Pairs Result - Monday 18 Sep 2006 .

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 4  Bill Noe & Mike Guin 204 off 28 boards60.71  
2nd 2  Bob Short & Frode Austad 189 off 28 boards56.25  
3rd 7  Phil Lovell & Tomas Wikman 180 off 28 boards53.57  
4th 1  Alan Purdy & Richard Mullins 162 off 28 boards48.21  
5th 5  Dennis Wood & Gene Moats 158 off 28 boards47.02  
6th 3  Chris De Groot & Paul Scully 157 off 28 boards46.72  
7th 6  Bob Pelletier & Ken Judson 153 off 28 boards45.53  
8th 8  Dinie De Vries & Douwe Bosma 141 off 28 boards41.96  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 5  Trond Flyum & Sims Austad 192 off 28 boards57.14  
2nd=6  Lis & Finn 190 off 28 boards56.54  
7  Henrik Tormassy & Johannes Utsi 190 off 28 boards56.54  
4th 8  Dave Cutler & Emil Stranz 179 off 28 boards53.27  
5th 1  Jan V Koss & Terry Quested 151 off 28 boards44.94  
6th=2  John Bartlett & Kenneth Johansson 149 off 28 boards44.34  
4  Mike Bell & Sid Witherspoon 149 off 28 boards44.34  
8th 3  Harry Otten & Paul Wijnbergen 144 off 28 boards42.85  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    287812122108491117907128121054311124
321209    00114411412105363129688140724
400895412    8112101211798105108012912111010
5128500124051004    6131212403812896464
6531241101261036482124    379342109184
79859111011258810289715112    155437212
893228210105611100667411046120    9124
2    1045474428180811284272117206868
37908    1212181266501532117040439108
410012312110    411024411208129027831148
534737811107612    61190125048101112125108
612124341022721280121211    95394411895100
73910101208127981241008111153    117780122
80471276582968483111171109036    311108

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.