Mon 8th 1st Gerard & Derek = Gus & Dave H 60%
Wed 10th 1st Gerard & Derek 68% 2nd Paul Sc & Dave H 56%
Fri 12th 1st Paul Q & Hans V 65% 2nd Paul Sc & Gus 57%
Hand A Hand B With Hands A and B you open 1♠ and partner bids 2♠,
what do you do?
♠ AQ9532 ♠ AK1053
♥ Q93 ♥ Q943
♦ K10 ♦ K10
♣ A4 ♣ A4
Hand C Hand D With Hands C and D partner opens 1♠ and you bid 2♠.
♠ Q92 ♠ Q92 Partner then bids 3♥, a help-suit game try. What do you bid?
♥ AJ72 ♥ AK72
♦ 653 ♦ 653
♣ 1096 ♣ 1096
Bidding Sequence Quiz
E 1♠ pass 2♠ pass (a) What is 3♥?
3♥ (b) How many ♥’s does the 3♥ bid show?
F 1♠ dbl redbl What does redouble show - ♠ support or something else?
G 1♠ dbl redbl 2♣ Is pass forcing?
dbl 2♦ pass
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1798.8 Janne Roos |
639.8 Per Andersson |
332.2 Per Andersson |
4-4 or 5-3 fit? Board 8 from Monday 8th
Dealer: ♠ 876 Table A
South ♥ J105 West(B) North East South
Love all ♦ AJ842 - - - pass
♣ J5 1♠ pass 2♠ pass
3♠ (1) pass 4♠ (2) all pass
♠ AK1053 N ♠ Q92
♥ Q943 W E ♥ AK72 Table B
♦ K10 S ♦ 653 West(B) North East(D) South
♣ A4 ♣ 1096 - - - pass
♠ J4 1♠ pass 2♠ pass
♥ 86 3♥ (1) pass 4♥ (3) all pass
♦ Q97
♣ KQ8732
Table A: (1) What did you bid with this West hand B in this week’s quiz? This hand is
worth an invitation and 3♠ was the popular choice.
(2) East has a totally flat hand, but with nine good points it’s well worth accepting.
Table B: (1) This is the best answer to question B. A Help-Suit game try asking for help in
the ♥ suit.
(3) What did you bid with this East hand D in this week’s quiz? You clearly want to
be in game and partner may have three or four ♥’s. So bid 4♥ and if partner has
only three ♥’s he will correct to 4♠.
And what happened? Only one pair out of six found the ♥ fit. 4♥ makes eleven tricks but 4♠ makes only ten.
The bottom lines:
Dave’s Column
West East Bidding
♠ 87 ♠ J10 West North East South
♥ J1095 ♥ KQ8762 1♦ 1♠ 2♥ 2♠
♦ AQ63 ♦ 4 3♥ pass 4♥ all pass
♣ KQ7 ♣ AJ96
You are East, declarer in 4♥. South leads the ♠K, North overtakes with the ♠A and
switches to the ♣8, plan the play.
Dave’s Column Answer Board 20 from Wednesday 10th Aug
Dealer: ♠ A95432 Book Bidding
West ♥ A4 West North East South
both vul ♦ K1075 1♦ 1♠ 2♥ 2♠
♣ 8 3♥ pass 4♥ all pass
♠ 87 N ♠ J10
♥ J1095 W E ♥ KQ8762
♦ AQ63 S ♦ 4
♣ KQ7 ♣ AJ96 South leads the ♠K, North overtakes with the ♠A
♠ KQ6 and switches to the ♣8, plan the play.
♥ 3
♦ J982
♣ 105432
You do not need to be clairvoyant to foresee what will happen if you win the ♣ and play a
trump next. North will win with the ♥A, play a ♠ to South’s ♠Q and receive a ruff to defeat the
contract. North’s overtaking play at trick one followed by the ♣ switch, surely a singleton,
should make North’s plan transparent.
As South probably has the ♠Q for the opening lead, the other significant cards should be with
North. So win the ♣ switch and play the ♦A, followed by the ♦Q. When North produces the ♦K,
discard your ♠ loser.
Once you are out of ♠’s, North will be unable to reach the South hand and will not be able to
score a ♣ ruff.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge Club? With nine sure tricks, many N-S’s played in
♠’s and so the problem did not arise.
Dave’s 2nd Column
♠ KJ4 N West North East South
♥ QJ10 W E pass 1♠ pass 1NT (1)
♦ AJ65 S pass 2♣ (2) pass 3♠ (3)
♣ 542 pass 4♠ all pass
♠ A32
♥ 983 You are West, defending 4♠. East leads the ♣Q and declarer
♦ KQ2 wins with the ♣A and plays a ♠ to the ♠A and a low ♠ off
♣ K986 dummy. Plan the defense for West.
(1) forcing, playing 2/1
(2) could be three cards
(3) invitational with exactly three ♠’s.
Dave’s 2nd Column Answer Board 21 from Wednesday 10th Aug
Dealer: ♠ Q10987 Book bidding
North ♥ AK West North East South
N-S vul ♦ 943 pass 1♠ pass 1NT (1)
♣ A73 pass 2♣ (2) pass 3♠ (3)
pass 4♠ all pass
♠ KJ4 N ♠ 65
♥ QJ10 W E ♥ 76542 (1) forcing, playing 2/1
♦ AJ65 S ♦ 1087 (2) could be three cards
♣ 542 ♣ QJ10 (3) invitational with exactly three ♠’s.
♠ A32
♥ 983 East leads the ♣Q and declarer wins with the ♣A and plays
♦ KQ2 a ♠ to the ♠A and a low ♠ off dummy, plan the defense for
♣ K986 West.
It would appear that East was not looking for a ♣ ruff, and was leading from ♣QJ
doubleton or ♣QJ10, the latter being not only more likely, but more useful in giving the
defence a chance to defeat the contract. So credit declarer with ♣Axx. Declarer must also have
the ♥AK for accepting the game invitation. Whatever his red suit distribution (3-2 or 2-3) he
will he will be able to discard his third card in a red suit on the long ♣ after losing a ♣ to East –
if you let him. If declarer has ♥AKx and two ♦’s you can’t beat him. He will duck a ♣ to East
while he still has ♥’s controlled. However, if declarer has ♥AK doubleton, you have a chance
to set the contract if East has one important card. Do you know what it is?
Win the ♠K at trick three and switch to a low ♦, playing partner for the ♦10. That will force
an honour from dummy and when partner gains the lead with his top ♣ you will win the ♦AJ to
set the contract.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Everybody passed the test, bidding and
making 4♠.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: 3♥. A help-suit game try.
Hand B: 3♥. A help-suit game try.
Hand C: 3♠. You do not have enough to accept the game try and you cannot pass as partner
may have only three ♥’s.
Hand D: 4♥. You want to accept the game try and partner may just have four ♥’s. He will
correct to 4♠ if he has just three ♥’s.
Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers
E 1♠ pass 2♠ pass (a) 3♥ is a help-suit game try, asking for help in the ♥ suit.
3♥ (b) Opener may have three or four ♥’s.
F 1♠ dbl redbl redouble generally shows 9+ points, a misfit for partner, and
a desire to defend a doubled contract. With ♠ support, bid ♠’s
(pre-emptive) or bid the Jordan 2NT (limit raise or better).
G 1♠ dbl redbl 2♣ Pass is 100% forcing having redoubled, hoping that partner
dbl 2♦ pass can double for penalties. If partner does not have good enough ♦’s to double, he must bid.