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Wed 20th 1st Robbie & Bob S 61% 2nd Gerard & Derek 58%
Fri 22nd 1st Espen & Jan 64% 2nd John H & Mike 61%
Bidding Sequence Quiz
A 1♣ pass 1♥ pass
3♣ pass 3♥ Is 3♥ forcing, invitational, or just a desire to play in 3♥?
Dave’s Column
Dealer: ♠ KJ Book Bidding
West ♥ 763 West North East South
both vul ♦ QJ94 1♣ pass 1♠ pass
♣ Q763 4♠ all pass
♠ A1098 N
♥ Q5 W E
♦ AK7 S
♣ AK108
You are North, defending 4♠ and partner leads the 5♣. The ♣A is played from dummy, declarer playing the ♣J.
Dummy continues with the ♠A and a ♠ to your ♠K, partner following with the ♠5 and ♠3, what now?
Dave’s Column Answer Board 20 from Wednesday 20th
Dealer: ♠ KJ Bidding
West ♥ 763 West North East South
both vul ♦ QJ94 1♣ (1) pass 1♠ pass
♣ Q763 4♠ all pass
♠ A1098 N ♠ Q762 (1) 2NT is the obvious alternative opening
♥ Q5 W E ♥ K108
♦ AK7 S ♦ 106
♣ AK108 ♣ J942
♠ 543
♥ AJ942 South leads the 5♣. The ♣A is played from dummy,
♦ 8532 declarer playing the ♣J. Dummy continues with the ♠A
♣ 5 and a ♠ to your ♠K, partner following with the ♠5 and ♠3,
what now?
Inferences are available. To start with, partner can’t have the ♥AK as he did not lead one of them. Secondly,
partner’s play of the ♠5 - ♠3 indicates a third trump and a desire to ruff now. Which suit does partner want to ruff?
It has to be ♣’s. If you return a ♣ for partner to ruff and partner’s ♥’s are strong enough to prevent declarer from
discarding a ♣ on a ♥, you will still collect the setting trick with the ♣Q.
The Trump-Echo
When a defender plays high-low when following to declarer’s drawing of trumps, it shows three (or more) trumps
and an ability to ruff immediately.
Dave’s 2nd Column
North South
♠ A52 ♠ KJ83 Book bidding
♥ 102 ♥ AQ76 West North East South
♦ Q1097 ♦ A5 - - - 1NT
♣ K1082 ♣ Q93 pass 3NT all pass
Trick 1: ♣5, ♣2, ♣J, ♣Q
Trick 2: ♣9, ♣6, ♣8, ♣4
Trick 3: ♣3, ♣A, ♣10, ♦3
Trick 4: ♣7, ♣K, ♦4, ♥6
Trick 5: ♦7, ♦8, ♦A, ♦2
Trick 6: ♦5, ♦6, ♦10, ♥4
North South That leaves this position, with the lead in the North hand.
♠ A52 ♠ KJ83 Declarer already has five tricks in the bag, an he guarantee
♥ 102 ♥ AQ7 four more now?
♦ Q9 ♦ -
♣ - ♣ -
Dave’s 2nd Column Answer Board 21 from Wednesday 20th
Dealer: ♠ A52 Book bidding
North ♥ 102 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ Q1097 - - - 1NT
♣ K1082 pass 3NT all pass
♠ 97 N ♠ Q1064
♥ K93 W E ♥ J854 Trick 1: ♣5, ♣2, ♣J, ♣Q
♦ KJ62 S ♦ 843 Trick 2: ♣9, ♣6, ♣8, ♣4
♣ A765 ♣ J4 Trick 3: ♣3, ♣A, ♣10, ♦3
♠ KJ83 Trick 4: ♣7, ♣K, ♦4, ♥6
♥ AQ76 Trick 5: ♦7, ♦8, ♦A, ♦2
♦ A5 Trick 6: ♦5, ♦6, ♦10, ♥4
♣ Q93
♠ A52 That leaves this position, with the defence having
♥ 102 won one trick so far. Can declarer get four more
♦ Q9 tricks to guarantee the contract now?
♣ -
♠ 97 N ♠ Q1064 Declarer can play a ♦ off dummy.
♥ K93 W E ♥ J85 West will win and cash one more ♦. But then he
♦ KJ S ♦ - has to play a major suit to give up the ninth trick.
♣ - ♣ -
♠ KJ83
♥ AQ7
♦ -
♣ -
Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers
A 1♣ pass 1♥ pass 3♥ is game forcing, looking for the best game (or slam).
3♣ pass 3♥ With a very weak hand and ♥’s, responder should pass.
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