Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                           Club News Sheet – No. 465

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My mobile phone number is 083 6066880                                                              16th Oct 2011

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My Windows Live Messenger is tj_quested@hotmail.com


Mon 10th        N-S       1st   Leo & Ivy                     60%            2nd  Michael C & Alan K     57%
                       E-W      1st   Bengt D & Hans V        65%            2nd  Paul Sc & Guttorm        61%
Wed 12th        N-S       1st    Michael C &  Alan K   61%            2nd  Phil & Kenneth              54%
                       E-W      1st   Paul Sc & Dave H         63%            2nd Tobjorn & Johan            57%
Fri 14th                         1st  Bob S & Terry               64%            2nd Claus & Hans V             58%

Bidding Quiz          Standard American (short ♣) bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.

Hand A           Hand B           What do you open with Hand A?

♠ K9                ♠ A                               
♥ K85              ♥ K985            What do you open with Hand B?  
♦ KJ85             ♦ AKQ9
♣ AKJ8           ♣ KQ92


Bidding Sequence Quiz                  

C     1♥     pass   2♥     2NT        2NT is Unusual, showing both minors here.
        dbl                                       What does the double show?

Current club championship standings


Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5


1835.8 Hans Vikman
1812.8 Janne Roos
1806.6 Bob Short
1774.2 Sigurd Zahl
1764.9 Gerard Hardy
1764.1 Paul Quodomine
1756.2 Derek Tyms
1752.7 Paul Scully
1725.6 Tomas Wikman
1718.3 Bob Pelletier

649.4 Hans Vikman
645.2 Bob Short
640.2 Paul Quodomine
639.8 Per Andersson
631.1 Janne Roos
627.2= Gerard Hardy
627.2= Derek Tyms
626.5 Paul Scully
626.3 Sigurd Zahl
624.0 Lars Broman

335.4 Bob Short
332.2 Per Andersson
329.9 Hans Vikman
328.9= Gerard Hardy
328.9= Derek Tyms
325.8 Paul Scully
322.6 Dave Hurst
321.7 Lars Broman
320.4 Janne Roos
319.8 Bengt Malmgren


Worth an effort?                                                 Board 16 from Friday 14th 

Dealer:             ♠ K9                                              Table A
West                ♥ K85                                            West          North(A)   East           South
E-W vul           ♦ KJ85                                           pass           1NT  (1)     pass           2♥     (2)
                        ♣ AKJ8                                         pass           2♠              pass           4♠  (3)
                                                                              all pass
♠ 842                     N             ♠ 63                        
♥ J10                 W    E          ♥ A762                    Table B
♦ Q10632              S              ♦ 74                         West          North(A)   East           South
♣ Q93                                    ♣ 107542                pass           1♣    (1)     pass           1♠    
                        ♠ AQJ1075                                   pass           2NT  (4)`   pass           6♠     (5)
                        ♥ Q943                                          all pass
                        ♦ A9                                             
                        ♣ 6                                               
Table A:    (1)  What did you open with this North hand A in this week’s quiz? This is a decent
                        18 count and I can see no reason to downgrade to 1NT (it is not 4333).
                  (2)  With a great self-sufficient ♠ suit South decides to transfer rather than bring ♥’s
                        into the picture using Stayman with such poor ♥’s.
                  (3)  South could (probably should) make a game try (with 3♠) but decided against it.
Table B:     (1)  This North correctly opened 1♣ in answer to question A…
                  (4)  .. and this rebid shows 18-19…
                  (5)  Opposite 18-19 South has an fairly easy 6♠ bid (you can mess about with RKCB
                        first if you wish).
The bottom lines:

  1. I am all for downgrading with 4333, but only 4333; 4432 is fine and needs no downgrade.

And what happened? Two bid the slam, three did not. So who was to blame at Table B?
I think that both underbid their hands.


