he no longer has a

safe exit card as he discarded it at trick 7.

-                         N             -                          

-                     W    E          9               Well played South.

K106                  S              J85                 

K                                       -                          

                        -                                     A suitable Alfred Scheinwold quote:                  


Q974                          One advantage of bad bidding is that you get        

-                                   practice at playing atrocious contracts”

Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    1NT? This one is not easy. The hand is too good to pass but with three ’s and only 5 cards in the majors I don’t like double at all. 2 is possible but I don’t really like it and I think that 1NT (even with no stop) is the lesser of the evils.

Hand B:    (a)  2. Partner has shown five ’s and showing your support is far better than showing your 7-card minor with a non-forcing 2.

(b)  2. This time it’s not so clear. Partner may have only four ’s, but a contract should play well with these decent trumps and ruffing values in the short trump hand.

Hand C:    4 or 3. 4 may stop the opponents bidding more ’s. 3 shows a sound raise to 3 or better. The hand is not good enough for a splinter.

Hand D:    1NT or 2. I slightly prefer 2 as I do not like denying a 4-card major. The hand is too good for 1 which is about 0-8.

Hand E:    1NT. This is the North hand 2 from Friday 29th. Now regular readers will know to deduct a point for 4333 shape hands, but there are loads of other factors. Here this hand has good top cards (aces and kings are good, queens and jacks are bad) and a good suit, but perhaps the main factor is the two working tens which altogether make the hand just about good enough for a strong 1NT.

Hand F:     pass. Partner is about 8-10 and you have nowhere near enough to invite.



Bidding Sequence Quiz Answer


G     1     1      1                    Most people, when playing negative doubles, use this to show five ’s and a double to show four ’s.   

H     1      1NT   dbl     1          You have to agree this. I much prefer to play it as natural but some do play transfers after a double.


Current club championship standings



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5











1915.1 Janne Roos

1896.1 Hans Vikman
1862.9 Paul Quodomine
1775.2 Tomas Wikman
1755.3 Guttorm Longberg
1733.9 Jan Chris v Koss
1732.1 Johan Bratsburg

670.4 Janne Roos

662.4 Hans Vikman

642.6 Tomas Wikman

640.1 Paul Quodomine

632.7 Sally Watson

629.1 Alan Kleist

627.0 Derek & Gerard

625.6 Jean Wissing

623.3 Jan v Koss

619.8 Lars Broman


344.6 Janne Roos

338.9 Hans Vikman

332.3 Tomas Wikman

327.5 Derek & Gerard

325.6 Sally Watson

325.1 Jan v Koss

325.0 Alan Kleist

323.8 Tonni Kjaer

323.5 Jeremy Watson

323.4 Paul Quodomine


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