Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                           Club News Sheet – No. 452

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My mobile phone number is 083 6066880                                                              17th July 2011

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My Windows Live Messenger is tj_quested@hotmail.com

Mon 11th        1st  Gerard & Derek                59%       2nd     Bob P & Robbie                   59%
Wed 13th        1st  Ivy & Robbie                    63%       2nd     Bob S & Terry                      58%
Fri 15th           1st  Ivy & Terry                       61%       2nd     Mike G & Bjorn Tr...           60%



Bidding Quiz           Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           What do you open with Hand A, 2nd seat both vul?

♠ 864               ♠ AK42                                  
♥ K42              ♥ 109               With Hand B partner opens 1♦ and RHO overcalls 2
♣, ♦ A543         ♦ A53              what do you bid?
♣ AJ2              ♣ 9753           

Bidding Sequence Quiz 

E      1♣    1♦      dbl                  Dbl is negative, but what does it show in the majors?
F       1     2♣     dbl                  Dbl is negative, but what does it show in the majors?

Even more about negative doubles                            Board 17 from Monday 11th

Having written up two misunderstandings about negative doubles in the last two news-sheets, here’s yet another one that went wrong.

Dealer:             ♠ J76                                             Table A
North               ♥ KJ42                                          West          North         East           South(B)
Love all           ♦ KQ862                                       -                 1♦              2♣             2♠     (1)
                        ♣ Q                                               pass           3♠     (2)     pass           4♠     (3)
                                                                               all pass
♠ Q1053                N             ♠ 98                        
♥ A853              W    E          ♥ Q76                      Table B
♦ 974                     S              ♦ J10                        West          North         East           South(B)
♣ 102                                     ♣ AKJ864              -                 1♦              2♣             dbl    (1)
                        ♠ AK42                                         pass           2♥     (4)     pass           2♠     (5)
                        ♥ 109                                             pass           pass  (6)     3♣   (7)      pass 
                        ♦ A53                                            pass           3♦              all pass
                        ♣ 9753                                         

Table A:    (1)  What did you bid with this South hand B in this week’s quiz? This 2♠ bid must be wrong as it shows five ♠’s.
                  (2)  Believing partner had five ♠’s. Partner’s 2♠ bid is forcing of course unless you play Negative Free Bids,
                        which nobody in the club does to my knowledge.
                  (3) A bit optimistic.
Table B:     (1)  This is the best answer to question B. It depends upon how you play negative doubles and in Marty Bergen’s
                        style this promises just one 4-card major.
                  (4)  This is not a strength-showing reverse. Partner has promised a major and North hopes to find a fit.
                  (5)  So showing 4 ♠’s and not ♥’s.
                  (6)  The Moysian fit should play well
                  (7)  A balancing bid that knocks N-S off of the top spot.


      And what happened? 4♠-1 was the only –ve score for N-S. The most popular spot was 3♦=.
      The bottom lines:
It’s up to you how you play negative doubles, but you have to be on the same wavelength.

I play Marty Bergen’s treatments:

Marty Bergen’s approach to Negative doubles:

  1. The negative double shows enough points to compete and does not promise another bid.
  2. Having said that, it has no upper limit.


After  m – M       a double shows the unbid major.
After  M – m       a double shows the unbid major.
After  M – M      a double shows both minors
After  1♣ - 1♦     a double shows exactly 4-4 in the majors
After 1m - 2m     a double promises just one 4-card major.

Very Weak pre-emptive bids.

About a year ago we introduced the ‘Australian’ rule of 15 for pre-empts in order to prevent very
light pre-emptive bids. The rule is that you add up your total points to the lengths of your two longest
suits. If the total is 15 or more you may bid. We later slightly relaxed the rule for weak twos to a rule of 14.

Hand C           Hand D                       Hand C is 15 for the rule, and if you really want to open
♠ 1098542       ♠ 1098542                 or make a weak jump overcall with this miserable ♠ suit it
♥ 3                   ♥ 32                           is allowable.
♦ A2                ♦ A2                            Hand D is just 13 for the rule and an opening pre-empt or
♣ J753             ♣ 753                         overcall is unacceptable.    

If you really want to bid with hands like hand D then you have to pass at your first turn but are allowed to come in later. Basically, we just ask people to be sensible with their initial pre-emptive bids.
Note that this rule does not apply to weak jump shifts ( a jump when partner opens) which can be extremely weak (often played as 0-5)


Dave’s Column

     N                 ♠ 986                                    West         North         East         South
W     E             ♥ K1064                               -                2NT           pass         3♦       
     S                 ♦ QJ1084                              3♠             4♥              pass         4NT
                        ♣ 2                                       pass          5♦               pass         6♥       
♠ 2                                                                all pass
♥ J8532          
♦ 97                                       
♣ KQ1075     

You are East, defending 6♥.  You lead the ♠8 (MUD) and declarer wins with his ♠A,
ruffs the ♠4 in dummy and plays the ♥3 to the ♥7 and ♥Q. How do you defend?