Dave’s Column

North               South                                  West          North         East            South
♠ 832               ♠ AK7                                -                  pass          pass            1♦
♥ K92              ♥ A763                               pass            2♣             pass            3NT         
♦ 107               ♦ AK63                               all pass        
♣ AK732        ♣ 64               
You are South, declarer in 3NT. West leads the ♠4 to East’s ♠J, plan the play. 

Dave’s Column Answer                   Board 25 from Wednesday 12th Oct. 
Dealer:             ♠ 832                                             Bidding            
North               ♥ K92                                            West          North         East           South
E-W vul           ♦ 107                                             -                 pass           pass           1♦
                        ♣ AK732                                      pass           2♣             pass           3NT
                                                                              all pass
♠ Q1064                N             ♠ J95                      
♥ Q1054            W    E          ♥ J8                        
♦ J92                      S              ♦ Q854                  
♣ 109                                    ♣ QJ85             
                        ♠ AK7                                    
                        ♥ A763 
                        ♦ AK63                              Plan the play for declarer on the ♠4 lead.
                        ♣ 64                                       

You can see from the lead that West probably has just four ♠’s. With eight trick on top it
looks as though the ninth will come from either a 3-3 break in ♣’s or ♥’s.
But actually you can do better than that because you should be able to make at least three
♣ tricks as long as the suit is no worse than 4-2. However, you have to be a little careful.
Suppose you win the opening lead and play three rounds of ♣’s finding out that one opponent
started with four ♣’s.
While it is true that you can win the return and enter dummy with the ♥K to play another ♣,
setting up a winner in the process, you will find yourself unable to get to dummy to enjoy it.
So play low from both hands to the first ♣. Win the return and play ♣’s from the top, setting
up the fifth ♣ as the ninth trick. You will still have an entry to enjoy it.  

And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 3NT= three times, 3NT-1 and a few
spurious scores.


Dave’s 2nd Column

West                East                                     West          North         East           South
♠ AJ3              ♠ 1074                                -                 -                 1♥              pass
♥ 975               ♥ AKQJ42                          2♥              pass           3♦              pass
♦ J1082            ♦ K93                                  4♥              all pass
♣ A85             ♣ Q                              

You are East, declarer in 4♥. South leads the ♣J, plan the play.
Dave’s 2nd Column Answer           Board 26 from Wednesday 12th Oct. 
Dealer:             ♠ K95                                            Bidding            
East                 ♥ 1086                                           West          North         East           South
both vul           ♦ 54                                               -                 -                 1♥              pass
                        ♣ K7542                                       2♥              pass           3♦    (1)      pass
                                                                              4♥              all pass
♠ AJ3                    N             ♠ 1074                    
♥ 975                 W    E          ♥ AKQJ42        (1)  Help suit game try
♦ J1082                  S              ♦ K93                     
♣ A85                                   ♣ Q                       
                        ♠ Q862                                   
                        ♥ 3                                    
                        ♦ AQ76                                   South leads the ♣J, plan the play.
                        ♣ J1093                                  

You have eight top tricks and at first glance it looks as though you might require a favorable
position of the ♦Q. Since entries to dummy are scarce, suppose you win the opening lead and
take a losing ♦ finesse. You will go down when the opponents find the third round ♦ ruff.
Fortunately, a closer look at the ♦ pips shows that you always have two tricks in that suit by
force, so draw trumps and play the ♦K. If South wins and plays a ♠, just duck, for although
North can win he cannot play another without giving you a second ♠ trick. He will probably
return a ♣ which you ruff in hand. You then play another ♦ to force out the ♦Q and still have the
♠A in dummy as an entry.

And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club?  4♥= four times and 4♥-1 twice.


Bidding Quiz Answers  

Hand A:   1♣. The hand is too strong for a 15-17 1NT.
Hand B:    2NT. This is West hand 7 from Friday. 2NT is not ideal with a singleton but there
                  is no other realistic alternative.


Bidding Sequence Quiz                  

C      1♥     pass   2♥     2NT      2NT is Unusual, showing both minors here. It’s up to you,
         dbl                                      but I play that dbl here says that you can penalize one of the
                                                    suits shown.