Our website is www.pattayabridge.com Club News Sheet – No. 469
Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com
My mobile phone number is 083 6066880 13th Nov 2011
My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com
My Windows Live Messenger is tj_quested@hotmail.com
Mon 7th N-S 1st Bob P & Robbie 67% 2nd Bob S & Gus 59%
E-W 1st Lars B & Hans V 61% 2nd Fred-Arne & Bjorn R 60%
Wed 9th N-S 1st Bengt & Bam 56% 2nd Dino & Peter Lux 56%
E-W 1st Bob S & Jens 56% 2nd Paul Sc & Hans V 56%
Fri 11th N-S 1st Alan K & Jan 62% 2nd Paul Q & Hans V 60%
E-W 1st Bob S & Terry 64% 2nd Sigurd & Jeremy 63%
Bidding Quiz Standard American (short ♣) bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A you open 1♠ and LHO overcalls 2♣. This is
passed to you, what do you bid?
♠ A7532 ♠ 106
♥ A102 ♥ KQ72
♦ AQ72 ♦ AK5 With hand B partner opens 1♣ and you bid 1♥. Partner then
♣ J ♣ 10985 bids 3♣, what do you bid?
Bidding Sequence Quiz
C 1♠ 1NT dbl What is the double?
D 1♠ 1NT dbl 2♣ What is the 2♣ bid, natural or Stayman?
Look for 3NT rather 5♣/♦ Board 27 from Friday 11th Nov
Dealer: ♠ 106 Table A
South ♥ KQ72 West North(B) East South
Love all ♦ AK5 - - - 1♣
♣ 10985 pass 1♥ pass 3♣
pass 5♣ (1) all pass
♠ A8732 N ♠ K95
♥ 1098 W E ♥ AJ654 Table B
♦ 1082 S ♦ J976 West North(B) East South
♣ 73 ♣ 2 - - - 1♣
♠ QJ4 pass 1♥ pass 3♣
♥ 3 pass 3♦ (1) pass 3NT (2)
♦ Q43 all pass
♣ AKQJ64
Table A: (1) What did you bid with this North hand B in this week’s quiz? I never like jumping
to five of a minor if there is a sensible alternative.
Table B: (1) This is my answer to question B. Even though you have a known ♣ fit you should
always look for a possible 3NT and this bid, showing ♦ values, costs nothing.
(2) With a clear ♠ stop, South now has an easy 3NT bid.
The bottom lines:
And what happened? 3NT+3 three times, 6♣-2, 6NT-2 and 5♣-1.
The re-opening double Board 9 from Wednesday 9th Nov
Just because you play negative doubles, that does not mean that you miss out on lucrative penalty doubles
– as long as opener knows about the ‘automatic’ re-opening double.
Dealer: ♠ A7532 Table A
North ♥ A102 West North(A) East South
E-W vul ♦ AQ72 - 1♠ 2♣ pass
♣ J pass 2♦ (1) 3♣ 3♦ (2)
all pass
♠ QJ864 N ♠ K109
♥ K876 W E ♥ Q5 Table B
♦ K86 S ♦ 105 West North(A) East South
♣ 3 ♣ AQ10972 - 1♠ 2♣ pass
♠ - pass dbl (1) pass pass (3)
♥ J943 2♥ (4) dbl (5) all pass
♦ J932
♣ K8652
Table A: (1) What did you bid with this North hand A in this week’s quiz? The majority simply bid out their shape with 2♦.
Table B: (1) This North is a firm believer in the ‘automatic’ re-opening double, and this is my answer to question A.
(2) With five ♣’s and a void in partner’s suit, South decided to go for the penalty. Just one down would be an excellent score at this vulnerability.
(3) This West hoped that there was a ♥ fit.
(4) But knowing that partner has a penalty double of ♣’s and is short in ♠’s, North has an easy penalty double.
The bottom lines:
And what happened? 3♦ made +1, but the big N-S scores were 1100 (2♥*-4) and 500 (2♣*-2).
