Pairs Result - Wednesday 21 Mar 2007.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 1  Bob Pelletier & Mike Guin 189.8 off 28 boards56.48  
2nd 4  Hugh Spring & Sally Watson 187 off 28 boards55.65  
3rd 5  Gene Moats & Paul Scully 175.2 off 28 boards52.14  
4th 7  Claudia & Tony Chauvea 172.2 off 28 boards51.24  
5th 2  Phil Lovell & Tomas Wikman 168 off 28 boards50.00  
6th 3  Eileen & Judy 159 off 28 boards47.32  
7th 8  Harry Otten & Paul Wijnbergen 154.2 off 28 boards45.89  
8th 6  Paul Kelly & Richard Mullins 142.2 off 28 boards42.32  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 1  Derek Tyms & Gerard Hardy 194 off 28 boards57.73  
2nd 7  Paul Savelkral & Ursula Lehner 188.8 off 28 boards56.19  
3rd 3  Dave Cutler & Kenneth Johansson 176 off 28 boards52.38  
4th 4  Chris De Groot & Sean O Hara 174 off 28 boards51.78  
5th 6  Kjartan Johanns & Jan V Koss 171.2 off 28 boards50.95  
6th 8  Malcolm Schofield & Terry Quested 167.2 off 28 boards49.76  
7th 5  Kjell Nygren & Tyrone Milton 149.2 off 28 boards44.40  
8th 2  Ivy Schlagetter & Wolfgang Foitik 127.2 off 28 boards37.85  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    1283012686.0684633101104101089075270
312477    81036.01112420641101352511012274
45147108911    82121030010106710854296128
5581278194861060%    6346583281770101010
651773861122360%0240    510751291172204
7581003834061260%381061212412    0127510212
8512073112840060%11241210101062100    91044
2    04912126060%1081022262652805012222
371155    4296.0110809121221200241155710512
408559498    41002442674910431251010128
57421224318121260%    69862822031501058
6711859110446260%9486    725710711272100
7701254113840640%121081299211    12111053604
87405941281010960%6486008021197    3288

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.