Pairs Result - Wednesday 14 Mar 2007.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 1  Bob Pelletier & Mike Guin 199 off 28 boards59.22  
2nd 2  Phil Lovell & Tomas Wikman 179 off 28 boards53.27  
3rd 6  Gene Moats & Paul Scully 176 off 28 boards52.38  
4th 7  Alfred Schneider & Terry Quested 174 off 28 boards51.78  
5th 5  Ivy Schlagetter & Wolfgang Foitik 173 off 28 boards51.48  
6th 8  Claudia & Tony Chauvea 154 off 28 boards45.83  
7th 4  Chris De Groot & Sean O Hara 152 off 28 boards45.23  
8th 3  Eileen & Judy 137 off 28 boards40.77  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 6  Jan V Koss & Kjarthn Joh 217 off 28 boards64.58  
2nd 1  Dave Cutler & Malcolm Schofield 198 off 28 boards58.92  
3rd 5  John Bartlett & Kenneth Johansson 170 off 28 boards50.59  
4th 3  Paul Norlin & Per-Ake Roskvist 164 off 28 boards48.80  
5th 4  Hugh Spring & Sally Watson 153 off 28 boards45.53  
6th 2  Paul Savelkral & Ursula Lehner 152 off 28 boards45.23  
7th 7  Paul Kelly & Richard Mullins 151 off 28 boards44.94  
8th 8  Douwe Bosma & Jacques V Alpen 139 off 28 boards41.36  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    8101274012248121291044125334124701010
328312    4212040410048411253313176612
48407312611    8912702482587100871003
512121003237116412    3444475801238110108
688373833116810812118    02120779112423
740123114911412660462712012    1179121243
80263360341016891123461041058    710103
2    42058066812829862410741116411224
34495    8100124311051210815701209451222
4104901831    43111023088574980808109
581209906182116    98888079553115660
64812596129168008116    1210012911911111089
712106991095862640140328    153052129
8002121123121642108405012011079    5229

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.