Dave’s Column
West East West North East South
♠ K932 ♠ A64 1♦ pass 3NT pass
♥ AJ5 ♥ KQ9 4NT pass 6♦ all pass
♦ AQJ7 ♦ K9842
♣ A9 ♣ J10
You are West, declarer in 6♦. North leads the ♣K, plan the play.
Dave’s Column Answer Board 20 from Wednesday 9th Nov
Dealer: ♠ J8 Bidding
West ♥ 10832 West North East South
Both vul ♦ 106 1♦ pass 3NT (1) pass
♣ KQ874 4NT (2) pass 6♦ all pass
♠ K932 N ♠ A64
♥ AJ5 W E ♥ KQ9 (1) 13-15, no 4-card major
♦ AQJ7 S ♦ K9842 (2) slam interest
♣ A9 ♣ J10
♠ Q1075
♥ 764
♦ 53 plan the play on the ♣K lead.
♣ 6532
When things look hopeless, use your imagination and try to dream up a winning scenario. Here the plan is to play North for no more than two ♠’s. Win the opening lead, draw trumps, strip the ♥’s and then play the ♠A and ♠K before exiting with a ♣. If North has no more ♠’s he will have to give you your contract with a ruff and discard.
Dave’s 2nd Column
North South West North East South
♠ K10854 ♠ A7 - - - 1♥
♥ J ♥ KQ954 pass 1♠ pass 2NT
♦ AJ3 ♦ K107 pass 4♣ pass 4♥
♣ KQ107 ♣ AJ3 pass 6NT all pass
You are South, declarer in 6NT. West leads the ♣9 which you win in dummy. You play the ♥J and it holds. You go to hand and play the ♥K which is also allowed to hold. You need four ♥ tricks for the contract, how do you play the ♥’s now?
Dave’s 2nd Column Answer Board 23 from Wednesday 9h Nov.
Dealer: ♠ K10854 Bidding
South ♥ J West North East South
both vul ♦ AJ3 - - - 1♥
♣ KQ107 pass 1♠ pass 2NT (1)
pass 4♣ (2) pass 4♥
♠ J96 N ♠ Q32 pass 6NT all pass
♥ 1062 W E ♥ A873
♦ Q9652 S ♦ 84 (1) 18-19, South upgraded because of the 5th ♥
♣ 98 ♣ 6542 and the ten.
♠ A7 (2) Gerber
♥ KQ954
♦ K107
♣ AJ3
South won the opening led of the ♣9 with dummy’s ♣Q and played the ♥J which won the trick. A ♣ to South’s ♣A was followed by the ♥K. It won the trick and declarer discarded a ♠ from dummy, East and West both playing low to both of these ♥ tricks. You need four ♥ tricks to make the contract and the ♥10 has not appeared. Two distributions are relevant:
Which should declarer play for? You should play for the 2nd distribution and continue with the ♥Q. The reason is that with an initial holding o ♥Axx a defender would probably cover the ♥K in the hope that it promotes a ♥ in partner’s hand.
Terry note: 6♣ is a great contract and needs no guess. Well done N-S pairs 4 and 8 who bid this excellent 4-3 fit slam.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 6NT=, 6♣= twice and the rest were in 3NT making 11 or 12 tricks.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: Double, ‘automatic. I do not like to bid 2♦ here as partner may well have a penalty double of ♣’s but could not double because you play negative doubles.
Hand B: 3♦. Show the ♦ values hoping that partner has the ♠’ s stopped and can bid 3NT. A 5♣ bid now is premature – investigate 3NT before bidding 5 of a minor.
Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers
C 1♠ 1NT dbl This double is penalties, saying that your side has the majority
of the points.
D 1♠ 1NT dbl 2♣ This is best played as natural. I see no merit in playing systems
on (Transfers and Stayman) after partner’s 1NT is doubled as it
means that you have to play a minor suit at the three level.
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 |
1869.7 Hans Vikman |
658.0 Hans Vikman |
335.5 Bob Short |