Neo bux is one of the very first bux ptc sites and is established and well respected. Instant payment |
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Payment is $.01 for free members |
Joly Bux is a scam operation that does not pay. They say they do but the money does not appear in your Alertpay account! |
Clixton has around 15 adverts for free members and a $10 checkout
Payment is $.005 for free members |
Microjurasico has 8+ adverts for free members. Payment is $.01 to $.02. . |
Marsh Bux pays $.01 per click and up to $.015 for premium members. Non-paying members get 15+ ads a day.
Checkout is $10 |
Golden bux has 4 adverts for free members and 8 ads for premium members. payment is $.01 to $.02 with a cashout of $5 |
AD posy bux has adverts for free members and payment is $.005 to $.01
Checkout is $2 |
Palm bux has 4+ adverts for free members and it is one of the oldest and well-established ptc sites. It pays .008 per click |
Pharaohs bux has 15 adverts for free members Payment is $.01 and cashout is $2 |
Omni bux has 4 adverts for free members and up to 8 ads for premium members. Payment is $.01 with a cashout of $5. |
Incrase bux has 5 adverts for free members.
Payment is $.007 to $.025 and checkout is 100 clicks |
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