Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                       Club News Sheet – No. 469
Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                    
My mobile phone number is 083 6066880                                                            13th Nov 2011
My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com
My Windows Live Messenger is tj_quested@hotmail.com

Mon 7th  N-S       1st   Bob P & Robbie            67%            2nd  Bob S & Gus                59%
               E-W      1st   Lars B & Hans V           61%            2nd  Fred-Arne & Bjorn R    60%
Wed 9th  N-S       1st    Bengt & Bam                56%            2nd  Dino & Peter Lux          56%
               E-W      1st   Bob S & Jens                 56%            2nd Paul Sc & Hans V          56%
Fri 11th    N-S      1st   Alan K & Jan                 62%            2nd Paul Q & Hans V           60%
               E-W      1st   Bob S & Terry                64%            2nd  Sigurd & Jeremy           63%


Bidding Quiz          Standard American (short ♣) bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.

Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A you open 1♠ and LHO overcalls 2♣. This is
                                                passed to you, what do you bid?
♠ A7532          ♠ 106
♥ A102            ♥ KQ72
♦ AQ72           ♦ AK5             With hand B partner opens 1♣ and you bid 1♥. Partner then
♣ J                   ♣ 10985          bids 3♣, what do you bid?    


Bidding Sequence Quiz            
C      1♠     1NT   dbl                   What is the double?

D      1♠     1NT   dbl     2♣         What is the 2♣ bid, natural or Stayman?





Look for 3NT rather 5/                                  Board 27 from Friday 11th Nov

Dealer:             ♠ 106                                             Table A
South               ♥ KQ72                                         West          North(B)   East           South
Love all           ♦ AK5                                           -                 -                 -                 1♣
                        ♣ 10985                                        pass           1♥              pass           3♣   
                                                                              pass           5♣   (1)      all pass
♠ A8732                N             ♠ K95               
♥ 1098               W    E          ♥ AJ654                  Table B
♦ 1082                   S              ♦ J976                      West          North(B)   East           South
♣ 73                                       ♣ 2                          -                 -                 -                 1♣
                        ♠ QJ4                                            pass           1♥              pass           3♣
                        ♥ 3                                                 pass           3♦    (1)      pass           3NT  (2)
                        ♦ Q43                                            all pass
                        ♣ AKQJ64                                           
Table A:    (1)  What did you bid with this North hand B in this week’s quiz? I never like jumping
                        to five of a minor if there is a sensible alternative.
Table B:     (1)  This is my answer to question B. Even though you have a known ♣ fit you should
                        always look for a possible 3NT and this bid, showing ♦ values, costs nothing.
                  (2)  With a clear ♠ stop, South now has an easy 3NT bid.

The bottom lines:

  1. Look for a possible 3NT rather that 5 of a minor.

And what happened? 3NT+3 three times, 6♣-2, 6NT-2 and 5♣-1.

The re-opening double                                        Board 9 from Wednesday 9th Nov

Just because you play negative doubles, that does not mean that you miss out on lucrative penalty doubles
– as long as opener knows about the ‘automatic’ re-opening double.

Dealer:             ♠ A7532                                        Table A
North               ♥ A102                                          West          North(A)   East           South
E-W vul           ♦ AQ72                                         -                 1♠              2♣             pass
                        ♣ J                                                 pass           2♦     (1)     3♣             3♦     (2)          
                                                                              all pass
♠ QJ864                N             ♠ K109             
♥ K876              W    E          ♥ Q5                        Table B
♦ K86                    S              ♦ 105                       West          North(A)   East           South
♣ 3                                         ♣ AQ10972            -                 1♠              2♣             pass
                        ♠ -                                                  pass           dbl    (1)     pass           pass  (3)
                        ♥ J943                                           2♥    (4)      dbl    (5)     all pass
                        ♦ J932                                     
                        ♣ K8652                                              
Table A:    (1)  What did you bid with this North hand A in this week’s quiz? The majority simply bid out their shape with 2♦.

  1. With a known 4-4 ♦ fit, South raised partner. I would be happy that the opponents were up at the three level and would double (penalties).

Table B:    (1)  This North is a firm believer in the ‘automatic’ re-opening double, and this is my answer to question A.
                 (2)  With five ♣’s and a void in partner’s suit, South decided to go for the penalty. Just one down would be an excellent score at this vulnerability.
                 (3)   This West hoped that there was a ♥ fit.
                 (4)   But knowing that partner has a penalty double of ♣’s and is short in ♠’s, North has an easy penalty double.

The bottom lines:

  1. Remember the re-opening double when you play negative doubles.

And what happened? 3♦ made +1, but the big N-S scores were 1100 (2♥*-4) and 500 (2♣*-2).


Dave’s Column

West                East                                     West          North         East           South
♠ K932            ♠ A64                                 1♦               pass           3NT           pass
♥ AJ5              ♥ KQ9                                4NT           pass           6♦              all pass
♦ AQJ7            ♦ K9842                                 
♣ A9               ♣ J10
You are West, declarer in 6♦. North leads the ♣K, plan the play.    

