Mon 17th N-S 1st Sigurd & Magnus 61% 2nd Michael C & Alan K 51%
E-W 1st Bengt M & Tonyy C 60% 2nd Guttorm & Hans V 56%
Wed 19th N-S 1st Robbie & Bob S 60% 2nd Paul Q & Jeremy 59%
E-W 1st Michael C & Alan K 63% 2nd Claus & Hans V 62%
Fri 21st 1st Jean W & Fred A-M 61% 2nd Mike G & Tony 58%
Bidding Quiz Standard American (short ♣) bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A you open 1♣ and partner bids 1♠. RHO overcalls
2♥, what do you bid?
♠ 53 ♠ K53
♥ KQ9 ♥ K9 With Hand A you open 1♣ and partner bids 1♠. RHO overcalls
♦ KJ75 ♦ KJ75 2♥, what do you bid?
♣ KJ62 ♣ KJ62
Bidding Sequence Quiz
C 1♣ pass 1♠ pass How many points is 2NT?
D 1♣ pass 1♠ 2♥ How many points is 2NT?
E 1♥ pass 2♣ 2♦ How many points is 2NT?
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 |
1842.4 Hans Vikman |
649.4 Hans Vikman |
335.5 Bob Short |
NT rebids when RHO overcalls Board 2 from Friday 21st
Dealer: ♠ 6 Table A
East ♥ Q8762 West North East(B) South
N-S vul ♦ 84 - - 1♣ 1♥
♣ Q9875 1♠ (1) 2♥ (2) 2NT (3) 3♥ (4)
3♠ pass 4♠ all pass
♠ AQ1098 N ♠ K53
♥ 4 W E ♥ K9 Table A
♦ 109632 S ♦ KJ75 West North East(B) South
♣ 103 ♣ KJ62 - - 1♣ 1♥
♠ J742 1♠ (1) 2♥ (2) 2♠ (3) pass
♥ AJ1053 pass pass (5)
♦ AQ
♣ A2
Table A: (1) This shows 5 ♠’s. With just 4 ♠’s you would negative double.
(2) At this vulnerability, 3♥ or even 4♥ are possibilities.
(3) What did you bid With this east hand B in this week’s quiz? This 2NT is wrong
as it shows 18-19 points.
(4) With just 5 ♥’s and with 4 ♠’s, there is no need for South to bid here. If East
really has 18-19 partner must be nearly bust for his raise.
Table B: (3) This is the correct answer to question B. You know that partner has 5 ♠’s and this
is a clear raise.
(5) having not bid more last go, North surely must bid 3♥ (or 4♥)
The bottom lines:
Dave’s Column
North South West North East South
♠ K2 ♠ A764 - 1♥ pass 2♣
♥ AQ9852 ♥ - pass 2♥ pass 2♠
♦ A98 ♦ KQ105 pass 3♦ pass 3NT
♣ 93 ♣ QJ1087 all pass
You are South, declarer in 3NT. West leads the ♠5, plan the play.
Dave’s Column Answer Board 13 from Wednesday 19th Oct.
Dealer: ♠ K2 Bidding
North ♥ AQ9852 West North East South
both vul ♦ A98 - 1♥ pass (1) 2♣ (2)
♣ 93 pass 2♥ pass 2♠
pass 3♦ (3) pass 3NT
♠ Q10853 N ♠ J9
♥ 43 W E ♥ KJ1076 (1) It’s best to pass with length and strength in
♦ 62 S ♦ J743 RHO’s suit.
♣ K642 ♣ A5 (2) Many will bid the minor and then ♠’s next go
♠ A764 with a game forcing responding hand.
♥ - (3) 4th suit forcing.
♦ KQ105
♣ QJ1087 Plan the play for declarer on the ♠5 lead.
You know from the rule of 11 that East has at least two ♠’s but, with the suit well guarded it might
seem right to win the opening lead in dummy. You plan to play on ♣’s, aiming to win two ♠’s,
one ♥, three ♦’s and three ♣’s. Stop to see what happens if you do.
An alert East will win the first ♠ and return his remaining ♠. Then, whether you duck or not,
West will clear the suit and defeat you when he gets in with the ♣K.
So, simply duck the first ♠ lead and the defender’s communications will be cut.
The hold-up play is easy to recognize when you have only one stopper in the suit led, less so when you have two.
Dave’s 2nd Column
West East West North East South
♠ AKJ108 ♠ Q96 - - 1♥ pass
♥ 54 ♥ AQ863 1♠ pass 1NT pass
♦ A65 ♦ 843 2♣ pass 2♠ pass
♣ 865 ♣ A3 4♠ all pass
You are West, declarer in 4♠. North leads the ♦K, plan the play.
Dave’s 2nd Column Answer Board 14 from Wednesday 19th Oct.
Dealer: ♠ 542 Bidding
East ♥ 972 West North East South
Love all ♦ KQJ7 - - 1♥ pass
♣ K97 1♠ pass 1NT (1) pass
2♣ (2) pass 2♠ pass
♠ AKJ108 N ♠ Q96 4♠ all pass
♥ 54 W E ♥ AQ863
♦ A65 S ♦ 843
♣ 865 ♣ A3 (1) 2♠ is an alternative
♠ 73 (2) NMF, enquiring about ♠’s here.
♥ KJ10
♦ 1092 North leads the ♦K, plan the play.
♣ QJ1042
You have reached a decent contract but do have five potential losers in a ♥, two ♦’s and
two ♣’s. Suppose you win the first ♦ and play two rounds of ♣’s immediately, intending to
ruff the third ♣ in dummy and later take the ♥ finesse. This plan is clearly better than just
drawing trumps which would probably lead to defeat even if North held the ♥K.
Can you see a better plan?
After getting in, you should take the ♥ finesse. If it loses, you have to give up on ruffing a ♣
(as that gives you only one extra trick and you need two) and hope that both majors divide evenly.
Let us say they win the ♥K, cash two ♦’s and play a ♣. You win, play the ♥A, ruff a ♥ and draw
trumps ending in dummy. If everything behaves, you make five ♠’s, three ♥’s and two minor suit aces.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: pass. You have no support for partner and a 2NT bid here shows 18-19.
Hand B: 2♠. This bid must be right even if partner has just four ♠’s.
Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers
C 1♣ pass 1♠ pass 2NT here is 18-19, obviously.
D 1♣ pass 1♠ 2♥ 2NT here is again 18-19. Partner has only responded at the one
2NT level and it is an opponent who has pushed the bidding up to the
two level.
E 1♥ pass 2♣ 2♦ But here it’s different. Partner has responded at the two level
2NT and so 2NT is the minimal 12-14.