Dave’s Column Answer                 Board 5 from Wednesday 13th  
Dealer:             ♠ A4                                              Bidding
North               ♥ AQ9                                           West          North         East           South
N-S vul            ♦ AK6                                           -                 2NT           pass           3♦       
                        ♣ A9643                                       3♠              4♥              pass           4NT
                                                                              pass           5♦    (1)      pass           6♥     (2)          
♠ KQJ10753         N             ♠ 986                       all pass
♥ 7                     W    E          ♥ K1064                 
♦ 532                     S              ♦ QJ1084                
♣ J8                                       ♣ 2                   
                        ♠ 2                               (1)  4 keycards 
                        ♥ J8532                       (2)  There is a keycard missing and it would be nice to be
                        ♦ 97                                   able to ask for the trump queen but here the ask is 5♠
                        ♣ KQ1075                        and so there’s no room without committing to the slam.
                                                                  1430 would work here but the only sure way to always
                                                                  be able to have room for the queen ask is to play Kickback.

You are East and lead the ♠8 (MUD). Declarer wins with his ♠A, ruffs the ♠4 in dummy and plays
the ♥3 to the ♥7 and ♥Q, how do you defend?
South certainly did some bidding with his 6-point hand. But if North had bid 4♣ over 3♠, maybe they
would have reached the laydown 6♣.
 When the hand was first played, Dr. George Rosenkranz, Mexico’s top ranked player for many years,
was in the East seat. He took the third trick with the ♥K and led his last ♠, happily conceding a ruff and discard.
If Declarer trumped in the dummy, he would only have two trumps in each hand, unable to handle East’s three.
But after declarer ruffed in his hand and cashed the ♥A, the bad break meant he was always one down.

And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 6♣=, 4♥+1 twice and three spurious results.

Incidentally, on Friday there was a discussion as to what 5NT means after a RKCB 4NT:
Eddie Kantar is the world’s acknowledged expert on RKCB and he says:
5NT                               = 2 (or 0 or 4) plus a useful void
6 suit below trumps       = 1 (or 3) plus a void in the suit bid
6 of the trump suit        = 1 (or 3) plus a void in a suit above the trump suit


Dave’s 2nd Column

West                East                              
♠ K76542        ♠ AQ8                                    
♥ 3                   ♥ AK9872                             
♦ 8                   ♦ AQ            
♣ A7532         ♣ Q6            

You are West, declarer in 6♠ with no bidding by the opponents. North leads the ♦5, plan the play.                 
Dave’s 2nd Column Answer           Board 6 from Wednesday 13th  
Dealer:             ♠ J103                                           Book bidding             
East                 ♥ 54                                               West          North         East           South
E-W vul           ♦ J97542                                        -                 -                 2♣             pass
                        ♣ 84                                              2♠              pass           3♠              pass
                                                                              4♣             pass           4♦              pass 
♠ K76542              N             ♠ AQ8                     5♦              pass           5♥              pass 
♥ 3                     W    E          ♥ AK9872              6♠              all pass
♦ 8                         S              ♦ AQ                
♣ A7532                               ♣ Q6                
                         ♠ 9                                          
                         ♥ QJ106                                 
                         ♦ K1063                  North leads the ♦5, plan the play for West in 6♠.          
                         ♣ KJ109

West wins the ♦A and best is to then play a low ♥ from dummy. Ruff the ♦ return, lead a trump to the ♠Q
and ruff another ♥. Then draw trumps with the ♠K and ♠A and cash the ♥AK and two more ♥’s, discarding ♣’s from hand.
This is the best line. It succeeds if the ♥’s break no worse than 4-2 and the trumps no worse than 3-1.
If you cash a high ♥ in dummy before ruffing you will go down.

And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 6NT=, 4♥=, 7♠-2 twice, 6♠*-1 and 6♠-1.

Bidding Quiz Answers

Hand A:   Pass. This 12 point 4333 hand (South board 10 from Monday) with no intermediates
                 is not worth an opening bid. 4333 sucks. Apply the Rule of 20 and see what you get. I believe
                 everybody opened 1♦ and the majority ended up in 2NT-1 when partner eventually bid 2NT
                 with a decent eleven count.
Hand B:    dbl. You should not bid 2♠ as that shows a 5-card suit. It depends upon how you
                 play negative doubles but I adhere to Mary Bergen’s treatment and a double here
                 guarantees 4 cards in just one of the majors.


Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers  

E      1♣    1♦      dbl                  Dbl is negative, exactly 4-4 in the majors. With just one major,
                                                   bid it.
F       1♦     2♣     dbl                  Dbl is negative. I play Marty Bergen’s treatments and
                                                   because it’s up at the two level, the double  guarantees just
                                                   one 4-card major

Current club championship standings


Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5











1798.8 Janne Roos
1756.3 Hans Vikman
1725.0 Tomas Wikman

639.8 Per Andersson
638.4 Hans Vikman
636.2 Paul Quodomine
627.6 Janne Roos
624.0 Lars Broman
617.8 Paul Scully
614.2 Bob Short
611.7 Sean Burgess
609.4 Jeremy Watson
608.9 Sigurd Zahl

332.2 Per Andersson
326.2 Hans Vikman
325.3 Paul Scully
321.7 Lars Broman
318.9 Janne Roos
318.4 Dave Hurst
316.6 Alan Kleist
316.3 Paul Quodomine
314.8 Bob Short
312.6 Gerard Hardy