Dave’s Column Answer                           Board 20 from Wednesday 9th Nov 
Dealer:             ♠ J8                                               Bidding            
West                ♥ 10832                                         West          North         East           South
Both vul          ♦ 106                                             1♦              pass           3NT (1)      pass
                        ♣ KQ874                                      4NT  (2)     pass           6♦              all pass
♠ K932                  N             ♠ A64                     
♥ AJ5                W    E          ♥ KQ9               (1)  13-15, no 4-card major
♦ AQJ7                  S              ♦ K9842            (2)  slam interest
♣ A9                                     ♣ J10                
                        ♠ Q1075                                       
                        ♥ 764                                      
                        ♦ 53                                    plan the play on the ♣K lead.
                        ♣ 6532                                         

When things look hopeless, use your imagination and try to dream up a winning scenario. Here the plan is to play North for no more than two ♠’s. Win the opening lead, draw trumps, strip the ♥’s and then play the ♠A and ♠K before exiting with a ♣. If North has no more ♠’s he will have to give you your contract with a ruff and discard.


Dave’s 2nd Column

North               South                                       West          North     East           South
♠ K10854        ♠ A7                                        -                 -             -                 1♥
♥ J                   ♥ KQ954                                 pass           1♠          pass           2NT
♦ AJ3               ♦ K107                                    pass           4♣         pass           4♥
♣ KQ107        ♣ AJ3                                      pass           6NT       all pass

You are South, declarer in 6NT. West leads the ♣9 which you win in dummy. You play the ♥J and it holds. You go to hand and play the ♥K which is also allowed to hold. You need four ♥ tricks for the contract, how do you play the ♥’s now?                                          
Dave’s 2nd Column Answer           Board 23 from Wednesday 9h Nov. 
Dealer:             ♠ K10854                                      Bidding    
South               ♥ J                                                 West          North         East           South
both vul           ♦ AJ3                                             -                 -                 -                 1♥
                        ♣ KQ107                                      pass           1♠              pass           2NT     (1)
                                                                              pass           4♣   (2)      pass           4♥
♠ J96                     N             ♠ Q32                      pass           6NT           all pass
♥ 1062               W    E          ♥ A873             
♦ Q9652                S              ♦ 84                   (1)  18-19, South upgraded because of the 5th ♥
♣ 98                                      ♣ 6542                   and the ten.
                        ♠ A7                                       (2) Gerber      
                        ♥ KQ954                                      
                        ♦ K107                   
                        ♣ AJ3                    
South won the opening led of the ♣9 with dummy’s ♣Q and played the ♥J which won the trick. A ♣ to South’s ♣A was followed by the ♥K. It won the trick and declarer discarded a ♠ from dummy, East and West both playing low to both of these ♥ tricks. You need four ♥ tricks to make the contract and the ♥10 has not appeared. Two distributions are relevant:

  1. One defender has ♥10x and the other has ♥A.
  2. One defender has ♥Ax and the other has ♥10.

Which should declarer play for? You should play for the 2nd distribution and continue with the ♥Q. The reason is that with an initial holding o ♥Axx  a defender would probably cover the ♥K in the hope that it promotes a ♥ in partner’s hand.

Terry note: 6♣ is a great contract and needs no guess. Well done N-S pairs 4 and 8 who bid this excellent 4-3 fit slam.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club?  6NT=, 6♣= twice and the rest were in 3NT making 11 or 12 tricks.



Bidding Quiz Answers  

Hand A:   Double, ‘automatic. I do not like to bid 2♦ here as partner may well have a penalty double of ♣’s but could not double because you play negative doubles.
Hand B:    3♦. Show the ♦ values hoping that partner has the ♠’ s stopped and can bid 3NT. A 5♣ bid now is premature – investigate 3NT before bidding 5 of a minor.


Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers  
C      1♠     1NT   dbl                   This double is penalties, saying that your side has the majority
                                                    of the points.

D      1♠     1NT   dbl     2♣         This is best played as natural. I see no merit in playing systems
                                                    on (Transfers and Stayman) after partner’s 1NT is doubled as it
                                                    means that you have to play a minor suit at the three level.


Current club championship standings


Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5


1869.7 Hans Vikman
1820.2 Bob Short
1812.8 Janne Roos
1786.2 Paul Quodomine
1783.4 Sigurd Zahl
1769.6 Gerard Hardy
1761.1 Derek Tyms
1754.8 Paul Scully
1733.7 Robbie Georges
1731.0 Bob Pelletier

658.0 Hans Vikman
648.3 Bob Short
648.1 Paul Quodomine
639.8 Per Andersson
631.1 Janne Roos
627.9= Gerard Hardy
627.9= Derek Tyms
627.2 Sigurd Zahl
626.5 Paul Scully
624.6 Lars Broman

335.5 Bob Short
335.1 Hans Vikman
332.2 Per Andersson
328.9= Gerard Hardy
328.9= Derek Tyms
325.8 Paul Scully
324.9 Paul Quodomine
322.6 Dave Hurst
321.7 =Lars Broman
321.7 =Alan Kleist